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Chapter 93: Gin, Vodka, Bourbon

His wheat-skinned hand picked up a small packet of white powder, dipped a little in front of his nose and sniffed it.

A light sour vinegar smell.

"There are such scum among the Japanese police."

Akai Hide rubbed his fingers to remove the white powder, then looked down at the fat man who collapsed on the ground.

"I happen to have a mission. Quan should be helping the Japanese police eliminate the scum."

Akai Shuichi picked up the fat man's back collar and dragged him away. Before leaving, he glanced at the boy who fell on the ground. It was not a serious problem. It was just unlucky. In order to prevent him from telling the police immediately, he had to knock him out.


It's just that the way he was picking up something with a handkerchief just now seemed to be a bit like a professional criminal police officer.

It doesn't matter, I didn't look at his face, and he didn't see his face either, so he just pretended that nothing happened.

Shuichi Akai dragged the fat man to the corner, and then pushed a dining cart over where the banquet was being served. It was covered with a white cloth, and he stuffed the fat man into the ground of the dining cart and pushed it to the elevator.

But before leaving, Shuichi Akai's stern eyes fell on Gin and Vodka. What was their mission? Didn't you plan to leave yet?

If he hadn't expected that Gin would appear here, he would have definitely set up a trap to catch Gin. Now, the situation inside the venue was too complicated and it was no longer suitable to take action.

We can only complete the task first and improve the trust of the organization.

There will definitely be a chance to seize Gin again later.

Amamiya Noriko, who was originally walking towards Gin, noticed Akai Shuichi's gaze, and then looked at the dining cart he was pushing. Her heart moved, and she went back to take a look. She saw Kudo Shinichi lying miserably on the ground, and the fat man was nowhere to be seen.

Although the entire top floor of Yuanzi's house is covered with carpet, it's too miserable for you to look like this.

Kudo Shinichi was poisoned by Akai Shuichi, which Amamiya Noriko did not expect.

I could only bend down and carry Kudo Shinichi to Sonoko's room to sleep slowly, leaving a note before leaving.

After going out, Akai Shuichi could not be found on the whole floor. It seems that Akai Shuichi's mission should be that fat man Namura Takashi. The goal should be to find out from the fat man's mouth the whereabouts of his secret possessions. If nothing unexpected happens after asking, he should be able to find out.


Fortunately, Amamiya Noriko's traces should also be dealt with.

But the original reason for planning to meet Gin and deal with the fat man was gone.

"Is Noriko still in your room? The party is about to start."

"Well, I said I need to take a rest. I should be fine soon."

"Let's go see if Noriko has a fever again."

Xiaolan and Sonoko passed by Amamiya Noriko. They didn't recognize Amamiya Noriko after the disguise, but they both glanced at her. From Sonoko's a little surprised look, it can be seen that Amamiya Noriko's appearance is also different now.

not bad.

Noriko Amamiya responded politely with a smile.

"Xiaolan, the one just now is also a beauty, just a little bit worse than Noriko."

"She is indeed beautiful, and she looks gentle and generous, but don't talk about her behind her back."

Noriko Amamiya raised her eyebrows, isn't her small size as beautiful as her large size?

It seems that the level is still limited. If possible, of course I want to open more. If I can't, then I can have two accounts and one level. The possibility of two beauties being suspected of being the same person in disguise is very small, right?

But... Kudo Shinichi is still sleeping there in Sonoko's room, isn't he a real man?

I hope they will let Shinichi sleep a little longer. It will not be easy to suffer the murderous hands of Shuichi Akai.

At least Xiaolan's iron fist should be gentler.

Noriko Amamiya turned to look at the banquet. At this time, almost everyone had arrived. The famous figures who had received the invitations in twos and threes toasted and chatted with each other. The atmosphere was quite harmonious. The smell of gin and vodka kept others away.

There is no thought of talking to him in the past.

They looked a little lonely, so Amamiya Noriko decided to toast them a drink.

Of course, not by myself.

After delivering the wine, Toru Amuro came back and picked up the tray, ready to continue delivering wine and food, when he saw a note and three glasses of wine on the tray.

His face turned slightly worse, with a solemn look in his eyes. The three glasses of wine were gin, vodka, and bourbon.

Gin is gin, also known as gin.

The delicate handwriting on the note read: "Mr. Waiter, help me give these two glasses of wine to those two people. I see that no one is talking to them. They look so pitiful. The rest is what I ordered for you."


Amuro looked at the note, but she was using her peripheral vision to pay attention to whether there were suspicious people nearby. Some prisoners would like to stay or return to the crime scene to see other people's reactions and situations when they discover the scene, so as to judge the danger.

Or safe, or even satisfying your inner thoughts.

But there doesn't seem to be anyone nearby worth paying attention to.

A confused voice suddenly sounded next to him: "Brother waiter, is this juice or water? Can you give it to me?"

Toru Amuro's face returned to normal in an instant, with a smile that was typical of a service person. Looking at this beautiful girl in a white dress, she seemed not to understand that she mistook the transparent and clear Dutch gin for water.

He put the note away without leaving a trace, and said with a gentle smile: "Little sister, this is not water or juice, it is wine that minors cannot drink."

"Okay, thank you, big brother. I'll go check and see if there's any juice."

The little girl thanked him and went to look for juice.

Toru Amuro picked up the wine and walked towards the gin and vodka.

He didn't understand why this mysterious person knew all their code names in the organization, but he didn't seem to be planning to do anything.

Mainly because he has an extra layer of identity compared to Gin and Vodka, which makes him even more worried.

Rather than worrying about it alone, it's better to let Gin and Vodka use their brains.

Toru Amuro brought the wine over, and Gin glanced at the wine on his plate with a cold look.

"Bourbon, what do you mean?"

"This guest, don't be angry." Amuro Toru waved her hand and whispered: "I don't know who asked me to send this."

Vodka lost his voice and said: "He knows our identity?"

Gin looked at Bourbon's face for a moment for confirmation, and after a moment his eyes were cold: "Ignore it, continue with the mission."

Toru Amuro smiled and said, "Is this really good?"

Gin said coldly: "I don't know what your mission is. I hope you won't get in my way."

"Of course, then this glass is my own wine, I will keep it for myself."

Toru Amuro put down the gin and vodka and left with his glass of wine.

Gin glanced at Gin. How could he drink such a wine of unknown origin? But it seemed like someone was deliberately joking with them.

Gin's lips curled up.

No one can joke with him, no one.

Vodka picked up his glass of vodka and shook it, "Brother, it's Polish vodka? Why not Russian vodka?"

Gin glanced at him and ignored him.

This chapter has been completed!
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