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338 Backless Sweater

Before dawn, Tokyo is not as busy as during the morning rush hour, but as dawn approaches, there are already people in the city moving in twos and threes.

Nightlife is far more attractive than getting up early, so the commotion caused by Hanyu Qingyasu's flying boat was not as big as last night. However, the situation changed when the flying boat began to lower its height near the crematorium.

As a super densely populated metropolis, no matter what time it is, as long as it is open for work, the crematorium is always overcrowded.

Therefore, the arrival of the flying boat caused as much excitement as the shrine ceremony.

"What is that? Isn't it because I'm dazzled?"

"If I guess correctly... this should be the miracle of Hanyu Shrine that was reported in the magazine... Just kidding, this is actually true, and it is far more shocking than what the magazine said!"

"Are you sure there isn't anything like a hydrogen or helium balloon inside? Did it really fly out of thin air like that?"

"I'm afraid...to make such a big ship fly, how big of an airbag do you think is needed?"

"Gods... It turns out that gods really exist. From now on, I need to be more pious and frequent in worshiping."

"I don't know where Hanyu Shrine is? I must go there later to pray for my family."

“I don’t know if Hanyu Shrine enshrines the God of Inari. Our family is all believers of the God of Inari. We will visit the shrine of the God of Inari wherever we encounter it.”

While everyone was talking about it, they spontaneously made room for the flying boat, and then watched quietly as the flying boat landed in front of them.

The Yuki-onna and other shikigami surrounded by ice and snow were just a few steps away from them!

There is no more authentic experience than this!

"Hey, hey, hey, it's true. That one looks like the legendary Daitengu. Am I right? Isn't that a super scary giant monster?"

"Did Shikigami turn out to be so beautiful? I kind of want to be a priest..."

"You are overthinking it. If you want to be a priest, you are not a priest, but an onmyoji. And if anyone can do this, then we won't be able to see the shikigami with our own eyes until today."

"It doesn't matter, even if you don't have the chance to get a shikigami, there are still beautiful mikos."


The two guys who were talking in low voices in the crowd suddenly felt a chill and their scalps were numb. They were so excited that they looked up towards the boat, feeling as if they had just been stared at from the boat.

However, I didn't find anything unusual.

The two looked at each other in confusion. Although they found nothing, they always felt that something was not right with the witches on the boat...

There was a commotion outside, which was all expected. Hanyu Kiyosu and Suzuki Sonoko had already returned to the cabin in advance and did not come forward. The rest of the matter was left to Toru Amuro and the Nagato family to handle.

Without Hanyu Kiyosu's instructions, Toru Amuro directed the staff headed by Kamel to begin carrying Hidetomi's coffin down. While he was carrying it, a group of black cars also arrived.

The Nagato family had already made a reservation with the crematorium in advance, and the crematorium employees came directly to pick up the body. The reason why Hanyu Kiyosu didn't leave was because he was waiting to pick up the ashes and take them directly to the shrine later.

"By the way, Yuanzi, your art gallery will open in two days, did you know that?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment and shook her head, "I don't know. No one told me, what's the matter? Is it important to open an art museum?"

Hanyu Qing'an's hand holding the tea paused slightly, and then returned to normal, "Your father asked us if we wanted to go shopping together. Speaking of which, I haven't been to Osaka yet."

Suzuki Sonoko put her hands in her sleeves and leaned her head on the small table in front of her. She said in a very awkward posture, "Let's go then. I haven't been there much. Kazuya happens to be from Osaka. Let her be the tour guide then.


The two chatted for a while and waited for more than half an hour before the ashes were carried to the boat by a crying Kang Jiang.

Gu Hao

Chairman Nagato also came up with him, while his butler and Nobuko Nagato stayed behind to entertain the guests who expressed their condolences.

"President, the matter has been completed and everyone has returned to the ship." Toru Amuro walked to the cabin door to report.

Hanyu Kiyosu invited President Nagato and other family members into the cabin, then opened the portal and asked the little paper man to command the shikigami to fly up and let the flying boat return to the courtyard.

Time is a little tight. If we fly back to the shrine directly, the shikigami will probably disappear halfway, and then the entire flying boat will probably crash from the sky.

So it was better to teleport faster. There was another commotion outside, and the spaceship disappeared into the teleportation gate. The ability of this space teleportation was even more exciting than the spaceship just now.

In the blink of an eye, the flying boat appeared above the shrine, and then slowly landed.

The rooms used to store ashes in shrines are basically arranged at the edge of each floor, far away from the elevator to prevent ordinary worshipers from entering by mistake.

President Nagato personally accompanied Hidetomi's ashes and watched him being properly placed on the memorial tablet in the room. He stayed with him quietly in the room for a while, and then left lonely.

After seeing off this client, Hanyu Kiyosu was finally done with his work.

After leaving the rest of the work to the staff, I had time to lead Yuanzi back to the courtyard to rest.

The rejuvenating sushi and rejuvenating tea were served by the industrious little paper figures. Now these little paper figures have learned a variety of skills one after another and are still growing.

Seeing that apart from being inferior to humans in terms of strength, he was far stronger than his own employees in other aspects, Hanyu Qingyasu thought, is this group of people only useful for handling necessary social work and physical work?

The progress of low-end business is slow. Before they play more of their due role, wages will not increase...

"I suddenly discovered a problem..." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly said quietly.

"What's the problem?" Hanyu Qing'an came back to his senses.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at him suspiciously, "Did you secretly eat sushi and drink tea during the intermission? Is that why you are so powerful?"

Hanyu Qing'an said calmly: "How is it possible? I won't do such a thing secretly."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko didn't believe it at all.

"I did it all openly, but you were too lazy to move at that time, so you didn't know."


"If you think about it carefully, did I ask you if you wanted something to drink?"

Suzuki Sonoko frowned and recalled, it seemed that something like this happened, what she seemed to have said at that time was...

"You said your throat was dry and you just wanted to drink water, right?" Hanyu Qing'an looked at her funny with a smile on his lips.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyelids began to twitch, and she slapped the stone table, "Stop talking nonsense, I think you did it on purpose. I'm not a judge anyway, so I don't need evidence. What do you want to try again today? This time I'm going to cheat with sushi and tea too."


Hanyu Qing'an stood up and stretched his neck, "I'm tired, let's rest first."

"I wear a backless sweater."

"Nothing else, I really need to rest..."

"I only wear backless sweaters."

"Well, there's really nothing we can do about you."


This chapter has been completed!
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