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421 Gap

At the souvenir shop, Hanyu Qing'an followed the excited Sonoko and it was an eye-opener. The specialties here basically have mermaid elements.

The human body has a fishtail, and then the upper body is wearing nothing...

It’s quite reasonable. What kind of clothes do mermaids wear? It’s just these mermaid pendant amulets that most people are embarrassed to hang outside, right?

"Why do I feel that your eyes are lustful?" Yuanzi suddenly turned around and asked.

Hanyu Qing'an was very wronged, "I was just wondering if these things can really be sold? It's not that I belittle the local characteristics here, but the shapes of these mermaids are so bizarre that they are not even ugly. I still have a very good aesthetic sense."

It’s normal, you should know.”

Yuanzi thought to herself, these mermaid specialties are too abstract, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not good for the boss to hear you."

Hanyu Qing'an flicked her forehead, "Isn't that what you asked?"

The two of them were joking around when suddenly someone pushed the door open and came in. The boss said helplessly: "This guest, I have told you everything I know about Shazhi. I really can't think of anything else.


Hattori Heiji came in and waved his hand, "Ah, no, I just came to see them."

"Heiji?" Toyama Kazuha, who was teasing Yuzu with mermaid pie, stood up in surprise, "Have you finished investigating?"

Hattori Heiji came over and leaned against the counter in frustration, "No, there are too few clues. I only know that Monkyo Saori lost the dugong arrow, and then she was in panic all day, fearing the mermaid's revenge.

Then she suddenly disappeared three days ago. The last time anyone saw her before that was Shimabukuro Kimie of the Federation Shrine. She was a friend of Kadokyo Saori and had accompanied Kadokyo Saori to the island four days ago.

Went to the dentist."

Hearing this, Hanyu Qing'an asked: "Have you heard anything special about the legend of immortality?"

Hattori Heiji touched his chin and said seriously: "The old lady Shimabukuro who is in charge of the dugong festival here, the villagers say she is almost 200 years old, is the one who was said to have eaten mermaid meat in the news.

But I asked old Mrs. Shimabukuro’s granddaughter, that is Shimabukuro Kime, and she said she was only one hundred and thirty years old, which is not that exaggerated.”

"Huh? One hundred and thirty years old is quite a lot." Yuanzi sighed.

Hanyu Qing'an shook his head, "It's just that we can't say it's really special. This age is far from the world's longevity record."

If nothing else, Hanyu Qing'an clearly remembers an ancient couplet describing a long-lived old man - the reunion of sixty-year-olds adds thirty-seven years; the double celebration of ancient and rare years adds one spring and autumn.

Sixty years after her sixtieth birthday, it will be one hundred and twenty years before we meet again. Add another three, seven and twenty-one years, and she will be one hundred and forty-one years old. This is still ancient times. A 130-year-old old lady can only be said to have lived a long life.

"Have you seen that old lady?" Hanyu Qingan asked after thinking for a while.

Hattori Heiji shrugged, "I asked Ms. Shimabukuro, and she said that the old lady had to prepare for tonight's festival and was very busy. She didn't have time to meet guests at the moment."

"It's normal, the festival is really busy." Hanyu Qing'an nodded understandingly.

Toru Amuro on the side didn't know what he understood. He was responsible for coordinating and arranging the ceremony at Hanyu Shrine, and the president just showed up...

But he still said with a smile on his face: "President, I have already arranged this. I have also met Miss Shimabukuro and made an appointment with her to meet the old Shimabukuro woman after the festival."


Hattori Heiji was stunned, "No way, how did you do it? She was obviously a little impatient when I asked her, so she hurriedly started doing things."

Toru Amuro said matter-of-factly: "I just asked directly, nothing special. She even invited me to see where she works."

"..." Hattori Heiji opened his mouth, but hesitated. The difference in treatment was too obvious!

Seeing that he was a little shocked, Toru Amuro comforted him: "Don't take it to heart, maybe because she and I are colleagues in a sense, and we have a common language when talking about the work of the shrine."

Hattori Heiji suddenly felt better.

Toru Amuro turned to Hanyu Kiyosu and said, "I also got a more detailed explanation about the Dugong Arrow from Ms. Shimabukuro.

It was originally just a cursed arrow with an exorcism spell cast on it, but the people on the island arbitrarily associated it with the dugong."

Hattori Heiji:……

"Miss Shimabukuro's mother told her this. In addition, her parents were buried at sea five years ago. Even her grandparents disappeared at sea before she was born. Now only she and her great-grandmother depend on each other." Toru Amuro said with some emotion.


Hattori Heiji said angrily: "...Except for the matter of Monkyo Saori, she didn't tell me anything else."

Toyama and Ye murmured from the side: "Do you think you are as handsome as Mr. Amuro and popular with girls? Only I can tolerate your weird temper."

Hattori Heiji was unconvinced and said: "I also gained something, okay? At least Monkyo Saori's other two friends told me a lot, but it's a little strange that Shimabukuro Kimie, the heir of the shrine, has no idea about mermaids and immortality.

Don't believe it at all.

On the contrary, several of her friends from childhood to adulthood firmly believed in this. Not only was the doorkeeper Saori panicked because of the missing dugong arrow, but both Ebihara Hisumi and Kuroe Naoko were also talking about it."

After speaking, he looked at Hanyu Qingan and said, "It's completely different here. Strangers are half-doubtful about Onmyoji, or even don't believe it at all. But the more people know you, the more convinced they are."

Yuanzi put his hands on his hips and said, "Of course, because Qing'an is really powerful."

Seeing her like this, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering. It was really a husband and a wife who followed each other.

"The president's wife is right." Toru Amuro agreed with a smile, "Real gold is not afraid of fire. Only what is authentic and credible the more you know about it, the more certain it is. The legend of immortality here is most likely just to promote tourism.


But there’s no need to jump to conclusions so quickly, just wait until the festival is over and visit the old Shimabukuro woman and you’ll find out.”

Sonoko blushed slightly when she heard his name, but she felt happy in her heart. She hugged Hanyu Qing'an's arm tightly, lowered her head and smiled stupidly.

Hehehe...the president's wife...Amuro is still a very sensible person.

After hearing this, Hanyu Qing'an said: "In that case, let's go shopping around first and wait until after the festival. Amuro, you should lead the way next."

Toru Amuro nodded, "Okay, President, do you like fishing?"

"Fishing?" Hanyu Qing'an was stunned for a moment. He had always heard about fishing before, saying it was the best hobby for middle-aged men and a paradise to escape troubles, but he never thought of trying it.

"Then try fishing."

When Yuzi heard about the fish, she couldn't help but shed tears on her lips.

This chapter has been completed!
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