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032 Entrance

The weather is cloudy and without rain, so it is suitable for funerals.

The yard of Oki Yu's house is being busy decorated. Amuro Toru and two small paper figures are decorating things like white cloth wreaths, while Hanyu Kiyosu and Umesawa Masami are doing beauty treatments on Oki Yu's body.

"Look at the scars on the neck of the corpse. Follow the method I gave you before and cover them with surface repair wax."

Just after instructing Toru Amuro to fix the joints of the deceased, Hanyu Kiyosu had to help himself in the process, and he was now sweating a little.

In addition to straightening the joints, they also cleaned the deceased. Bathing the dead was not an easy task. A body that could not move, weighing one or two hundred kilograms, required less physical effort than most people imagined.

Suzuki Sonoko stared at Hanyu Qing'an's forehead for a long time, until a drop of sweat was already hanging on her eyebrows along her forehead. Then she finally took out the handkerchief she had long held in her hand and stepped forward to help Hanyu Qing'an.

Wiped it.

"Thank you." Hanyu Qing'an didn't even raise his head. "If you feel bored or bored, just walk around first. There is a long-haired Persian cat here. You can take a look at it. It's quite cute."

"It's okay. It's not boring. You are busy with your business and don't worry about me."

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand and stepped aside to a position where she could not see the body. She had indeed overestimated her ability to withstand it and almost needed a vomit bag. Fortunately, her uncle Kogoro had helped her exercise in advance and forcefully endured it.


Regardless of how much the autopsy staff had a headache, Ohmu Yu's body still needed an autopsy, so when the joints were being cleaned and fixed, even Hanyu Kiyosu himself had to endure the tragic scene.

But what pleased him was that not only did Toru Amuro adapt to it with a slight frown, but even Masami Umesawa, who seemed to be weak and gentle, persisted tenaciously. Although she vomited once because she had to do it herself, she was already much stronger than the average person.

Much more.

Hanyu Kiyosu looked at Masami Umesawa who was dealing with the scratches on Oki Yu's neck, and felt that this weak woman had resilience beyond imagination. No wonder it is always said that women are stronger than imagined when encountering big things.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't know whether she was strong or not. She wished her eyes could kill someone. What was this big guy doing staring at Miss Umezawa like that? Was he using his status as the president to bully his female subordinates?

After Miyano Akemi finished treating the scar, she looked at it and felt that it was invisible. She raised her head to ask Hanyu Kiyosu for advice, but she happened to catch the latter's gaze.

Look at each other and avoid each other.

Miyano Akemi lowered her head, Hanyu Qing'an coughed lightly, turned around and saw Suzuki Sonoko looking at her with disdain, and suddenly felt guilty, "I just... got distracted."

Suzuki Sonoko snorted coldly, "What are you talking to me about?"

Hanyu Qingxin said I won’t tell you, but you are staring at me like this, with such obvious contempt. I can’t explain it to you to maintain my basic image?

"Ahem, okay, let's move on to the next step now. It's similar to the joint fixation just now. The stiffness of the corpse will cause the corpse to maintain various movements. We must correct the movements of the corpse to make the image of the deceased more decent."

"Sometimes the mouth of the corpse is open, which is obviously inappropriate. We can use brute force to straighten the joints of the corpse, but we cannot close the mouth of the deceased simply by using human power. At this time, what we need to use is this

It’s a tool…”

Hanyu Kiyosu took out a metal tool that combined scissors and a syringe from the tool box and explained it to Miyano Akemi.

"To make the deceased close his mouth, of course it is not to sew the lips shut. That is too low-level. What you need to use is this needle gun. I introduced it to you yesterday."

"You watch, put on the brad needle and silk thread. This silk thread is special, very strong and transparent, and will not be visible. Then aim the end at the upper gum of the deceased, and drive the needle with the thread into the bone.

Next, make another incision on the lower gum, pull the silk thread tightly, and then tie it tightly..."

Under the control of Hanyu Qingyasu, President Okiyu finally closed his mouth with his mouth open, and there was nothing strange about it from the outside.

"In fact, when there was no such needle gun in the past, an S-shaped curved needle would be used to pass the silk thread from the deceased's mouth through the upper jaw, out of the nostril, and then through the lower jaw, and finally tied together to make the deceased close


When Hanyu Kiyoyasu said this, Suzuki Sonoko swallowed her saliva and hid far away with a horrified look on her face. She ran over to help Toru Amuro and the little paper figurines. Compared to what Hanyu Kiyoyasu said, they were still small.

Paper figures are more fun.

"Do you understand?" Hanyu Kiyosu looked at Miyano Akemi expectantly.

Miyano Akemi nodded. This is actually not difficult. You can master it after just one look. It just requires some practice and proficiency.

"Then I'll leave all these tasks to you from now on, is that okay?"

The performance of this new employee today far exceeded Hanyu Qingyasu's previous imagination. He couldn't help but be more optimistic about Miyano Akemi, and what he said was more detailed.

Miyano Akemi didn't speak, but nodded seriously.

"Okay, let's just put the body into the coffin. After a while, you can take a rest first. It's getting late, so let's have lunch first. We're still busy in the afternoon."

Toru Amuro was called over and helped Miyano Akemi dress the deceased, neatly arranged them, and put them in the coffin.

Lunch was served by Ohmu Yu's wife, and naturally there was a cook cooking the meal. It was said to be lunch, but it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and the guests who came early would arrive soon.

The previous scene of corpse disposal was not suitable for family members to watch, so Okiyu's wife and daughter had not come out of the house. Now at the dinner table, Hanyu Qing'an had time to talk about the progress and told the two of them that they would be on duty soon.


"The arrangements for the funeral are basically completed. When the guests come to salute, I need you to stand aside and return the salute..."

Hanyu Qing'an patiently answered Mrs. Okiyu's questions and took psychological precautions for the mother and daughter in advance to avoid being frightened in time.

Soon, it was time for the funeral to begin.

Wearing a blue hunting coat, Hanyu Qing'an was sitting on the wooden platform, with a cold face, and a bit of coquettishness in his handsome appearance. He was completely different from before. There was an incense table in front of him, and the wisps of smoke made him stand out even more.


Suzuki Sonoko stood in the corner and watched this scene intently. Although she heard Xiaolan mention a few words, she never expected that there would be such a big contrast.

But...it seems more handsome this way...

Amuro Toru shook his head slightly, Hanyu Qingan's current temperament was nothing like Jingguang.

This chapter has been completed!
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