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136 coin headshot! VIP cabin!


Tang Kaixuan's head was bruised and bleeding, and without saying a word, he threw himself into the street. A large piece of his head was dented, and his skull was shattered by the coin.


Zhang Guangmu's eyes widened and he clapped his hands subconsciously: "Awesome, awesome."

Tang Lanshan, a ruthless person who doesn’t talk much!

Also brought from "Secret Job", the fortune teller's combat power is obviously two or three levels better than that of the scout fanboy.

Maybe it’s because you have experienced too much hard life alone since you were a child?

In short, Tang Lanshan has tempered herself!

This killing was decisive...

Must like one!

Zhang Guangmu looked at Tang Lanshan with relief.

Xiao Tang is worthy of being his own crew member, and he is really cruel and ruthless in protecting the captain at the critical moment!

By the way...

Is Tang Kaixuan dead?

This head is dried up...

Does Tang Lanshan consider this to be a righteous act of annihilation?

"It's okay, Xiao Tang, don't be afraid."

Zhang Guangmu patted the crew member's shoulder: "The hexagrams about [a bird trapped in a cage] are all fake and all feudal superstition!"

"We are acting in legitimate defense, can we still let you go to jail?"

"Just leave the aftermath to me."

"rest assured!"

"We must believe in the iron laws of the empire, believe in morality, and believe in science!"


If you think about it carefully, if this matter is not handled well, Tang Lanshan will really have to go to jail.

Xuanlong Empire Prison seems to separate men and women, and there are no seniors who can take care of Xiao Tang.

He was boasting a lot, but Zhang Guangmu himself didn't know what to do.


As soon as Zhang Guangmu finished speaking, the Xuanlong Empire's nano-treatment robot appeared at the speed of light.

The other party's body seemed to be made up of grains of metal gravel, pure white, round-headed, chubby, and only about thirty centimeters tall, quite cute.

"Please give way, I want to start treating the injured now."

As he spoke, the treatment robot fired a dark green light at Tang Kaixuan's head.


Tang Kaixuan's crushed skull quickly returned to normal under the illumination of the healing light.

The blood stopped flowing, the person opened his eyes and stood up again, without even having any sequelae of amnesia or memory confusion.

Zhang Guangmu was not surprised by this.

Judging from the grotesque technological level of the Xuanlong Empire, even if the head is knocked off, it is only a minor injury that can be easily treated.

Isn’t it a nano medical robot?

Although I can't pull this thing out with my bare hands, I hear about it often.

Cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia and high blood pressure can all be cured quickly with nano-medical robots.

"Treatment completed!"

The little medical robot with a round head and a round brain made a cute voice unique to children: "The cost of this treatment is 78 dragon shields."

"The injured person detected is Tang Kaixuan, one of the Seven Stars of 2017 [Yuheng Star]. This treatment falls within the scope of routine treatment reimbursement, and the fee reduction is 0."

"My characteristic codename is [Little Nurse Bai Meng]. Next time you are sick or injured, remember to call me~"

"Acquaintances can give me a 92% discount!"

After reporting a wave of data, the treatment robot turned into metal gravel, then gradually decomposed into tiny existences that were imperceptible to the human eye, and dissipated in the wind.

At this time, Xu Qianqiu, the director of "The World Knows", also arrived at the scene.

"What's going on? Don't you take me seriously? It's inappropriate to fight and fight!"

After being reported word by word by the staff on the set, Xu Qianqiu got an overview and immediately stood between Zhang Guangmu, Tang Lanshan and Tang Kaixuan.

An ordinary director cannot suppress subconscious actors of the same level.

However, Xu Qianqiu is not an ordinary director.

He is an insider in an elite circle of directors.

Sun Yanwu, who was filming "Flaming Wolf Castle", dreamed of getting into Xu Qianqiu's circle.

At the production site, Xu Qianqiu was quite dignified.

"I already know what happened."

The middle-aged man Xu Qianqiu is dressed somewhat similar to Lao Zhao in his daily life. He wears a Tang suit, Baina shoes, a goatee, and round-rimmed glasses.

When he spoke, he was serious and magnetic: "Zhang Guangmu has no responsibility for this matter."

"After he was ridiculed in person, he did not utter obscene words or attack him personally. Instead, he fought back with reason."

“That’s good!”

"Be civilized and polite, without losing any courage and without showing any signs of cowardice."

Xu Qianqiu looked at Zhang Guangmu with admiration and approval: "The benevolent gentlemen in ancient times were nothing more than this."

The smile at the corner of Zhang Guangmu's mouth was a little stiff.

It's all Qian Yiyuan and Cao Guan's fault. Now that I hear someone sincerely complimenting me, I feel a little stressed.:.

Lao Xu has been in the business for many years and has always followed the rules and has never acted recklessly.

Zhang Guangmu has already read the script and world construction of "The World Knows" this time. Even if there are some hidden easter eggs, it cannot be as deceptive as the strange pair of brothers Lao Qian and Boss Cao.

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly and responded: "Director Xu, that's a compliment."

Xu Qianqiu nodded with satisfaction, turned around immediately, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

His expression was gloomy and his tone was serious, as if he were a dean reprimanding students, and he scolded in a cold voice: "On the contrary, you two with the surname Tang..."

Xu Qianqiu frowned and glanced at Tang Lanshan and Tang Kaixuan. She seemed to have thought of something and softened her tone a little: "I have read your information."

"The grudges of the older generation should not be left to this generation, besides..."

"I invited you here to make subconscious movies, not to fight and kill people!"

When saying this, Xu Qianqiu looked at Tang Lanshan.

After a moment, he stared at Tang Kaixuan fiercely: "You too, a typical playboy!"

"At first glance, it looks like she was spoiled by her parents."

"I won't say any more nonsense. I just want you to express your stance."

"Reconcile on the spot and leave the grudges to be resolved in the world of "Tian Xia Zhi"."

"Or are you saying that if you don't give me this face, you plan to continue fighting and then go to jail?"

"You have one minute to make a decision!"

After Tang Kaixuan was scolded with a "dandy" sentence, the blood vessels in his forehead collapsed.

Looking at him, I wanted to beat Xu Qianqiu up too.

But considering his future and what happened to him just now, he felt that it would be better for him to calm down.

Today is not a good day to have conflicts with others.

"Pedantic old fellow."

After Tang Kaixuan scolded Xu Qianqiu in an inaudible voice, he secretly remembered this "injustice" in his heart, and immediately said bitterly: "I am willing to reconcile."

The other person involved was stunned, but came to his senses under Zhang Guangmu's reminder and made the same statement.

A moment later, the order defender team arrived belatedly.

Zhang Guangmu always felt that there was a squad leader in this group of people who looked familiar.

It seems that he was one of the members of the action team who rushed to the scene to capture Cao Guan during the last filming of "Secret Operation"...

Is this a high-level move?

The parties involved chose to reconcile. Neither party was willing to continue entangled in this matter, and the order defender team quickly left.

Although the whole process did not last long, there were many torturous and trivial links, various signatures, and various agreements that made people feel numb when writing them.

At the end of the day, the two men surnamed Tang used their personal terminals to stamp the stamps mechanically, without looking at anything.

All in all it is very troublesome.

"come on!"

After finishing all the troubles, Zhang Guangmu gave the fortune teller an encouraging look: "In the world of "Tian Xia Zhi", defeat that guy!"

Classmate Xiao Tang nodded firmly, saying that he would never let down the captain's expectations.

Tang Kaixuan sneered and made a gesture of cutting his throat towards Zhang Guangmu from a distance.

So everyone entered the dive cabins of different characters one after another.

All the important plot characters and extras in the movie "The World Knows" were ready one after another, but director Xu Qianqiu did not immediately enter the director's exclusive infiltration cabin.

He just stood at the door of the building, quietly waiting for someone to arrive.

After a while, a young man with a sword and a girlish face came to the shooting building.

If it’s not Li Xiaoxiao, then who is it?

Xu Qianqiu said in a calm tone: "The education provided by the royal family in recent years is pretty good."

"At least you came on time."

Li Xiaoxiao asked enthusiastically: "I heard that the dog... cough, Zhang Guangmu had a conflict with someone?"

"Which unlucky guy is he?"

Xu Qianqiu raised her eyebrows: "You can find someone else, don't ask me."

"The VIP cabin has been prepared for you."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously, and just followed the opponent, carrying a long sword with ancient charm on his back, to a special submersible cabin.

The VIP cabin is essentially a kind of auditorium. You can switch multiple perspectives at the same time, mingle in the audience, and observe the work progress of the production team.

The difference from the on-site staff is probably that they use script guidance and false memories to help the subconscious actors.

During the filming of "Secret Job", Li Xiaoxiao was actually in the audience.

When Zhang Guangmu was filming "Mecha Age: Cold Light" last time, he was practicing swordsmanship and had time conflicts. Although he paid attention to it, he still missed a lot of exciting scenes and had to make up the drama afterwards.

Therefore, Li Xiaoxiao will follow up on the whole process this time!

Before entering the VIP cabin, Xu Qianqiu said abruptly: "Do you want Zhang Guangmu to win or Tang Kaixuan to win?"

Tang Kaixuan was full of spite and a bad mouth, making enemies everywhere all the time, but what he said was right.

In this year's list of seven stars, Zhang Guangmu ranks seventh and Li Xiaoxiao ranks sixth!

The former is the captain of the Infinity, and the latter is just an ordinary crew member, and has to compete with Zhao Zhengrong for the position of deputy captain...

Normal people would feel awkward if they knew something about the situation.

the most important is……

When this small group with Zhang Guangmu as the core forms a team to sign up for "Road of the Great", it will be fun if the super artificial intelligence designates Li Xiaoxiao as the leader of the camp.

If Zhang Guangmu can hold down Tang Kaixuan, who is ranked fifth, in "The World Knows" and win an undisputed victory, then this awkwardness will naturally disappear.

Conflicts and rifts in the team that may have arisen will be blown away by the wind and completely evaporated.

Hearing Xu Qianqiu's words, Li Xiaoxiao curled her lips and responded perfunctorily: "If a dog bites a dog, it doesn't matter who wins."

After saying this, the young man with the sword, who felt that he was being too deliberate, cleared his throat and immediately changed the subject: "To be honest, in the endless group, not only me, but other members are also paying attention to this "World Knowledge"."

Chu Fan.

Zhao Zhengrong.

Luo Zuan.

Jiang Ling.

It can be said that, except for Qian Yiyuan and Cao Guan, the other members of the endless rice bucket group are all ready and looking forward to Zhang Guangmu playing a leading role.


Li Xiaoxiao’s mental journey is a little more complicated.

He sincerely hopes Zhang Guangmu can win.

Moreover, you have to win beautifully.

Just like in "Secret Assignment", the red lotus shines in the light, turns around and reincarnates, uses mortal wisdom to break the shackles of the time cycle, and becomes the uncrowned king without any controversy, violently crushing all competitors!

Even if he is a tough guy like Zhao Zhengrong, he obviously performs well, but he can't hide his edge!

Otherwise, if that bitch wants to secure his position as captain of the Infinity, he will probably have to endure a lot of rumors...

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head, collected her thoughts, and lay down in the VIP cabin.

(There are two more updates at 8 p.m.!) To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 136 one-coin headshots! VIP cabin! Free reading.:.

This chapter has been completed!
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