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088 Sweet Dates After Slap

Hanyu Qing'an felt a little numb. He felt that he had pressed it dozens of times, but the passive was not triggered even once. When he experimented with the rabbit that he was anxious about, he succeeded in just a few clicks.

Hanyu Qingan sped up the frequency, and finally, the green dragon behind him moved...

Qinglong's strange movements shocked Hanyu Qing'an. He quickly cooperated, posed, his clothes fluttered, and shouted an order:

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

I saw the green dragon circling around Hanyu Qing'an, and suddenly its body swelled, and its huge dragon tail instantly swept through the crowd. But the amazing thing was that many people's skin was not even scratched, but some people were hit and flew upside down.

Go out and be thrown to the ground.

It seems that this huge dragon has softness and dexterity that are not consistent with its size.

Then, Qinglong raised his head and let out a long and penetrating dragon roar towards the sky. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered and lightning flashed. Suddenly, groups of purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, streaking across the night sky, bright as day, towards the person lying on the ground.

Those people shot...

It's as fast as lightning.

The speed of thunder and lightning was beyond the ability of humans to respond. In the blink of an eye, the crowd lying on the ground heard cries of pain one after another. However, these sounds were drowned in the roar of thunder, and only the burnt smell slowly dissipated.

Opening the door made those who were still standing safely feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

Director Hakuba, Kuroda Hei and others all looked at the people who were struck by lightning. As expected, almost all of them had quarreled with them in private. Some of them had expressed their hostility towards Hanyu Kiyosu. Of course, there were also some who had not made it clear before.

attitudes, or people with ambiguous attitudes.

What was most beyond the expectations of Director Hakuba and Kuroda Hei and the other police officers was that among the people struck by lightning, there were actually members of the Metropolitan Police Department themselves.

The Criminal Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is searching for an arsonist in the first group of the police department - Officer Yumaga!

Kuroda Hei stared at the police officer Yunaga, whose skin was charred and still struggling. Inexplicable emotions and understanding flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself, could Yumaga be an undercover chess piece organized in the Metropolitan Police Department?

Was he the one who leaked the information about Zhu Fu Jingguang before?

Not to mention the various thoughts in everyone's mind, some people quickly went to check the condition of the people who were hit by Tire, and found that they were smoking, their bodies were paralyzed and unable to move on their own, and there were some burns on their skin. Some people fainted and lost consciousness.


But generally speaking, their situation was pretty good. It was much lighter than ordinary lightning strikes, and no one was in danger of life.

What's strange is that all the people who were swept by the dragon's tail and struck by lightning were injured to varying degrees. It's really unbelievable that they are impartial.

After Qinglong returned to his position, Hanyu Kiyosu first collected the will-o'-the-wisp that emerged from Katsuhiko Nakamoto's body. After putting away the magatama, charms and small paper figures inside, he also quickly walked down from the stage. He walked to Director Hakuba

People around me said with concern:

"Is the problem serious? If necessary, I can summon the Peach Blossom Demon to help with treatment, but it can only temporarily relieve the injury. It will need to be sent to the hospital for further treatment."

Although Director Hakuba did not sympathize with these people who brought it upon themselves, he would not refuse the opportunity to see Hanyu Qing'an's abilities. He said sincerely: "Then please leave it to Master Hanyu."

"This is also my fault. I should have asked Amuro to persuade me a few more times beforehand, otherwise no one else would have been injured." Hanyu Qing'an flipped his hand, and a blue talisman appeared out of thin air, and he threw it to the ground without hesitation.

The action summoned the Peach Blossom Demon.

Director Baima did not answer this, and the people around him were also looking at what was going on. Everyone knew what was going on. Many things could not be discussed on the table. Everyone was indirect to each other through various methods.

They expressed their opinions and tried to figure it out, but they never let it slip on their faces.

Under the command of Hanyu Qing'an, the Peach Blossom Demon released its healing skills - Fragrance of Flowers - towards the injured one after another. "Fragrant fragrance, give me healing power."

The green light symbolizing vitality flashed frequently, and the injured people all improved visibly. They looked rosy-cheeked and full of energy, but their wounds did not improve at all.

This also means that the so-called "returning blood" is actually just to replenish vitality, but it has no effect on removing blood loss from wounds, poisoning and other conditions.

But there are benefits, at least it can make people look much younger. For example, one of the old people who was struck by lightning was the chairman of a certain automobile company and a big shot in the financial world, Kenzo Masayama.

He seemed to be much more energetic all of a sudden. He didn't look like a 71-year-old man at all, but looked like he was in his fifties.

But at this time, this big shot did not want to experience this young vitality at all. Instead, he wished that he could lose consciousness like those who fainted. After all, his true identity is very sensitive. After he is deemed to be hostile, things will become very serious later.


He has attracted the attention of many people, and maybe his true identity - a veteran member of the black organization, will also be investigated.

"The deceased is a big one, so I have to continue to host the funeral for the time being, and I can't get away. To express my apology, I asked Director Baima to give these charms to the injured as a small compensation. Although it is not very effective, it can still be used to pray for blessings and protect yourself.

Not bad, at least much more reliable than those outside."

Director Hakuba smiled and took the blue talisman conjured by Hanyu Kiyosu. The Metropolitan Police Department had collected two of these before. They were the basic spells that Hanyu Kiyosu had used before, that is, they were left behind during normal attacks.


Different from the petals of the Peach Blossom Demon, it is also a conjured thing. Hanyu Qingan's spell will not disappear, and there is no limit. You can get as much as you want. This once made him firm up his previous idea-his golden finger is

He is clearly stating that he wants the power to be attributed to himself.

Director Baima got the talisman, but it's hard to say whether it will be distributed to the injured. It depends on the outcome of the subsequent negotiations.

But with what happened today, it should be easy to talk about it.

The tea party that followed was still held, but this time the blue dragon was not touched one by one. After all, it was so powerful today that people couldn't help but feel awe.

The scene was very harmonious. Everyone just asked and discussed the shikigami on the field, and then praised and admired Master Hanyu's great power.

He can even control the three legendary monsters such as Tamamo-mae, Shuten-dōji and the Daitengu. There is also the one-eyed monk sitting on the wooden platform chanting sutras. He should be the Aobo master, right?

He just seems a little younger, a little smaller, and different from the legend, but the legend should still be based on Master Hanyu.

Everyone was chatting happily and there was a peaceful atmosphere.

This chapter has been completed!
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