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107 External Armor: Golden Neck!

Because of Zhang Guangmu's vigilance, this temporary team did not reduce personnel in the modulation area.

Even after a "fierce" battle, the courage of these new Hanguang armored divisions seemed to have become a little stronger.

In the words of some of them, "I have already killed the Blazing Bone Beasts with my own hands, so there is no need to be afraid of them."

This statement does smack of self-deception.

After all, they were in a group fight mode, directly bullying the minority and violently crushing the assassin-type aberrant Blazing Bone Beast. The winning rate was not to say 100%, but at least 99.9%.

Being able to defeat "novice monsters" may not be able to defeat ordinary monsters, and there is no need to say more when encountering elite-level Blazing Bone Beasts.

Zhang Guangmu was well aware of the confusion among his subordinates, but he didn't take it to heart and had no intention of getting involved.

Also a negative trait, pride is always better than cowardice.

At least……

For a subconscious actor, that's true.

See how arrogant Wang Shangqing is?

Don’t you have a large number of fans?

Wang Shangqing, who failed to compete for the Seventh Star, was ridiculed by many people, but his fans in the support group never left him, and even felt unhappy for him, which increased the cohesion of the team.

"Sir, I have something to explain to you."

The spiky-headed investigator Luo Zuan came to Zhang Guangmu's side and said in a low voice: "It has something to do with the [externally mounted armor]."

Since Luo Zuan did not rely on his acting skills to make a living, although Luo Zuan worked very hard to suppress his emotions and tried to appear calm and calm, there was still a bit of excitement in his tone that could not be concealed.

For a Hanguang Armor Division, [External Mountable Armor] and [Core Companion Armor] are equally important and both are indispensable.

If there is only one of them, it can only be called a "half-armored master", and it will lack the necessary combat power when facing the Blazing Bone Beast.

Among this small team, there are two generals, Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing!

Originally, in their half-armored state, they could kill the Blazing Bone Beast alone.

How strong would they be if they had a full set of equipment?

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu immediately collected his thoughts and waved to him: "Just say it directly, there is no need to hide it from everyone."

In fact, he had obtained important information from the all-pervasive novices, and even those who didn't listen knew what Luo Zuan wanted to say.

——Director Zhou Mo, although full of bad taste and pure tragic character, does not want to see his movies easily hit the streets and have a bad reputation. Therefore, compared with Director Qian, Director Cao, and Director Sun,

Still a human being.

That is to say...

When Zhou Mo was building the world, he had already prepared externally mounted proliferating armor suitable for Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing!

Of course, the plot will definitely not be so straightforward. There will be some coincidences in the solo queue, and Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing will be able to discover these things.

If they can't find it, they can only blame their luck and ability.

Fortunately, the team has a new scout named Luo Zuan, a little fanboy, with meticulous observation skills, so there is no need for Zhang Guangmu to do all the work on himself.


Luo Zuan originally lowered his voice and only told Zhang Guangmu the news. He was only acting on the principle of being cautious and making no big mistakes. After getting Zhang Guangmu's approval, he immediately explained his findings at a normal volume.

"Although the equipment was destroyed and a lot of raw materials were missing, it was impossible to tailor-make new externally mounted armor, but..."

"I found two ready-made sets."


Everyone's eyes were focused on Luo Zuan.

Being watched by everyone, the spiky-headed boy remained calm and his heart did not beat. He seemed to be less stressed than when he had a private conversation with Zhang Guangmu.

"It's impossible! We've searched all over this place. Where did the finished armor come from?"

"Crow's mouth, what are you talking about! Luo Zuan is much better than you! If you can't find something, others may not be able to find it!"

"Yes, yes! It must be a good thing to find external armor!"

"They do this professionally, but they are more careful than us!"

"Isn't it! That's awesome, Ronaldinho!"

Luo Zuan, who was surrounded by a group of people praising him, had no expression on his face, and seemed to have no emotion at all.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Guangmu's simple "Well done" that made him smile.

This kind of reaction made several people in the team who originally wanted to sneak into Zhang Guangmu's side by flattering others look pale and despair in their hearts.

How could Luo Zuan be so good at flattering people at such a young age?

Some people are complaining in their hearts, while others are testing...

Maybe all of Luo Zuan's actions are sincere?

After all, young people always yearn for heroes.

Zhang Guangmu can single-handedly kill the mutant Blazing Bone Beast, which is already more powerful than the superheroes in many fantasy works.

Luo Zuan longed for such a person, and he was not worshiping a fat guy who was industrious and fat. No matter how he thought about it, it seemed reasonable and completely justified.

"Go this way."

Luo Zuan led the way and said in a deep voice: "I found the secret door and password to save the armor in a diary that was thrown into the trash can."

"According to other clues I collected, these two pieces of armor were originally tailor-made for the commanders of Area A and Area B."

"Due to the sudden attack of the Blazing Bone Beast, the armor modulation system in Zones C to Z completely collapsed. The staff in the modulation zone hid these two pieces of armor before they were seriously injured and dying."

Having said this, Luo Zuan handed a locked diary with a gray cover into Zhang Guangmu's hands.

"The password is 4444."

Luo Zuan pondered: "When I found it, the lock on this diary remained open. I didn't adjust it randomly. I just tried it. Unexpectedly, it opened directly."

When he found this diary, Luo Zuan didn't take it seriously, he just casually flipped it to the end and glanced at it.

But with just such a casual scan, Luo Zuan discovered one... No! To be precise, there were several big secrets!

After deciphering one of them and confirming the authenticity of the diary contents, Luo Zuan ran all the way without looking at the other contents in the diary, hurriedly and slowly arrived at Zhang Guangmu's side, and reported the situation in a timely manner.

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu quickly turned to the last page of his diary, read it carefully several times, and then closed it.

He rubbed the cover of the diary with his fingertips and said thoughtfully: "Thank you for your hard work."

"This diary may be more important than everyone thinks."

Get the important prop [Hanguang World Mystery Deciphering Manual]!

Wang Shangqing left the bathroom and returned to the lobby of the brewing area, where he saw Jiang Ling cooking medicinal materials and the bone powder of the Blazing Bone Beast.

The medical officer girl had a serious expression and exuded a strong aura that kept strangers away. She was mixing medicinal ingredients, writing and drawing in her notebook, and saying some words that were difficult to understand.

"Blazing bone essence...cold light life metal...the relationship between life and death..."

"The king, his ministers and his envoys...calculate the medicinal properties..."

In short, Jiang Ling's performance makes people feel like she is a crazy painter immersed in the art world, forgetting both things and myself, and not caring about anything except her own formula and refined elixirs.

The dark red soup was boiling in the cauldron, puffing out clouds of smoke, and there was a layer of something suspiciously like mercury floating on it.


The blisters are rolling, looking quite mysterious and intimidating.

"He is indeed a miracle doctor. Whenever he has time, he is refining medicines and improving formulas! This love and hard work alone are already better than those of many mediocre people."

Wang Shangqing was amazed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He admired Jiang Ling's business ability very much.

Unfortunately, this person is a woman.

It would be great if Zhang Guangmu also had Jiang Ling's medical ability.

No, that's not right!

It should be said that if Jiang Ling also had Zhang Guangmu's strength, it would be easier for him.

After all, a guy like Zhang Guangmu...

After you defeat him and convince him, and take him under his command, you don't need to waste any manpower to protect him.


Medical officers are really important!

When he went to the toilet to relieve himself just now, Wang Shangqing found that he had started to urinate blood.

Such signs often mean serious internal organ injuries.

If it weren't for the [Blazing Bone Pill No. 1], Wang Shangqing estimated that he would be almost dead right now.

A miraculous doctor like Jiang Ling who has great rejuvenation skills must be recruited into his team when he forms it!


This medical officer girl seems to have many common topics with Zhang Guangmu...

This is very tricky.

Wang Shangqing feels that he is a rare super genius in the world, but even so, he is only good at fighting.

Zhang Guangmu's fighting ability is no weaker than his, and he is almost the same age. How can he still study medical skills?

Totally impossible!

"Why are there so few people?"

Wang Shangqing caught a passerby whose name he couldn't remember and asked, "Where is Zhang Guangmu? I have something to do with him!"

In fact, it's nothing, I'm just looking for a reason.


It's a little strange when you think about it for a big man to ask someone where another man is.

The Zayu Armored Division who was suddenly grabbed was unwilling to tell Wang Shangqing anything, nor was he willing to provide any information that could help Wang Shangqing.

The man's way was suddenly blocked, but he still wanted to lose his temper, and his anger was about to turn into obscene words and spit out.

But when he was grabbed by Wang Shangqing's shoulders, and his eyes met with Wang Shangqing's, he immediately felt like a little chicken being caught by an eagle.

He felt as if someone had placed a big halberd on his forehead. If he was not careful, his head would be chopped off!

This sense of oppression is no weaker than that of the Blazing Bone Beast!

The passers-by were shocked and responded almost without thinking.

"In the third rest area, I heard that Luo Zuan found two sets of formed externally mounted armor, so everyone went over to take a look."

Wang Shangqing abandoned the passers-by and walked quickly towards the coordinates provided by the other party.

Two sets?

From a practical point of view, it must be that Zhang Guangmu does one thing and he does another one!

Wang Shangqing believes that instead of leaving this kind of good stuff to the trash, it is better to use it to strengthen top-level combat capabilities.

Maybe by then I will be able to clear out all the blazing bone beasts that have sneaked into the entire base by myself?


Reality requires no logic or reason.

Even merit may not necessarily work.

There are people above your head, that's why it's not good.

Everything depends on the person's face, and I'm worried that the guy above will suddenly have cerebral palsy, and inexplicably make some decisions that endanger the interests of the team because of his personal likes and dislikes, and even implicate himself!

What if Zhang Guangmu just gives another set of externally mounted armor to someone else because he doesn't like it?

Ever since Wang Shangqing found out in the blending warehouse that his compatibility with Hanguang Life Metal was the second lowest in the room and Zhang Guangmu was the lowest in the room, he had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

He is quite sensitive to certain aspects!

If the Cold Light Armored Division is the only combat force that humans can use to resist the Blazing Bone Beast, then...

Wang Shangqing felt that the proud men like himself and Zhang Guangmu could be said to be the most outstanding ones who were destined by fate and whose fortunes converged.

How could the fit be so low?

It must have been targeted by someone!

It's funny to say that after Wang Shangqing realized this, his first reaction was - human beings have been disgusted by heaven!

But when he came back to his senses, he immediately felt that his idea was too childish.

The real world is very scientific, so where does the way of heaven come from?

The Cold Light Armor and Blazing Bone Beast are both things from alien civilizations.

Perhaps everything that happened on the earth was just an experiment by an alien civilization.

Wang Shangqing believes that even if there is a way of heaven, it cannot control the fate of the entire human civilization!

He walked quickly towards his destination while sorting out his chaotic thoughts.

First, Nalan Yuan rose up and attacked with a ridiculous little axe, killing many human pillars.

This can barely be explained.

After all, at that time, the Blazing Bone Beast might have broken through the base and attracted most of the defense forces.


Everything that follows is unexplainable!

This sudden disaster came very strangely.

There was a strange smell inside and out.

Wang Shangqing was puzzled for a hundred times.

After all, this base can be regarded as a concentration camp for human elites, and its defense strength is definitely of the highest level.

How can you say that you have been broken through?

And it was a one-sided massacre from the Blazing Bone Beast...

There must be something fishy in it!

The more Wang Shangqing thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he even gradually began to wonder if some high-level officials had betrayed the human camp and betrayed everyone.

This base exploded too quickly!

It’s almost unreasonably fast!

There must be a deeper reason!

Wang Shangqing, whose thoughts were in turmoil, had already arrived at his destination before he could completely sort out his thoughts.

He stood at the door, looking past everyone and landing on a wall in the rest area.

The ice gray metal wall was now deeply dented.

Two sets of externally mounted armor exuding a cold air and turquoise light were hung on the two plastic mannequins.

Judging from its appearance, one set is a [Balanced] armor, which balances endurance, energy, speed, defense, and maneuverability with no particular emphasis. The characteristic is the golden halo on the neck.

The other set is a very obvious [mobile type] armor.

Wang Shangqing knew at a glance that it had almost abandoned most of the blessings that external armor could provide, and was a partial armor. Apart from its defensive power, everything else was used to enhance its speed and maneuverability.

It is characterized by a lightning bolt on the left side of the heart.

After watching Zhang Guangmu put his hand on the set of balanced armor from a distance, Wang Shangqing felt his mind went blank and subconsciously dispersed the crowd.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had grabbed Zhang Guangmu's arm.

"What? You want this too?"

Zhang Guangmu said with a smile: "Originally, I thought you would prefer the mobile type, so I planned to leave the 'Lightning' to you."

"Now it seems……"

"You are like me, you like the balanced [Golden Neck]?"

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu held the air in his left hand and squeezed the joints so that they made a crackling sound.

The complete opposite to that gentle expression is...

Zhang Guangmu's tone was a bit domineering and intolerant: "Even if you ask for it, I won't give it to you."

"Golden Neck and White Moon are both my chosen partners."

By now, Zhang Guangmu is 100% sure that Jin Jing and Bai Yue are the two flame wolves he met in "Flaming Wolf Castle".

We had promised to fight side by side after reincarnation, how could we go back on our word?

Zhang Guangmu does not allow himself to break his promise!

After hearing this, Wang Shangqing let go of his hand and snorted coldly.

"Golden neck? White moon?"

He frowned and looked at Zhang Guangmu, pondered for a moment, and when he spoke, he found that his voice was a little hoarse: "Your naming skills are really bad."

Having said this, Wang Shangqing's eyes fell on the brand new externally mounted proliferating armor, and he said calmly: "I'm not interested in this little thing at all."

In fact, I’m super interested!

Saying this is just to give face to this guy Zhang Guangmu.

Wang Shangqing was not afraid of falling out with Zhang Guangmu, and it would not be a bad idea to even fight each other and compete directly.

In other words, that is exactly the development Wang Shangqing hopes for.


After all, Wang Shangqing is not a brainless man.

His force value is very high, and his intelligence level far exceeds the average baseline of normal humans. It is only because of his own temperament that he cannot be a wise man.

Although sometimes the blood rushes to the brain, Wang Shangqing clearly knows that what he is doing is wrong, but he still can't help but do it, but this time...

Human civilization is about to perish!

In such a life-and-death moment, Zhang Guangmu's value and importance cannot be ignored for the entire human civilization.

Thinking of this, Wang Shangqing stepped forward and came to another set of armor with lightning characteristics: "Although it is not a tailor-made external armor, but..."

"From today on, you belong to me!"

"[Wushuang] number!"

Hearing this name, the corners of Zhang Guangmu's lips raised slightly.

He wanted to ask Wang Shangqing what the name of his core companion armor was.

The weapon is a halberd, and the Wushuang external armor is used...

If this person's core companion armor is not called Red Rabbit or Diao Chan, it always feels like it lacks a little soul.


Judging from Wang Shangqing's external temperament, this guy is obviously more like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. He has the same tyranny of force, extraordinary talent, and the same willfulness, and cannot listen to what others say. The end is not very good.

After all, the overlord of Western Chu who committed suicide in Wujiangting, Anhui Province, also knew how to use a halberd in many legends.

Speaking of the Overlord of Western Chu, Zhang Guangmu unconsciously thought of Chu Fan, who has been trying to play the role of "good brother" in recent times.

I don’t know how many brothers and sisters in the endless fan group are chasing this "Armor Age: Cold Light"?

Anyway, Mr. Chu Ba, who is concentrating on his cultivation, should be unable to do anything else.

On the other hand, Big Brother, Xiaoxiao brothers, and fortune tellers may be among the little white dumplings, silently observing their own performances.

When he thought of this, Zhang Guangmu suddenly collected his thoughts.

No way Brother Zheng and the others saw the joke!

As a captain, you have to set an example!

Zhang Guangmu reached out his hand and pressed his palm on the armor he named Golden Neck.

"from now on……"

"Fight alongside me!"


The golden light flashes endlessly.

In an instant, the external armored golden neck gradually melted into a liquid state and climbed onto Zhang Guangmu's arm.

This chapter has been completed!
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