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Chapter 477 Extra

Chapter 477 Extra

In a classroom at Mihua University, Hanyu Qingan was wearing glasses, holding a book in his hand, speaking clearly and calmly to the students in the lecture theater.

"Many people mistakenly believe that the "Book of Changes" is the "Book of Changes" and the "Book of Changes" is the "Book of Changes". In fact, this view is wrong.

To put it simply, the difference between Zhouyi and Yi Jing is the difference in subordination. "Yijing" contains "Zhouyi".

"Zhou Li Chun Guan Da Divination" says: "The method of mastering the three changes, one is called Lianshan, the second is called Guizang, and the third is called Zhouyi."

There are only three Yishu, among which "Lianshan" and "Guizang" have been lost, and only "Zhouyi" exists in the world, so when people mention "Yijing", they usually refer to "Zhouyi".

Your main task this semester is to read through this book. You are not required to be proficient, as long as you understand the general meaning. Don’t worry about the final exam, it won’t be too difficult.”

A student in the audience raised his hand, and Hanyu Kiyosu signaled him to ask a question.

"Teacher, I heard from my seniors that during the exam last year, you asked them to perform divination according to the method in "The Book of Changes"? Will it be done this year too?"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Indeed, there will be one this year as an additional question."

The students were immediately in an uproar and started talking. Someone raised their hands and asked: "Can you really predict the future after learning the Book of Changes?"

Hanyu Qingyasu explained: "The "Book of Changes" has indeed been used as a "divination" for a long time, but its divination is not to accurately predict the specific results of the future, but to speculate on the future development direction of things based on the current situation."

Another student raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I heard that you learned the technique from the Book of Changes. Is this true?"

Hanyu Qingan said helplessly: "Who did you listen to?"

"The students who took the elective course last year have seen you perform magic with their own eyes. Can we also see it?"

There was an uproar in the audience, and many well-informed students excitedly talked about the rumors they had heard.

Hanyu Qing'an tapped the blackboard with his book, "Those who get full marks in the final exam and answer the additional questions correctly will be shown to you later. Please listen to the class quietly now."

The students became quiet, but curiosity could be seen in their eyes.

The first class of the new semester has ended, and Hanyu Qing'an is a little helpless. It seems that he can't stay here any longer. All the students are full of curiosity.

After class was over, the students dispersed in twos and threes, and in the end only the girl in the first row remained, none other than Sonoko.

"Originally, I wanted to spend the entire four years of college with you, but now it seems that I can only be by myself next year."

After attending university in Yuanzi, Hanyu Qing'an found a way to get here as an ordinary lecturer. Mihua University is not a prestigious school, so it is not so strict in all aspects. He found connections and easily became a lecturer in the Chinese Department here.

Responsible for a weekly elective course.

Yuanzi sorted out her notes and closed the book, "Next year will be my senior year, and I won't have that many classes. I won't be in school for that long. You can make up my classes at home~"

Seeing Sonoko tilting her chin and blinking her eyes, Hanyu Qing'an took off his glasses, which were only for decoration, and said with a smile: "I really need to give you a lot of extra lessons. It's been three years and you haven't graduated from my class. You're really not a good person."

What a good student."

Yuanzi straightened her long hair and said pointedly: "A good student doesn't need you to make up lessons~"

The two of them chatted and laughed and left the campus. There were no classes today, so they happened to go to the shrine to take a look. In the past two years, the hotel near the shrine has also been taking care of the garden, and she has really become a boss lady.

When we arrived at the small courtyard behind the shrine, we saw seven-year-old Yuzu flying around on a broomstick, her laughter like silver bells echoing in the air.

Yuanzi quickly called her down and scolded: "Didn't I tell you? Don't fly so high, it's very dangerous, but you just didn't listen!"

Yuzi happily jumped into her arms and rubbed against her for a while, "It's okay. I'm very proficient in flying now. Hongzi's mother even praised me for learning quickly."

Hanyu Qing'an had no choice but to correct him: "That's Master, don't call her mom all the time, she's not married yet."

Yuzi poked her head out of Yuanzi's arms, "But Yuanzi's mother wasn't married back then? Besides, it wasn't my father who told me that Master is both a teacher and a father, so does he want me to respect him?"

Hongzi’s mother is a girl, so she can’t be her father, so she can only be her mother, right?”

Hanyu Qing'an grabbed her face that was still full of baby fat and said angrily: "I know she is a talkative. She was so good when she was a child. So, is a seven or eight-year-old child such a naughty child?"

Yuanzi said cheerfully: "Nonsense, Yuzi was also very good at talking when she was a child. Besides, Yuzi is already well-behaved. Have you forgotten what those kids in the Junior Detective Corps did back then?

At least Yuzi is not that naughty, and he has been helping me take care of Xiaolian... Oh, by the way, where is your brother Xiaolian?"

Yuzi pointed at the small courtyard and said, "Play in the courtyard..."

But several people looked over and found no one.

"You were obviously still here just now..." Yuzi suddenly panicked.

Hanyu Qing'an patted her head and said, "It's okay, I can't throw it away. He has a charm on him. I'll look for it..."

The setting sun dyed the horizon a bright red. Gin had been staring at this scene for a long time. He was standing at the entrance of a dark alley, half leaning against the wall, and the cigarette in his mouth was emitting smoke drifting in the wind.

Three female high school students passed by happily and noticed this scene.

"Look, look, there's a handsome guy over there."

"Really, he's the cold type. I love him so much. His hair is so long, almost reaching his ankles. How about we go up and strike up a conversation?"

"Don't worry, the one parked next to you is a hearse..."

"Uh...it's true. No wonder he is wearing all black. What a pity. If such a handsome guy drives a sports car, I will definitely fall into his trap!"

"The hearse is actually not bad. Do you know Buffett? I heard that when he was in high school, he was not interested in going to school and wanted to make money, so he bought a second-hand hearse and rented it out to make money, and then he also drove the hearse to pick up girls..."

"You're lying, right? How can someone drive a hearse to pick up girls?"

"Really, the Federation thinks this is cool."

"Haha? Isn't this a little too early for humans?"

"It's just a cultural difference."

"However, I have to say that even though he is driving a hearse and is so handsome, I can't help but be moved."

"Don't rush in, just stand on my side and take a look..."


The three female high school students took two more steps forward and could see the scene behind Gin across the street.

I saw a very cute little shota, holding Gin's long hair, standing there with wide eyes, dazed along with her, as if she was confused about her situation.

Just then, an equally handsome man passed by and stopped.

"Gin? Long time no see. Are you... taking care of the child?" Akai Shuichi said with a strange expression.

Gin looked away, threw the cigarette with only the butt on the ground and stamped it out, looked at Akai Shuichi with cold eyes, "Is something wrong?"

"Just passing by." Akai Shuichi couldn't help but reveal a weird smile after saying that, "You look like this... It's really hard to imagine."

Gin's eyes twitched and he said impatiently: "If nothing happens, just get out."

Akai Shuichi didn't care about his attitude and asked very familiarly: "How is the recent development of the organization? Is there anything you need help with?"

Which pot should not be opened?

Gin just felt like his heart was clogged. Bourbon said at the beginning that the organization should have a better disguise. It just happened that a charity fund needed to be established to avoid taxes, so he simply used the charity organization as a cover.

He and Bellmode felt that there was some truth to it. The current situation was difficult, and how to survive better was far more important than making the organization bigger and stronger.

This was after Yuan Jiaming told him that the organization's database was suddenly destroyed that morning, and he was silent for three days and three nights before thinking about it.

Rum's fate made him think more. If he took over the organization himself, the fate of the organization might not be better. After all, he originally felt that there was no need to continue researching the elixir of life.

After all, Onmyoji exists...

It’s just that four years have passed, and the membership of the organization has expanded several times. But apart from collecting some dirty information about financial and political figures, it is just doing charity!

...That's not entirely true. At least the money in the charity fund is not less, but more and more. There is really no need to worry about funds, and the quantity and quality of personnel are actually developing very well.

It's just that...the organization has always lacked a bit of the temperament it once had and the goals it strives for.

"It seems like you haven't given up yet. Keep working hard. I'm leaving first. By the way, if you unearth valuable information from that pile of debris again, don't forget to contact me." Akai Shuichi was still so irritating.

Gin said coldly: "From what standpoint do you say this?"

Akai Shuichi said solemnly: "You should also be paying attention to the dark web platform, right?"

"Your new goal?"

"Well, you care about it, right? According to my investigation, Rum had this plan at the beginning, so who is taking over this plan now?

This thing is exactly what you need, isn't it? How about long-lost cooperation?"

Gin was silent for a while, then nodded slowly...before he nodded, the child behind him grabbed his hair.


Gin glanced at Akai Shuichi and said expressionlessly: "Saburo went to buy some. Wait a minute."


Akai Shuichi tightened his expression and said, "Let's go first."


He didn't take a few steps, and there seemed to be laughter. Gin immediately stared at Akai Shuichi's back coldly, and the laughter disappeared.

"Brother! I'm back." Vodka ran back sweating profusely, with oden in his left hand and octopus balls in his right hand.

"Give it to him quickly and let him loosen his hair." Gin urged.

"Hi." Vodka hurriedly squatted down with his huge body and offered the food to the child.

With food, the child finally let go of Gin's hair and began to eat happily.

"Brother, why don't you send him back first before going to work, otherwise it will be really inconvenient."


"Is that Shuichi Akai just now?"


"Does he still want to arrest us?"

"No, there are no normal people in the funeral home. He doesn't dare to break the unspoken rules and reveal everyone's identity."

"Then he is..."

"Oh, cooperate and check the dark web."

"Ah? Didn't that say it was related to the federal military?"

"Well, it's interesting, isn't it? Federal investigators investigating the federal military."

Vodka didn't say anything. It's been a long time since I've seen my eldest brother so energetic. It's good. Since the great changes four years ago, my eldest brother has become more and more silent. He looks like those retired old people who have nothing to do all day long and are a little depressed.

"Found it." Hanyu Qing'an's voice came from the alley.

Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "You are still eating there, why don't you come over quickly? What will my silly son do?"

"Don't always call him stupid. This is called calmness and a good character." Hanyu Qing'an said with a smile, then looked at Gin and Vodka, "Will it delay your work? I will take him away right away."

Vodka shook his head quickly, "It's okay, President, at least he's well-behaved and doesn't make trouble."

These words made Hanyu Qing'an and Sonoko feel a little embarrassed. Yuzu had made a fuss before. After learning a magic, she always wanted to try it, but ended up focusing on gin and vodka.

"You are busy, so I won't disturb you." Hanyu Qingan took his wife and children and left immediately, so as not to delay the employees' work.

Hanyu Qing'an's family of four returned to the courtyard. Ame and Peach Blossom Demon, who had regained consciousness, were watching the little paper people trimming flowers and plants in the backyard. Xiao Lian immediately ran to Ame.


Yu Nu then gently helped him pour tea.

Yuanzi covered his face and said, "What should I do? This stupid kid has been like this all day long. Except when he is thirsty and hungry, he doesn't talk much at all and doesn't move much. He just stays in a daze."

Hanyu Qing'an comforted him: "Don't worry, such a child can be promising, and he is not stupid. Didn't he learn everything he was taught?"

Yuanzi said speechlessly: "But he is too lazy, too lazy to talk, too lazy to play."

"Geniuses are like this too. They probably have nothing to communicate with ordinary people. Anyway, Yu Nu has treated him many times, so there's no problem at all, right?"

Sonoko suddenly slapped the stone table, startling Yuzu, "I just remembered it when you said it. I almost forgot that Officer Megure had contacted me before and said that he had something to ask of him and invited us to visit his house tomorrow."

"What's going on?" Hanyu Qing'an asked curiously.

Yuanzi said mysteriously: "Officer Mu Mu has never had a child, have you forgotten? He wants you to help with treatment."

Hanyu Qing'an frowned and said, "Why didn't he mention it earlier? It's been several years, sorry?"

Sonoko shook her head, "Probably not. I communicated with Auntie Xiaolu and she said that Officer Memu has used the Metropolitan Police Department's public treatment qualifications twice due to work-related injuries in the past few years.

But it seems that because he has too many old injuries and a lot of major and minor ailments, he may not have been treated in that regard.

Of course, Auntie Xiaolu said that she suspected that the problem might be with her, and that Officer Memu might be normal."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Okay, let's go there tomorrow, there's nothing to do anyway."

Yuanzi conveniently carried his son, who had eaten and drank enough and started to feel sleepy, into his arms, patted his back and coaxed him to sleep.

"Speaking of infertility, do you still remember the Shijing family?"

"Well, remember, Reika Shrine."

"Reika Shrine is basically idle now, and it is not taken care of as carefully as before. All the previous business methods have been stopped."

Hanyu Qing'an took a sip of tea and nodded, "It was expected. When President Yosui had a son three years ago, it was doomed."

Yuzi on the side was bored. She was at a lively and active age and didn't like to hear these short-lived parents. She said with a grimace: "Mom, can I go out to play?"

"Where are you going?" Yuanzi asked warily, "You are not allowed to fly around. What if you fall?"

Yuzi knew that she couldn't argue with her, so she said dejectedly: "Then can't I go to the doctor's house? I want to go and play with Sister Xiaoai."

"That's okay. I just want to go there too," Hanyu Qing'an said, "The doctor told me before that the AR glasses were successfully developed and asked me to take a look when I have time."

"So fast?" Yuanzi was a little surprised.

"After all, Sindora Company has a ready-made technical foundation." Hanyu Qingyasu explained.

In that incident four years ago, Sindora Group was one of the compensations Shiro Suzuki received from the federation.

Because of that conspiracy, fully enclosed game cabins were no longer accepted, and no matter how good the safety promotion was, it was useless. Hanyu Kiyosu and others did not like it, so they turned to the development of head-mounted glasses.

Two years of VR and two years of AR.

"Then watch out for Yuzi and don't let her use magic again." Yuanzi said, giving Yuzi a warning look, "When you put Xiaolian back in the house, I'll go out too. I'll go shopping with Xiaolan."

Hanyu Kiyosu reminded: "Conan is in Kudo mode recently. The two of them are still going on a date to live in a world of two, right?"

The information previously promised by Bellmode was given to Miyano Akemi as promised, but after receiving it, Haibara Ai found that it was incomplete and that a lot of important experimental data was missing.

But there were only so many that Belmod and others could find. The others had been taken away by Rum a long time ago and disappeared without a trace.

Therefore, the development of Haihara Ai's antidote has been affected. Up to now, only one pill can restore Conan for more than half a month, and then he has to wait a few days before using it again.

This resulted in Kudo Shinichi always taking a few days off sick every month, which caused unreasonable associations among his classmates.

"What do you call the two of them dating?" Yuanzi sneered, "We only know how to discuss and write books when we get together. It's so stupid to write books. Then all day long, either you comfort me or I comfort you. Why don't I take them shopping together to relax?

one time."

Hanyu Qing'an knew that Xiaolan and Xiaolan had encountered a bottleneck in writing books recently, because there were not so many cases. If the two of them wrote out of thin air, various problems would always arise, and as a result, they would be chased and scolded by readers.

It was only then that they realized how difficult it was to become a famous writer like Kudo Yusaku.

However, both of them are not people who give up easily. They have been encouraging and supporting each other and striving to make breakthroughs.

"Okay, you can take them out to relax." Hanyu Qing'an nodded.

After settling down Xiaolian, he first sent Yuanzi away, and then Hanyu Qingan took Yuzu to Dr. Ali's house.

"Sister Xiaoai, I'm here~"

Yuzi went into the basement very excitedly. Haihara Ai, who was doing experiments inside, shook his hands, and the medicine in the test tube was immediately invalidated.

But she didn't feel bad, because although Yuzi was clingy, the magic she learned provided Haibara Ai with a new idea.

She is currently trying the combination of technology and magic. If successful, a complete antidote will be available soon.

Hanyu Qing'an found the doctor and saw the latest version of glasses. He turned a deaf ear to Dr. Agasa's introduction and tried it directly.

"The effect is good. I feel like it's ready for mass production. How is the game being prepared?"

Dr. A Li smiled proudly and said, "The demo has been made. Do you want to try it?"

The game they are talking about is a special game that will be launched on AR glasses. It is an ambitious game that will set off a national wave.

"Of course." Hanyu Qing'an nodded.

After Dr. A Li adjusted it, he stood still in the living room, a string of characters floated across his glasses, and finally entered a game interface.

Three large splash-ink characters came into view - "Onmyoji"...

(End of chapter)

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