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105 How can a big man live under others for a long time!

After getting rid of the mutated Blazing Bone Beast, two new members of the team were admitted. Before Zhang Guangmu could take a breath, a voice appeared in his mind.

It was as if another self was speaking.

[The appearance of the Blazing Bone Beast in the Cold Light Armored Division training camp indicates that the front line has completely collapsed.]

【In such an era, no one can survive alone.】

【I must unite all the forces that can be united and save as many people as possible! 】

【Only in this way can the power of human beings on earth be preserved to the greatest extent.】

[Only in this way... is it possible to withstand the impact of the Blazing Bone Beast! 】

[The first step is to clean up the entire area C, and then use it as a stronghold to hold the base, and use it as a stronghold to collect the survivors who have escaped! 】

Zhang Guangmu smacked his lips, feeling that the script prompts were really good.

Switch directly from combat mode to farming mode, and only provide phased goals without emphasizing detailed methods.

According to Zhang Guangmu’s many years of movie-watching experience, this is one of the ways of using “voice” that is least likely to induce resistance.

Since what they said is right, there is no need to tear up the script at this time.

After accumulating enough strength, whether facing the Blazing Bone Beast or dealing with human villains, you can handle it more calmly.

"Our primary goal next is to collect equipment and improve the team's ability to resist risks."

Zhang Guangmu said: "Before this, detailed planning must be done."

This makes it clear that he will temporarily change his job from [Combatant] to [Commander].

The people below didn't care what they thought in their hearts, at least on the surface they were very considerate and agreed one after another, expressing their willingness to follow Zhang Guangmu's command.

Then, Zhang Guangmu started giving orders.

Most of Zhang Guangmu's experience in commanding his subordinates comes from "Endless Food Bag" and "Flaming Wolf Castle". Although he is not very skilled, under his command, this group of miscellaneous fish did not turn into a mess.

"You stepped on me!"

"Go away! Don't block the road!"

"Someone, help me! This thing is too heavy, I can't move it!"

"Hahaha, I found emergency dry food!"

"That's good, but we still have to get clean drinking water next!"

People perform their duties.

Those who move things to block the door, those who search for medicine, food and water, those who are responsible for detecting and avoiding danger...

A group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps who almost wet their pants when facing the Blazing Bone Beast actually showed a bit of elite temperament at this moment, doing things in an orderly and extremely efficient manner.

Of course, it is also possible that these people are thinking about their own lives.

After all, they all know that they can be lazy, but every stroke may increase their mortality rate a little bit.

This is no longer the mentality of working to make money or working to survive.

This is fighting for your own life!

Under Zhang Guangmu's arrangement, a straight black girl who claimed to be a medical officer began to treat Wang Shangqing.

The medical officer girl looked Wang Shangqing up and down, grabbed his wrist and pretended to check his pulse.

After looking around for a while, she sighed.


Wang Shangqing's scalp was numb at this sigh, and he suddenly became nervous: "What's going on? My problem is serious?"

He shouldn't die, right?

Obviously some protective measures were taken at the last minute...

If you were anyone else, they wouldn't be able to do better than you!

"In your case, you have suffered quite serious internal injuries!"

Jiang Ling said in a serious tone: "If your internal organs are injured, modern medicine will probably require you to be hospitalized for at least a month and lie in bed quietly to recuperate."

Wang Shangqing's face turned pale.

Under such circumstances, where can he find a month to recuperate?

Shouldn't Zhang Guangmu treat him as a useless person and abandon him?

Although there is a formidable enemy at hand, human beings should try to avoid internal strife, and Zhang Guangmu seems to be a man who puts the overall situation first, but...

Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. This possibility is still there!


The medical officer girl gave Wang Shangqing a confident look: "I am proficient in the ancient alchemy of flower growers and the secret method of brewing potions in the Western Middle Ages, and I have created the most cutting-edge [blazing bone medicine]!"

Having said this, she took out a pitch black pill from her small white bag.

"This is [Blazing Bone Pill] No. 1!"

"Eat it and you'll get better soon!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Guangmu had a complicated expression.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he was too embarrassed to stop him.

Zhang Guangmu is sure that if he really said something like "it's a medicine with three parts poison", I'm afraid Wang Shangqing would be able to swallow the astonishingly big black pill whole in the next second!

It turns out that competing rivals know each other very well to some extent.

Wang Shangqing, who was seriously injured, was still a little hesitant when faced with the elixir that exuded a strange metallic luster in Jiang Ling's hand.

After all, based on his common sense, this kind of thing should be quite toxic.


When Wang Shangqing saw Zhang Guangmu's hesitant expression, he suddenly felt reassured.

"Afraid that after I heal the injury, it will threaten your status?"

Wang Shangqing snorted coldly: "It is really unnecessary to cherish the broom like this."

"Even if my strength exceeds yours, I still can't look down on those bastard fish."

This is pretending to be generous.

After all, he didn't think he could seize the position of team leader from Zhang Guangmu.

if not……

Although trash fish are trash fish, they still have some uses.

After all, they are still a group of living people. No matter how useless they are, as long as they are used properly, they can save themselves a lot of time and energy.

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu's mouth twitched slightly, with an expression as if he wanted to laugh but was trying to hold it back: "As long as you are happy."

Wang Shangqing felt insulted: "What are you laughing at?"

Could this guy be recalling the dark history of being knocked into shock by the Blazing Bone Beast's two moves in the battle just now?

That must be it!


Zhang Guangmu didn't pay much attention to Wang Shangqing's mental journey, and responded casually: "I just thought of a happy thing."

"Well, this medicine... don't take too much in a short period of time, as long as the injury doesn't continue to worsen."

Hearing this, Wang Shangqing came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Ling, who was trying his best to promote Sanwu elixir.

Although Wang Shangqing was vaguely aware that there seemed to be some subtle differences between what the medical officer said and his initial self-introduction, he did not take it to heart.

Although he is not in a hurry to seek medical treatment, he is a professional medical officer and does not listen to the opinions of professionals. Should he read books on the spot to find treatment methods or place his hope in the recovery ability of the human body and wait for self-healing?

"I'll take this medicine and see if I can!"

Wang Shangqing took the black pills and smelled the aroma of sesame seeds, which made him salivate.


"Is this elixir a little too big?"

Wang Shangqing felt that the pill was heavy and even had a metallic luster on it, giving it an elegant and graceful feeling.

This is the nobility of medicine!

The appearance is different and extraordinary!

Jiang Ling said seriously: "Bite it into pieces and swallow it with water."

After all, the person in front of me is the first clinical trial participant of [Blazing Bone Medicine], so he needs to be taken care of.

After saying this, she looked at Zhang Guangmu next to her.

For some reason, Jiang Ling always felt that this young officer seemed to understand him very well, and they should have many things in common.


Wang Shangqing immediately followed the medical officer's sister's instructions, chewed up the pill, and swallowed it mixed with painkillers.

This jet-black pill smells delicious, but when you eat it, your mouth is filled with the smell of blood, and when you chew it, it feels like you are biting into metal shards.

Very bad experience!

Good medicine tastes bitter.

The medicine that doesn’t taste good is the best medicine!

Wang Shangqing comforted himself in this way.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or if the medicine was really miraculous, but after just one minute, Wang Shangqing's complexion turned rosy.

He stood up and walked back and forth in the blocked room.

The whole person is full of energy, vigorous and fierce, and there is a burning breath in his breath, as if he can spit out fire at any time.

Wang Shangqing felt as if he had returned to his prime in an instant!

"Is that Jiang Ling?"

Wang Shangqing looked at the medical officer girl seriously: "I remember this name!"

"You are a miracle doctor, thousands of times better than those mediocre doctors in the base!"

He is not a blind person, and does not think that the so-called "strong" only refers to strong combat power.

Talents who have their own specialties in the professional field and whose abilities far exceed ordinary people are also strong!

Wang Shangqing, whose health bar was filled up by a pill, immediately placed the name Jiang Ling in second place after Zhang Guangmu.

A good doctor, in this era, may mean that he can save another life.

How can you not pay special attention to it?

"You're welcome."

The medical officer girl's tone was as soft as usual: "This is the order of Chief Zhang Guangmu. The credit and responsibility for treatment are half of the chief's, right?"

Having said this, Jiang Ling took out a small notebook and wrote quickly while muttering to himself: "I inactivated the essence of the Skeleton Beast's bones, by taking it instead of injecting it... It should be

There will be no symptoms of distortion..."

Wang Shangqing always felt that this man's words were strange, but he didn't think deeply about it.

Maybe all capable people have some quirks, right?

When he thought of Zhang Guangmu's virtuous conduct, Wang Shangqing completely understood all of Jiang Ling's weird behaviors.

"Strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility have all returned to normal, and... the energy reserves that supply the core companion armor are also recovering rapidly..."

"It really is a miracle medicine!"

Wang Shangqing praised Jiang Ling again and walked quickly to Zhang Guangmu.

at this time……

Zhang Guangmu was holding a thin book in his hand and was discussing something with the spiky-headed scout boy.

The two seemed to be so engrossed in their research that they didn't notice Wang Shangqing's arrival at all.

The hedgehog-headed boy was talking: "This route is not possible! The risk factor is too high!"

"When Jiang Ling and I came over, there were three Blazing Bone Beasts blocking the road. I don't know if they were resting or doing other things."

Zhang Guangmu seemed to agree with him: "Very good, at least one wrong option can be eliminated."

The investigator pointed to a route in the book and spoke nervously, as if he hadn't communicated with anyone for a long time: "The safety of this route is questionable. I'm not sure."

Zhang Guangmu made the decision: "Although there are risks on the road to the armor-mounted modulation area, you must try it!"

"High risk, high reward! As long as we have a full set of armor, our combat power can be increased many times! We can even recover the entire base by supporting war with war!"

The hedgehog-headed boy hesitated for a moment and said decisively: "Then let me explore the path first! Although I don't have much confidence, I am specialized in doing this after all!"

Wang Shangqing walked past the two of them calmly and silently ranked the name Luo Zuan in third place.

Not to mention anything else, this courage and the spirit of not being afraid of death alone are countless times stronger than the group of miscellaneous fish in Zhang Guangmu's team!

This hedgehog-headed young investigator is obviously a talent that can be put to good use!

About half an hour later, the hedgehog-headed investigator Luo Zuan returned.

Although he was out of breath and covered in cold sweat, he still successfully completed his mission.

"There is a blazing bone beast on this road that is about 2.2 meters tall. It gives me the impression that it is severely stunted. It is much shorter than the normal blazing bone beast. It is not strong enough or fast enough."

Luo Zuan turned sideways, exposing his back to everyone.

There was a dark burnt mark there.

"If it had been a little more powerful and persistent, I would have been dead."

When the young man spoke, he was sweating profusely, breathing rapidly, and looked like he was still frightened.

Hearing the words of the spiky-headed boy, Zhang Guangmu immediately gave the order: "Jiang Ling, use a medical bag to treat Luo Zuan's wounds. Don't feed him the 'elixir' that contains cinnabar, mercury, ashes and lead."

"In ten minutes, the whole team will set off!"

Hearing this, the medical officer girl's eyes lit up.

The officer had never tasted the elixir he refined, or even smelled it. He just glanced at it from a distance and guessed the important ingredients in Blazing Bone Pill No. 1...


It’s simply incredibly strong!

Compared with himself, Chief Zhang Guangmu is the truly hidden miracle doctor!

Perhaps, this is called hiding in the city?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ling immediately responded: "Promise to complete the task!"

Ten minutes go by in a blink of an eye.

Under Zhang Guangmu's command, everyone moved away the debris blocking the door and headed towards the armor modulation room in Area C.

Just as Luo Zuan said, there was a blazing bone beast blocking the way.

The dark bones, bloody flames, terrifying shapes, and rolling heat waves make people afraid to approach.

This time, Wang Shangqing took the initiative to ask for help.

"The passage is too narrow and is not suitable for siege by many people."

Wang Shangqing found a very suitable reason: "I am in good condition now, leave it to me!"

This is trying to steal the limelight.

When Wang Shangqing and Zhang Guangmu dealt with the three-meter-tall enhanced blazing bone beast together, he was killed in two seconds, but Zhang Guangmu seized the opportunity, consolidated his advantage, gained the upper hand, and killed the blazing bone beast without any injuries.


Compare the two and make a judgment!

Although Wang Shangqing believed that he had made great contributions in this process, he did not want to explain himself.

After all, doing that would make people think that he was deliberately taking credit.

Wang Shangqing believes that most people in the world are stupid and mediocre and will only believe what they want to believe!

Zhang Guangmu didn't refuse either.

After all, this is a stunted flaming bone beast, only about two meters tall. Just jump up and you can blow its head off. Not to mention Wang Shangqing, who has a strong sense of combat, even the newcomers around him

For the Cold Light Armored Divisions, without considering the factor of courage, their combat power data on paper is almost the same.



The euphorbia shining with green light was obviously not suitable for fighting in a narrow environment, but it swam like a poisonous python in Wang Shangqing's hands, gradually weakening the blazing bone beast's physical strength, and finally violently strangled it and crushed it to the ground.


From here, everyone can see the difference in the fighting styles of Wang Shangqing and Zhang Guangmu.

Zhang Guangmu simplifies the complex, seizes the flaw, and delivers a fatal blow without any fancy features.

Wang Shangqing suppressed it from beginning to end, with a style that was both violent and delicate.

His battles give people a strange sense of contradiction, but they are also very gorgeous and pleasing to the eye.

It is worth mentioning that such an environment is actually not suitable for Wang Shangqing's performance.

Warriors like him who use pole weapons are better at facing a large number of blazing bone beasts on the battlefield at the same time than fighting one on one. They can directly activate the unparalleled mode and hack and kill indiscriminately.


The blue-green spurge gradually turned into liquid metal exuding cold air and melted into Wang Shangqing's back.

He looked at Zhang Guangmu provocatively and said with a sneer: "The weak Blazing Bone Beast is not worthy of being my opponent."

"Next time you encounter a three-meter-level blazing bone ***, just leave it to me alone."

How can a real man live in depression for a long time?

Even if he is temporarily unable to compare with Zhang Guangmu, Wang Shangqing is confident that he will be stronger than Zhang Guangmu in the future!

After taking the mysterious medicine provided by Jiang Ling, his physical condition improved rapidly and he also regained his previous arrogance.

Zhang Guangmu, who was provoked by Wang Shangqing, did not respond. He just squatted down and rubbed the ground thoughtfully, tapping his fingers from time to time, as if there was something hidden underground.

But the medical officer girl Jiang Ling...

She squatted on the ground almost simultaneously with Zhang Guangmu, but her movements were easier to understand.

After Jiang Ling collected the bone fragments of the Blazing Bone Beast, he immediately looked at Wang Shangqing and said in a faint tone: "Sir, I am better than you..."

"If it is crushed like this, the efficacy of the medicine will drop by at least two levels..."

"Although you are not as good as that big guy, you are still a good pharmaceutical material..."

Wang Shangqing's provocative smile quickly solidified.

Then, he saw Jiang Ling running to Zhang Guangmu's side.

The girl who was a medical officer following Zhang Guangmu was chattering and asking questions, as if she had endless things to say.

Vaguely, Wang Shangqing heard such uncommon words as "ginseng, astragalus, atractylodes, poria, licorice, and angelica" that normal people would hardly come into contact with in daily life.

This chapter has been completed!
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