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449 I Can't Be Presumptuous

Judy's heart was beating violently at this time. She realized a year ago that Chris Wynyard was the enemy who killed her parents.

At Sharon Wynyard's funeral, Chris Wynyard once said something - A secret makes a woman woman.

Twenty years ago, the enemy who killed her parents said exactly the same thing!

Afterwards, Judy compared the fingerprints on the eyes handed to her by the murderer back then with Chris's fingerprints. Not only did she find that the two were exactly the same, they were even exactly the same as Sharon's fingerprints!

In other words, Chris and Sharon are actually the same person!!!

Before coming to Japan and meeting Hanyu Kiyosu, Judy could not understand why Bellmode had not aged at all in 20 years.

Even now, the emergence of Onmyoji has made all countries aware of the existence of mysterious power, and Belmod's situation is still very special.

You must know that even onmyoji, an existence that is completely beyond imagination and possesses the magical power to rejuvenate, cannot achieve the same level as Belmod.

Hanyu Kiyoan's blessing technique can indeed make people energetic and make them look younger, but the effect of the blessing technique is not long-lasting and needs to be replenished daily.

And Belmode has been like this from twenty years ago to now. This is obviously not the same as the blessing technique. There is another mysterious power behind her.

Judy knew that all she needed to do now was to report Belmod's situation truthfully, and the big shots who had been attracted by Onmyoji for a long time would definitely take it seriously.

Naturally, there is no need for evidence or anything like that. Belmod will definitely be taken away directly.

But what awaits Belmod is definitely not legal punishment, but experimental research. She will be well protected and kept as important materials and clues until the higher authorities find out what happened to her.

Although the procedure is much simpler, the situation is actually more complicated, because now the Onmyoji is the top priority, and Judy's current task is to get close to the Onmyoji and find out all relevant information.

If what she did disrupted this mission, the higher ups wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

At the same time, if she kills Belmod, she will also cut off the chance to find out from Belmod the reason why she remains young, so the higher-ups will probably still be very dissatisfied.

So the best result is to capture them alive without affecting the current task.

Judy can ignore the above attitude, and indeed she is not afraid of being severely punished for it, but there are other colleagues besides her here. Although she doesn't know who they are, once she acts recklessly, she may bring danger to them.

Moreover, once she kills someone in the shrine, it is almost 100% certain that the Onmyoji will know about it. Her identity is already a semi-open secret. The Onmyoji will definitely anger the Federation because of this, and I am afraid it will not be able to end easily.

Both of the above points are unacceptable to her.

Even if you don't consider the subsequent impact, just look at the current situation, the shrine is a mixed bag, and it's unknown how many members of the organization are hidden. In a sense, this is Belmode's home field.

In addition to her colleagues who were unaware of the situation, she had no way of knowing their situation, but Belmode was likely to know her identity.

Judy, is not dominant.

She sighed in her heart, if only she hadn't met Belmode here...

"You seem to have some troubles. If you don't mind, you can tell me." Belmod raised his head and smiled.

Judy's heart tightened, and she tried to calm down the turmoil in her chest, and said in a calm tone: "I'm not worried. It's just that the weather has been bad recently, so I'm a little upset. Please have some tea."

Belmode took the tea cup, looked at the green tea soup, smiled slightly, and brought it to his mouth without hesitation, without the slightest worry about Judy tampering with it.

"It tastes good, but I'm still used to drinking black tea."

Judy watched her put down the teacup and said, "I thought Miss Chris, as a federal citizen, preferred drinking coffee."

Belmod didn't answer, but asked: "Have we met somewhere before? Miss Miko."

Judy smiled, "Maybe we passed each other on a certain street?"

"Ah, it sounds like we are very destined." Bermod tilted his head and looked at Judy.

"That's right." Judy followed her words, "The president asked me to comfort you. I don't know what to say. It's just that the deceased has passed away. Please bear with me and bear with me."

Belmode shook his head slightly, "It doesn't matter, death is also a kind of relief, especially for some people who have lived for too long and lived in too much pain."

Judy couldn't help but said: "Oh? I didn't expect that Miss Chris would have such mature ideas at such a young age."

Belmod looked at her with a half-smile, "There is no conflict between physical youth and rich experience, not to mention that I just look young."

Judy's glasses reflected the light and asked: "So, Miss Chris, can you tell me your age?"

Belmode raised her finger in front of her lips, as if provoking, "A secret makes a woman woman, a woman's age is an eternal secret~"

Judy was silent. She was shaken by her decision just now. She now wanted to take revenge directly.

Just when Judy was wavering, Toru Amuro came. He looked at the two of them with a smile, "It seems like you guys get along well?"

Belmode smiled gracefully, nodded and said, "This Witch Judy is very good at comforting people. I feel much better now."

This knife went straight into Judy's heart.

Whether it was the FBI or the organization, Toru Amuro was extremely disgusted. He didn't know what happened to Judy, so he shot him back without mercy.

"That's great. I'm worried that you guys won't get along well with each other. The shrine is a quiet place. If something bad happens, I won't be able to explain it to the president."

Toru Amuro reminded both parties that Onmyoji's territory does not allow for arrogance, so they should not do anything excessive.

"The president has made preparations. Next, we will escort Mr. Karasuma's body to the Twilight Hall. If Miss Wynyard's condition improves, then we will be ready to leave."

"I have no problem, I can leave at any time." Belmode stood up, nodded to Judy and said: "Thank you, Miss Judy, for your comfort. I will also trouble you about the following funeral."

"I will do my best." Judy's head was slightly lowered, her expression could not be seen clearly through her reflective glasses, and her tone was a little dejected.

The three of them left the lounge and came to the square. They were about to carry the coffin onto the ship. As a "filial son", Gin was arranged to carry the coffin for BOSS.

So with the help of Akai Shuichi, Kazami Yuya and Calvados, Gin carried the coffin on his shoulders, and the four of them carefully sent the ice coffin onto the airship.

Kamel was originally supposed to help, but he was too big and the shoulder height of the others was not balanced, so he had to be replaced by Yuya Kazami.

This chapter has been completed!
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