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Chapter Eighty-Four: Sin

"Ha...it seems like there aren't any good shoe stores nearby?"

Suzuki Sonoko came back with a pair of clogs and looked at Noriko awkwardly.


This is something Amamiya Noriko didn't expect. Is there such an operation?

But that's right, there are flea markets here and there aren't any serious shoe stores. You can buy clogs, but it feels like it fits the temperament of this place.

Noriko Amamiya was sitting on the curb beside the alley, still wearing her own small round-toe leather shoes. She could only hope that the police would not really regard her shoes as physical evidence...

What's more important is that Sonoko only brought her a pair of clogs and no footbags, so she couldn't wear her stockings.

Yuanzi also bought some biscuits and sat down to eat them with her.

After a while, two police officers, one woman and two men, rushed over quickly. They were a little dazed after seeing the situation in the alley.

Two little girls were eating biscuits in an alley, while a burly middle-aged man lay motionless on the side.

The female police officer knelt down to check on the two little girls. They seemed to have no major problems, and she greeted them very politely.

"Hello, kids, how is the situation? Tell your sister in detail."

As a girl who was frightened by the wretched uncle, Amamiya Noriko naturally chose to let Sonoko speak. Sonoko was truly indignant and defended Noriko, describing the wretched uncle as a heinous and heinous man who should be taken to target practice immediately.

Not to mention that the wretched uncle is not a handsome guy, even if he is a handsome guy, he cannot be easily forgiven if he dares to try to bully her friend Suzuki Sonoko.

The female police officer comforted Yuanzi with shame, while the other two male police officers knelt down to check the condition of the prisoner who attempted to commit the crime. He was breathing normally but was unconscious.

There is a relatively obvious spread of redness on the skin around the chin. It is obvious that he has been hit hard or bluntly. According to preliminary judgment, it may be more than once.

One of the male police officers made gestures with his index finger and thumb, and found that the directly injured area was smaller. He looked at the toe of the girl's small leather shoes over there, and it seemed that they were indeed about the same size.

What the operator said turned out to be true. A passing righteous man used the little girl's shoes to defeat the wretched uncle who had done evil to the children.

Another male police officer couldn't help but shook his head: "The world is really declining, morals are declining, and I'm still a child. There are more and more of these prisoners recently. When I was on duty last time, I caught a man who refused to leave at the intersection when the light was green.

, actually care about obscenity, I heard he is a rich man, dirty!”

"It's obscene! Such a cute little girl actually has a wrong idea. Take her back and interrogate her severely!"

"Severe trial!"

The two men dragged the suspect away. After receiving their instructions, the female police officer focused her attention on Amamiya Noriko's shoes.

Noriko Amamiya understood, so she obediently took off her shoes and gave them to her.

Then she took off her mid-calf white stockings, and put on the clogs that Sonozi bought for her with her bare feet. It was a very strange combination, a white T-shirt, a white skirt, and the clogs on her bare feet, but it was acceptable.

The female police officer looked at Amamiya Noriko's helpless expression, covered her mouth and smiled, praising her for being cute. Sonoko said that she chose it, and of course Noriko looked cute in it.

Noriko Amamiya: Yes, yes, everything you said is right. Would you like to try wearing clogs with bare feet?

Noriko Amamiya and Sonoko were also taken back together. It was impossible to just put them back.

I went to the Metropolitan Police Department and sat there for a while. Anyway, after a brief statement was taken, they had nothing to do with them. They were just waiting for their parents to pick them up.

As for the righteous person who acts bravely and leaves no name, he should be in the shadow with a uniform figure, and his hair style and appearance cannot be seen. Only his gentle eyes and teeth that appear white when he smiles can be seen.

After recording the confession, Noriko Amamiya took Sonoko to search the first class to see some acquaintances.

Before entering, she met Datehang at the door holding a circulation board. Noriko Amamiya waved her little hand: "Uncle Datehang?"

"Oh! It's you, Amamiya... Noriko, right?"

Datehang was also stunned, then he opened his eyes and smiled, touching his stubble, he still had the impression that a case happened at the water park.

Noriko Amamiya nodded slightly, and then introduced Sonoko: "Well, this is my friend Suzuki Sonoko."

Suzuki Sonoko said skillfully: "Hello, uncle!"

Because there is usually another uncle Moori Kogoro.

Datehang said enthusiastically: "Hello, what are you doing here? You can't wander around."

Sonoko then told them what happened to them again. Datehang and Sonoko immediately shared the same hatred and angrily prepared to teach the suspect over there a lesson, while Sonoko wanted to follow him to watch.

"...You go ahead, I won't go."

Amamiya Noriko waved her hand, she was the one who had taught that guy a lesson so far, so why should she go see him now?

Considering that victims really need to be cautious when meeting criminals, especially a little girl like Amamiya Noriko, Datehan asked her to find Sato, and by the way, he helped him pass the circulation board to Sato, while he went

Take a look at the prisoner.

Amamiya Noriko took the circulation board and looked at it curiously. The story was related to Sonoko. It was a building of the Suzuki Consortium that was topping out and preparing to hold a banquet. After the topping out, a precious gem would be temporarily placed on the top floor.

It is temporarily for everyone to enjoy, and this gem has been stolen and robbed many times before. It is watched by many people. The Suzuki Consortium has made complete preparations and will definitely not be stolen.

But just in case, I still hope that the police will send someone as a representative.

The purpose of this circulation board is to see who is willing to go to the search class and sign up independently, because they are really going to watch as representatives, and there are only a few people. The Suzuki Consortium has hired a security company to be responsible for security, so there is no need for the police to go there.

Multiple people.

She saw that Date Airlines had filled in her name, so she would naturally go there then.


Noriko Amamiya knocked on the door, and a police officer from the First Search Division came and opened the door for her. When she saw it was a little girl, she was stunned: "Kid, why are you like this?"

"Uncle Datehang asked me to help spread this."

Noriko Amamiya raised the circulation board in her hand.

"This, just give it to me..."

The police officer reached for the circulation board in Amamiya Noriko's hand, but Amamiya Noriko took back her hand and dodged it. She said with a serious face: "I will personally pass it to every police officer uncle."

The police officer didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was Dateko who said so, so he let Amamiya Noriko into the office of the First Investigation Division.

"Where is Sato-nee?"

"Oh, you also know Sato, she is over there, my brother is with you -"

"No thanks."

Noriko Amamiya saw how attentive he became in an instant, and understood that she refused. Miwako Sato was really a beauty of the police department.

Noriko Amamiya easily found Miwako Sato's location and gave Miwako Sato a surprise.

"Why are Noriko here?"

Sato Miwako was stunned, then smiled and took Amamiya Noriko's little hand.

"Of course I came here specifically to see Sister Sato."

Noriko Amamiya said obediently.

Then he inadvertently expressed that this was how the record was originally written, which aroused Miwako Sato's confusion. She then inadvertently expressed that it was okay and the bad guy had been caught.

When Miwako Sato saw that Noriko Amamiya had met a bad guy again, she asked and checked, and found that she had indeed met a bad guy again.

Moreover, it is of such a bad nature that the other party must be given a taste of the iron fist of the law.

Noriko Amamiya and Miwako Sato chatted, and then went around to search the class, carefully reading the circulation board for everyone, including of course Officer Megure.

He also naturally wrote down his name and prepared to go. His role was still guaranteed. He could be present in most cases, especially if the design involved police representatives, banquets, etc., he, the police department, could still appear.

Shiratori Rensaburo and Takagi Wataru were not seen, and they did not arrive to search the first lesson.

Basically, they came here after Matsuda Jinpei died.

After walking around for a while, Amamiya Noriko and Sonoko were picked up by their respective parents. The ones who came to pick her up were Chieda Riho and her mother Amamiya Emi who were driving.

Amamiya Emi sighed with mixed emotions: "I didn't expect that a daughter would be more worrying than a son. She has completely inherited her mother's genes. Will she be easily targeted by bad people with bad intentions?"

Amamiya Noriko rolled her eyes, "Are you praising me or yourself? As a mother, can you be more serious?"

The more serious one was Riho Chieda. She glanced at Noriko's delicate and somewhat helpless face through the rearview mirror while driving, and rolled her eyes, which detracted from her cute image.

She said: "In the future, Noriko will still have to take me with her when she goes out."

Amamiya Noriko thought it was too difficult for me, and bringing a serious Chieda Riho would reduce a lot of fun and add a lot of constraints.

And every time she goes out without any problems and Chieda Riho doesn't have to worry about it, a bad guy will pop up to increase her chances of encountering threats outside and make it more difficult for her to go out alone.

She still needs to improve. Next time, just beat the bad guy who caused her trouble to half death to vent her anger, and then just leave without calling the police or doing anything.

Amamiya Emi suddenly remembered and took out an exquisitely crafted invitation from her small bag and gave it to her daughter.

"This was given to my mother by someone from the Suzuki family I met at the Metropolitan Police Department. They invited our family to attend their weekend banquet. It seems that another building has been built. Why are so many buildings built?"

There are still some leftovers after the convenience was bombed, Amamiya Noriko said to herself.

She took the invitation and looked at it. Sure enough, it was what she saw at the police. Okay, she would go and check it out then. The current staff had basically been assembled, including Date Hang, Sato Miwako, Officer Megure, and Amamiya.

Noriko, Suzuki Sonoko, the member of the Suzuki Foundation.

It is expected that Kudo Shinichi, Maori Ran and Mori Kogoro will definitely not be left behind by Sonoko.

Dr. Agasa may also go.

Maybe gin and vodka will join in the fun... This is more speculative.

In short, the current lineup is completely enough to put together a case.

Just let her wait and see.

When they went to school the next day, as expected, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan were both sent invitations by Sonoko, and their parents were also invited to go.

Kudo Shinichi flipped through the invitation, not paying much attention to it. The banquet was not very interesting.

He simply accompanied Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

Seeing his lack of interest, Amamiya Noriko said playfully: "Maybe someone will be interested in that big gem?"

Kudo Shinichi shook his head: "Although it is indeed possible, and that gem has indeed been targeted by many theft gangs, so far, there is no record of successful theft, but there are many cases of attempted theft."

Noriko Amamiya raised her eyebrows: "Oh? So you think the security at Sonoko's house is relatively stable?"

"It's not relatively stable, it's very stable. I have already asked Yuanzi about the situation and came to this conclusion. Several new technologies have been used, and the manpower is very sufficient. It is also an experienced security company. Small gangs have no chance of succeeding in theft.

As for a large gang, there is no way they can sneak into the building under the eyes of the security company. Is there a special identification method on this invitation?"

Kudo Shinichi held the invitation and said, judging from the feel, this invitation is a bit too heavy.

The number of invitations is definitely limited and rare, and getting into the building is a problem.

Noriko Amamiya tilted her head: "Is there a particularly powerful thief? One person is enough to steal the carefully guarded gems?"

"You might as well write something practical. There are no particularly famous and active thieves in the world now, but there were some in the past. Rather than caring about these things, you should be careful not to have your invitations stolen."

Kudo Shinichi rolled his eyes, put the invitation away, and put his hands in his pockets.

Noriko Amamiya blinked at him: "How can I be stolen? If I steal from others, my heart will also be stolen."

"Yeah, everything you said is right." Kudo Shinichi said perfunctorily, and then reminded him: "Compared to stealing, have you committed other crimes?"

"Arson? I seem to have ignited the hearts of many innocent young people."


Kudo Shinichi almost couldn't help but turned around and left, but he still had something to say: "You lied, spread rumors, and slandered me. Don't involve me in your chaotic relationship! I heard what you said to Sonoko that day.

It’s a mess.”

Amamiya Noriko was stunned, then she pursed her lips and whispered: "You were there at that time, I just said that I like you... How can I slander Shinichi? When Shinichi heard it, he was also very shy.


"...You can pull him down."


Amamiya Noriko rolled her eyes, why are you so confused about the style? Will you die if you cooperate with me? Sonoko is watching over there!

Sonoko is already in love with both of them: "Ah ah ah, I didn't expect it. I didn't notice it before. Is Noriko so shy when talking to Shinichi? She seems to be a little aggrieved. That guy Shinichi

, so inconsiderate!”

"In order to become the type he likes, Noriko changed from handsome Noriko to gentle and cute Noriko. It's really disgusting."

At this moment, Kudo Shinichi felt a bit of cold light stabbing his back. He couldn't help but shudder. He turned around and saw Sonoko staring at him inexplicably, as well as Xiaolan, who had just entered the classroom and looked at Xiaolan, whose brows were gradually rising.

"...What's going on? What evil have you done, Noriko?"

Kudo Shinichi looked calmly into Amamiya Noriko's innocent eyes,

This chapter has been completed!
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