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443 Toru Amuro wants to scold her

Time goes back to two days ago.

Toru Amuro had just finished talking to Kuroda Hei on the phone. After hanging up, he received an email from Belmode. The content was very simple - emergency contact.

Immediately, in the dead of night, Toru Amuro quietly left the apartment and headed to the meeting place.

Braving the cold wind at night, he rushed to his destination, which was on the roof of an abandoned building. Toru Amuro looked at the situation in front of him, a little surprised.

Gin was leaning on the half-height fence at the edge of the building, with one leg propped up and his hands crossed. The cigarette in his hand had accumulated a bunch of cigarette butts and was teetering on the edge, but Gin didn't seem to notice.

Even when Toru Amuro arrived, Gin didn't make any move.

At first glance, Gin seemed to be still aloof, but when Toru Amuro looked closely, he found that his eyes hidden behind the smoke were blank, and his thoughts seemed to be drifting away with the smoke.

"What's wrong with Gin?" Toru Amuro walked to Bermod on the other side and asked in a low voice.

The corner of Belmod's mouth raised, with an inexplicable smile, and he said: "We encountered a major blow."

Toru Amuro squinted his eyes and asked curiously: "Gin will also be hit? This is really strange..."

Belmod sighed and said quietly: "In this situation, there is nothing that can't be said. Something big has happened in the organization."

"Oh?" Toru Amuro immediately cheered up, could he finally tell himself?

"The BOSS is dead."

"Is that so..." Toru Amuro didn't react immediately, but his eyes suddenly widened and he looked into Bermod's eyes in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

Belmod nodded. It was unclear whether he was disappointed or happy. Maybe it was both. It was very complicated, but in short, he seemed to be in a much better mood than Gin.

Toru Amuro became wary, could this be another game? The last test on Mermaid Island was not over, now continue?

Belmod seemed to have seen through his thoughts, "Don't think too much, it's true. Now our strength is limited and we must stick together to get through the difficulties, so there is no need to have any doubts."

"No, you suddenly told me that the boss is dead. It's really hard for me to accept it right away." Toru Amuro said helplessly.

Belmode raised his chin towards Gin, "It's hard for him to accept it, and I'm actually about the same."

Toru Amuro looked at Gin's appearance and immediately believed it a little more. With Gin's style, he would not deceive himself by performing such a show himself.

To take a step back, even if Gin changed his style or had to put down his body to do this kind of thing for some reason, then he is still not qualified. Akai Shuichi did not receive such treatment at the beginning.

"So, can you tell me what's going on? I'm completely blind now, and I'm still on the way to perform the mission of the undercover funeral home. You actually told me that the BOSS is gone, so my mission..."

Toru Amuro is really a little numb. His ultimate mission in the undercover winery is to dig out the BOSS. But now someone tells him that the BOSS is dead. Then his hard work and Jingguang's sacrifice are a bit... funny.


Bermod walked up to Toru Amuro and patted his shoulder, "I can understand your mood, because when I first found out, I couldn't believe it just like you, ugh..."

While smoking a cigarette, Belmode explained the matter in detail in the moonlight and evening breeze.

The incident started the night before Hanyu Kiyosu went to Mermaid Island. At that time, Bermod informed Amuro Toru on the phone that they noticed Rum's suspicion and planned to do something.

Their plan is actually very simple. They take advantage of Curacao's arrival to deliver supplies and issue new missions to capture him and force him to question him.

It sounds very straightforward, but there are prerequisites. The orders from the superiors in the organization are absolute. From the moment Gin and others decide to resist, they can be directly labeled as traitors by Rum and hunted down with all the strength of the organization.

So they must be confident enough to catch Rum by his pigtails, otherwise they will die miserably, even if they are members of the BOSS.

After all, BOSS Karasuma Renya has always been cold-blooded, they are just tools.

However, just when they suddenly killed the men brought by Curacao and were about to interrogate him, Curacao suddenly said that their series of missions in Europe were over and they could return to the headquarters.

At that time, Gin, Bellmode and others were numb and felt that they had been tricked.

With Gin's temper, he decided to kill Curacao on the spot, but he was stopped by Belmod, who asked Curacao to speak clearly.

Unexpectedly, Curacao brought news that would even stun Gin - the BOSS was dead.

Next, without any need for Gin and Belmode to press, Curacao informed the situation without any concealment.

Because the BOSS died suddenly, everyone was caught off guard, but they must hide it first, otherwise the organization will be in chaos.

Without BOSS's suppression, Rum's prestige is not enough, so he can only seize the time to reorganize the organization before the news spreads.

While sending all the undercover traitors to Hanyu Qingyasu's hands, they also transferred the core resources of the organization and directly abandoned those parts that had been infiltrated.

The golden toad sheds its shell!

The task that Gin and others are performing is actually to create high pressure on the members of the organization performing tasks outside during this critical period to avoid accidents.

Curacao comforted Gin and others, saying that this was for the sake of the overall situation, and he did not deliberately exploit you. He did not tell you because he wanted to keep it as secret as possible.

This was an awe-inspiring statement, but both Gin and Belmode scoffed. Rum would be damned if he really thought so!

However, it seems that Curacao, a woman with a weak head, really believes Rum's lies and doesn't know Rum's true plan. Gin and others also know that they probably can't get anything out of her.

Tohru Amuro interrupted Bermod's story and asked: "Then what do you think the truth is?"

Belmod sneered, "Rum and BOSS originally disagreed on the issue of organizational development, but because he did not dare to resist BOSS's orders, he has been conscientiously implementing BOSS's plan.

Now that the BOSS is dead and he, Rum, has become the biggest one, he naturally has to follow his ideas. The so-called restructuring of the organization is actually to eliminate dissidents.

However, objectively speaking, the current situation of the organization is indeed very dangerous. Rum's decision to move the organization and hide it deeper is no problem.

It’s just that the abandoned people don’t think so, and of course, that includes us.”

Toru Amuro asked in disbelief: "You mean... we have all been abandoned?"

Bermod looked at Toru Amuro with a half-smile and nodded, "Of course, including me and you, because of the existence of Onmyoji, it is very dangerous to continue to stay in Japan, so Rum has completely withdrawn the organization from Japan. .

Those who are left behind are all abandoned!"

Toru Amuro is a civilized person, but now he really wants to scold his mother!

This chapter has been completed!
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