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Chapter 401 Is This Some Misunderstanding

Tokyo streets.

At a street intersection near a residential area with not many vehicles, a mini patrol vehicle from the Metropolitan Police Department's Traffic Department was parked.

A female police officer, wearing a traffic police uniform, was behind a mini police car and issued a ticket to a vehicle parked illegally.

The female police officer with long dark brown shawl hair couldn't help but yawned, her eyes were sleepy, and she had characteristic droopy eyes with dark circles, which gave her beautiful face a unique temperament.

It was none other than Yumi Miyamoto, a female police officer from the Traffic Enforcement Division of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Traffic Department.

Mu Mu Thirteen is from the police department. Her police rank is police department supplement, which is equivalent to deputy police department. The police rank is not too small. If she is released outside, she will be the director in the patrol booth or police station. In the police station, she will be the director of any department.


The police rank is higher than that of Takagi Wataru.

"If you don't move this old car after it's been parked for a few days, I'll ask someone to tow you away in two days!"

Miyamoto Yumi, who had stayed up late and drank alcohol last night, stared at the fresh food truck in front of her with an unhappy expression and posted the ticket on it.

She received complaints from nearby residents and came to check. It was said that the car had been parked on the side of the road without a parking space for several days and was occupying part of the road arrogantly.

Amamiya Noriko was helplessly watching her nervousness, looking forward to the arrival of support as soon as possible. She wanted to go up and take over the two guns, but she saw Miyamoto Yumi also looking over and looking at her.

But both of them were already lying on the ground.

Amamiya Noriko thought and nodded in agreement, but it seemed that it was not very difficult for locals to obtain guns, and they were retired guns leaked from the police.

Just like Sonoko, if you let down your bangs, you will definitely become the type of beauty.

As for the motivation, there is no need to think too much about it. The game between capital has forced him to jump over the wall and start to do evil things to his family.

Did it get on them when the car flew over the motorcycle?

Most likely.

"...It's a little complicated, but I understand it!"

She changed into a pair of protective cycling suits, which were top-of-the-line and had a wire connected to the motorcycle. As long as the wire was torn off, the protective suit would quickly fill with gas, and she would be fine even if she slipped and rolled out at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

As I was thinking about it, I saw a short-haired female bodyguard wearing sunglasses and a suit come out and waved away some onlookers who were slowly approaching.

"Just wait until the news comes from the hospital about the two kidnappers. It's almost time to close the team. Noriko will go to our Metropolitan Police Department to sit down?"

Before leaving, Yumi Miyamoto said thank you to her bodyguard, thanking him for controlling the scene and directing traffic for her.

After the collision, another extremely heavy motorcycle flashed past like a black and white streamer, and continued to move forward, following the previous black car without stopping at all.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Noriko's face and said, well, Noriko really doesn't need it.

The U.S. military also has a large-scale installation of Beretta 92, which was renamed M9 and replaced the M1911 that had been in service for half a century. It has participated in almost all modern wars in the United States.

"When the foreign terrorist attack at the Budokan concert happened last time, I was on the periphery of the concert to control traffic. These foreigners were so audacious, and they had easy access to guns."

Blinking her big, watery, harmless eyes, Amamiya Noriko tried to suggest: "Why don't you, my beautiful sister, get in that car? It must be at least first-level bulletproof."

Plus the speed at which her car flew towards the opponent.

She felt that these two foreigners should have some specialties from their side.

Feeling that it was very difficult, I looked around at the scattered passers-by who were watching from a distance, fearing that there were accomplices of the kidnappers among them.

I guess I suspect the bodyguard lady.

Noriko Amamiya watched Yumi Miyamoto squat down to check on the two kidnappers, and remembered that she had snatched a handful of gin.

The body design perfectly combines the concept of Hayabusa's dive with the shape of a motorcycle. The huge fairing integrates the rider and the body to minimize wind resistance. It must undergo high-speed rail-level wind tunnel testing before delivery.

She got out of the car with her skirt slightly lifted and stepped on the ground with her shoes. She suddenly noticed the blood stains on the edge of the soles. A trace of doubt flashed in Amamiya Noriko's eyes.

Amamiya Noriko pondered, but Miyamoto Yumi would never have thought that the blood on the tissue was wiped from her own shoes.

After saying that, she carefully approached the two people on the ground over there. Since it was not clear whether they were completely unconscious and she could not rule out the possibility that they did not have guns on them, she could only try to get closer.

Noriko Amamiya said honestly, but not that honestly.

Chen Cang secretly launched a sneak attack but failed, and the bodyguards began to guard tightly. The opponent would not even think of having a chance for a long time.

Then when he was almost out of the intersection, he suddenly braked again.

"Bang." "Bang."

"Thank you, but it's okay. I don't need to help you, and I won't knock my head."

"What happened? Sister Yumi was not injured, was she?"

They are all old acquaintances of the Metropolitan Police Department. She often went to the Metropolitan Police Department to play when she was a child. Apart from Sato Miwako, the female police officer, it was this sister Yumi Miyamoto who took her to play.

Come on, my eyesight is too good.

"I'm also wearing a pistol."

She just checked the two people and found that their injuries were relatively serious. If there were no other accomplices, then there was no need to worry too much. Instead, one should hope that the ambulance would come quickly.

Then during the business competition, I was defeated by a certain large-scale capital. I was so angry that I was beaten back to my original shape and started doing my old job again.

But Noriko's bodyguard was of great concern to her, and she had many indirect interactions with him.

Nowadays, the top speed of motorcycles can reach more than 300 per hour.

As for the local mafia in Italy, some are still gangsters with some famous assassination methods, and some are trying to be purely commercial.

Noriko Amamiya: "."

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Miwako Sato's car from a distance, and the very eye-catching red Mazda appeared at the end of the road.

Kawasaki has to wait for the Six-Eyed Demon to come out before he can return to being the king of speed.

The Junior Detective Team has directly encountered gun-wielding gangsters several times.

Seeing Noriko, Miyamoto Yumi looked away with embarrassment on her face and asked curiously.

Stay in a good mood! Sleep more! Exercise moderately! Eat a light diet and eat less sugar!

Miwako Sato locked the two pistols into the storage compartments of her Mazda car, and then asked Yumi Miyamoto to stand guard next to the car.

Moreover, her car is a customized version of the Suzuki Hayabusa series, and it can currently be called the most powerful heavy machine on the planet.

She is basically the Suzuki Sonoko next to Sato Miwako.

She asked Noriko for some skin care tips, but Amamiya Noriko...had nothing to say and had to sum up some experience.

"You are welcome."

Noriko looked at the scene at the intersection, her thin eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she opened her mouth to express concern.

She remembered that Miwako Sato should also be on duty today, so the call at this time was probably due to something going on.

Sato Miwako reminded: "The other party is very likely to have a gun! Don't act rashly, observe the situation from a distance and wait for support!"

Seeing the other party nodding sheepishly, Amamiya Noriko smiled sweetly and asked her to help Miyamoto Yumi over there direct the scene.

"Ahaha... Recently, there have been a lot of cases! I'm often busy late at night, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Noriko Amamiya: "."

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the girl walking towards her and said in surprise.

As for the two kidnappers, it is no longer important.

Of course, landing at high altitude is another matter.

Let me say it again, she is from the Traffic Enforcement Section of the Traffic Department of the Metropolitan Police Department...


Miyamoto Yumi said "ha", stepped on the accelerator, and the mini patrol car sped out.

Miyamoto Yumi got out of the passenger car and looked in the direction where Sato Miwako came.

He immediately put away his cell phone and got into the car, preparing to take a shortcut to chase the kidnapper.

The bodyguard lady nodded calmly, watched her leave, and then looked at the eldest lady.

Yumi Miyamoto briefly explained that the kidnapper had been seriously injured and unconscious, and then wanted to quickly hand over the two Beretta pistols to Miwako Sato.

Amamiya Noriko opened the car door in the back seat and was about to get out of the car, but she saw the bodyguard sister standing outside the car door very quickly, bending slightly and preparing to raise her hand.

She was the only police officer at the scene.

“Isn’t it too fast???”

"If you didn't wear protective clothing and a helmet, you would probably have died."

"So that's it. Sister Yumi is right. Shooting cases often occur in foreign countries."

Noriko Amamiya asked her to buy a bottle of water for her and wait for her in the car.

Collect them at home as captured trophies.

Thanks to him, the Metropolitan Police Department has arrested many internationally renowned mercenaries and various killers, and has become somewhat famous.

She lowered her head and took out a small round box of eye cream from her bag and handed it to Miyamoto Yumi: "Sister Yumi, this is my eye cream. It is very useful. It can eliminate dark circles."

Miyamoto Yumi got off the patrol car and saw that the intersection was in a mess. The wreckage of the motorcycle and the two people who didn't know whether they were alive or dead were scattered all over the place.

She stood there stupidly and didn't know what to do. It was just a small stain of blood. She just found a chance to pretend that the heel of her shoe was loose and then lifted her foot to wipe it off.

Italian gangs are similar to Japanese gangs, both are following the road of commercialization. The difference is that Italian gangs are now distributed in many places around the world due to immigration in the early years, while the mafia in the United States is more cruel and violent.

Four-cylinder, 175 horsepower, 1300 displacement, 220 kg dry weight, top speed of 350 km/h.

Miyamoto Yumi looked back and forth and couldn't help but wonder, could it be a stolen vehicle?

Before she could investigate further and contact the Metropolitan Police Department for enquiry, a call had already come through.

"Thank you! Is this what Noriko usually uses?"

Noriko Amamiya seriously feels that wearing a police hat and covering her forehead will look much better...

At this time, the muffled sound of two human bodies falling to the ground was heard from the other side of the intersection.

Amamiya Noriko thought, her ears twitched, she looked back and vaguely heard the siren of an ambulance.

But I felt bad telling Noriko.

After a while, the ambulance and some other police officers arrived, began to treat the injured, and sealed off the investigation site.

Miyamoto Yumi's eyes were wandering, as she had been playing mahjong with other detectives all night last night.

Some efficient ones are mainly responsible for finishing.

Miyamoto Yumi was still in the mini patrol car at this time, looking at the black car parked at the intersection not far from the crime scene, unsure of the other party's identity.

The short-haired female bodyguard couldn't help but take another look at her eldest lady's smile.

The two of them were basically hit by Noriko Amamiya from the right to the left of the intersection. This distance, plus the height of takeoff and landing, looked very miserable.

When Italians talk about their motorcycles that can be carried around, it is the most famous Beretta 92F of the Beretta Company, which is also the gun used by Gin.

The bodyguard next to her mother couldn't explain it clearly. Amamiya Noriko held it in for a long time and could only say softly: "Sister, you don't have to do this next time. I can wipe it myself."

"what's the situation?"

After seeing the two people lying motionless at the intersection over there, Noriko Amamiya shook her head.

She smiled lightly at the other party. This bodyguard and the bodyguard in the car in front of her were both protected by her mother when she was abroad, and they were not very familiar with her own habits.

At first glance, it turns out it belongs to my friend Miwako Sato.

Just have some topics to talk to girls about.


In addition, bodyguards are directing nearby, so people who have no problem will not approach rashly, and there is some distance.

"The Noriko family's bodyguards have played a huge role again."

After Yumi Miyamoto had two Beretta 92 pistols sent back to the Metropolitan Police Department as evidence, she also went to Noriko's side.

It would be best if the two of them were unconscious, and she could take the opportunity to take the gun away to prevent the other party from violently injuring the ordinary people around them.

Amamiya Noriko looked at Miyamoto Yumi again. Miyamoto Yumi was also pretty, but what I have to say is that she was also very warm-hearted, very much like Suzuki Sonoko.

Miike Naeko is probably still in Acupo now, and has not been transferred to the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, a faster phantom suddenly passed behind it.

Amamiya Noriko smiled softly. Although the numbers were uneven, there were indeed many hooks.

Then they circled around, changed back to Noriko's number, and then took the bodyguard vehicle that followed in the direction from where they came from. They returned to the intersection and checked the situation in the car.

The sealed bag used to contain the blood-stained paper showed signs of being tampered with.

Miwako Sato was confused about Noriko's gaze, and then looked at Yumi. She saw the mess over there.

Because except for a certain despised industry, other economic industries in Mexico are not attractive enough for the Amamiya Consortium.

"Noriko is here too? Yumi, how is the situation? Are you all okay?"

Miwako Sato walked towards the wreckage of the motorcycle at the intersection and sighed to Noriko who was following behind and wanted to help.

Miyamoto Yumi, who has always been carefree, could not help but feel troubled. Holding two pistols, she felt very nervous. She looked closely at the people around her, fearing that there were accomplices of the kidnappers among them.

Noriko Amamiya stopped a little further away. If she looked further forward to see the picture clearly, she would have to make some expressions of fear of being frightened because it was too bloody.

In comparison, her mini patrol car cannot reach the speed of 300 hours, and even if it does, it will probably fall apart.

It was as if what was knocked away was just a feather.

But she already had a guess when she saw a female bodyguard getting out of the driver's seat.

"Uh, I understand, it's finally here."

Amamiya Noriko looked around and pinched two projectiles without leaving any trace in her hand. If the two people had not lost consciousness and resisted, she would have taken action.

Italy is still fat. It is a coastal country in Europe with more than 100 ports.

The huge noise caused by the rotor and tail rotor of the helicopter quickly approached the sky. Before she could look up from the car window, there was already a black car at the intersection in front of her. From right to left, it flashed across the intersection and disappeared behind her.

In sight.

A kidnapping case caused by transnational criminals occurred at an amusement park near her, and a chase is currently underway on the streets.

It was a little difficult for her mini patrol car to chase the kidnapper's motorcycle.

Amamiya Noriko was stunned, why did the topic change so quickly?

Generally, there is no license to carry a firearm.

As soon as they closed the distance and came into sight, Amamiya Noriko kept accelerating from behind. After reaching an intersection where there was not much traffic or people, she crashed directly into them.

But I was immediately disappointed when I found out that it was just a case of being picked up on the street.

Japan's gun ban measures are quite strict, at least on the surface.

Amamiya Noriko hurriedly shook her little hands: "No, no, no, since it's okay, I'm going back to accompany my mother."

Miwako Sato still drives faster.

It cannot be said that it exists to create people, but it shattered the dreams of Honda and Kawasaki next door.

Noriko Amamiya stretched out her hand to open the car door and said, "Sister Yumi, I saw Sister Sato's car."

This bodyguard sister acted like she was trying to pick up money without leaving any trace.

Seeing the eldest lady's innocent eyes looking at her blankly, she seemed to have really just wiped the dust off the eldest lady's shoes, and said lightly: "It's okay, eldest lady, it's just that you accidentally stained your shoes when you got off the car.

It's just dust, it's been wiped off."

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Amamiya Noriko thinking and thought she was putting herself in those people's shoes.

But her hair is all combed back, with only a very small amount of broken hair on her forehead, and all the hair around her ears is tucked behind her ears, leaving her smooth forehead completely exposed.

"How could such an idiot exist? Don't you know that if you occupy the road for so long, you can be towed away? You will have to pay tens of thousands of yen more in towing fees."

Miwako Sato, who was driving to round up the kidnappers in her red Mazda XR-7, paused for a moment after hearing the words to clarify the situation before answering.


"who is that?"

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head, this person was definitely numb.

Miwako Sato quickly parked in the parking space behind their car, then got out of the car and went straight to them.

Noriko Amamiya watched Yumi Miyamoto approach them from a distance but didn't react. It seemed that racing while wearing protective gear was irrational.

Miyamoto Yumi actually took out two Beretta 92s from them, looked at them for a while, and then looked up at Noriko Amamiya with some indescribable emotion.

Miyamoto Yumi raised her head and looked at the intersection ahead, wondering.

I feel like Miyamoto Yumi often uses it.

At this time, the two guns were directly used.


Hearing Noriko's innocent words, Miwako Sato couldn't help but smile. Noriko probably didn't know the level of her bodyguard.

I can't say it was stuck, because the next second the motorcycle in front took off.

Sure enough, just when Yumi Miyamoto answered the phone, Miwako Sato asked her location quickly.

The angelic appearance and the extremely clear heart are combined with each other, and the way he thinks about things and gets distracted gently touches the heartstrings of others.

Amamiya Noriko found that Miyamoto Yumi was a little flustered for some reason. Could it be that she was nervous because she still had two guns in her hands?

"No wonder I was a little nervous before."

"Is it because there is blood on my car that I haven't cleaned it off? It shouldn't be! I just washed the car in the morning."

Noriko Amamiya thought of the New Southern revolver at the amusement park. It was just a retired police gun model from Japan. It might have been owned by only a few Kagoshima locals.

After getting rid of the pressure of a big stone, Miyamoto Yumi put her hands on her waist and watched the two kidnappers being carried into the ambulance. She said in a very cheerful tone: "If you ask me, I am still too tolerant to these foreign criminals, and they should all be severely punished.


The two kidnappers were quickly put into an ambulance and escorted by several police officers to the hospital for treatment. However, Amamiya Noriko glanced at them and saw that they were not dead but half disabled.

The real trouble is the passing vehicles. Although the traffic flow here is smaller, there will still be some vehicles passing by. What you need to be careful of is that they slow down not just because of the accident, but also for other reasons, or directly hit the car.

come over.

Although she has an overwhelming beauty, she makes people feel friendly, relaxed and cheerful when she speaks. Although it is the first time to meet her, I can't help but have a good impression of the eldest lady.

She is really the kind of professional woman who doesn't talk much, is concise, capable, and very charming.

"The two kidnappers were chasing the Amamiya family's black Maybach car on a motorcycle. In the car was Mrs. Amamiya, Noriko's mother, and another suspected bodyguard of the Amamiya family was chasing behind them on a motorcycle.

, if you are close enough, you should still be able to hear the sound of the Amamiya family's helicopter, and the current intelligence is that the kidnappers may still have guns in their hands!!"

But compared to this, Amamiya Noriko looked at Miyamoto Yumi's dark circles, blinked, and reminded with concern: "Did sister Yumi stay up late again? This is not good for the skin, and the dark circles will be aggravated.


"Is that so?"

Miyamoto Yumi was surprised. She had heard that the products of the beauty company owned by the Amamiya Foundation were very good.

The interval between rushing out of the intersection and taking off was so short that she didn't know they were kidnappers until she saw the two people flying, which matched the number of kidnappers mentioned by Sato Miwako.

"No...I don't need this."

Noriko Amamiya didn't get into the car, she raised her calf backwards, looked back and looked down at the soles of her shoes, they were fine and there wasn't much blood on them.

No matter which woman you are, you will probably want to copy a list of the cosmetics that Noriko uses.

Since I have just finished working on the trumpet, I always feel like I am being invited to drink tea. To avoid exposing my flaws, I might just leave.

After seeing the bodyguard lady go to the vending machine opposite, Amamiya Noriko opened the passenger compartment and took a look.

"I really hope that the supporting police force will come soon."

She saw that Sato Miwako seemed to have always been interested in her bodyguard's trumpet, so if possible, she tried to eliminate the idea of ​​digging deeper.

While the two were chatting, Miwako Sato and other police officers had basically collected and processed the evidence related to the two kidnappers. After all, the intersection could not be blocked forever and affected traffic.

Noriko Amamiya had to complain, otherwise with her riding skills comparable to intercepting missiles, she would have beaten them long ago.

After the police force on the scene was sufficient, Amamiya Noriko's bodyguards also returned to her side, so they no longer needed to help control the scene.

It seems that I don't have to chase the kidnappers myself.

Miyamoto Yumi turned around and looked, and saw some motorcycle parts sliding on the road and causing sparks.

"It seems that Miyamoto Yumi accidentally discovered it when she was sitting in the passenger seat and wanted to store the gun inside for safer use."

It is equivalent to the difference between straight leg kicking and sweeping leg kicking.

Miyamoto Yumi raised her forehead and said, "It's really troublesome to strike up a conversation!"

Miwako Sato did not have the impression that Noriko was outrageous.

This is also close to a residential area. If it were on the side of the road where cars come and go, it would have been towed away long ago.

Miyamoto Yumi opened her mouth, and the next second she saw a motorcycle swoosh out of the intersection from the right.

"But I don't believe you can beat 300 in the city, so I'll just take a shortcut!"

Miyamoto Yumi laughed a few times. She felt that she could only maintain a good mood!

And if you patrol, you may still get some exercise.

Miyamoto Yumi really went up.

Amamiya Noriko asked curiously: "Why does Sister Yumi think so?"

It is inevitable that the fractures in the limbs will be turned 180 degrees.

Even if there is, you can use the excuse that you accidentally got it there just now.

The two of them were pushed sideways into the sky by her. If they collided straight into each other, they would only lose balance and slip due to inertia. They would probably fall and slide out, and they would not be knocked to the ground like they are now.


After the dust of the case was settled, Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but joked in a relaxed tone: "How is Noriko lately? Has she been confessed to by a bunch of boys again? Still no one likes her?"

"I'm fine, it's them who are in trouble." Miyamoto Yumi comforted, then looked at the two people on the ground over there, and said to Noriko, "Sister, go and do your work first, Noriko, stay away."

Miyamoto Yumi cautiously approached the two of them. Under normal circumstances, she would have taken out her police officer's ID card and asked them to put down their guns.

As long as it's not a warlord like Mexico who has 100,000 troops outside the government, that's fine.

Miwako Sato looked at the two kidnappers. The situation was quite serious. The fractures were minimal, and some of the limbs were twisted and might require amputation.

Noriko Amamiya believes that her father knows better.

Miwako Sato did not force her, and after telling her to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to play in the future, she greeted Yumi and left.

The ambulance called by Yumi Miyamoto should be arriving soon, and other police support should be arriving soon.

If the news spread that two guns were stolen, we don’t know how much harm and panic it would cause to society.

"Uh...the bodyguard sisters are just doing their duty to protect me and my mother."

Even the hairstyles are somewhat similar. Although Miyamoto Yumi's hair is relatively long, it can be said that her hair reaches her waist.

What took off was no longer a complete motorcycle, but scattered motorcycle parts, plus two people.

"The roads in Tokyo are still too narrow, and there are many people on both sides."

Amamiya Noriko thought it was okay. Although Miyamoto Yumi's uniform only belonged to the traffic police, it was still conspicuous enough compared to the plainclothes uniforms of Megure Thirteen Takagi Wataru.

She came over and looked at Miyamoto Yumi speechlessly, "I asked you to look after Noriko, not to ask her for advice."

She was puzzled, but the eldest lady probably hadn't noticed yet. She moved very skillfully. She quickly turned her head left and right, then took out a tissue from her pocket and squatted down. She caught a glimpse of the eldest lady's as white as jade, delicate and smooth body.

He paused for a moment, then reached out and quickly wiped the side of the sole of the shoe. The folded paper towel was put into a small sealed bag that was taken out and thrown into the storage compartment of the passenger seat of the car.

"Due to the previous explosion at the Aipido Hotel, I'm on vacation recently and haven't gone to school yet, but there are still people who have confessed..."

Noriko Amamiya looked at Miwako Sato, who was wearing a white shirt, a gray suit jacket, and a matching gray skirt. She looked very professional and smart.

What Miwako Sato said was short and clear, and Yumi Miyamoto quickly understood.

She only knew that Noriko was a very popular beautiful girl who charmed a group of boys in school. Every time she went to the Metropolitan Police Department, she would tell her stories about how she was confessed to by boys and rejected by them all.

"Okay, ma'am."

Amamiya Noriko's bodyguard is not a threat to the Metropolitan Police Department, but often helps, so there is no need to worry about what will happen. It doesn't matter if the bodyguard lady takes the blame. She will never be in Japan, but stays with her mother to protect her.


The bodyguard sister lowered her head and noticed the blood stains on the eldest lady's shoes, and the corner of her mouth that had been slightly raised involuntarily suddenly froze.

Speaking of which, she also believed that her father would not go to Mexico to do business.

Amamiya Noriko continued riding forward for a while, then slowed down and turned sharply, drifting into the alley in front of her. As the brake pads and tires rubbed against the ground, she tilted the car sideways to slow down the impact.

"It's pretty good. It helped me eliminate some of my attention at no cost."

Noriko Amamiya is very satisfied with the bodyguard lady.

And she quickly bought the drink back and said at the same time: "Miss, it may not be convenient today. It is a hot drink, so you can drink it without worry."


Amamiya Noriko pondered and took the hot drink, I know bodyguard sister you are very considerate, but is there some misunderstanding???

This chapter has been completed!
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