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258 Extraordinary Press Conference

Kyogoku was sitting behind the counter, reflecting on yesterday's battle and rehearsing how to deal with that difficult technique and attack in his mind, but for a while he didn't have a good idea.

There is no way to dodge, so you can only resist. The flying talisman's attack is not a big problem, but the chain that binds you has to wait until it has completely tied itself before you can break free, otherwise it will be endless.

This greatly limited his performance. As long as the opponent continued to use this technique, he could only watch helplessly as the rhythm of the attack was interrupted again and again.

In distress, Kyogoku turned on the TV and relaxed for a while, but...

“We have disclosed relevant information through various media channels last time, but according to surveys, the public’s acceptance rate is not high. Most people think it is a variety show or a promotion for the release of a certain movie.


"In fact, we released the video based on the principle of respecting the people's right to know, but at that time we did not have more intuitive and powerful evidence to convey accurate information to the people more clearly, so we did not continue it for a period of time.


"Recently, we have also received a lot of inquiries. For example, why is the treasure ship occupied by the octopus sea monster that appears in Hawaiian waters Japanese-style?"

"Since there are such monsters, do there exist legendary supernatural powers, monsters, gods, priests, shamans, sun masters, magicians...etc., do these really exist?"

"In the face of these problems, we adopt a prudent attitude and have been carefully studying and investigating the relevant situations."

"Modern education has been popularized for a long time, and many citizens have long regarded these as mere legends. If we do not have enough, intuitive, clear, clear, and unquestionable evidence, we cannot hastily make speculations widely and widely.

Tell him."

"That is extremely irresponsible."

"Fortunately, through the silent efforts of more than three million civil servants across the country, the relevant investigation has finally made significant progress..."

The spokesperson suddenly became excited, "It's not some indirect evidence or research reports, but directly found some existences with extraordinary power that still exist in Japan!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic. For a while, the media in the audience went crazy. They lost their previous calmness and politeness and shouted various questions noisily.

Kyogoku Shinya was a little embarrassed in front of the TV. He didn't believe it at first, but... he had seen the most irrefutable evidence last night.

The feeling of finally escaping from the ice is something I will never forget.

"Hmph, these useless bureaucrats are talking nonsense again." An old man shook his head and patted the counter, "Give me a guest room."

"Husband..." The old lady next to him tugged on his sleeve, signaling him to say less.

While Kyogoku was watching TV, he quickly helped the old couple handle the check-in procedures.

"Young people, don't pay attention to these things. None of these politicians are good people. Old man, I have never seen them do anything good in all my life!"

"It doesn't make any difference even if these people are gone. Anyway, there is a town council, and residents' autonomy is the real cornerstone of our country. And when there is a major earthquake, the Yakuza organization is the first to provide disaster relief. These people are useless...


The old man ignored the old lady's dissuasion, scolded him, and rambled on about what he had experienced to the young man Kyogoku Makoto.

Without exception, in his words, the Japanese government is basically a representative of waste, and it is of no use except as an apology.

Although it is a bit extreme, it is not unreasonable. The unique system of residents' self-governance is the basis for Japan to survive several crises.

For the lower-class residents, it doesn't matter who becomes the prime minister. Many people don't care. Choosing the president of the town council is much more important than choosing the prime minister.

Seeing that he was getting more and more troubled, the old lady couldn't help it, "People are saying that gods exist. Is this also nonsense from you? Is there anything wrong with the existence of gods enshrined in shrines?"

The old man was choked immediately, and his face looked a little ugly. He grumbled for a long time, snorted and stopped talking. He originally wanted to go to the room directly, but he saw the old lady standing still and staring at the TV.

"Next, the few practitioners with extraordinary powers we have visited this time will help everyone re-understand the world."

I saw three people walking up to the podium, a witch, a monk, and a priest. They were all wearing unique costumes and looked very professional in both appearance and appearance.

The first person to stand in the front was the monk. The old monk had a kind face and kind eyes. He was very much in line with what people expected of a senior monk. He was carefully selected to be responsible for the opening of this extraordinary power conference.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Enfa, the abbot of the small mountain temple." The old monk was very humble and made people feel very good.

"Monks don't dare to speak nonsense. The poor monk does not have any extraordinary power..."

There was a commotion in the audience. Isn't this just a joke? You don't have extraordinary power, so what are you doing here?

The old monk took a deep breath and waited until he calmed down a bit before continuing: "It's just a coincidence that I met a living being with Buddha nature."

"It was probably not long after the poor monk became the abbot. The previous abbot, the poor monk's master, passed away. At that time, only the poor monk was left in the entire temple..."

The old monk didn't know if he was making it up or if it was true. Anyway, what he said was very similar to the same thing, and he was so eloquent that even the old man who had just been having trouble was fascinated by it.

The story is very simple. In this glitzy secular world, a young monk with a pure mind who was alone in a temple accidentally discovered a sealed cave on the mountain behind the temple. He curiously opened it and saw only a mottled wooden fish and a wooden fish inside.

A string of ancient beads.

Out of curiosity, he took them back. Unexpectedly, in the evening, while he was chanting sutras in the temple, these two items turned into monsters...

After panicking, he discovered that these two monsters did not mean to harm anyone, but were full of Buddha nature. The one-eyed monk transformed into a wooden fish, and the human form transformed into several beads all radiated Buddha light.

He was greatly shocked when he saw it. Later, after searching through the records in the temple, he learned that these two items had been bathed in the light of the Buddha all year round, nourished by chanting sutras, and gained spiritual wisdom.

Moreover, they were far more Buddha-natured than this monk, so they always respected them as their seniors.

"Everyone, please wait a moment. I will ask them to come out and meet you."

I saw the old monk taking out a wooden fish and a string of counting beads from his sleeve, sitting cross-legged on the ground, chanting sutras, moving the counting beads, and tapping on the wooden fish...

This chapter has been completed!
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