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Chapter 393 Extra Story! The wind is very noisy tonight

Chapter 393 Extra! The wind is very noisy tonight! Shinichi Kaito

(Extra extra extra extra!)

Time: High school, Kudo Shinichi has not yet become a child.

Yoneka Art Museum.

It was approaching evening at this time, and the setting sun dyed the sky red with rays of rays, which combined with the sparse clouds, forming a magnificent scene of sapphire-red fish-scale clouds.

Because a grand gem exhibition will be held in the art gallery opposite in the evening, only those who have received invitations are eligible to participate, and the places are very scarce.

Therefore, all the people present were celebrities, dignitaries, or top journalists licensed by major television stations.

As the admission time approaches, many vehicles have already entered the parking lot of the museum.

Even though it's not completely dark yet, the street lights on both sides of the road have flickered on, announcing the arrival of night in the city.

The hotel opposite the art museum.

Kudo Shinichi was holding a paper cup in his hand, standing in the corridor on the eighth floor, looking down through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows at the bustling art museum opposite.

Guests invited to attend the gem exhibition got out of their vehicles when they arrived at the gate of the museum. If there is a driver, they will drive to the parking lot. If they drive here by themselves, there are parking staff who can do it for them.

Therefore, at this time, many people were talking in twos and threes outside the art museum. The sound may not be loud, but if there were more people talking at the same time, he would naturally be able to hear the movement from across the road, but he could not hear the specific words.

But his good eyesight has already seen many famous people, including many famous figures in Tokyo's business and political circles.

"And the only one who can make them wait outside and not let them in until they have time is the Amamiya family, which is usually not well-known."

Unlike the Suzuki family, who's like, 'Oh, that Dakka is the Suzuki Dakka, right? It's so big and tall.'

Palace Group, no wonder there's such a difference.

Kudo Shinichi took a sip of the coffee in his hand. It was the ordinary coffee used for entertaining guests in this hotel. It had an average taste and was just used to refresh himself. He might have to stare at it for a long time tonight.

Because a seemingly arrogant monster thief recently claimed to steal the brightest pearl at the exhibition, he decided to come and see what he was capable of.

At the same time, he also let the other party have a taste of his skills as a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi.

Noriko Amamiya was holding a glass of freshly squeezed juice for VIP guests. The surface was finely carved with square patterns. The sparkling water reflected the color of passion fruit juice. There was a pink twisty straw inside.

He walked silently behind Kudo Shinichi and said casually.

"What is the great detective doing? The wind is very noisy tonight?"


Kudo Shinichi's hand shook slightly, but fortunately he calmed down instantly so he didn't get spilled coffee.

He solidified the glass in front of him. When it was dark outside and there was light inside, it had a certain reflective effect. How could she come so close behind him without being noticed???

Kudou Shinbai was puzzled, unless Amamiya Noriko suddenly stepped into the position blocked by his own figure in the reflection of the glass when she appeared at the end of the corridor.

Just to scare myself, that would be too boring.

Honorable and disgraceful, he turned back with a calm expression and looked at Noriko Amamiya who had slightly styled her hair. It was obvious that she would also go to her own exhibition later.

"How did you know I was here?"

Amamiya Noriko walked to his right, looked at the art gallery opposite where people were entering, raised her passion fruit juice and replied: "Because Xiaolan said you would come, and I guess you will be somewhere higher,

You’ll find a place where you can look over the entire venue, maybe with a drink in your hand.”

Kudo Shinichi looked at his ordinary paper cup of coffee, and then at Amamiya Noriko's glass of passion juice.

"I see." Kudo Shin nodded, "I also liked to drink sweet and sour drinks when I was a kid."

Amamiya Noriko squinted at him and brushed the hair next to her left ear: "When I was a kid, I also liked drinking coffee to pretend to be cool."

Kudo Shinichi looked at the slender middle finger she used to tuck her hair behind her ear. Please, I'm not drinking coffee to pretend to be cool. Besides, I'm not a VIP and I won't give you other drinks.

Kudo Shinichi: "Childish!"

"Childish." Noriko Amamiya.

Kudo Shinichi rationally stopped exchanging words with her and said, "Have you read the trailer for Kaitou Kidd?"

Of course Amamiya Noriko saw it, but she didn't care: "No, it's just Kaitou Kidd. I asked him to sign an autograph for the fan Sonoko."


That guy Sonoko has a good sister, right?

Kudo Shinichi rubbed his brows and said, "I would like to meet him in person to see who this retro thief who sent the notice is."

Noriko Amamiya looked sideways, you and Kaitou Kidd haven't met yet for the first time.

"Then come on."

Kudo Shinichi had to remind him: "What is going to be stolen is your family's gem!"

"The gems don't matter, it's just that my father will live abroad for a long time, so he wants to meet and chat with these people."

Amamiya Noriko waved her hands and turned around to leave. A long-haired man walked towards her, wearing a sexy pink suit and leather shoes with gold toes. He looked like the second generation of a wealthy family and winked at her.

He blinked and whistled.


Amamiya Noriko raised her middle finger and didn't stop walking. Kuroba Kaito's disguise was too careless. He thought he wouldn't recognize it, right? I'll take care of you later.

Kudo Shinichi saw this scene from the reflection of the glass window and was slightly speechless. He put on his sunglasses and mask and was about to leave too, when the frivolous long-haired man put a hand on his shoulder.

"That girl is really nice, don't you think so?"

Kudo Shinichi didn't recognize him at all. Listening to his tone and casual movements, he slapped his hand away and said, "You can't mess with her."

Kuroba Kaito raised his eyebrows, "Who is this? You have provoked me with such a loud tone?"

Oh, Amamiya Noriko seemed to have been talking to him for a while just now?

"It doesn't matter whether I can afford to offend her or not. What matters is that my heart is beating so hard when I think of her now. What should I do?"

Kudo Shin glanced at him casually for a while, feeling that something was wrong, but he was not very interested so he didn't think much about it. He said casually: "Then I suggest you not to use force first. Her bodyguard can knock you out ten meters away."

, she can send you to the intensive care unit, and by the way, I suggest you confess to her directly. If you can't relieve it after one time, the symptoms should be solved by doing it again."

Kuroba Kaito: "?"

Do you understand?


"Asking means getting what you want. Once you are relieved, you will no longer be trapped by love. You will suddenly become enlightened and welcome a better tomorrow and a future full of hope."

Kuroba Kaito's mouth twitched, a little unable to control his character image: "What kind of cult?"

"No, I'm serious."

Kudo Shinichi's tone was serious, that's what she said.

Listening to his determined tone, Kuroba Kaito felt that he had nothing more to say, and even lost interest in his subsequent plans.

"I understand, I will try it"

If this is possible, she will definitely report it to Aoko. If Amamiya Noriko did such a thing, Kuroba Kaito would never be fooled.

Seeing that what he said was effective, Kudo Shinichi nodded with satisfaction and left. Let him be severely rejected by Noriko. My middle school student detective Kudo Shinichi is going to catch Kaitou Kid.

Seeing how pitiful he is, Amamiya Noriko can't finally say that he is not a qualified wingman, right?

Although Kuroba Kaito often met Noriko Amamiya when he was a child, he was not as familiar and understanding of Amamiya Noriko and her tricks as Kudo Shinichi was from kindergarten to elementary school, middle school and high school. He stood there and thought for a while.

I didn't quite want to understand. I looked at the art gallery opposite and could only turn around and leave to get ready.

"It's really hard to fathom."

"Hey, what's so hard to figure out?"


Kuroba Kaito was startled by the sudden tap on the shoulder that appeared next to him. He really jumped away for an instant. When he saw that it was Amamiya Noriko with a smile as bright as a flower after succeeding, he suddenly gasped.

"Beautiful girl! It turns out to be you! Ahaha!"

Amamiya Noriko looked at him, clearly frightened, but still acting as if he was excited and slapping his thighs. She immediately laughed. The new Kaitou Kid was so naughty. He was teasing her frivolously just now.


Her eyes turned brightly, and she pointed at Kuroba Kaito's nose cheerfully and said, "You must be Kaitou Kidd, right?!"


Kuroba Kaito's little heart took another roller coaster ride during Amamiya Noriko's pause.

For a moment, he thought Amamiya Noriko recognized him as Kuroba Kaito instead of Kaito Kid. In his frightened mind, Amamiya Noriko went to complain to Aoko and said in an aggrieved tone, "Aoko! Kaito is pretending to be Kaito."

Others are teasing me!' The scene is really a scene like the end of hell.

He breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't recognize himself as Kuroba Kaito, it would be great to think that he was Kaitou Kidd!

Her intuition is still so sharp.

Kuroba Kaito avoided her hand pointing at his nose, turned around gracefully, his white cloak fluttered up and down, and he had completed his transformation. He was wearing a white Kaitou Kid uniform, and he held it with one hand.

The brim of the white top hat was slightly raised, and the frivolous tone was no longer there. In other words, although he said such frivolous words, his gentle voice did not make people feel impolite.

"Congratulations, the most beautiful girl tonight, you guessed it right, I am Kaitou Kidd!"

While he was talking, a rose appeared out of thin air in his hand and was delivered to Noriko Amamiya with graceful movements. With her mesmerizing eyes, it is no wonder that the name of the Phantom Thief can capture the hearts of many girls.

"Sorry, no, although I don't have any feelings for you, I have a friend who likes you quite a bit. Please sign your name for me and take a photo with me and I will send it to her."

Amamiya Noriko politely declined, took out a pen and paper and stuffed it into Kuroba Kaito's hand holding the rose, asking him to sign quickly.

At the same time, he walked up to him and took a photo of himself and Kaitou Kidd with his mobile phone.

"Can you stop smiling so stiffly?"

Noriko Amamiya was a little disgusted when she looked at the photo, but she still had a business smile, so she could barely look past it and immediately sent it to Sonoko.

After Kuroba Kaito signed the paper and pen, Amamiya Noriko took it back. He could only stand aside in silence. When he saw her looking over after sending the photo, he couldn't help but say, "What else is there?"

"What did Mr. Kidd come to steal tonight?"

Speaking of this, Kuroba Kaito was no longer sleepy. He smiled slightly and said softly: "Tonight, in full view of everyone, I will take away the most dazzling pearl in the exhibition."

Noriko Amamiya nodded and made a phone call: "Dad, I was kidnapped by Kaitou Kidd."

Kuroba Kaito: "I didn't"

"Am I not the most dazzling pearl at the exhibition? You succeeded."

"I'm not this"

Noriko Amamiya clenched her fist: "I suggest you admit it."

Kuroba Kaito, who was well aware of Amamiya Noriko's strength, took a deep breath, suddenly approached her mobile phone and said quickly: "Mr. Amamiya Rikuto, this is Kaitou Kid, and your daughter is opposite the art museum, on the eighth floor.

, safe and sound, never touched her!!"

Kuroba Kaito threw the smoke bomb, turned around and ran away.

The movements were so smooth that Noriko Amamiya was a little surprised as she ran so fast.

She said to Rikuto Amamiya on the other end of the phone: "It's okay, Dad, he runs very fast."

In the art museum, Rikuto Amamiya, who was talking to the Hakuba Police Chief, nodded, put down his cell phone, and smiled at the other person: "It's okay. We went to Hawaii. We can't lose my daughter."

Kuroba Kaito, who had already changed his clothes and was running away, quickly received the photo of Amamiya Noriko from Aoko.

Qingzi said angrily: "Kaitou Kidd actually dares to bully Noriko. It's really abominable. Don't let me catch him!"

Kuroba Kaito: "Yes, yes, but Aoko, do you think Kaitou Kid's expression is not very good, maybe he is forced to do so?"

Qingzi was confused: "This is how you stay up late every day."

Kuroba Kaito: I can’t say anything

Xiaolan on the other side also received photos from Sonoko, and she also sent them to Shinichi for a look.

Kudo Shinichi slapped his thigh fiercely and felt that he understood. Kaitou Kidd really didn't say which gem he stole. It seemed to make sense!

But he was a very careful detective. When he saw that Kaitou Kidd was being held hostage in the photo, and when he heard that Noriko had actually asked for an autograph from Suzuki Sonoko, he couldn't help but feel unwilling.

This Kaitou Kid was not caught by him, but instead ran into Noriko Amamiya. Isn't this worse than being caught by him?

It's a bit dull, Kaitou Kidd.

But who would have thought that Amamiya Noriko would be such a hard-hitting berserker?

"Looks like there's no need to wait, Kaitou Kidd probably ran straight home, thanks to all the coffee I drank." Kudo Shinichi was a little depressed, he still wanted to fight Kaitou Kidd.

Kudo Shinichi raised his head and looked at the sky. Thinking of the words spoken by Noriko Amamiya, he could not help but nod and whisper: "Tonight, the wind is very noisy."

Noriko Amamiya, who was passing by, was disdainful: "I knew you had always wanted to say this, but you still said it!"

Kudo Shinichi: “.It’s all because of your inducement!”

I really want to die.

In the early years, I was too free and broke the outline with one punch. Now I have no way to start pushing the main plot, and I don’t have the time or energy. The editor suggested that I finish it, but I was unwilling to do so. I had no choice but to update the extras first.

This time is like an express train, it can't stop, it just sends me flying. If I don't pay attention, I haven't updated for so long!

I feel very sorry for everyone who has supported me until now. I am very sorry. I just did a code all night and fell asleep.

If you still want to read Noriko, I can only say that you will.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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