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[Princess]'s decision allowed the Blazing Bone Beasts, who were about to completely wipe out the remaining survivors in Area S, to temporarily loosen their encirclement.

It seems that the crisis of human extinction in the world of "Armor Age: Cold Light" has been temporarily resolved.


[Princess] issues instructions to her fellow creatures silently, without any sound or light effects.

It thought so fast that it took less than a second from being threatened by Zhang Guangmu to making a decision.


In the eyes of the audience, this was Zhang Guangmu retreating from a group of enemies with one sword, and shocking the tide of blazing bone beasts with two swords, creating an emotion called fear in the hearts of those bloodthirsty and murderous monsters.

Seeing this scene, the little white dumplings floating in the air were so excited that they wished they could immediately come to the dimension where the survivors in Area S were and fight side by side with Zhang Guangmu.

"Damn it! Awesome! The sword intimidates the heroes, and the domineering attitude is exposed! You are indeed my brother Muzi!"

"Strong, strong, strong!"

"Mu Zai's wave is simply invincible!"

"Hey, it's so tragic. There is only so much population left in the world, and we still have to face the encirclement and suppression by the Blazing Bone Beast. It's so hopeless!"

"Director Zizhong is not a human being! I am simply convinced!"

"Mu Mu has done a great job. Even if the group is destroyed here, he still tried his best..."

"I have something to say. Usually when I meet people who say this, I always treat them as idiots. Let's forget it this time. You are right!"

"The director is really stupid! If it doesn't end in tragedy, he won't feel happy all over. Did he build the world and balance the combat power of the camp with his feet?"

"The young leader of Area S took the lead and fought in all directions, but finally died of exhaustion. Dying on the battlefield is indeed a tragic and heroic way to die."

"I'm a little excited when I think about it..."

"Zhang Qi probably didn't expect that he would be where he is today, right? Hahahaha!"

Zhang Guangmu completely ignored the audience's insistence.

He has learned to selectively listen to praise and praise from the outside world.

Learn about the humanoid funnel!

“It’s doing pretty well.”

Zhang Guangmu grabbed Ye Jie's neck tightly and raised him in front of him: "But, it's not enough."

"I want them all to leave Area S and never come back while you are alive."

This is a requirement, but it is also a hint and a promise.

[Princess] is naturally able to understand the deeper meaning.


It was still hesitant.

If he betrayed the entire tribe here because he was afraid of death, wouldn't he, the [King of Blazing Bone Beasts], be too despicable?

Zhang Guangmu is a guy with great leadership skills. Under his rule, the survivors in Area S are full of energy and work together.

Once they are allowed to breathe again, with this group of people's hatred for the Blazing Bone Beast, I am afraid that they will become a serious problem for the group to dominate this blue planet!

"How many humans are still alive in the entire S area? How terrifying are the number of blazing bone beasts?"

Zhang Guangmu seemed to have a clairvoyance, and pointed out [Princess]'s concerns to the point: "You don't think that with such a small number of people, as long as they work together for development, they can destroy the Blazing Bone Beast, right?"

"In my lifetime, it will be quite good to be able to ensure that humans have a certain ability to protect themselves from the erosion of the Blazing Bone Beast."

After hearing what Zhang Guangmu said, [Princess] was a little moved.

It thought of the alcoholic armor master who "cast" it.

Due to an illegal operation after being drunk, the raw material of bone essence failed to be inactivated. Finally, by chance, the [Princess] was born.

In any case, that drunkard human can be regarded as half of its father.

After hearing Zhang Guangmu's words, [Princess] couldn't help but think of the words that the alcoholic armor modulator kept saying before he committed suicide.

After I die, don't worry about the flood!

The actual situation is that as human beings, Zhang Guangmu and Ye Jie have very short life spans. Being able to live for more than a century is considered quite good.

Thinking of this, [Princess] became confused.

Zhang Guangmu died of old age?

Just thinking about it makes me happy!

At that time, it will definitely set off a bunch of loud firecrackers to celebrate.

Then, every year on the anniversary of Zhang Guangmu’s death, he would come to the grave of the dead man and perform a tap dance.


It didn't want Ye Jie to die.

Love knows no race.

In the eyes of [Princess], Ye Jie is Ye Jie. Whether he has human attributes or not, it doesn't matter at all.

"Hey, when do you want to think about it?"

Zhang Guangmu frowned: "Ye Jie would rather betray all mankind for you."

"You're not even willing to take this little risk for him?"

"If this is the case, the relationship between you two is so superficial that it makes me want to laugh..."

Upon hearing this, [Princess]'s blood pressure immediately spiked.

Although it always felt that something Zhang Guangmu said was not quite right, how could Zhang Guangmu dare to doubt the love between it and Ye Jie!

"leave here!"

[Princess], who was knocked unconscious by the thinking module, felt a little superior and directly issued an order to the wave of flaming bone beasts: "Before I die! No one is allowed to come down!"

"This is my territory!"

The king's instructions were passed on among the tide of blazing bone beasts.

The vast majority of Blazing Bone Beasts have simple minds and act based on instinct.

Although a very small number of mutant individuals have developed intelligence, their intelligence level is not high, and cannot even reach the level of a normal human child, let alone reach the level of a [Princess].

They could not understand [Princess]'s instructions, but they only thought that the king had his own thoughts and plans.

The king’s will must be obeyed!

The king’s instructions must be implemented!


The Blazing Bone Beasts left at the same speed as when they arrived.

The group of black and red skeletons, like the ebbing tide of waves, left little by little along the passage and gradually disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Guangmu's lips rose.

As soon as he raised his hand, the survivors all focused their attention.

Everyone listened attentively, for fear of missing even half a word.

"All other issues can be postponed to a later date."

"First arrange a room for our [VIP]."

Speaking of this, Zhang Guangmu added: "I live alone, which is quite boring. I will let Ye Jie be my roommate later."

It sounded like a pretty normal order, but the implication was that he wanted to personally monitor and train Ye Jie and [Princess].

[Princess] replied submissively: "Okay... okay."

Everyone now knows that [Princess] is a mutated and rare Blazing Bone Beast.

Although some survivors are a little worried about Zhang Guangmu's safety,...

Among the entire S-area survivors, there is no one more reliable and more observant than him.

Many Hanguang armored divisions have expressed their willingness to become roommates with Zhang Guangmu.

One more person, more power!

However, their requests were all rejected by Zhang Guangmu.

So this group of armored divisions could only settle for the next best thing, hoping to become Zhang Guangmu's neighbors.

In this way, they can support Zhang Guangmu as soon as possible when an emergency occurs, so that the young leader will not have to fight alone.

No matter how arrogant, cowardly, and cowardly you are, after enduring several tests of blood and fire, life and death, you will be able to develop some spirit unique to a warrior in your bones.

This time, Zhang Guangmu did not refuse their request.

The Hanguang armored divisions who became Zhang Guangmu's neighbors were so excited that they cried with joy, as if they had received some kind of supreme honor.

"Well, since you made the right decision, I won't break your promise."

As Zhang Guangmu spoke, he took out a Blazing Bone Pill No. 1 from his pocket and stuffed it into Ye Jie's mouth.

He pinched the other person's chin open and drank it with light salt water from his portable water bottle.

So far, the crisis of destruction in Area S has been temporarily resolved.

Blazing Bone Pill No. 1 is known as the "Poisonous Version of the Ten Thousand Golden Pill", which can stop bleeding, suppress internal injuries, boost the spirit, temporarily enhance physical fitness, and treat shock...

As an elixir, it has almost no major shortcomings, except that it will poison the user to death and shorten their lifespan.

Putting aside the toxicity, Zhang Guangmu thinks this is Jiang Ling's perfect work.

After taking the medicine, Ye Jie woke up slowly within a short time.

"You're awake."

Zhang Guangmu smiled and patted Ye Jie on the shoulder: "Looking at you, it seems like you just had a nightmare."

"It's okay, just wake up and you'll be fine."

In the world of "Armor Age: Cold Light", several days have passed since the invasion of the Blazing Bone Beasts.

Because of the different proportions of time flow, only a few hours have passed in the real world.

Due to the series of performances by Zhang Guangmu, Wang Shangqing, Zhu Nanhua, Ye Jie and others, the main plot of this drama has obviously been completed. Before the final completion, there are still a large number of viewers flocking to catch up.

People are looking forward to the final ending of "Armor Age: Cold Light".

The current situation is that Zhang Guangmu has successfully defeated all subconscious actors and artificial intelligence actors in this drama, becoming the uncrowned king among human survivors.


The ultimate goal of director Zhou Mo is to make humanity in this world extinct and human civilization completely destroyed.

Zhang Guangmu was obviously on the opposite side of him.

In the end, who will win?

Is the winner Zhang Guangmu or Zhou Mo?

The vast majority of viewers believe that the latter will dominate everything.

After all, Zhou Mo is the world-caster of "Armor Age: Cold Light".

Although Zhang Guangmu has powerful abilities and outstanding subconsciousness, he is ultimately just a subconscious actor and a "chess piece" in the game.

No matter how powerful the chess piece is, it cannot defeat the will of the chess player.

Even if the director Zhou Mo is very strict about the rules and does not provide extra script guidance, but just allows the world to develop according to the established road plan, the Blazing Bone Beast is still better than the human side in terms of absolute strength!

As the leader of the human survivor camp, Zhang Guangmu's abilities have been recognized by many viewers and survivors in Area S, but...

The harder he tries, the sadder the ending becomes.

"An individual's ability has its limits after all."

Director Zhou Mo, who was floating in the sky and transformed into a small ball of golden light, calmly commented on Zhang Guangmu's struggle: "Those who can succeed against the will of heaven, their so-called 'acts that go against the will of heaven', are essentially following the way of heaven.

That’s all.”

"In the world of "Armor Age: Cold Light", humans are not the darlings of fate."

"The Blue Star human civilization will usher in destruction in despair."

Both words are full of pessimism and negative energy.

The staff on the set didn't know what to say.

Most of the staff who can work with Zhou Mo's production team have worked with him all the way, and they know each other well.

They know very well how powerful Zhou Mo, as a subconscious director, is at controlling scenes.

Although deep in the hearts of these staff members, as human beings, they sincerely hope that Zhang Guangmu can perform beyond his level and overcome the tragedy of Zhou Mo across dimensions, but...

They had to admit that the possibility of Zhang Guangmu defeating Zhou Mo was too small.

The production team workers overlooked Area S, paying attention to the survivors and Zhang Guangmu's final struggles and efforts.

During these seven days, Zhang Guangmu chatted many times with his "roommate" Ye Jie and his lover.

Although Ye Jie, who was crippled by Zhang Guangmu, was almost paraplegic and had a bloody feud with each other, under Zhang Guangmu's rescue and persuasion education, both Ye Jie and [Princess] performed well and their consciousness gradually improved.

Now, Ye Jie will recite the "S District Declaration" and "Guangmu Spirit" passionately in the morning, afternoon and evening, and receive the influence of advanced ideas.

The reason why he was able to accept the new situation so quickly was, on the one hand, not to be a drag on the [Princess] and because he did not want to trick the [Princess] to death because of his stubbornness and stubbornness. On the other hand, it was because, although Ye Jie was paralyzed, he was still paralyzed.

With the help of [Princess], I can still move my body reluctantly without completely losing all ability to take care of myself.

The power of [King of Blazing Bone Beasts] is not only the power of extraordinary creatures, but also combined with human technology and wisdom. Even if it is not used in combat, it can have miraculous effects in the fields of technological research and development and medical innovation.

Although it is impossible to recover as before, it is still possible to regain normal human-level mobility.

In the process, Zhang Guangmu also obtained a lot of useful information.

for example……

Unless the [Princess] dies, a new king will never be born among the Blazing Bone Beast group.

Even if it has intelligence and the upper limit of its strength is not inferior to its individual appearance, it can only be regarded as a prince.

The priority of those princes' instructions is much lower than that of the [King].

Unless the newly born princes defeat the [Princess] in a duel and kill her.

In the change of throne, the other Blazing Bone Beasts will never participate.


If you want to attack and kill the [Princess] in a one-on-one battle, you must first pass the level of the S-area armored divisions.

This forms the "individual VS team" BUG.

Zhang Guangmu, who had this bug stuck, laid out the facts and reasoned, and by analyzing the pros and cons and the situation, he gradually eliminated the wariness of [Princess] and Ye Jie.

For these two people, Zhang Guangmu specially selected a group of eloquent people who were engaged in ideological work.

"As friends, we will try our best to help you keep the throne", "We are the only ones who can accept interracial love", "There is an alien conspiracy hidden in the hierarchy of the Blazing Bone Beast"...

Ye Jie and [Princess] have to undergo this kind of brainwashing 24 hours a day except when they are sleeping.

High-intensity verbal brainwashing cannot be said to be ideological imprinting, but at least it can be regarded as spiritual invasion and cultural cannibalization.

Reverse psychology?

Very intense at first.

But the combination of verbal brainwashing and rescue methods is very effective.

On this day, [Princess], who had just completed her own strategy, said to Ye Jie: "The blazing bone beasts outside are all thinking about my throne and want to murder me."

"The humans in Area S are our good friends."

"Ah Jie, we are so lucky to be able to live under the great light of 'that one'..."

Ye Jie's lips moved slightly.

He knew that [Princess] was trying to flatter those people by pretending to be completely brainwashed.

Ye Jie thought so too at first.

Be patient and wait!

Wait until the right time presents itself.


Will Zhang Guangmu really be deceived?

He was pretending to be confused while pretending to understand, so perhaps Zhang Guangmu was not the same?

The scariest thing is...

Ye Jie vaguely felt that in the brainwashing day after day, his hatred for S District and Zhang Guangmu was gradually fading away.

Sometimes, when he thinks of Zhang Guangmu, he actually feels a sense of overwhelming gratitude.


After being beheaded, even with the help of the [Princess], Ye Jie would not be able to regain his former fighting power, and even his ability to take care of himself would be difficult to recover.

Ye Jie sighed and said resignedly: "Yes, we are very lucky."

For the sake of the "Princess", he must swallow his anger, completely forget the past, and play the role of "Prisoner Roommate" who was completely enslaved by Zhang Guangmu.

When [Princess] was brainwashed for Ye Jie, in the next room.

Medical officer Jiang Ling was standing in front of Zhang Guangmu, holding a physical examination report in his hand and looking uncertain.

(Today’s update is 19,500 words!)

This chapter has been completed!
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