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128 [Swordsman] and [Wizard]

The pretender who was cut into two pieces by Zhang Guangmu did not panic at all, and even reached out his hand to put the two pieces of his body together.

The broken body sections were slowly fused together like liquid metal, and returned to their full strength in the blink of an eye.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After doing this, it laughed wildly: "You can't kill me!"

"I'm different from other Blazing Bone Beasts!"

"As a mutant, I can not only imitate and disguise myself as any human being, but I also have the ability to neutralize the properties of [cold light] life metal!"

The pretender was clearly cut in half by Zhang Guangmu, but he still seemed not to have suffered any injuries.

The more emboldened and confident it is, the more fearful normal humans will feel when facing it, and may even act abnormally as a result.

after all……

In a battle of the same level, intelligence is also very important.

When facing an unknown enemy, a normal person's idea is to first collect intelligence through various methods, and then slowly find a way to break the situation.

If Zhang Guangmu really did this, he would have fallen into the pretender's plan.

It took action today to kill Jiang Ling, disguised as Jiang Ling, and approached Zhang Guangmu with a special purpose.

First, directly assassinate Zhang Guangmu.

It would be the best thing if we could directly kill this young human leader in Area S.

If this is not possible, the target will automatically switch to the second delay time!

As long as Zhang Guangmu can be held back and the other two companions can kill the current king of the Blazing Bone Beast [Princess], the goal will be achieved.

To the Pretender and its two other companions, the humans in Area S are insignificant and worthless.

What they want is to eliminate the [Princess] and compete for the throne of the Blazing Bone Beasts!


Although the current king of the Burning Bone Beast [Princess] is weak and cowardly, she has made good use of humans, a rare group that is about to become extinct.

In the fight for the throne, ordinary flaming bone beasts will not participate.

Theoretically speaking, the battle for the throne can only be fought one-on-one.

But [Princess] broke the rules and did not allow ordinary Blazing Bone Beasts to come to S Area.

Once other challengers come over, they will be beaten by the cold light armored divisions and die miserably.

Therefore, the three newly promoted mutated Blazing Bone Beasts were unwilling to be inferior to others and wanted to become the new king, so they secretly made a plan to assassinate them.

In this plan, Zhang Guangmu is the biggest variable!

It would be best to kill him easily.

It doesn't matter if he can't be killed, as long as the pretender can delay the time and let the other two companions surround and kill the [Princess], everything will be settled.

When the new king comes to the throne, all he needs to do to destroy the last human camp is an order, and the new king doesn't even need to do it himself.

Zhang Guangmu, a mere human being, has no way to reverse the situation.

"It seems Jiang Ling is dead."

Zhang Guangmu looked coldly at the human figure that had just been condensed from the two pieces of debris: "Then you can be buried with her!"

The opponent's "immortal body" ability is actually nothing when it comes to Zhang Guangmu's eyesight.

It's just similar to the fluidity of Hanguang Liquid Life Alloy.

After deciphering the ultimate world view, Zhang Guangmu was able to quickly see through the essence of the opponent's various tricks and mysterious skills when faced with any Blazing Bone Beast or Cold Light Armored Master.

The pretender's seemingly mysterious methods of "change" and "immortality" are actually nothing.

What the hell!

A few more cuts and you're done!

After saying this, Zhang Guangmu rushed over with a knife in hand, as if he was going to cut the pretender into pieces.

The pretender, who was originally very calm and even laughed maniacally, saw this and his tone became urgent: "Wait! Don't you think it's strange? I..."

A flash of knife light completely sealed its voice deep in the throat.

Zhang Guangmu slashed seven times in succession without hesitation, completely cutting the pretender into pieces.

In fact, in the third stage, the pretender was forced to reveal his true form, which was a pocket-sized flaming bone beast about 1.6 meters tall.

The opponent's vitality and body size are completely out of proportion.

Although very slender and small, it is surprisingly resistant to beatings and has an extremely long health bar.:.

It's a pity that the combat power is too high.

Zhang Guangmu didn't even need to use his fists, this pretender couldn't even withstand his sword blow.

Above the sharp blade, ice-blue flames burned quietly.

The seventh knife fell, and the dark flames deep in the pocket flaming bone beast's eyes completely dissipated.

In an instant, its skeletal structure collapsed and turned into a pile of powder.

The pretender is dead.

This being who was competing for the Throne of the Burning Bone Beast had many calculations and strategies, but he couldn't use any of them in front of Zhang Guangmu, so he died full of anger, unwillingness and despair.




There were explosions and fighting sounds from next door.

Zhang Guangmu kicked open the door and saw the situation next door.

At this moment, the condition of "roommate" Ye Jie and his lover was very bad. Their bodies were covered with bloodstains and scorched black, and they looked miserable.

The two blazing bone beasts that cooperated with the pretenders to attack did not seem to have the ability to disguise themselves as humans. Compared with normal blazing bone beasts, they were both very small in size. One was only 1.9 meters tall, and the other was about 1.7 meters tall.


One of these two mutated blazing bone beasts holds a weapon that resembles a Western two-handed sword in his hand, with black and red blazing fire lingering on it.

The other one was holding a bone stick, waving it in the air, controlling the black and red flames, and launched an offensive towards Ye Jie and the [Princess].

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Guangmu gave each of the two blazing bone beasts code names.

[Swordsman] and [Wizard].

At this moment, [Princess] and Ye Jie were in a semi-paralyzed state because they had been punished by Zhang Guangmu before, and lacked the ability to protect themselves, let alone deal with two special mutated flaming bone beasts with extremely high intelligence.

Faced with the challengers who threatened [Princess]'s Blazing Bone Beast throne, Ye Jie and [Princess] had no choice.

If the neighbors who lived next door hadn't noticed something was wrong and rushed over in cold light armor as soon as possible, Ye Jie and [Princess] might have been dead by now.

Even so, the two challengers were incredibly strong. Facing the human Cold Light Armored Division, they could almost kill them in two moves.

The battle process was relaxed and smooth, without any trace of sloppiness.


too strong!

In just a dozen breaths, the bodies of seven or eight Hanguang Armored Divisions were already lying in the room.

Due to the narrow environment, many armored divisions who came after hearing the news were separated from the door and could only rush in one by one.

Some of the Hanguang armored divisions who reacted quickly had already started smashing windows and walls.


Since this house was specially designed for Zhang Guangmu to live in, it was specially reinforced with alloy during this period. It was really hard to break open for a while!

Ye Jie and [Princess], whose lives were hanging by a thread, saw Zhang Guangmu coming and rushed to Zhang Guangmu's side almost without thinking, as if they had seen a savior.

"It's safe, it's safe..."

"Princess, don't be afraid, the leader is here, we won't die!"

Zhang Guangmu didn't pay attention to what Ye Jie and [Princess] said.

He just looked at the 1.9-meter-tall [Swordsman] and the 1.7-meter-tall [Wizard] with calm eyes.

"I said before that the Blazing Bone Beast should be killed as an endangered protected animal."

"There hasn't been any action here yet, but you guys showed up first."

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu grinned, revealing his white teeth, and his smile was slightly ferocious, looking like a fierce villain: "Then I'll start with you!"

[Princess] Just pretend you didn’t hear Zhang Guangmu’s words.

What happened to endangered protected animals?

Isn’t it nice to live here?

If he and Ajie were really wandering around outside, they might be quartered this time!


Three people of the same race, instead of trying to save themselves from the sea of ​​suffering, they only wanted to let themselves die!

【Princess】The more I think about it, the more chilled I feel.

The sincere words of those ideological workers in Area S were truly heard by the frightened [Princess] at this moment.

Faced with Zhang Guangmu's provocation, the [Wizard] waved the bone palm in his hand, controlling a ball of black and red fire, and directly separated the cold light armor divisions who wanted to rush into the room.

Just when it was about to attack Zhang Guangmu, the [Swordsman] blocked it in front of him with a sword.

After doing this action, [Swordsman] looked at Zhang Guangmu, and the dark soul fire that kept jumping in his eyes seemed to burn even more violently: "You... think... you... are... strong?"

Although it is not clear and fluent when it is finished, it does not give people a naive feeling like a fool learning to speak. Instead, it makes people feel the horror of a lion about to become angry.

Intangible and qualityless arrogance spread in the room.

Even the Hanguang armored divisions standing outside were frightened and subconsciously retreated a little. Their muscles and bones were limp, as if they had just finished a marathon. They were dripping with sweat, panting, and exhausted.

The 1.7-meter-tall Blazing Bone Beast, who was labeled [Wizard] by Zhang Guangmu, had black flames dancing in its eye sockets. He immediately took two steps back and aimed his bone palm at the door, forming an isolation zone to block the cold light from the outside world.

The divisions were unable to break in.

Strictly speaking, it has the same competitive relationship with [Swordsman] and [Pretender]. After killing [Princess], who can ascend to the throne will have to do it again.

Now, [The Pretender] has been hacked to death by Zhang Guangmu.

If you can lose part of the [Swordsman]'s power in the process of destroying the old king, that would be the best thing!

As for the human survivors in Area S?

[Wizard] doesn't really care about this power.

Although they are now like disgusting fleas and cockroaches, it is difficult to kill them all. In fact, as long as the [Wizard] arrives at the Throne of Burning Bones, with just one summons, the tide of Burning Bone Beasts can easily wipe out the human race in this place.

The nest was completely destroyed!


From a superficial point of view, [Wizard] did not deliberately paddle to hold back.

After all, it helps the [Swordsman] resist so many human cold-light armored divisions outside, doesn't it?

[Swordsman] Here you only need to fight an ordinary human.

From a quantitative perspective, it [Wizard] is the one who really takes on more responsibilities and works harder!

The thought was completed in a flash of light.

In an instant, Zhang Guangmu and the [Swordsman] started fighting.


Ice-blue cold light and blazing red flames collided in the air, making a deafening sound.


The sound made by the [Swordsman] was still loud and dull, with an undeniable sense of majesty in it.

Only this time, it seemed to be really angry.


Zhang Guangmu did not draw his sword during the confrontation with it.

Facing the two-handed giant sword of the [Swordsman], Zhang Guangmu had clearly transformed the Blue Jade Tang Sword, but he just carried it behind his back, quickly stepped forward, and missed the swordsman's giant sword with a punch.

This is the whole process of the first confrontation between the two sides.

Let alone the [Swordsman] who couldn't stand it, even the cold light armored divisions in Area S felt that their boss seemed to be pretending to be a bit tough, and were afraid that Zhang Guangmu would overturn on the spot.

"The arrogant...die!"

[Swordsman] The black flames in his eye sockets transformed and condensed, turning into liquid eye waves, and the giant sword held tightly in his arms seemed to have lost its mass.

When facing a powerful enemy, he actually dared not to use weapons...

In its opinion, the number one cause of Zhang Guangmu's death must be the word "arrogance".

In an instant, the terrifying weapon in the [Swordsman's] hand seemed to have broken free from the shackles of gravity and became as light as a dagger.

It was obviously a huge and heavy weapon, but in its hands, it became light and fast.



The black and red cross sword light was imprinted on Zhang Guangmu's body in an instant.


Such two consecutive slashes that were as fast as thunder failed to accomplish anything.

At the moment of life and death, Zhang Guangmu lightly bent his elbow.

The black and red cross cut was shattered into pieces by the impact, turning into a special effect flame that was useless except for looking good.

Zhang Guangmu's movement, which seemed like stretching, easily defeated the [Swordsman]'s killing move.


[Swordsman] The flames in his eyes returned to their normal pulsating state and no longer had the fluid posture before.

It was about to say something, but Zhang Guangmu suddenly exerted force on his feet.

With the collaborative support of Bai Yue and Jin Jing, Zhang Guangmu gained super mobility.

The figure flashes!

Zhang Guangmu arrived in front of the [Swordsman] almost as if he teleported.

The right hand wrapped in light blue flames struck out with a fist.


[Swordsman] did not receive any damage.

It was just knocked out of its posture, its center of gravity was deflected, and it came to Zhang Guangmu's left hand uncontrollably.

The hand wrapped in liquid cold light metal like a reinforced dragon's claw was burning with ice flames, tightly gripping the swordsman's cervical vertebrae.

Zhang Guangmu's body sank slightly, and he pushed forward suddenly, compressing all the strength of his body on his wrist, and violently shook it out.



Classic reappearance.

When killing the first enhanced version of the Blazing Bone Beast, Zhang Guangmu's killing move named "As long as you have hands" was used again.

This time, the effect was equally good.

After the [Swordsman]'s cervical vertebrae were shattered, the dark flames in his eyes suddenly disappeared.




Accompanied by a burst of sinister laughter, black and red fire swirled and rose in the room.

[Wizard] Seeing his companion die suddenly, he laughs instead of getting angry.

It maintained its previous state, holding a bone staff and pointing it at the cold light armored divisions outside.

"Zhang Guangmu, the accumulation of toxins in your body has reached its limit and your body is on the verge of collapse!"

"Just a little pressure from the outside world can be the last straw and crush you to death!"

Having said this, [Wizard] tilted his head to look at Zhang Guangmu, and pointed at his own eyes with the other hand: "You are a strong human boy who is strong on the outside but stupid on the inside... What is your physical condition? Under my eyes, there is no way to hide it.


Zhang Guangmu's eyes shimmered brightly, and he tilted his head, looking at the [Wizard] like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

(There are two chapters left at 8pm!) To provide you with the fastest update of Supernatural from tearing up the script, 128 [Swordsman] and [Wizard] are free to read.:.

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