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130 A Little Trouble with the Infinity Warship

The movie is finished...

The world freezes...

The spiritual link is broken...

Subconscious evaluation in progress...

[Tao] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Buddha] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Confucianism] evaluates you as [Excellent].

Your final rating in "Armor Age: Cold Light" is [Excellent]!

The subconscious mind is awakening...

Wake up complete!

"Welcome back to the real world!"

"Dear two-star subconscious actor Zhang Guangmu, thank you for your hard work!"

"Your hard work has greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the citizens of the empire!"

"All your hard work has been remembered by the Empire!"

"May you create greater glory again!"

"Judging from your past performance, you still lack some experience accumulation and there is still some distance between you and a Samsung subliminal actor."

"The benefits of being promoted to a two-star subliminal actor are as follows..."

The dark dive cabin gradually became brighter.

Zhang Guangmu slowly opened his eyes and did not touch the eject button immediately.

He was thinking about his previous comments.

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu couldn't believe it when he first saw the evaluations given by the three major super artificial intelligences.

These three incompatible old buddies actually one day reach a consensus?

Is it because he saved the human race in the cold light world?

Or are there other deeper and more complex reasons?


"Armor Age: Cold Light" has been completed. This subconscious struggle between the actor and the director finally ended in his own victory.

How do you feel?

Just one word!



It feels even more exciting to have three super artificial intelligences give excellent evaluations at the same time!

Although no one rated it as "excellent or above" this time, the uniform excellence made Zhang Guangmu feel comfortable and relaxed.

Shaking the black jade bracelet on his wrist, Zhang Guangmu's personal terminal pushed what he wanted to see in front of his eyes.

These are the reviews of the movie "Armored Age: Cold Light" by viewers on major screen websites.

In general, as a work by [tragedy enthusiast] director Zhou Mo, many viewers have already prepared their psychology before coming to watch this drama, thinking that they will eventually see the mass extinction of mankind.


All I can say is that it far exceeded expectations.

This has also resulted in the movie "Armor Age: Cold Light" receiving rave reviews among fans, and its reputation is quite good.

Many viewers even thought that director Zhou Mo was about to change his ways, and sent congratulatory messages one after another.

Zhang Guangmu also watched the audience's praise for him for a while.

At this glance, it evaporated instantly within ten minutes.

If there had not been warnings and reminders from the infiltration cabin, Zhang Guangmu felt that he would have to stay here until the next crew arrived if he was not careful.

After all, everything is available in the submersible cabin, and you don’t need to take nutritional cream. The nutritional liquid directly supplies the body’s energy, nutrients and water loss.

"Ah, wait a minute!"

Zhang Guangmu suddenly came to his senses, closed the comments on his personal terminal that praised him fiercely, and slapped the pop-up button with his hand.


White smoke is lingering and mist is steaming.

Zhang Guangmu enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped in smoke.

It's very much like cultivating immortals.

There is a bit of a feeling of riding the wind with your own hands, and feeling like a fairy.


It is a pity that the Xuanlong Empire is a world that values ​​science and materialism. All supernatural powers are to be rejected and despised as monsters and monsters.

The only place where Zhang Guangmu can come into contact with extraordinary power...

There is only the path of the Great Emperor.

Every year in "Road to the Great", subconscious actors can generally "master" extraordinary powers.

It is not the pseudo-supernatural that relies on external objects like the flame artifact in "Fire Wolf Castle" and the cold light armor in "Armor Age: Cold Light", nor is it the false supernatural beings that rely on disposable consumable supernatural props in "Secret Assignment".

It’s the kind of transcendence that “human beings possess” in “Endless Food Bag”, where one is hit by a gun until a liter of blood surges, and as long as the will is firm enough, nothing will happen!

How ruthless is the money!

In "Endless Food Bag", it doesn't matter how many bullets are embedded in the body or how many kilograms of temporary weight gain, as long as you are not beaten to death on the spot, the surgery is done well, you can endure the pain, and have a good sleep,

You can recover immediately.


There are not many directors who are addicted to death.

Zhang Guangmu made four movies, and he only met Qian Yiyuan and Cao Guan.

That kind of feeling is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought!


In the annual "Road to the Great" national event, as a subconscious actor, Zhang Guangmu can experience the feeling of "truly mastering extraordinary power".

According to records from previous years, the types of Path of the Emperor include but are not limited to: fairy tales, magic, fantasy, gods, ghosts and monsters, Cthulhu, prehistoric times, multiverse chaos, etc.

Thinking about it makes me excited!


The hatch pops open.

As soon as Zhang Guangmu opened his eyes, he saw the expressionless face of director Zhou Mo.

"Congratulations, you won."

Zhou Mo's eyebrows knitted together, then relaxed, and said in a joking tone: "If I cooperate with you again in the future, I will know what to do."

"If I had known you were so strong, I should have severely weakened you before the filming of "Armor Age: Cold Light" started."

"I am indeed too kind..."

It sounds like a joke, but actually Zhou Mo really thinks so deep down in his heart.

If he could really cooperate with Zhang Guangmu next time, he would give Zhang Guangmu a body that was so sick that he could die suddenly at any time.


In that case, if the game really fails and Zhang Guangmu is killed in advance, wouldn't it be a blood loss?

Zhou Mo was a little confused.

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu couldn't help but want to complain.

Although Zhou Mo is a relatively well-behaved director and behaves strictly, but...

This person and the word "kindness" are completely insulated, right?

If I hadn't worked so hard to turn the tide, all human beings in the entire "Armor Age: Cold Light" world would have been extinct by now!

This guy looks normal, but in fact he is not a human being at all!

Thinking of this, Zhang Guangmu chuckled: "Thank you."

next time?

Where will the next time come from?

The extremely affectionate Ultimate Armored Division and leader of Area S rejected Tiandao's PY invitation.

"Although it's not what I thought, "Armored Age: Cold Light" has received very good reviews from the Empire's super artificial intelligence."

Zhou Mo continued: "This movie is the one with the highest evaluation among all my works."

"Not only the official evaluation, but also its reputation among the audience is very good."

The so-called "very good reputation" refers specifically to the fact that 80% of the audience are criticizing Zhou Mo for being a bad person.

I don't really care about these demons.

After all, he always believed that he was a rule-abiding person, and everything he did was within the scope of the iron laws of the empire and the unspoken rules of the industry.

Even if Zhou Mo was called "butcher", "executioner", "murderer", and "dead pervert", it wasn't just once or twice.

But Ye Jie left the scene early...

I'm afraid there won't be many opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Regarding this, Zhou Mo was in a very peaceful mood.

In "Armor Age: Cold Light", he kept written records of all script prompts and false memory preparations used by Ye Jie.

Before the filming of this drama started, Ye Jie also watched it one by one and said that there were no problems.

Later the plot developed to this extent, all I can say is...

They both made the same mistake and overestimated their abilities, always thinking that they could easily cope with all difficulties.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mo's eyes fell on Zhang Guangmu, his eyes were in a trance, as if he was beginning to doubt life: "I have always believed that tragedy is the eternal theme."

"Only tragedy can better sublimate the theme."

"A happy ending with a happy ending will only make people feel happy, but it will not leave scars or marks deep enough in the hearts of the audience for them to remember it."


"I'm a little shaken."

Zhang Guangmu blinked and said in a faint tone: "I don't understand this kind of thing, it's useless for you to tell me."

"If you ask me, the answer I would definitely give is that I like happy endings."

"After all, before I became a subconscious actor, I was always an audience member. I hate tragedies the most."

To a certain extent, Zhang Guangmu felt that there might not be anything wrong with Zhou Mo's theory.

Most of the pre-time-travel Legend of Sword and Fairy series, whether they were games or film and television adaptations, ended in tragedy, and fans still bought into it.


Zhang Guangmu firmly believes.

In the final analysis, it is still the saying that the strong can break all laws.

In addition, all norms and iron laws will eventually be broken by courageous experimenters.

"Don't talk about me anymore, some actors have left a few words for you."

Zhou Mo's eyes flashed, he collected his thoughts and said to Zhang Guangmu: "First of all, it's Zhu Nanhua. He said that you are a very good person, very powerful, and you are the 'Emperor born in the morning', while he is the 'King of the year'

', it is not convenient to meet each other, so as not to conflict with each other."

"Although I lost to you twice in a row, I can only do three things."

"He has learned lessons and seriously reflected on it."

"On the road to the Great Emperor, you will definitely taste the taste of failure."

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly, not feeling any exception at all.

As soon as I heard this, I knew that it was Zhu Nanhua himself who could say it.

I'm an old superstitious person.

When filming "Flaming Wolf Castle", Zhang Guangmu knew what kind of person this person was.

The reason why the other party chooses to avoid seeing her in reality is probably the same weird "the king doesn't see the king" as last time.


Just don't think about him too much.

If we are predestined, we will probably work together again!

Anyway, Zhang Guangmu is still looking forward to cooperating with Zhu Nanhua for the third time.

After all, there is a double bond between the two!

[Flaming Wolf Castle·New and Old Masters]+[S Area·New and Old Controllers]!

Two generations of kings have passed on their legacy.

The bond between each other, spanning worlds and dimensions, still exists!

What kind of fate is this?

Zhang Guangmu felt that just thinking about it in depth would make people cry.

Come to think of it, Mr. Zhu Nanhua must also be looking forward to the next cooperation with him, right?

"Then, it's Nalan Yuan..."

At this point, Zhou Mo's expression became a little weird: "I can't quite understand what he meant, so I'll just say the exact words."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhang Guangmu, pondered for a moment, and then said in a serious tone: "As expected of Zhang Guangmu, I will choose him next time."

He said he didn't understand it, but in fact Zhou Mo understood it better than anyone else.

The subconscious actor in "Armor Age: Cold Light" who is most similar to Zhou Mo is not Ye Jie, Wang Shangqing, or Zhu Nanhua, but...

In the first scene of the plot, Nalan Yuan carries an ax and kills people everywhere!

What else could it be to choose Zhang Guangmu?

I just want to find the best person to bury with me!

After delivering this sentence, Zhou Mo couldn't help but raise his orchid finger, cover his mouth, and chuckle softly.

A very handsome old man with a very cruel heart. He laughed so hard that Zhang Guangmu's scalp went numb and he almost couldn't help but give him a knife.

My wrists were shaking, but the air was shaken.

Only then did Zhang Guangmu realize belatedly that Bai Yue and Jin Neng would not appear in the real world. He was not the ultimate armor division in "Armor Age: Cold Light" and could not be casually transformed.

That sapphire blue straight-edged Tang knife.

But Nalan Yuan...

In a sense, this person's subconscious is indeed quite powerful.

From "Secret Assignment" to "Armor Age: Cold Light", I always want to drag people to death together, even if I don't care about it, I will kill my own obsession...

It's really touching.

Even for a moment, Zhang Guangmu had the urge to pull this person into the group. Fortunately, Zhang Guangmu had strong enough self-control and did not act willfully.

People like Nalan Yuan have true antisocial personality and self-destructive plot.

In other words, he was lucky enough to be born in the Black Dragon Empire.

Zhang Guangmu feels that Nalan Yuan's character, in any other era or world setting, would have killed him at such a young age.

"The last one is Ye Jie."

"He saw that you never came out, so he simply wrote you a card."

As Zhou Mo spoke, he took out a black card from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Guangmu.

There is a string of big Chinese characters written on it. Although it is messy, it still shows a bit of bohemian flavor.

Zhang Guangmu took a closer look and found that what Ye Jie wrote on it was "This time in the world of "Armor Age: Cold Light", I collapsed so miserably!"

"I originally thought I could resist it, but now it seems that I still overestimated myself!"

"It's so scary! If the person playing against you is not you, if you don't turn the tide..."

"The consequences could be disastrous!"

"If it really comes to that level, even if Director Zhou comes out with the five 'whitewashing materials' he prepared in advance, he probably won't be able to clear me..."

“Anyway, thank you very much!”

Although the words between the lines make people feel that Ye Jie has no culture, his emotions are still relatively full and he seems to be quite sincere.

In fact, Zhang Guangmu could completely understand Ye Jie's reaction.

The speculations written on this small piece of paper are indeed normal and are by no means excessive worries.

Regardless of whether Ye Jie was misled by the script prompts, few people would understand that Ye Jie's hopes far exceeded his abilities. Who made him take on the leading role in this drama?

If you don’t have the ability, how can you accept a savior?

When you signed the contract, didn't you read the terms and script in detail?

Even if he is criticized, director Zhou Mo can only take away 20%, and the remaining 80% will fall on Ye Jie and be destroyed by him!

After all, Ye Jie was naturally corroded by the [Princess] in "Armor Age: Cold Light", and his mind turned into a beast. Many viewers directly labeled him as "anti-human".

If Zhang Guangmu hadn't turned the tide later, brought the plot to a complete conclusion, forcibly preserved human civilization in the cold light world, and successfully induced the [Princess] to abandon the Blazing Bone Beast camp for love...

I am afraid that most netizens will feel that Ye Jie must bear the blame for the extinction of mankind in the world of "Armor Age: Cold Light".

But the problem is...

Can Ye Jie carry it?

He can't bear it!

In this case, Ye Jie's character will completely collapse, and fans will scatter and abandon him completely.

As for the current ending...

Director Zhou Mo has given up, and the audience has agreed that the drama "Armor Age: Cold Light" has a "good ending" in the end. The humans of Blue Star are based in the underground world of Area S. They don't need to worry about external threats and can develop steadily.

Can gradually return to the top, even surpass the past!

It’s the “five whitewashing materials” mentioned on this note...

It seems that although Zhou Mo is a ruthless person, he is not a cold-blooded person. He does not regard Ye Jie as a chess piece that can be thrown away after use.

Even the public relations plan for Ye Jie after his defeat was prepared in advance.

[Gamers] who like tragedy are somewhat capable.


If Zhou Mo is so mean and ruthless, who would be willing to cooperate with him!

"Brother Mu."

A faint and familiar voice sounded not far away.

Zhang Guangmu looked around and found Luo Zuan, a spiky-headed boy wearing a red sweatshirt, standing about five meters away from him, with his head lowered and staring at the uppers of his shoes.

This little brother is good at everything, but when he opens his mouth to talk, he is shy like a little girl.

But this is rarely shown in the world of subconscious movies...

Maybe it’s the idol complex of real-life star-chasers?

Zhang Guangmu waved to Luo Zuan: "Let's go back together!"

Before Luo Zuan could speak, another voice sounded in Zhang Guangmu's ears.

"The young leader of Area S? The Human King?"

"This time, you are lucky."

Zhang Guangmu looked around and found two other people standing next to Luo Zuan.

One is the medical officer girl Jiang Ling, and the other is the unlucky King Shangqing who got his lunch early in the movie "Armor Age: Cold Light".

The one who can say this is obviously Wang Shangqing, who has been "lucky to lose" twice.

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu was quite shocked that this man had been waiting outside and did not leave directly.

"Assistant, you are alive again..."

Zhang Guangmu looked at Wang Shangqing and said with joy, "That's great!"

The three words "assistant" instantly reminded Wang Shangqing of his unbearable years in "Armor Age: Cold Light", and he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes slightly.

Wang Shangqing discovered another characteristic of Zhang Guangmu. He is really good at messing with people's mentality!

Important information +1!

Wang Shangqing, who had been mentally preparing outside for a long time, would not break his defense with such a simple talk!

"Usual wins and losses are nothing."

Wang Shangqing looked at Zhang Guangmu with burning eyes, and said meaningfully: "Success or failure on the road to the Great Emperor will affect your life."

"Although you are this year's Seventh Star, there are definitely not a few Seventh Stars who have failed in "Road to the Great" over the years."

Having said this, he took a deep breath and said stiffly: "The subconscious determines the upper limit, and personal ability determines the lower limit."

As if giving an order, Wang Shangqing asked Zhang Guangmu: "Stop filming before the road to the emperor. You have to seize the last month, train hard, and try to become stronger!"

"Zhang Guangmu, if you fall into the hands of others before I defeat you..."

"I, the King Shangqing, will never let you go!"

His tone sounded hostile.

Appreciating its content, it is like bitter medicine and harsh advice.

After leaving these hard words, Wang Shangqing turned and left without looking back.

He gave Zhang Guangmu a very awkward feeling, falling into the category of "wanting to show kindness, but feeling that it would be embarrassing to show kindness to others easily".

Zhang Guangmu accepted Wang Shangqing's kindness, but unfortunately he couldn't do it the way a normal person would.

For him, more filming is better than any kind of training!

More importantly...

Before the filming of Road to the Great Emperor begins, Zhang Guangmu must create a more powerful character image, or truly make himself stronger!

For no other reason, even if it is just to maintain the stability of the [Infinity] battleship, you must do this!

There is one thing that Mr. Chu Ba, Mr. Zhao, the fortune-telling girls and the scout fans may all ignore, but Zhang Guangmu, one of the parties involved, will definitely not ignore it!

That is……

Among the seven stars this year, as the captain, he ranked seventh, and as the crew member, Li Xiaoxiao ranked sixth!

Zhang Guangmu himself doesn't care about this, but with the sensitive, delicate and cautious temperament of the Xiaoxiao brothers...

If left unchecked, Li Xiaoxiao would probably get into trouble in this area, becoming paranoid all day long and tormenting herself to the point of mental breakdown.


As the captain, Zhang Guangmu feels that he should shoulder more responsibilities and obligations.

He has actually made the final step of planning for the first year of his career.

Before participating in the "Road of the Great" for the first time, you must show your strength to the world in front of the world and be above the middle of the Seven Stars this year!

In this way, the empire's super artificial intelligence will not cause trouble during the Great Emperor's Path and split the Infinity battleship in the camp.

The probability of meeting other Seven Stars in the film is too low, so Zhang Guangmu doesn't expect it.

It would be great to be able to seize the last chance and play the protagonist of the plot for once!

(23,000 words updated today!)

This chapter has been completed!
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