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121 Kill the blazing beast into an endangered protected animal

Under Zhang Guangmu's rule, District S responded quickly to emergencies and critical events.


Blazing Bone Beasts move faster.

When Zhang Guangmu was still one kilometer away from the entrance, he saw dark red flames spreading all over the sky.

The screams and wails of the residents could be heard one after another.

"Ah! Help!"

"Why are there monsters? Isn't the underground world very safe?"

"Don't worry so much, run!"

The high-temperature flames on the bodies of the Blazing Bone Beasts allow them to quickly burn down buildings and public facilities in an area no matter where they go.

The fire spread quickly.

The flames eroded the last living space of human survivors, bringing despair to the people in Area S.

Zhang Guangmu swung his long sword without thinking, blue light swirled around his body, and with both feet exerting force, he suddenly rushed into the front line like a cannonball.


The sword flashed, a huge skull fell to the ground, and the dark soul fire in the eyes of the blazing bone beast was suddenly extinguished.

Seeing Zhang Guangmu's actions, Hanguang Armored Divisions continued to join his team along the way.

At first, those following Zhang Guangmu were just the new batch of rookie half-armored masters.

The reason why they are willing to follow Zhang Guangmu is not all because of passion, anger or the sense of responsibility on their shoulders.

A large part of the reason is...

Zhang Guangmu is very strong!

If you follow him, your chances of survival may increase!

On the contrary, those who screamed and fled, turned into soft-legged shrimps, were scared out of their wits by the Blazing Bone Beast, and fled all the way...

Because there are no strong enough teammates to help, if you encounter a Blazing Bone Beast missed by the front line, you may be crushed to death casually, and the mortality rate will skyrocket!


Even if you are lucky enough to escape, where can you escape to?

After all, Area S is probably the last safe area for mankind.

The world on the ground has been completely occupied by the Blazing Bone Beast.

For such a long time, no matter whether it was radio or any other method of contact, the entire underground world had not received any information from other bases.

The vast majority of the refugee groups are like Ye Jie's team, scattered and lacking in organization. Whether they can escape successfully or not depends entirely on God's will.

"Quick, quick, quick! All armored divisions follow!"

"This is...Sir Zhang Guangmu!"

"The officers have personally gone into battle to kill the enemy, so... we should fight to the death!"

The Hanguang armored divisions who followed Zhang Guangmu had various thoughts. When some people encountered this situation, they had no ideas of their own and completely lost their ability to think independently. They just followed Zhang Guangmu's lead and rushed to kill.

No matter what, more and more soldiers gathered around Zhang Guangmu.

Regardless of men and women, whether they are newcomers or their own Cold Light Armored Division, whether they are courageous or as timid as mice, in such a battle group, everyone has lost their usual reason and only knows how to follow Zhang Guangmu and charge all the way.

, destroy as many Blazing Bone Beasts as possible.

An armored division was slammed into the ground by the Burning Bone Beast without saying a word and died on the spot.

Another armored division was hit hard by the fists of the three-meter-tall Blazing Bone Beast mutant, and the external armor was shattered in an instant.

In just half a second, the armored division was reduced to charcoal and died heroically.

Humans are dying, and the Blazing Bone Beasts are also dying out.

Zhang Guangmu waved the long sword crazily, the sapphire blue blade light flowing endlessly, and every slash could take away a blazing bone beast.

"Too many...the number of these monsters is too many!"

Zhang Guangmu panted and went around killing the blazing bone beasts, while his mind was racing and his thoughts were racing.

Until now, Zhang Guangmu is actually a little lucky.

That is to say, I added the available ability points to [Sword Skills] before. Otherwise, if I fight with my fists and kicks now, even with the bonus of the arm armor and blade armor transformed by Bai Yue, it will take several times the effort.

, to achieve the same results.

Facing these blazing bone beasts that rushed into the base, Zhang Guangmu only had to follow his instinct to wield the long sword and strike at the vital points accurately to achieve impressive results.

Every time he swung his sword, Zhang Guangmu could easily destroy a blazing bone beast.


Even so, correct decisions must be made to temporarily stabilize the situation!

Zhang Guangmu just raised his head and looked around, and saw densely packed Blazing Bone Beasts, like a swarm of ants, pouring into Area S from the passage.

Although he had already killed dozens of blazing bone beasts, Zhang Guangmu did not feel the pressure decreasing at all. Instead, he felt that the number of enemies was increasing.

This situation is really disappointing.

Even Zhang Guangmu, in a daze, had a vague feeling that he was not against the Blazing Bone Beast, but against the storm in the turbulent waves!

Can personal power defy nature?

The director of "Armor Age: Cold Light" Zhou Mo is too ruthless.

He never targets any one subconscious actor.

What Zhou Mo is targeting is the human group in the entire movie world!

In most of the movie worlds built by Zhou Mo, there are countless choices that can lead to the destruction of mankind. There may be only one way for mankind to stabilize its development and survive.

Sometimes, there may not even be one.

Zhang Guangmu's eyes flashed, and in an instant, he found a way to stabilize the situation.

He took a deep breath, shook the long knife, and the cold light flowed on the blade, and the icy blue cold flames directly killed an oncoming blazing bone beast.

After doing this, Zhang Guangmu pointed the blade forward and shouted loudly: "Gather your strength first, destroy this group of blazing bone beasts, kill through this road, and block the passage!"

As long as we can block the entrance to the passage, prevent more Blazing Bone Beasts from pouring into Area S, or even just reduce the entry speed of Blazing Bone Beasts, there is a chance for a comeback!

Hearing Zhang Guangmu's words, the group of cold light armored divisions following him suddenly became solemn, and the look of confusion on their faces was reduced. They all rushed hard, trying to keep up with Zhang Guangmu's pace.

At this time, it is the easiest choice to just kill indiscriminately.

What is really difficult is to stay calm and rational and make the most correct decision.

Obviously, although people who can stay calm on the battlefield are very rare, Zhang Guangmu happens to be one of them.

He also happens to be the leader and the most powerful combatant in the entire S area...

Therefore, this group of armored divisions decided to carry out Zhang Guangmu's order without even thinking about it.


A few dozen meters northeast of Zhang Guangmu, a blazing bone beast was waving its arm bones, holding a resident in its palm who kept making shrill wails.

Because of the flames on the Blazing Bone Beast that were enough to melt gold and iron, this resident who was a little slower in escaping could not struggle for too long and died.

"Little sister!"

There was a cold light armored master with a look of intolerance, anger and hatred on his face, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was about to rush over to avenge his relatives.

But as soon as he started to move, he was pulled back by the people around him.

The armored divisions were panting, and their chatter was mixed with the sounds of burning and explosions, making it difficult to hear clearly.


The Hanguang Armored Division, who had just lost a relative, heard everything clearly.

"Don't be impulsive! Our task now is to block the passage!"

"If we don't block this place, more and more Blazing Bone Beasts will come in!"

"More people will die then!"

"Block the tunnel so we can kill all these monsters!"

Very simple and very convincing.

Even though he was deeply unwilling to do so, the Hanguang Armored Division, who had lost his sister, could only grit his teeth and finish the mission before thinking about revenge.

He gritted his teeth, his breath was filled with the smell of blood, and a hoarse roar came from his throat: "Kill!"

He is very fast, but because of that little incident just now, the distance between him and the first echelon has widened.


This has no impact.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bereaved Hanguang Armored Master dropped a black pill into his mouth with bloodshot eyes, swallowed it wholeheartedly, and started charging like crazy.


Zhang Guangmu also let out a powerful roar, and the long knife in his hand was like a dragon flying through the air. With every move, he could easily kill a blazing bone beast.

Sweep, chop, plow, cut, plunder, nay, chop, burst!

These are the eight most basic moves in sword techniques.

In actual combat and killing, Zhang Guangmu quickly digested and absorbed all the knowledge and experience of [Sword Technique 1] and integrated it into his instincts.

His sword skills are getting sharper and more deadly.

Use the least effort to kill the most powerful opponent!




The blazing ice-blue cold flames, accompanied by Zhang Guangmu's sword light, illuminated the end of the passage in a bright light!

The sword technique is upright and domineering, like brilliant thunder from the sky, unstoppable.

Zhang Guangmu felt that the blood in his body was gradually boiling.

Breathing becomes rapid, the beating frequency of the heart increases significantly, and adrenaline is secreted crazily.

In addition, the concentration levels of substances such as endorphins and dopamine in the body are definitely much higher than usual.

In this state, Zhang Guangmu entered a strange state.

He felt that everything in front of him seemed to slow down.

The ferocity of the Blazing Bone Beast and the terror of the human armored divisions.

Attack, defense...

Crisis, breach...

Everything is in full view.

Zhang Guangmu is willing to name this state [flow] mode.

No moves, no sword skills, no rules for using weapons can be restricted to him anymore.

Zhang Guangmu just followed his instinct and slashed, killing the blazing bone beast in front of him.

All moves are ultimately used to serve the goal of "killing the enemy".

As long as you can achieve your goals, do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Just cut it and that’s it!

Zhang Guangmu felt that there was no difference between the Blazing Bone Beast in front of him, whether it was a normal body, a distorted body, or an enhanced body.

They are like wooden stakes of different lengths and very stiff.


It's even simpler than that!

After all, there are no obvious flaws such as "articular cartilage" and "intervertebral disc" on solid wood piles.


"too weak!"

Zhang Guangmu easily killed the last blazing bone beast in front of him, and finally came to the passage.

A young man with an icy blue swimming dragon coiled around his spine, and the long knife he held tightly in his hand was filled with a two-color aura of ice blue and light finance.


A golden mist-colored cold flame struck the tunnel.

Several flaming bone beasts stuck in it were tightly suppressed.

At the same time, the only passage between the entire S area and the surface world was temporarily blocked.

The Hanguang armored divisions following Zhang Guangmu understood that from this moment on, the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed!

All the blazing bone beasts that poured into the S area base became turtles in a jar!

The next thing to do is to catch these intruders one by one and kill them!

Crazy laughter and gasping intertwined, and some Cold Light Armored Divisions even completely ignored the Blazing Bone Beasts around them, lying on the ground carelessly and seizing the time to recover their strength.

"Hahahaha! We did it!"

"Long live Commander Zhang Guangmu!"

"Invincible! This is true invincibility!"

"Huh...huh...I can actually do this? It's incredible!"

They dared to relax like this because Zhang Guangmu was still standing there intact.

As long as they could see his figure, everyone felt at ease.

No other reason is needed!

After cutting off the passage with a knife, Zhang Guangmu stood still, motionless.

The surrounding Blazing Bone Beasts were also like wax statues, with black flames pulsing in their eyes. They stared at Zhang Guangmu and the sapphire blue Tang Dao in his hand with vigilance, not daring to step forward.


Zhang Guangmu's eyes swept past the blazing bone beasts, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Are you guys scared too?"

Zhang Guangmu grinned, revealing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am a sincere and kind-hearted animal protection activist, and I will not exterminate you."

"The most I can do is kill you and turn you into endangered protected animals."

This chapter has been completed!
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