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054 Conflict at the Funeral

Shopping and going to the amusement park happened a few days ago. Since that day, Hanyu Kiyosu has been staying at home and not going out much. The specific work has been left to Amuro Toru and Miyano Akemi.

Because this funeral is different from the last one, the guests are not many relatives and friends of the deceased, but a group of high-ranking police officials. Hanyu Kiyoyasu obviously can no longer do everything personally. This will not be considered approachable, but will be detrimental to the public.

The image of a superior person.

Fortunately, after the last run-in, the two capable men were already able to start on their own, so everything from preparing the purchase, to collecting the corpse, enclosing and beautifying the body was left to the two of them and three hard-working little paper figures.

On the day of the funeral, as evening approached, Toru Amuro finished the preparations at Lawyer Tatsumi's house and drove the hearse back to report the progress of the work to Hanyu Kiyosu and pick him up at the same time.

Seian Hanyu sat behind the table at the funeral home, took the check from Toru Amuro, and glanced at the number on it, which was 131 million yen.

The basic specification costs 5 million yen, including the appearance fee for twelve little ghost shikigami, and the one-eyed monk chanting sutras for salvation.

The other shikigami appearance fees are 100 million yen for Kaguya, 10 million yen each for Yuki-onna and Kijiguro, and 1 million yen for Amame.

Coupled with Hanyu Kiyosu's own appearance fee, the cost is so high.

Customers can take it back for reimbursement, and there is no need for Hanyu Qingan to offer any special discounts or zeroes. The original price is pretty good.

After putting the check in the drawer and locking it, Hanyu Kiyoan got up and went downstairs with Toru Amuro. Yuzu had been delivered to Xiaolan's house next door in advance. He could concentrate on work tonight.

"By the way, President, according to you, the scene arranged this time is much more luxurious than last time, but Umezawa and I just can't handle it, even with the help of paper figures, so..."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded understandingly, "It doesn't matter. If you are too busy, just hire some people temporarily. This kind of expenditure is very reasonable."

Toru Amuro hesitated and said: "Uh... I'm not talking about that, I'm saying that the Metropolitan Police saw that we were too busy, so they asked someone to help with it."

Hanyu Qing'an was a little surprised, but he didn't care too much, "Then you can express your gratitude for me later."

Although his work is bound to have a lot to do with the Metropolitan Police Department, he still doesn't want to get too close to them. An "acquaintance" like Officer Megure is okay, forget about the higher-ups.

As if he heard the implicit attitude in Hanyu Qingyasu's words, Toru Amuro reminded: "Two of Officer Megure's subordinates happened to be on vacation, so I was able to lend a hand. They are quite nice people."

"There is another person with an unusual identity..."

"Oh?" Hanyu Qing'an slowed down.

Toru Amuro continued: "The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police, his name is Hideki Morohoshi. He is still in elementary school and was sent to help by his family."

Hanyu Qingan looked calm and showed no reaction.

Toru Amuro glanced at his face and said, "I didn't help him much, but he was quite trouble-making. He even wanted to tear open the paper man and study it, but I stopped him."

As Toru Amuro took out three small paper figures from his pocket, Hanyu Kiyosu took them. The paper figures seemed to be following Toru Amuro's words to accuse something, and danced.

Hanyu Qing'an comforted the little paper man and said: "Children are naughty and need education, but there is no need for us to be troublesome. Someone will naturally take care of it."

After saying that, the two got into the hearse and rushed to the funeral site.

We were speechless all the way. When we arrived near Lawyer Xun's house, we saw wreaths lined with flowers on both sides of the road, which was very grand.

Hanyu Qing'an got off the hearse and noticed a figure at the intersection, a girl wearing a white witch costume, wearing wooden clogs, and holding an exquisite wooden box in her hand.

Judging from the figure, it must be Suzuki Sonoko, she was looking around boredly.

Hanyu Qingan walked up to Suzuki Sonoko, looked at the wooden box in her hand and asked curiously: "What are you carrying?"

Suzuki Sonoko smiled proudly, and she couldn't help but be impatient to let him see the results of her special training immediately, "Tea set, didn't you ask me to help you make tea? I brought it from home specially.

Come over with the complete tea set."

In order to show her tea ceremony skills well today, Suzuki Sonoko didn't go anywhere these days, so she took her sister to study hard and practice her tea making techniques.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Hanyu Qing'an reached out and touched her head. Because he had already changed clothes in the car and got into the mood, the smile at the corner of his mouth was undetectable.

Suzuki Sonoko was about to retort, saying that she was no longer a child and should not touch her head all the time, but before she could speak, Hanyu Kiyosu continued:

"You look beautiful in what you wear."

Suzuki Sonoko's train of thought was interrupted, her face turned red, and she asked hesitantly: "Really, really?"

Hanyu Qing'an did not answer, but turned around and walked towards Lawyer Xun's house.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, then stamped her feet angrily, stepping on her clogs and chased after him.

When Hanyu Qing'an walked into the yard of Lawyer Xun's house, a child's voice came from inside.

"I said I was tired, and I asked you to bring me a chair. Didn't you hear me? You looked like a goose."

Sato Miwako protected Takagi Wataru behind her and said in a deep voice: "Takagi has no obligation to do these things for you."

Hideki Morohoshi looked domineering, folded his arms and said, "You have to understand that my grandfather is your boss's immediate boss, so even if you are asked to work like a horse for me, you should be treated like a bull and a horse."

"You are willing to help that Master Hanyu with chores, but you can't even push me to get a chair. You don't want to be a policeman anymore, do you?"

Takagi Wataru carefully tapped Miwako's shoulder with his index finger, covering his mouth and said: "Officer Sato, why don't I go get it for him? It's just a small matter, there's no need to make it so tense."

Miwako Sato refused without even thinking, "Needless to say, Takagi, this is not a matter of the size of the matter. You must do your duty and do what you should do. There is no need to be arrogant about what you shouldn't do. Is it just because he has a good background?

Are you superior to us?"

Hideki Morohoshi said with a sarcastic face, "Isn't my status nobler than yours? Fortunately, you are still adults, so you have to deceive yourself in the face of reality to convince yourself to survive."

Sato Miwako's face became very ugly. She became a police officer not to be a pawn for anyone, but to fulfill the justice in her heart. If not, then her father's death would be too ridiculous.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

Just when the atmosphere was getting tense, Hanyu Kiyosu spoke up. He walked up to Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru, and his completely different attire immediately attracted the attention of several people.


Thank you for the reward last week [Black Hand Chief Xianyuwei, VermOutth, Dan Yingmei, Hanyue 369, Tomorrow's Sorrow 008, Cleansing Powder], thank you for your support~

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