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366 New features, Shikigami delegation!

The Feng Shui master was dumbfounded and his eyes almost came out of his eyes. This... is it over? Is this a matter of words? Just one order can kill a magical beast like Qilin?

Even if it is a crushing force, there is no need for you to come and fight me dizzyingly, but isn't it a bit too hasty?

It didn't matter to Hanyu Kiyosu whether he was hasty or not. After finishing the final blow, he was now busy collecting the trophy - a Kirin scale.

It is fiery red, as if the color of a red-hot soldering iron. It feels hot when you get close to it, but it is only warm to the touch. It has a similar texture to the purple-black scales of the Yamata no Orochi.

Suzuki Shiro looked at the scales curiously. Hanyu Kiyosu just finished understanding the information and functions of this scale. When he saw his eyes, he said bluntly:

"If Uncle Suzuki is interested, I will leave a copy for you if I have more in the future. This thing is of greater use to me now."

Suzuki Shiro smiled and said: "No, no, I'm just a little curious. Of course, I must put your needs first, Hanyu-kun.

This kind of mysterious items can only be used for collection in my hands, and they can only be used in your hands. I still know this very well."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded when he heard this. His father-in-law was indeed a conglomerate boss. He saw things very clearly and had a really good personality. He didn't have the arrogance that is common in this position.

Turning to look at Suzuki Sonoko, Hanyu Kiyosu asked: "Would you like to stay here for a while and wait for me to come back to pick you up, or should you come with me to the courtyard for a while?"

Suzuki Sonoko said without hesitation: "I'll go with you."

Suzuki Shiro sighed, "Are you so unwilling to accompany dad?"

Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile: "I have been with you for more than ten years, and I have only been away from home for a little longer? A month?"

Suzuki Shiro shook his head and didn't say anything. He still understood the principle of female college students not being able to stay in school.

Hanyu Qing'an casually opened a portal and left with Suzuki Sonoko, leaving the feng shui master with a blank expression and his father-in-law waving goodbye.

After entering the Onmyoji Garden, Suzuki Sonoko went to the backyard to look at the flower beds.

Recently, the little paper man learned planting and flower arrangement techniques. She chose a lot of favorite flower seeds and let the little paper man plant them. I don’t know how the planting turned out.

Hanyu Qing'an did not rush to fight other ghost kings, but first looked at the scales of the Kirin. According to the system introduction, this thing has only one function - to give the shikigami spirituality!

But the specific situation is more than that. The Kirin's scales only initially give the shikigami the ability to move in the sun, just like in the courtyard.

In order for the shikigami to develop sanity and become a truly conscious creature, it is necessary to absorb the power of faith.

"This shrine is really built right..." Hanyu Qing'an murmured.

On the system interface in my mind, the rain girl with the highest faith value already has more than 10,000, and the progress bar for gaining spirituality is full of 100,000 faith points.

The faith value of other shikigami is much lower than that of Ame. It seems that the rumors about Ame have spread during the last shrine ceremony.

The good news doesn't stop there. Hanyu Qingyasu looked through every part of the system and discovered a new function - Shikigami delegation.

The description mentioned that this function has the ability to respond to believers' prayers, execute Onmyoji's orders, and complete designated tasks.

As expected, the selected shikigami can be set independently. The content, time, and conditions for triggering the task can all be customized. The only requirement is that it must be within the scope of the shikigami's abilities.

This is easy to understand. You can't ask the rain girl to use the skills of the peach blossom demon, nor can you ask the shikigami who can only appear at night to work during the day.

But that's enough. Sure enough, the little paper figures are such useful tools. Why can Shikigami be just puppets? Of course they are more valuable.

But in this way, the value of those employees in the funeral agency will be even lower...


While thinking about it, Hanyu Qing'an gave Ame the editor a task:

Within an hour after the start of each day when encountering a demon, respond to the believer's directional prayer, come to the opponent's location by consuming spells, and cast the skill Tears of Heaven.

From now on, believers no longer need to rely on guards and satellite signals, but as long as they recite the correct prayers, they can welcome the rain girl and wait for the miracle.

After arranging for the rain girl, Hanyu Qingan arranged for the peach blossom demon. Anyway, the time was after the sun had set, so it was not beyond the latter's ability.

Finally freed from his daily routine, Hanyu Qing'an felt a little refreshed. He waved his hand to open the portal and started today's daily routine of killing monsters.

While typing, Hanyu Qing'an thought, I wonder how Kyogoku is really doing, and whether he has had enough rest after the last time he killed monsters. This is an important tool who will take over the daily work of slaying monsters in the future. He should pay more attention to him when he takes the time...

After the medals, scales, and gold coins were put into the account one by one, Hanyu Qingan returned to the courtyard, and after some thought, he slightly changed the working hours of the rain girl.

Since it can appear day and night, then... let's just arrange for Rain Girl to be there all day on Sunday.

This not only retains the limited time limit on weekdays (the time is fixed, the rain girl cannot be separated, and can only respond in order, so the quantity is limited), but also has the surprise of Sunday. Well, by the way, you can also compete with God for a wave of faith.

Hanyu Kiyosu is quite curious about whether those in the West who are very loyal to their faith will choose to go to church for mass on Sunday, or hide in a hut and secretly pray to the rain girl.

I heard that the Pope is quite old... I wonder if he is interested in the Peach Blossom Demon's blessing...

"Qing'an! Come with me!" Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly ran from the backyard. When she saw Hanyu Qing'an, she pulled him and ran behind him.

"Do you want to take a hot spring bath now? Are you in such a hurry?" Hanyu Qing'an was surprised.

"What hot spring? I want you to see the garden." Suzuki Sonoko pulled him to the edge of the garden, pointed to the ground and said, "I planted it just the day before yesterday and it bloomed today. Isn't it a little too fast?"

"Well, speed is indeed not always a good thing." Hanyu Qing'an nodded.

"That is to say, at this rate, won't these flowers wither away tomorrow?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the spring scenery in the garden and the colorful flowers, but her face was not happy at all.

Although it is beautiful, it will be gone tomorrow...

Just when she was worried, a small paper man was dancing with very small gardening scissors, as if he wanted to say something.

"Use flower branches to write on the ground. You should all have mastered the basics of writing now." Hanyu Qing'an said very strictly.

I don’t know what’s going on with the system. The skills the little paper man can learn are all life and production skills, except for literacy.

The little paper man shrank his neck when he heard this, reluctantly cut off a flower with scissors, and then started writing with difficulty on the soft soil while holding the flower branch.

【Flowers are meant to be inserted, and arranged flowers will stay beautiful for a long time.】

Hanyu Qing'an frowned for a while. Although he could understand it, this little paper man had been learning for so long, so why was he still so unskilled in choosing words, making sentences and using grammar?

This chapter has been completed!
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