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Chapter 397

Chapter 397 Afterwards, Sister Bei, the ace pitcher

The next day.

early morning.

Belmode had a splitting headache. He opened his eyes in pain and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. He didn't even remember where it was for a long time.

There is no impression at all in my head, let alone any impression. I feel that my ability to think is gone.

There are only two things she is very sure about. One is that she drank the cigarette with Baileys again yesterday, and the other is that she drank the cigarette clearly, and her head felt like a small boat drifting in the sea all night in the stormy sea, and it was stirred very evenly.


Belmod's pair of blue eyes, which were usually charming enough to win countless hearts, were staring at the ceiling blankly, muttering in his mouth.

The famous absinthe in her organization, the top organization's female assassin, looks like this after drinking it. This is because her physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people.

Bailey Sweet seems to have nothing going on, and he can still find himself in... I don’t know where.

Is there still heavenly law? Is there still royal law——


As she was thinking, she suddenly heard a soft groan beside her, there was someone else on her bed?!

Belmod instantly became alert, but did not get up immediately. He closed his eyes again and pretended to have never woken up. If the other party thought that he could do anything when he was drunk, he would be too naive... Noriko??

Amamiya Noriko sat up sleepily, skillfully reached out to pick up the thermos bottle from the bedside table, poured some warm water into the cup, and then slightly held up the back of Bermod's head to feed her a drink.

The fluttering hem of the clothes slid over the tip of Belmod's nose, bringing a sweet fragrance and making her nose itchy. What made her even more concerned was Noriko here?

It is already a completely semi-mechanized action.

Amamiya Noriko's brain didn't even wake up and start thinking mode at all.

She had already decided in the middle of the night last night that from now on drinking with Belmode, she would definitely go to a store with a bartender.

After getting Sister Bei drunk, he threw her into a hotel using Baileys' identity, and then took ugly photos of her. As for taking care of drunk people?

Just ask the escort girl to come with you and leave it to her. Money is not an issue.

Whoever loves to take care of drunks will take care of them——

But now she is a kind, gentle and lovely Noriko, so why does she find it troublesome to take care of Sister Chris? She only feels sorry for the drunk Sister Chris...

I have to admit that I made a mistake. I accidentally experienced the hardship of a stay-at-home daughter-in-law welcoming her drunken husband home and working hard to take care of her all night long.

What a novel experience!!

Thinking that Bermod was thirsty, after feeding him some water, Noriko Amamiya lay down and didn't open her eyes much the whole time.

If there are dark circles under her eyes, she will definitely let Sister Bei take responsibility.

Noriko Amamiya's slight breathing soon became calmer.

Belmod's head was much clearer, and he couldn't help but feel completely speechless about Baileys. What's the point of sending her to Noriko?!

Moreover, she judged her current hairstyle and even thoughtfully changed it to Chrissy Wynyard's hairstyle. Needless to say, her makeup was also like Chrissy's.

Belmode could only pray that his image as a gentle and capable sister Kris in Noriko's heart would not plummet.

Her image in Noriko has already transitioned from Sharon to her daughter Chrissy.

Belmode thought secretly.

"Perhaps I can change my identity and work at Noriko's house. I can see Noriko often and find out the identity of Bailey Sweet at the same time?"

After feeling that Noriko's sleep was gradually getting a little deeper, Belmode sat up lightly and looked to his side.

Two beautiful girls are lying down.

What's going on with Noriko and her little cousin?

Moreover, she felt uncomfortable all over, with pain in her back and neck, and the quality of her sleep after a hangover was naturally worrying.

In this situation, Belmode thought it would be appropriate to smoke one of her ladies' cigarettes for a while to calm down, but after all, there were two underage girls next to her, so she gave up the idea.

Belmod's head was a little confused and she had a headache, so she went to the toilet first, which was why she woke up.

After coming back, I simply lay back on the quilt.

Noriko's bed and quilt are so big and warm...

After despising Bailey's despicable behavior of leaving him to Noriko, he fell asleep again in the quilt lingering with Noriko's fragrance.

Hangover, torture -

It was already afternoon when she woke up again.

Noriko Amamiya woke up in the morning.

When Chiyonomiya Tomoyo reluctantly got up to go to school, she also got up later, had breakfast, did morning exercises, sent Xiao Ai to school, and by the way told her family about the existence of Belmod.

Xiao Ai said that no wonder she was restless last night and couldn't sleep well.

And it was decided on the spot that she would stay at Dr. Ali's house until Belmode left to supervise his research and development progress and dietary rules.

Good luck to Dr. Ali.

In the afternoon, Amamiya Noriko was playing with flowers and plants in the garden, and she saw that Vermode had already gotten up and got dressed and came over. The intellectual and beautiful OL outfit that Sister Bei often wears, a white shirt and a black narrow skirt, paired with a pair specially selected by Amamiya Noriko.

The 20D over-the-knee black stockings perfectly cover blemishes while ensuring that the skin on your beautiful legs is looming.

Last night, she personally changed Sister Bei into pajamas, and then placed the new clothes beside the bed.

Noriko Amamiya raised her hand and said with a smile: "Good morning, Sister Chris."

Noriko: "Good morning. Three o'clock in the afternoon is probably not too early for me at all."

Belmod said helplessly, stroking his forehead with one hand.

Finally, I no longer have such a strong hangover feeling.

She asked Noriko indirectly why she appeared at Noriko's house, but she didn't get any useful information. It seemed that Riho Chieda had brought her back.

Noriko Amamiya asked her to rest at home for a while, but Sister Bei seemed to be ready to leave.

Huh~ I seem to feel a little embarrassed last night.

Noriko Amamiya didn't force her to stay. If Sister Bei had been there, Xiao Ai would have wandered outside.

Before sending Vermode out of Amamiya's residence, he met Amamiya Emi who was back from shopping.

Noriko Amamiya looked at her mother holding Belmod's hand and said that she was also half in the entertainment industry. She often saw Belmod's advertisements, endorsements, and movies in the United States, and had also met her mother, Sharon.

We met in person, and we were very interested and chatted for a while.

Amamiya Noriko couldn't help but twitching at the corner of her mouth, how long have you been out of sight, and these are Sharon Wynyard and Chrissy Wynyard in front of you!

Bermod thought that Noriko's mother was a bit innocent and cute. If there was a chance, she would like to talk to Mrs. Amamiya about Noriko's childhood stories.

Amamiya Emi finally asked someone to drive Belmode back to the hotel where she was staying.

"Look at how great Sister Chrissy is. When your father and I were in the United States, we often read about her in fancy newspapers and TV commercials. She has such a beautiful appearance and excellent acting skills. Over there in the United States

I don’t know how many young people have been fascinated by it.”


"Mom, if I were younger, ugh..."


Noriko Amamiya looked at her mother who was holding her arm and walking towards the yard.

To be honest, I am a pampered mother who lives a good life. She does not need to take care of herself carefully, and her face is still delicate and beautiful. I don’t even know if it is because of some silly reasons, but she still has a youthful and innocent temperament. She looks extremely young, and she is an ordinary person.

I would only think of her as my sister who is a few years older than me.

"Tsk, mom, you look much younger than Sister Chris, so why do you want to encourage me to make my debut after talking so much?"

"Of course, it's not too late for Noriko to debut at the age of 17, but what mom wants to say is if your dad has someone outside, why don't you come to coax me back." Amamiya Emi said with a puffed up face.

Amamiya Noriko blinked. Her mother was having a good time abroad. Yesterday, she suddenly came back by plane. Instead of taking a private plane, she booked a flight by herself. The reason seemed to be that her father, Rikuto Amamiya, was busy with work and didn't spend much time with her.


But of course it is impossible for Rikuto Amamiya to cheat. Noriko Amamiya grew up in front of her loving parents.

"But isn't there a detective who is very good at this kind of thing?"

Amamiya Noriko casually took out the business card of the Mori Detective Agency.

Amamiya Emi looked at it curiously, and then actually muttered: "Xiaolan is a good child, but her father doesn't seem to be that reliable?"

Noriko Amamiya is curious, where did you get this impression? Although it is somewhat accurate...

"Fei Yingli called her mother not long ago and she said so."

"…I see."

Mothers also have a circle of best friends.

Amamiya Noriko felt that she must be a frequent topic of conversation among them, and she wanted to blend in. Her mother asked her to ask her father when he would come to take her back.


What a waste.

Amamiya Noriko looked at her mother with a complicated mood, and the latter puffed up her face and said that she was not so easy to coax back, and that Amamiya Rikuto must come in person.

Is it possible that this is what dad wants to achieve.

Amamiya Noriko murmured in her heart, but still sent a message to ask.

Amamiya Rikuto quickly responded to his baby daughter's message, saying that he had been in some trouble recently, so he asked her mother to go back to Japan first and then pick her up in two days.

"I'll just say it."

Unsurprisingly, Amamiya Noriko thought that her father was not that strong and straight.

Noriko Amamiya asked enthusiastically if she wanted to help herself. Your daughter has just registered as a killer. It’s not a problem to clean up some troubles.

Rikuto Amamiya, who is far away in the United States: "."

I don’t remember raising my daughter to be a killer!

Amamiya Rito decisively rejected his daughters' kindness and asked them to stay in Japan. At the same time, he also told the Japanese bodyguards to pay more attention recently.

These international organizations come to Japan to cause trouble more than once or twice. Noriko Amamiya is a little pity. She also wants to go out and perform stunts for these international organizations, and maybe even meet the zoo.

After telling her mother that her father would pick her up in two days, Amamiya Noriko was dragged to the amusement park by her mother. She even wanted to take her to experience parent-child programs, but the staff said they were very sorry. She is under 1.2 meters tall.

Only children can do it!!

Noriko Amamiya was not surprised at all. Stupid mother, your daughter is more than 1.2 meters tall.

She thought that she could bring Xiao Ai to play next time.

After playing until school, she went to pick up Xiao Ai from school.

"Hey, kids."

Amamiya Noriko lowered the window and waved to the children on the other side of the road. The driver was Riho Chieda, and she was sitting in the passenger seat.

Ayumu, Tai Mitsuhiko, Conan and Xiao Ai, all the young detective team were missing. After seeing her, they ran over to say hello very happily. Amamiya Noriko wondered for a moment if something was going to happen.

The generous person gave them a lollipop, and then asked them all to get in the car. It just so happened that Chieda Riho drove a seven-seater business car today and sent them home one by one - first leaving the two little brats Mota Mitsuhiko at the door of the house.

Next, I took Ayumi and Xiao Ai to drink milk tea and eat desserts, and then went to the amusement park to meet my mother. This time I had a child, so Amamiya Emi could play children's projects as she wished.

Conan watched Genta and Mitsuhiko being sent home and felt like, well done!

In terms of attitude towards naughty children, he and Noriko Amamiya are very much on the same page.

"But it's hard for me to imagine that the final reason for picking us up was to play parent-child activities."

Conan sat at the outdoor dining table and looked calmly but with a complicated tone as he looked at Mrs. Amemiya and Ayumi who were very happy in the parent-child program over there.

"Don't worry, you can play the next project." Haiyuan said sadly.

"I'm not in a hurry at all! I just feel that Aunt Amamiya raising Noriko Amamiya doesn't have the practical experience of raising a child, so that's why you want to take other children to participate in parent-child programs, right?"

Conan pondered, Mrs. Amamiya and Noriko Amamiya are two extremes, one is really naive and simple, and the other is pretending to be naive and simple.

After hearing this, Hui Yuan Ai looked at him doubtfully, as if he was examining a not very smart person.

Conan felt uncomfortable being looked at: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"No, I just think that if Noriko was my daughter, I would happily announce it to the whole world, and you seem to be going to die."

Conan pondered: "...No way?"

"can you?"

Conan borrowed something Amamiya Noriko said when she tortured herself before: "People's physiques cannot be generalized."

Haiyuan Ai pondered: "It's like Noriko would say."

"That's what she said..."


When Noriko Amamiya came back with their drinks, she found that the two of them fell into a strange silence.

She looked at Conan: "Are you in Amway Holmes again?"


Conan was suffocated, speaking as if he, Sherlock Holmes, would become an atmosphere killer: "I was discussing with Haiyuan whether you acted like a child when you were young."

"Is not this nonsensical."

Amamiya Noriko rolled her eyes. If she didn't look like a child, her parents would have been surprised. She looked mature and sensible, and in fact she was mentally mature, but others always felt that this child was pretending to be mature.


"It's much better than you acting like a child."

Conan: "..."

Can this all come back to attack me?

Haiyuan Ai took a sip of tea and asked curiously: "Is there ever a time when Noriko is really shy?"

She always felt that she had never seen Noriko being shy, even when she revealed that Noriko used to pretend to be cute and call her Shiho-sensei——

Amamiya Noriko felt a little bit of resentment from Xiao Ai and could only look away.

"Uh... when you go to the dentist to check your teeth?"

Conan, who was looking forward to it, was stunned: "That's it??"

Haibara Ai and Amamiya Noriko rolled their eyes at him.

Noriko Amamiya suggested: "You will know when I buy you a ball next time."

Haibara Ai looked at Noriko who said something suspicious, and added: "Because you have to open your mouth to let the dentist check your teeth and mouth, Noriko will have a feeling of being seen inside her body, and she will be unable to control it.

Secrete saliva…”

Noriko Amamiya covered her mouth: "Okay, you don't need to explain in such detail."

The science popularization session for science students is really scary.

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head and continued drinking tea. "Sister, I am an adult. There is nothing I can't say."

Conan commented: "I was shocked. Although I can't understand it, you are still a bit normal."

After saying that, he also drank tea.

Noriko Amamiya thought for a while and said: "Speaking of which, the second most embarrassing thing is wearing the uniform of Tedan High School. Apart from swimsuits, the shortest skirt I have ever worn is the uniform skirt of Tedan High School. Can you believe it?"


Haibara Ai:"…"

Conan: "Pfft..."

Conan, who was squirting, regretted that he shouldn't have drank this tea.

Noriko Amamiya waved her hand, threw a pack of tissues at him, and said disdainfully: "You don't understand even if I tell you!"

Tell Kaito that he might be able to understand a little bit, a certain Kaitou Kid is used to dressing up as a woman.

Haiyuan Ai thought about it and still found it a bit funny: "Then you wear the uniform of Didan High School almost every day."

Noriko Amamiya nodded: "That's why I wear safety pants every day."



Amamiya Noriko looked at the two speechless people, but she was very happy, and said with a crooked eyebrow: "Did you lose all interest all of a sudden?"

Hui Yuan Ai nodded: "Indeed."

Conan couldn't help but look at Haiyuan: "What do you mean...those who have a crush on her will be half heartbroken when they find out."

Noriko Amamiya said sincerely: "No, people who like me mostly do it because of my appearance, and the length of my skirt is only secondary."

Conan disagreed: "Not necessarily. Sometimes there is no reason to like someone."


Noriko Amamiya raised her eyebrows slightly and raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Even if that person is average-looking, very mediocre, penniless, has no money, no sense of humor, and a mole on his head?"

"The last one..."

"And if you like me, you can't have a reason, right? I'm so beautiful, even if Princess Kaguya comes, she will be killed. It would be rude to say anything more. For example, you like Xiaolan..."

"you win!"

Conan took a decisive sip of tea.

Haibara Ai slowly sipped her tea and thought that Conan was very brave, how dare he fight in Noriko's territory.

"Edogawa or Kudo are fine. You haven't been in love yet, right?"

Conan: "..."

Just fell silent.

He looked at Amamiya Noriko, who turned to drink tea and look at the scenery. Fall in love? Say no to thank you.

Hui Yuan Ai's face was startled and she forgot about it, seeming to have silenced Noriko as well.

Thinking about it, the waiter from the family restaurant came out to deliver a plate of desserts. At the same time, a few frivolous boys came over to talk to Noriko Amamiya. The waiter was pushed away by them with an ugly expression.

Amamiya Noriko raised her chin towards Conan and Haibara Ai and said, "Sorry, I'm 38 years old, divorced, and have two children."

Several boys felt insulted. It was impossible for any of them to believe that admitting that they were middle school students, at 35 years old? How could it be possible?

Seeing that they still wanted to pester them, Amamiya Noriko was no longer interested in fishing, so she clapped her hands, and several big men appeared and took them away one by one.

"I usually don't bring so many bodyguards, but my mother does."

Amamiya Noriko explained to Conan and Haibara Ai that in addition to a few personal female bodyguards, her mother also had these peripheral ones.

Haibara Ai couldn't help but said: "It's so stupid to go to the family restaurant in the parent-child project area to strike up a conversation."

Conan nodded as if he understood: "Indeed, it's not easy for you either."

Noriko Amamiya glanced at him and said with a smile: "When you became a high school detective and appeared in the newspaper, you were very happy to meet fans and fans, even though you turned into a child immediately."

Conan: "..."

You are always troubled.

"Speaking of which, you two can try my newly improved medicine when you have time. No matter whether Noriko becomes smaller or Edogawa, you transform back into Kudo."

Haibara Ai suddenly spoke up, surprising both Amamiya Noriko and Conan.

Conan was ecstatic: "I can finally change back!"

But his joy was immediately cut short by Haiyuan Ai's words: "The resistance caused by eating too much may make you never change back."

"Noriko...it doesn't matter. Her body's resistance to drug resistance is outrageous enough, so you can just try it."

"Oh, I can eat and become smaller, and then the two of us can go to the children's playground to play together."

Haibara Ai:"…"

"I'm kidding, of course it depends on the situation. I won't take medicine just to meet someone."

Conan: "..."

I suspect you are talking about me.

Amamiya Noriko ignored him and looked at them while chatting without even speaking. The desserts included cupcakes, chocolate cake, and a few cream puffs, which she always felt were a bit too rich.

I picked up a cream puff and looked at it. I didn't know if it had some frosting sprinkled on it or something. I looked at it and it seemed to be on other desserts too.

"Detective, can you smell what this is?"

Conan helplessly picked up a cupcake, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He couldn't smell anything except the aroma of the cake.

That's strange. The condiments or frosting you added have no taste?

His face hardened, and he picked up some of the white crystal powder on it with his fingers and prepared to put it into his mouth.

As a scientific researcher in the field of chemicals, Haihara Ai couldn't stand it anymore and said, "You're really not afraid of being poisoned, are you?"

Noriko Amamiya and Ai Haihara dipped some into his water glass at the same time.

Conan: "..."

It's very reasonable and I don't need to use my mouth and tongue to taste it, but it is recommended that I take it orally with water, right?

But he also knew that the two of them just wanted to see the reaction when they were put into the water.

Haiyuan Ai picked up a little and twirled it on her fingertips: "It is tasteless and almost insoluble in water. With this color, it is sprinkled on the cake. I guess it is triazolam, which is more common."

"me too."

Of course Noriko Amamiya believed in Xiao Ai's judgment, she was a teacher after all.

Conan pondered: "Who did it? You don't think there's any use in stunning us, do you? It's broad daylight, unless he has accomplices."

"Yuya gave up. Thanks to those guys, he probably didn't know there were so many bodyguards around my house before." Noriko Amamiya stood up, and Riho Chieda had already noticed something strange and walked over.

Riho Chieda said directly and firmly: "It's that waiter. The restaurant kitchen has someone arranged for it, so we can only do it during the food delivery."

"You should ask more people to watch mom. I basically don't need it. This kind of thing that only takes effect in fifteen to thirty minutes won't necessarily make me dizzy if I take a handful."

Amamiya Noriko was going to arrest him and ask what was going on.

Conan said quickly: "I'll go too -"

Before he finished speaking, a figure ran out from behind the restaurant and fled into the distance, followed closely by a bodyguard.

Amamiya Noriko narrowed her beautiful eyes, and with her excellent eyesight, she instantly determined that it was the waiter. She was still taking off the waiter's apron while escaping.

Conan squatted down and was about to play football, and saw Amamiya Noriko picking up his cup and then making a gesture of preparing to throw the ball.

"This is at least two hundred meters away!"

"The person standing in front of you is the soul of the baseball club who determines the outcome of the game, the ace relief pitcher, Noriko Amamiya——"


Amidst the beautiful wind noise, Conan felt a strong wind blowing across his face, and the next second the cup he threw suddenly hit the waiter's back and broke into pieces.

From a distance, I saw the waiter falling forward.

Amamiya Noriko bent down and patted the hem of her skirt, then stood still and flexed her slender, white wrists: "Not to mention the sniper rifle, this time the trolls will use bullets, right? I'm afraid he will die if he gets a headshot."

"Two hundred meters per second, a shotgun is enough."

Conan could only nod. After all, the water glass still had an uneven shape.

He was thinking about whether he should ask Dr. Agasa to turn the football belt into a baseball so that he could hand it to Noriko Amamiya at the critical moment.

Haiyuan Ai was a little used to it and said: "Let's go over and have a look."

Having seen the pursuing bodyguard from a distance, he went over to stand next to the target in a daze, as if he didn't need to hold him down anymore.

As he got closer, Conan looked at his glass, which was still intact with only the ear part left. It was a bit miserable to make his own cup.

But I looked at the person lying on the ground.

Being Amamiya Noriko's enemy is even worse.

(End of chapter)

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