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100 mysterious linkage, Bai Yue kills instantly!

Wang Shangqing noticed a handsome young man with his upper body bare and waving something like a fire ax in his hand.

This young man has clear and smooth muscle lines all over his body. His eight-pack abs, pectoralis major, biceps, and triceps are like pieces of armor, protecting him.

There was even a hint of aristocratic temperament about him.

It's a pity that this person's movements are too crude and clumsy, lacking in beauty and lethality.

“Too tender!”

After looking at the other person up and down, Wang Shangqing finally remembered the identity of this person.

The third overall score in this training camp seems to be Na?

In any previous class, this person's performance would have directly risen to first place.

It's a pity that he met Zhang Guangmu and himself...

Wang Shangqing was sighing with emotion when the boy holding the ax suddenly turned the ax blade on a blending warehouse.


Blue water splashed.

A young man fell out of the blending warehouse, with a look of horror on his face: "Help!"

He is about to complete the reconciliation, have his own accompanying core armor, and become a cold light armor division, and his destiny will change from then on.

But looking at this situation, is it possible that I am going to die in this place?

How can you accept this kind of thing!

The young man didn't hesitate at all and hit the young man on the head with an axe.


He looked crazy: "I am so good, but the compatibility is only 10%."

"Trash like you, your usual comprehensive test score is not even half of mine, how can you pass the test?!"

"Hanguang Armored Division...are you worthy?"

"I want you all to die!"

The boy with the ax is now completely crazy.

He just feels that this world is too unfair.

An outstanding person like himself was actually stuck outside the gate of the Cold Light Armored Division due to talent issues, and was forced to be an ordinary person.

In front of the terrifying and bloodthirsty [Blazing Bone Beast], what is the difference between ordinary people and the dead?

It would be great if this world were destroyed today!

The young reserve armored division's eyes turned white and he died on the spot.


After a cursory glance at the injuries, Wang Shangqing knew that this man was dead.

Modern technology is not developed, and the reason why it can compete with those alien monsters is entirely due to the life armor made of [Cold Light Biological Alloy].

Originally, Wang Shangqing thought that this young man's life was very good, his compatibility with Hanguang Biological Alloy was very high, his rejection reaction was very weak, and the blending warehouse clearly showed green, which represented safety.

As long as it is not too fragile, even if it is an ordinary person's level of willpower, with such a high degree of compatibility, it is enough to complete the final integration, pass the training camp, and become a real armored division.


This man is dead.

He did not die at the hands of alien monsters, but at the hands of his own people.

Death is meaningless and has no value.

Wang Shangqing had an impression of the young man who was naked from the waist up and was killing people everywhere.

He even remembered the other person's name.

Nalan Yuan!

Actually, his surname is Nalan, right?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Putting aside his craziness in terms of sex, overall, he is a guy with good overall qualities.

In the training camp, his assessment results can often reach third place. Although this is his limit, being able to reach this point is already considered a one-in-a-million talent.

After all, in this training camp, besides myself, there is also a super monster like Zhang Guangmu.

The limit for a normal genius is third place.

"Someone come quickly!"

Wang Shangqing frowned and shouted loudly: "There's been an accident!"

To be honest, he thought it was outrageous that such an unexpected situation could occur in the training camp.

Every armored division is mankind's most valuable asset!

Even reserve armored divisions may become heroes saving tens of thousands of civilians in the future!

Such a thing should never happen!

How many people are neglecting their duties?

Everyone involved should be dragged out and fed the dogs!

Wang Shangqing made a decision in his heart. When he takes control of the Armored Guild in the future, he must formulate relevant safety regulations and punish those who eliminate all corpses!

As soon as he spoke, Nalan Yuan, who was still hacking and killing everywhere, was attracted to his attention.

At this moment, an abnormal twisted smile appeared on Nalan Yuan's face, which was stained with blood, and his eyes locked on Wang Shangqing: "The first bird is shot, do you understand?"

"No one else says anything, you are the only one who speaks."

"Then you die first!"

Nalan Yuan was suddenly awakened.

What's the point of killing some trash?

My funeral objects should be something of higher value!

For example, guys like Wang Shangqing...

Although his performance in the Cold Light Armored Division training camp has always been stable at second place, his performance alone, compared to any previous training camp, is absolutely crushing and the undisputed first place.


After finishing speaking, Nalan Yuan walked quickly in the direction of Wang Shangqing, swung his ax vigorously, and smashed the blending warehouses along the way one by one.

To be honest, Wang Shangqing was a little panicked when he saw this scene.

After all, his body is out of control now, and he is in terrible pain. He is as weak as if he had been hungry for three days and three nights, and has no fighting power at all.

In this state, if he really wanted to fight Nalan Yuan, he would most likely be hacked to death with two axes.


When Wang Shangqing thought that Zhang Guangmu was watching him from the side, he immediately stopped panicking.

The heartbeat calmed down, the breathing rate returned to normal, and the flash of panic in his eyes was well hidden.

No matter how afraid of death, you must force yourself to calm down!

We must not let Zhang Guangmu see the joke!

The loser does not lose the formation!

"Come on! Is the King Shangqing afraid of death?"

If you are afraid of death, you are really afraid of death, and if you are tough, you are really tough.

"What bullshit 'shoot the first bird'!"

"I don't believe in this evil!"

When Wang Shangqing caught Nalan Yuan, he started to spit out his words, emphasizing a violent and ferocious tone: "Some birds come to this world just to get shot!"

"Trash named Na! It depends on whether your ax is strong enough!"

"If you can't kill me, you will be the one who dies!"

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but at the moment when he finished speaking his harsh words, Wang Shangqing suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

It was like an enlightenment, suddenly opening up the Ren and Du channels.

It's like crossing the bridge between heaven and earth, understanding a certain truth of life, and mastering the mysterious laws.

Very strange and very cool!




The tubes inserted into the limbs and spine were detached one after another, and the pain that was originally like maggots in the tarsal bones faded away like a tide. At the same time, the strength returned to the body, and the weakness disappeared at the speed of light.

The recovery of strength brings confidence back to the body.


Wang Shangqing moved his shoulders and wrists, raised his chin slightly, his eyes fell on Nalan Yuan, and a sarcastic look appeared on the corner of his lips: "Come and lead me to death!"

He has completely integrated the cold light life alloy.

The core armor in its infant stage is still immature and has not had time to be trained and trained, so it cannot bring much help.

Although there is no tailor-made proliferating armor at the current stage, even if the companion is successful, there will not be much improvement in combat power, but...

Without the interference of negative status, Wang Shangqing does not think that any of his peers will be his opponent!

In the passage outside the room, rapid footsteps and communication sounds came from the passage.

"Quick, quick! Something happened!"

"The target has been determined. It is Nalan Yuan, who was eliminated from the training camp and ranked third overall in this period."

"Find the target and kill it on the spot? Got it! We are rushing to the scene!"

Nalan Yuan, who was originally wielding an ax, suddenly stopped, and the look of madness on his face suddenly froze.

"It's really sad to live in such an era."

"If you can't be an armored division, you can't even control your own life. You don't know when you will be killed by those monsters that suddenly come..."

The crazy look in Nalan Yuan's eyes became more intense.

His eyes turned on Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing, and it seemed that he made a choice after a moment of struggle and consideration.

"Bury with me!"

Nalan Yuan swung his fire ax and rushed in the direction of Zhang Guangmu.

When Wang Shangqing first started training, he was once hailed as "the most talented person in human history."


The historical records of mankind always seem so vulnerable in the face of real geniuses.

Zhang Guangmu easily shattered all the records in the training camp, making Wang Shangqing's proud talent become his tragedy.

If I could only choose one person to be buried with...

There is no doubt that Nalan Yuan will choose Zhang Guangmu!

"Fuck you!"

These three beautiful words full of anger came from the mouth of Wang Shangqing.

Originally, Wang Shangqing always felt that his personal cultivation was quite good.


The moment he saw Nalan Yuan making a choice between himself and Zhang Guangmu, he broke his guard on the spot.

To be honest, Wang Shangqing never thought that he would be compared with others in this aspect.

Nalan Yuan knew that he was going to die, so it was understandable that he wanted to support him.

But why wouldn't he choose himself?

How is Zhang Guangmu better than himself?


Wang Shangqing roared angrily: "Trash! I order you to stop!"

This was an attempt to attract Nalan Yuan's attention through provocation.

Wang Shangqing would rather be hacked to death than be defeated by Zhang Guangmu!

Torn by his pride, he even lost his mind.

The old man often said, don't compete with others for temporary victory.

But Wang Shangqing just wanted to compete for this moment!

He doesn't want to lose to Zhang Guangmu again!


Nalan Yuanniao, who knew he was going to die, refused to ask the King of Birds to come to his death and insisted on dragging Zhang Guangmu to be buried with him.


The moment the ax fell on the blending bin, the entire "vertical coffin" suddenly exploded.

The tubes on Zhang Guangmu's body fell away one after another. Facing the ax that was coming towards him, he pursed his thin lips and tilted his head with a smile. He did not hesitate to do anything, and narrowly dodged the axe.



Nalan Yuan successfully hit a ball of air!

Zhang Guangmu looked Nalan Yuan up and down and gave his own evaluation.

"Poor and hateful."

The evasive action made before seemed extremely thrilling, but in fact there was no risk.

[Imperial Body Training 4] greatly increased Zhang Guangmu's body control ability, coupled with the self-control blessing brought by [Acting 3], he has a clear understanding of what he can achieve.

Zhang Guangmu just chose the cooler one among many ways to resolve the crisis.

"you made it?"

Nalan Yuan was startled, as if sleepwalking: "You really succeeded!"

He felt that he was worthy of being a useless person and that all he said was nonsense.

Guys like Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing are simply ridiculously strong, like monsters!

If even they fail, then humanity may be completely extinct in a few years.

After coming back to his senses, Nalan Yuan shook his arm violently and wanted to take Zhang Guangmu away by force.


His movements were too slow.

In other words, Zhang Guangmu's speed is too fast.


As soon as Nalan Yuan raised the ax above his head, he felt a chill in his heart. His whole body was like a balloon that had been popped, and all the strength in his body was instantly sucked away.

He lowered his head and found a terrifying hole in his heart, and the cold draft passed through his heart without any hindrance.

The pale-faced Nalan Yuan tried his best to raise his head, but did not see Zhang Guangmu's face.

Because Zhang Guangmu's back was turned to him.

Nalan Yuan didn't know which hand Zhang Guangmu used when he killed him.

In his rapidly dimming vision, Nalan Yuan could only see...

On Zhang Guangmu's spine, sections of icy blue light were flickering faintly.

That blue light is like a frost dragon guarding the whole body.


Nalan Yuan, whose heart was broken, fell to the ground, his breath was cut off, and he died completely.

The mysterious interaction between the three people entertained the audience.

"There's another one with a bad character, just carry it away! Ah... Is it Nalan Yuan? That's okay, they do this specially."

"I am really laughing to death. I want to send Zhang Guangmu away even if I die. What an obsession!"

"I don't understand. Is this "Secret Assignment 2"?"

"As soon as I came in, I saw that Nalan Yuan wanted to die with the red lotus school bully again..."

"Dream linkage, classic reappearance?"

"What kind of crazy nickname is [Red Lotus School Bully]? I want to laugh, Lord Lotus has such a cool nickname, why not use it?!"

"Pfft hahaha... [Gravedigger] came to report and claimed responsibility for this!"

"Fly with peace of mind, Mu Zai! If anything happens, you will be responsible for it! Mommy loves you!"

"Wang Shangqing is quite interesting. His aggrieved look just now should be captured in a screenshot!"

"Wang Shangqing: You idiot, you didn't choose me to be buried with you, but you chose Zhang Guangmu. Are you looking down on me?"

"Oh my god, I laughed so hard that my stomach cramped. This director knows it too well!"

"Mu Mu is such a handsome yuppie! The people guarding Mu are ecstatic!"

"Kill instantly with one move! Ice Dragon Heart-Destroying Claw!"

"Let me tell you, it's really awesome! Although I don't know what enhancements Zhang Guangmu received after the blending was completed, but the special effects alone are cool enough!"

Zhang Guangmu did not indulge in the adulation of the audience.

After feeling a little refreshed for a while, he immediately collected his thoughts and cast his gaze on his right hand.

The ice-blue liquid life metal on the spine flows along the shoulders, arms, and all the way to the right hand, condensing into the shape of a full-finger fighting glove.

I don't know if it's a coincidence...

Except for the color, this thing is exactly the same as the 1.0 version of the fire artifact designed by Zhang Guangmu in "Flaming Wolf Castle"!

If it weren't for its blessing, even if Zhang Guangmu had the attainment of [Imperial Body Forging Technique 4], he wouldn't have been able to achieve the exaggerated effect just now.


From this glove, Zhang Guangmu vaguely sensed an inexplicable sense of closeness and familiarity.

It is neither a dead thing nor an ordinary piece of equipment, but a living thing!


White light shimmered, and a crescent moon was imprinted on the gloves.

A slightly immature electromagnetic voice came from the gloves: "It's an honor to fight alongside you."

I don’t know why, even though it was just born and it was only the first time they met, it felt that there was a strong tacit understanding between itself and the armored division.

This tacit understanding is invisible and insubstantial, but it actually exists.

It seems that other senior companion core armors have not recorded such a situation in the database.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Guangmu was startled.

Looking at the white crescent moon on the glove, he grinned, revealing his snow-white teeth.

Zhang Guangmu spread his fingers, looked at the back of his hand, and smiled heartily: "Then, I will call you [Bai Yue] from now on!"

(Two more updates at 8pm!)

This chapter has been completed!
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