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069 The Secret Meeting of Bourbon and Belmod

"There's one more thing." Toru Amuro's expression became serious.

Belmode motioned for him to continue.

"Tonight I found out that Gin sent someone to spy on Umesawa Masami. What did he want to do?"

When Belmode heard that it was that woman, a trace of disgust flashed across her expression. The last time Bourbon mentioned an outside member with the pseudonym Masami Hirota, she didn't care. It wasn't until recently that she noticed something unusual about Gin, and upon investigation, she discovered this Hirota.

Masami Tian is actually Akemi Miyano!

"Ha... He's just a useless little person. It doesn't matter how Gin wants to deal with it. You, Bourbon, are not here anyway. Collecting intelligence is your specialty." Belmod said disdainfully, if Gin wanted to kill him

It's Miyano Akemi, and she won't be kind enough to stop it.

Amuro Toru noticed her unusual attitude and cautiously tried: "Why do you say that? I am currently leading this work. I have the right to know the situation no matter what, right? Gin is deliberately sabotaging it because of what happened last time.

My mission?"

Seeing that he was a little annoyed, Belmode did not continue to hide it, "Although Gin is unkind, he is not someone who would overstep his authority and interfere with the tasks of other members without reason. The problem is not with that woman, but with her sister—


"Oh?" Toru Amuro was nervous.

Belmode lit a cigarette, and the firelight illuminated her face for a moment, "Shirley has been responsible for an important research work in the organization, but recently...ah, she defected."

She blew out a circle of smoke and sneered: "The little kitten that was regarded as his own ran away. Gin was naturally angry. Although he wouldn't show it, it could be seen from his next actions."

"That woman Miyano Akemi is Shirley's sister. As long as we keep an eye on her, we won't have to worry about Shirley not being found. It is precisely because we have a reason to track down the traitor that Gin will blatantly send people to monitor her."

Toru Amuro's eyes were a little solemn, "Shirley...how could a woman escape from Gin? Or...did Gin do it on purpose, just to find an excuse to intervene in this matter?"

Belmode smiled and said, "Don't be so sensitive, Bourbon. There is no need to doubt Gin's loyalty to the organization. He will not deliberately sabotage your mission for any personal reasons."

"But how Shirley escaped is indeed a mystery... Even Gin himself hasn't found out yet."

Belmode seemed to think this was funny. Gin's deflated expression made her a little happy, and she almost wanted to see Gin's ugly face in person. It must be more interesting.

Amuro Toru said bluntly: "I don't care what his reasons are. At present, my task priority is much higher than his pursuit of traitors. I can't tolerate him causing trouble to me without authorization."

"In addition to the information from the "Book of Changes" this time, the organization should also have other channels to learn about Qinglong. You should know what this means, right?"

Belmode put away her smile. The organization had undercover agents in the Metropolitan Police Department, so she naturally knew about it. This was also the reason why she did not take rash action after discovering Miyano Akemi's identity. Although the adult had loose control over her, he still

I won't let her do whatever she wants on such an important matter.

Amuro Toru stared into her eyes, "No matter what reason Gin has, it can't be more important than this mission, so if he doesn't restrain himself, don't blame me for overreacting."

Belmode raised his eyebrows slightly, "You...are you working so hard for this mission?"

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I just want to take this opportunity to climb higher."

"Oh?" Belmod looked at him playfully, "Bourbon, why didn't I realize you were such an ambitious man before?"

"What man doesn't have ambition?" Toru Amuro replied calmly.

Belmode laughed and said, "I understand, I will report directly to the BOSS. You don't have to worry about Gin will sabotage your mission."

Toru Amuro's heart slowly relaxed.

"In addition, in addition to investigating the abilities of Onmyoji, don't forget to find out the weaknesses of Master Hanyu."

The heart that had just been relieved was raised again, and Toru Amuro sighed secretly, can't you just let me take a break?

Hanyu Kiyosu is leaning on the sofa and watching TV. This era is indeed the golden decade of television. TV series are more beautiful and more enjoyable than in the future.

Although he didn't know anyone about the stars except Okino Yoko, who he met on the TV station yesterday, but just looking at the plot and acting skills, he was worthy of praise.

Yuzi suddenly sighed. Hanyu Qingan was too lazy to look up and asked: "What's wrong, Yuzi, at such a young age, why do you sigh so often?"

Yuzi's soft and waxy voice came from behind the sofa, "Sister Yuanzi hasn't visited Yuzi for several days. Does she not like Yuzi anymore?"

"Did you do something naughty to offend Sister Yuanzi?"

"No, Yuzi has always been very good. Dad, did you do something naughty to offend Sister Sonoko?"


Hanyu Qing'an was amused for a while, this little guy was as big as a brat, but it was true that he hadn't seen her for several days.

But this is normal, right? As a high school student, Yuanzi still has to go to class, and he doesn’t know each other that well. Even if he is a very familiar person, he won’t get tired of being together every day unless he becomes a family member.

Hanyu Kiyosu explained this to Yuzi, but Yuzi asked simply and directly, "Dad, when will you turn Sister Sonoko into a family member?"

"..." Hanyu Qing'an turned over and sat up from the sofa, and looked behind the sofa. Why is this little kid talking so much today.

When he saw the result, he couldn't help laughing, "I said, Miss Yuzu, what are you doing?"

Yuzi raised her head with an innocent look on her face, "I'm talking to you, daddy."

"Then why did you put your hand in the tea cup?"

If a child is quiet, he must be acting like a monster. Hanyu Qing'an found that this was simply the truth. Although Yuzu was talking, she was not running around, so she was quiet.

Yuzi raised her little hand wrapped in the teacup, "It won't let Yuzu out."

Hanyu Qing'an finally laughed out loud, causing Yuzu to pout and look at him dissatisfied. Hanyu Qing'an walked behind the sofa and stretched out his hand to try. The tea cup was very firm and could not be taken off at all.

"Yuzu, don't clench your fists so tightly. Relax your hands."


After trying for a long time, it didn't work. Hanyu Qing'an sighed, "There is no way. Since your right hand was eaten by the teacup, you will have to practice writing with your left hand from now on."

Yuzi was frightened by him, and a look of worry appeared on her face, "Do you still want to write even though you are like this? Yuzi can't write with your left hand?"

Hanyu Qing'an touched her head and said, "It doesn't matter. You will get better with more practice. Come on, while dad is free today, I will teach you how to write with your left hand."

Yuzi fell to the side, her little face full of melancholy.

This chapter has been completed!
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