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134 [crane tail] and [second-class products]

Zhang Guangmu was quite interested in the hexagram [hungry tiger gets food], so he asked more questions.

Soon, he got two confusing explanations from Tang Lanshan.

"A hungry tiger will be happy when it is fed. If you ask for a name, the person in charge will be promoted to a high position."

"It's auspicious when you go out, and when you arrive, right and wrong are irrelevant."

Although he doesn’t understand everything, Zhang Guangmu, as a time traveler from the 21st century flower grower, feels that after reading it once, he can understand 60% to 70% of it.

After all, he is a man who has received both nine-year compulsory education and Xuanlong compulsory education. He also likes to read books and never put them down. He has dabbled in various types of books. He still has a little bit of literary literacy.

Although he didn't want to bother reading it a second time and analyzing its profound meaning word for word, this did not prevent Zhang Guangmu from pretending to fully understand it.

Regardless of how much interpretation there is, at least the three words "Zhongshang Gua" will not be misinterpreted, right?

So Zhang Guangmu brought up the virtual keyboard and started typing.

[Changhe Guangmu]: "Not bad, not bad!"

"Xiao Tang, I have known for a long time that you are quite accomplished in divination of astrology and hexagrams. You can help everyone seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. You will definitely have a bright future in the future!"

"In the Western fantasy world, you can be a fortune teller or prophet; in the Eastern fantasy world, you can be a heavenly master."

"The drama "The World Knows" is just right for you."

"I have read the script. The world view of this drama contains some fantasy elements such as demons. Would you like to form a team? [Mooncake Expectations.jpg]"

Zhang Guangmu originally wanted Tang Lanshan to assume the role of [diplomat] in this team.

After all, this girl with a single ponytail has a strong temperament, a strong style, and a delicate mind. She does have the potential to develop in this area.

Now it seems……

Tang Lanshan seems more suitable to be a divine fortune teller or warlock?

At the same time, do you want to work part-time as a strategic consultant?

It doesn’t matter if it’s three-in-one!

Those who can do more work!

Zhang Guangmu made some mental calculations and found that the personnel on the battleship Endless Rice Tong were already quite complete.

The main tank and always reliable offensive brother, Zhao Zhengrong!

Body tracing gunman Chu Bazong, Chu Fan!

The crybaby royal swordsman, Li Xiaoxiao!

Diplomat and strategic advisor who loves fortune-telling, Tang Lanshan!

The talented and loyal scout, Luo Zuan!

Jiang Ling, the elixir and poison doctor who combines Chinese and Western medicine!

Coupled with the fact that he is an all-around capable captain.

There are also two allies, Qian Yiyuan and Cao Guan, who are in prison and are banned...

The more Zhang Guangmu thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

The battleship "Endless Rice Bucket" can now be said to be as small as a sparrow but has all the internal organs!

The only possible crotch stretchers are Mr. Chu Ba and brothers Xiaoxiao.

To be honest, Chu Fan's sharp shooting skills in "Endless Food Bag" left an indelible mark on Zhang Guangmu's young mind.

Although President Chu Ba specially spent "thirty months" on high-intensity special training, Zhang Guangmu felt...

Well, if you work hard, that's enough.

The important thing is to participate!

As for Li Xiaoxiao...

Although the good brother always boasted that his swordsmanship was unparalleled among his peers and his talent in swordsmanship was unparalleled, Zhang Guangmu regarded him as bragging.

What the hell?

Li Shisan personally admitted that he was not Li Xiaoxiao’s opponent?


He specializes in fighting with his bare hands!

Using your bare hands against a weapon is always at a disadvantage, so it's normal to not be able to defeat it.

What's more, so far, Li Xiaoxiao has never touched a sword in any movie, and has always used whatever he got as a weapon.

If Li Xiaoxiao hadn't been bragging about this, Zhang Guangmu would have classified him and Wang Shangqing into the category of [Weapon Scholars], knowing a little bit about everything but not being proficient in anything else.

While Zhang Guangmu was silently worried about Mr. Chu Ba and brothers Xiaoxiao, the fortune teller girl's reply came from the group.

[Tang]: "Then I will do my part!"

Not long after seeing this news, Zhang Guangmu sent his reply to the crew of "The World Knows".

Just half a minute later, he received the receipt message.

[Director Xu Qianqiu]: It is a great honor to work with an outstanding actor like you. Congratulations on winning the role of the protagonist of the movie "The World Knows".

Zhang Guangmu was a little stunned when he saw this text message.

To be honest, although he had known for a long time that he would have the opportunity to play the protagonist of the plot, he never thought that things would go so smoothly!

Li Xiaoxiao, who is also the seventh star this year, ranked sixth. From the beginning to the end of the year, at most she was just hanging around the protagonist and never played a protagonist in the plot.

Although this is closely related to Li Xiaoxiao's own character and acting style, but...

With the example of a good brother, Zhang Guangmu himself never thought that he would be able to play the leading role in the plot before "Road to the Great".

You know, competing with yourself for the leading role in the movie "The World Knows"...

Tang Kaixuan is also the seventh star this year, and he is ranked fifth!

Originally, in the drama "The World Knows", Zhang Guangmu's favorite character was "The Crown Prince of the Hou Mansion".

If you have power, money, and people, you can do whatever you want. Once the money ability is successfully loaded, I don’t know how cool it will be!

Moreover, because it is an imaginary ancient time, the director has completely constructed a "quasi-medieval dynasty" that does not exist in history. The second generation in power in such a world is many times more enjoyable than in "Secret Work"!

I can do whatever I want!

Whoever beeps will be killed!

Zhang Guangmu sighed: "Hey."

It's a pity that director Xu Qianqiu seems to have noticed the scholarly temperament in him that cannot be concealed, and insists on making himself the protagonist.

It's hard to refuse such kindness, there's nothing we can do about it.

It’s so annoying!

Didi didi...

Director Xu sent over the script for another plot line of "The World Knows".

Zhang Guangmu opened it and saw that it was Tang Lanshan's personal script.

I read it from beginning to end and found that it was no different from the main line I had read. The main line was clear and upright, never hiding the beginning or showing off the end, and did not use any Riddler tricks.

At once……

Very simple!

Very refreshing!

Deep down, Zhang Guangmu's favorable impression of director Xu Qianqiu increased by 0.1.

The script of "The World Knows" itself doesn't have any big problems.

Just reading the text, although the plot protagonist [the scholar rushing to take the exam] has various absurd encounters with gods, ghosts, monsters, and foxes that transform into humans during the journey, but overall, it is actually quite satisfactory.

The story of a scholar who changed his destiny by passing the imperial examination.


Zhang Guangmu can tell from reading between the lines that director Xu Qianqiu is on the same road as Lao Qian and Boss Cao.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Director Xu will become two inmates.

This is unlikely to happen.

The main thing is that in "The World Knows", Xu Qianqiu writes the script and constructs the world by himself, and the text has a flavor of old writers and young people.

Zhang Guangmu vaguely felt that director Xu Qianqiu always seemed to want to express some thought, convey some spirit, and sublimate a certain theme through this play.


Zhang Guangmu suddenly realized that, in fact, looking back now, among the directors he has worked with, except for Sun Yanwu of "Flaming Wolf Castle", the scripts of several other films were all written by the director himself!

Originally, in the subconscious film industry, this should be considered a rare situation!

It’s quite strange!

Didi didi...

[Qian Yiyuan]: "Xiao Mu! Because I behave well, I can contact the outside every once in a while!"

"I didn't look for anyone, I just looked for you!"

"You must wait for me! Take good care of yourself and don't tire yourself!"

"I guess I will be out after this year's "Road to the Great" is finished filming!"

"While I was in prison, I already thought of a super good script!"

"Guarantee that the photos will be artistic and satisfying!"

"With your artistic accomplishment, I'm sure I'll like it at first sight!"

"I will spend another three to five months working with Brother Cao to refine it, and when the final version is released, I will show it to you, so stay tuned!"

"Oh, right……"

"I asked people to spread the news in the circle, saying that you only value talented directors who write their own scripts and build their own worlds. You don't look down on directors who use other people's scripts."

"You should be able to relax for a while."

Seeing this string of news, Zhang Guangmu became furious and said why he always felt like something was wrong!

He was so angry that he almost couldn't help but kick this guy out of the endless rice bucket group.

A guy who spent billions of dollars in jail just knows nothing about "Endless Food Bag"!

If you don't do your business all day long, you will stir up trouble!

However, the next moment, the exclusive red envelope from Lao Qian instantly dissipated Zhang Guangmu's anger.

7 dragon shields.

Say too much but not too much, say too little too much.

Zhang Guangmu was speechless for a moment.

After deleting and changing the content in the message box, changing and deleting it several times, he finally finished a receipt message.

Unfortunately, the message was not sent out at all.

The prompt given by the personal terminal is "the other party is not in the service area".

Zhang Guangmu fell silent.

How else can we say that every mountain is as high as the other?

Although the Xuanlong Empire's technological level is distorted, its transportation and communications field is unparalleled, with signals covering the entire world.

Go up to the sky, go down to the earth, go down to the deep sea, explore the stars...

Wherever there are living people, where is there no coverage of the imperial network?

Not in the service area?

This reason is so perfunctory and outrageous.

Why not just say that Lao Qian and Boss Cao are serving their sentences in other dimensions?

Zhang Guangmu shook his head, collected his thoughts, and focused on the script of "The World Knows".

At this time, he discovered an interesting thing.


Director Xu Qianqiu, who had been struggling for a long time, suddenly decided to let himself play the protagonist of the plot [a scholar rushing to take the exam] instead of playing the role of [the prince of the Hou family]. The reason is actually very simple.

Maybe it has nothing to do with your temperament at all.

Maybe just because...

Another guy competing with him for the starring role happened to be named Tang.

Tang Kaixuan, who is fifth on this year's list of seven stars, and Tang Lanshan, a fortune-telling girl, both have the same surname.

In this way, Tang Lanshan, who plays the daughter of Wuhou Mansion, and Tang Kaixuan, who plays the young prince of Wuhou Mansion, have a natural sibling relationship, and even the script and characters do not need to be readjusted.


The drama "The World Knows" hasn't even started filming yet, but the fortune-telling girl has already made a great contribution!

The bonds between the characters are natural, and there is no need to rack your brains to fill in the loopholes in the logic, let alone make additional settings for the worldview.

This is probably fate, right?

Although he didn't know why, Zhang Guangmu always felt that whether it was the Xiaoxiao brothers ranked sixth or himself, ranked seventh, they were stronger than Tang Kaixuan, ranked fifth.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Guangmu attributed this idea to "confidence" and recited "Beware of arrogance and impetuosity" a hundred times in his heart.

Later, Zhang Guangmu sent the princess's script to Tang Lanshan.

Human beings always feel that time passes quickly when they are studying fully and working hard for themselves.

The three days of preparation went by in a flash.

"The available balance in your current account is: 728 dragon shields."

Zhang Guangmu took full advantage of the privileges of the two-star subconscious actor and the expired seven-star actor this year.

Just like the last time he filmed "Armor Age: Ice," he took advantage of Empire's free shuttle and drove Tang Lanshan to the Subconscious Film Shooting Building.

"Xiao Tang, are you too nervous?"

Zhang Guangmu looked at Tang Lanshan beside him and felt that the fortune-telling girl's face was particularly pale: "Relax! Don't pay too much attention to these things. Sometimes, the calmer you are, the better you perform!"

He just thought that it was Tang Lanshan's first important role in a costume drama and she was a little nervous, so he didn't think deeply about it.

After two seconds, Tang Lanshan responded with a confused look: "Okay... okay."

The whole person seemed extremely slow.

Zhang Guangmu blinked and noticed something wrong with the fortune teller.

He pondered for a moment and suggested: "How about doing another fortune telling for yourself?"

After all, fortune telling and divination are what Tang Lanshan is best at, most confident in and also loves most.

Usually when this aspect is mentioned in the group, she has endless topics to talk about and endless energy to waste.

But this time...

"Forget it."

Tang Lanshan's face was pale, and her voice was trembling: "The bird is trapped in a cage, the middle and lower hexagrams, the jade in the stone, stay old and peaceful."

At this time, Zhang Guangmu suddenly realized...

In fact, after receiving the script, Tang Lanshan did not speak in the group for three whole days.

Zhang Guangmu originally thought that this girl was a workaholic. Once she was immersed in her work, she would not be distracted and would not listen to what was going on outside the window.

Now it seems……

Obviously there is something else hidden.

Zhang Guangmu's eyes sharpened and he said in a serious tone: "Xiao Tang, listen to my advice..."

"This is standard feudal superstition."

"This kind of thing is simply not allowed!"

"You believe me."

"Just believe it this time!"

Although he was a little curious, Zhang Guangmu vaguely noticed that the hexagrams were just appearances, and what the fortune-telling girl really cared about was not something that could be easily expressed.

Everyone has some past that they don't want to mention. Zhang Guangmu feels that as a captain, he must at least respect the crew in this regard.

Taking Brother Xiaoxiao as an example, Zhang Guangmu never tried to tear off his scars, nor did he ask how he developed his current temperament.

Tang Lanshan looked at Zhang Guangmu blankly for a while, as if she had thought of something.

Her eyes gradually regained their luster and she responded: "Okay."

It turns out...

The fortune-telling girl's craftsmanship may actually have something to offer.

As soon as Zhang Guangmu and she got off the car, a harsh and obviously provocative sound came from behind.

"Oh! Isn't this Zhang Guangmu, [Seventh Star Crane End] who stole my leading role?"

"Who is this unknown guy next to you? Don...what is Don?"

"Oh~ I remembered it."

"Tang Lanshan, my [second-rate] sister with a lackluster subconscious."

Zhang Guangmu turned his head and saw a young man about the same age as himself.

The opponent was wearing a black training suit, had short hair, and sharp eyes, giving off a sense of aggression.

His temperament, filled with hostility and anger that could burst out at any time, is vivid in his memory. Once he sees this person, it is difficult to forget him.

This year's seventh-ranked rookie.

Tang Kaixuan.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to Tang Lanshan.

Tang Kaixuan participated in "The World Knows" this time, and the additional condition was that he brought along a tool man who he had worked with before.

The man had some ability to make decisions on the spur of the moment, and was obedient and sensible, but Tang Kaixuan couldn't even remember the man's name. He just used "the man who played the supporting role in the previous play" as a reference mark, and asked the director of "The World Knows" to be responsible for pulling it off.


Tang Kaixuan didn't care about other small fish and shrimps.

In his eyes, the only opponent in this drama is Zhang Guangmu.

Others are not worthy to play opposite him, Tang Kaixuan!

As for Tang Lanshan...

The two people do have a blood connection, but they have never seen each other since they were young and have no feelings at all.

In Tang Kaixuan's eyes, Tang Lanshan was of no importance, just a nameless pawn who was implicated, roughly equivalent to Zhang Guangmu's "nameless general" and a tool.

However, Tang Kaixuan felt that compared to him, Zhang Guangmu was more hypocritical and would pretend to care about the tool...

If he hadn't felt that Zhang Guangmu's subconscious could be affected by attacking Tang Lanshan, Tang Kaixuan wouldn't bother to pay attention to her, and wouldn't even have the energy to say a word.

As soon as he thought of this, Tang Kaixuan, who had taken the lead, glanced at Tang Lanshan like a sword, and immediately stabbed Zhang Guangmu: "Let me tell you, it is definitely not the same name. There is no such coincidence in the world."

"Tang Lanshan is a low-quality product that even the parents who gave birth to her despise her. She has no special subconscious. I am not even interested in talking to her."

"It's you, Zhang Guangmu."

"The partnership between [Crane Tail] and [Inferior Product] is really good."

(20,000 words updated today!)

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