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140 pieces of light and twenty-two guards!

Seeing Zhang Guangmu easily defeating the menacing villain Tang Hua, the audience floating in the air immediately started talking.

"A one-on-one challenge with Zhang Wei? Isn't this just looking for death?"

"Standing in front of you is the second generation of Changhe, the Lord of Tianguang Castle, the leader of Red Lotus, and the young commander of Area S. You... commit suicide!"

"Although I am more interested in the [Night Demon] that appeared last night, watching Zhang Guangmu torture people is still so satisfying!"

"So did the ancient sages really save and educate others in this way?"

"Eh? Mu Mu just read a book all night without sleeping? This book addiction is a bit big!"

"The most important thing is that Mu Zai acts vigorously and resolutely. He is not sloppy at all. He defeats his opponent first and then makes sense. This is great!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Has no one noticed? The jade pendant hanging on Zhang Guangmu's waist is sucking blood!"

"Damn it! It's true! There's no blood on it at all!"

"Sit down! Sit down! This is a basic operation. It should be the [special thing] arranged for the protagonist of the drama "The World Knows"."

"Hey, the golden finger given by Lao Xu is always so small and stingy. It can only be used to save one's life. This jade pendant... doesn't look good, and its function is probably not too strong!


This is indeed the case, and it can only be said that the audience’s eyes are sharp.

The space evil-suppressing jade pendant arranged by director Xu Qianqiu for Zhang Guangmu in the movie "The World Knows" can only hold creatures with evil auras and serves as a registration function, and cannot be used as normal storage equipment.

"Does it still hurt? Do you want me to give you a massage?"

Zhang Guangmu seemed not to notice the changes in Zhenxie Pendant at all, his eyes fell on Tang Hua who gradually stopped rolling.

As if sensing his gaze, Tang Hua stopped screaming and wailing, and immediately rolled and crawled to the corner of the wall, trembling.

It was obvious that his courage had been shattered by the stroke just now, and he no longer dared to stab Zhang Guangmu again.

【Mediocre】Subconscious sequence.

When you see a weak person, you can bully them vigorously; when you see a strong person, you immediately become intimidated.

"I, Zhang Guangmu, have never been one to seek revenge."

As Zhang Guangmu spoke, he smiled and waved to Miao Zhi: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"I, the scholars of my generation, are the most reasonable. Before I took action, it was only as a last resort. I was forced to defend and counterattack. I taught him how to behave."

"I call this kind of behavior 'rescue and enlightenment'."

The body used in "Tian Xia Zhi" does not have negative conditions such as "terminal illness". Although Zhang Guangmu's body is now weak and his limbs are weak, his basic functions are normal.

Therefore, due to the normal secretion of platelets, the hand that was pricked just now no longer drips with blood.,

"You scholars are so sharp-tongued that whatever you say is what you say!"

The corners of Miao Zhi's eyes twitched slightly, but he still managed to convince himself.

With Zhang Guangmu's figure and body type, he looked like a weak scholar with no strength at all. The reason why he was able to defeat Tang Hua with one move just now was probably because he caught Tang Hua's carelessness and flaws in his movements!

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Guangmu's true combat power is not worth mentioning at all.

In addition, there are no weapons hidden in this room.

Zhang Guangmu only wore two simple pieces of clothing, and there probably wasn't any weapons like daggers hidden inside him. In addition, he looked like an upright Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so he probably wouldn't suddenly launch a sneak attack...

The more Miao Zhi thought about it, the more confident he became.

Among the group of weak scholars, Zhang Guangmu is considered quite good, calm, rational, courageous and courageous.


He is still a weakling!

He is a man who relies on his fists to make a living!

So Miao Zhi strode into the house and pulled his cousin Tang Hua up.

Seeing Tang Hua lying limply against Qiang as if his bones had been taken away, Miao Zhi felt like he was getting angry all over again.

We had a good conversation at first, but this loser got himself into trouble again.

Why use your fists when you can solve problems with your brain?

How bad is it to fight and kill!

"Zhang Guangmu...you are amazing, your mind and spirit are no worse than mine!"

As Miao Zhi spoke, he stopped supporting Tang Hua, freed up his hands, made a clasping gesture toward Zhang Guangmu, and bowed slightly: "Our green mountains will not change, and our green waters will always flow. We are destined to meet again!"

After finishing speaking, he planned to leave directly.

However, the next moment, Zhang Guangmu took three steps and two steps at a time, and came to the door lightly, blocking the way of the two of them.

Tang Hua, who had received a blow, turned black. Standing behind Miao Zhi, he regained some courage and said angrily: "What are you doing? You don't want us to leave? You are really bullying! I see you... wuwu...


Because he was taller, Miao Zhi reached out and blocked his companion's mouth, but looked at Zhang Guangmu with an ugly expression.

"do not think too much."

Zhang Guangmu acted like an outsider and said in a relaxed tone: "I don't want to embarrass you two."

"It's just...because of the conflict just now, I suddenly remembered something."

"On the way from Liufeng County to the capital, you may encounter a lot of trouble."

"So, I need two such strong men to escort me all the way."

Miao Zhi and Tang Hua couldn't help but gasped when they heard this.

Apart from anything else, Zhang Guangmu and his two brothers had just become enemies, and in the blink of an eye, they dared to issue such an invitation...

Isn't he afraid of retaliation and having his neck wiped in the dark?

Is this scholar too naive and simple, believing too much in the beauty of this world?

Or did he become a fool by reading?

It doesn’t look like it!

No matter how you look at it, Zhang Guangmu doesn't look like a fool.

Maybe it's just that he has a mysterious confidence in him?

The two people who realized this looked at each other, confused.

Facing Zhang Guangmu, the short and stocky Tang Hua felt a little ashamed of himself.

Miao Zhi, who was tall and thin, felt sour in his heart. He also wanted to become as confident as Zhang Guangmu, but unfortunately he also knew very well that it was impossible for him to achieve this.

Perhaps, this is the benefit of reading clearly?

If you read a lot of books, you will have confidence in your bones?

Miao Zhi secretly made up his mind to work hard to make money, then get married and have children, so that his descendants would study hard and become scholars like Zhang Guangmu.

Maybe, after a few generations, the Miao family will become a scholarly family!

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Zhang Guangmu just said with a smile: "I have never paid for a guard, so I don't know the market very well."

"However, I believe in fate. I happened to like the two of you, so I gave them property and houses as reward."

"As for the food, accommodation, carriage and horse expenses on the road, just deduct it from this, okay?"

The wealth in the movie world of "The World Knows" cannot be brought back to the real world, so I just squander it casually and don't feel bad at all!

Even if Zhang Guangmu directly used all his wealth to squander it, he would not even frown.

Upon hearing this, the stocky Tang Hua jumped up immediately: "Okay, okay! We agreed!"

With this look, it seemed that his stomach no longer hurt and he was no longer hostile to Zhang Guangmu.

The way Tang Hua looked at Zhang Guangmu was as friendly as if he were seeing the silly son of a landlord.

But Miao Zhi...


Miao Zhi looked at Zhang Guangmu with complicated eyes. The word "you" was on his lips for a long time without saying anything.

He is really jealous!

People who will spend all their wealth at the slightest disagreement are either idiots or people who have absolute confidence in themselves. Even if they are penniless, they still believe that they can live a carefree and carefree life.

Zhang Guangmu is obviously the latter.

This confidence should come from his "talent".

Miao Zhi thought about it for a moment, and was shocked. Did this person believe that he could pass the exam?

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Miao Zhi gritted his teeth and said coldly: "I refuse!"

"If you want to go, you and him go on the road together, don't hold me back!"

Emotions of resistance and resistance are directly filled up.

He had thought very well before, taking advantage of Zhang Guangmu's rise to form a good relationship. After Zhang Guangmu rose to prominence, he would be able to earn back ten times, a hundred times or even more from this favor.

It's a pity that when this moment came and the opportunity was presented to him, Miao Zhi was unwilling to take it.

"Speaking of which...people in Liufeng County have died tragically at the hands of demons every day recently."

Zhang Guangmu added lightly: "A scholar like me has the aura of awe to protect his body. Although he dare not say that he is immune to all evil, he can still protect the people around him."

"You two are traveling with me, so you don't have to worry every night."

Tang Hua, who was already very tempted, immediately grabbed the arm of his partner Miao Zhi when he heard this, and trembled wildly: "Let's go together! Don't think about raising the price! This poor scholar's family is very poor, and it's just this little thing! It can't be bought!

Pay a higher price!"

"What are you still struggling with? If you don't agree to this, aren't you a fool?"

Miao Zhi was really shaken.

But he didn't agree immediately.

As the most famous [Ranger] in Liufeng County, although Miao Zhi has mediocre martial arts, he still has some friends and connections, and he has a lot of face.

Talk about this kind of thing of taking advantage of others for nothing...

Shame on you!

When Zhang Guangmu saw this, he didn't force it.

The ancient "Ranger" and the "Ranger" in the Western fantasy world sound very similar, but in fact they are not the same profession at all. In the former, apart from some people who are loyal and have their names in history, they also infiltrated into the "Ranger".

A lot of ruffians.

All in all, this is a profession with a ceiling that is high enough to assassinate kings and kill drivers, but a floor that is low enough to starve to death on the streets.

Zhang Guangmu just moved away from the door, pointed to the books stacked beside the table, and said leisurely: "These books are just for supplement. You can go call your friends and find more than ten or twenty people to be my guards. Is that enough?"


"I am a person with some quirks and I have always been good-looking."

Zhang Guangmu introduced himself casually: "I love good food and am greedy for food. Although I don't like luxurious clothes, I also pay attention to pomp and circumstance."

"It's my first time traveling to Beijing to take the exam. If there are only two or three people around me, I always feel a bit shabby."

"With more people, firstly, it's safe, secondly, it's lively, and thirdly, come..."

"On the way, I can also give lectures to you, talk about the philosophies of sages and the secret knowledge of demons and demons."

Zhang Guangmu said with a smile: "As the saying goes: when the soil accumulates, a mountain is formed, and the wind and rain stir up; when the water accumulates, a abyss is formed, a dragon is born; when good deeds are accumulated, the gods are content with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared."

"I, Zhang Guangmu of Liufeng County, have made great ambitions since I was young to bring peace to all generations. I am not just talking nonsense."

"I plan to start from small things, bit by bit."

This is the concept of sweeping the world without sweeping one house.

In this play, Zhang Guangmu has already created the image of a scholar who is "not afraid of big things, nor refuses trivial things."

Whether it is the audience, subconscious actors, directors, production team members, or a certain fourteenth prince in the VIP table, they all feel that no matter how he develops in the future, it is absolutely impossible for this person to become a corrupt scholar.

It's an insulator.

Closer to home, in Zhang Guangmu’s view, the main plot of “The World Knows” is a one-way journey, from Liufeng County to Shengjing City. Originally, Zhang Guangmu would not be able to come back after this trip.

If these books are left at home, they will just eat dust and their value will be reduced to zero.:.

However, sending them out and replacing them with a large number of guards is a pure profit!

In the eyes of the audience, this kind of performance is pure dog gambling.

It's just that Zhang Guangmu has always had this kind of virtue. From the first subconscious movie, he likes to be a money-spreading boy, so that most people who appear around him will benefit.

Some viewers who have been working on this aspect for several months have to admit that maybe Zhang Guangmu is such a confident guy, just like Li Taibai, who believes that "I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent."


Zhang Guangmu just glanced at the two people in front of him and saw through their compositions.

It's okay to say that Tang Hua is just an ordinary "green-skinned scoundrel" who pretends to be aggressive and easy to deal with.

When Miao Zhi, a knight-errant, looked at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and the books beside the table, when he mentioned the three words "scholar", the yearning from his heart could not be concealed no matter how hard he tried.

Zhang Guangmu threw out the books he had stored as bait, and he didn't believe he wouldn't take the bait!


In doing so, there is actually a third consideration.

Although he studied hard all night last night, the amount of information in these books was quite large. Zhang Guangmu only read less than 20%, and he felt that he might miss some key "extraordinary" information.


After these books returned to Miao Zhi, Zhang Guangmu could still continue to search for valuable information from these books under the guise of teaching record as a "Teacher".

"What a spirit! What a spirit! You are worthy of the music in the sky and the stars in the world!"

Miao Zhi no longer hesitated and said ecstatically: "How can a mortal have such an awareness? Brother Tang Hua and I will leave our fortune and life to you!"

"You don't have to worry about the security matters!"

"Before the sun goes down, I can find you twenty good men who are skilled in swordsmanship!"

So both parties reached a consensus.

Both sides felt that they had gained huge benefits from this transaction.

After Zhang Guangmu handed over the land deed to the house and land, Miao Zhi took Tang Hua and left the small house happily.

Miao Zhi did not flatter each other.

It indeed took him only one day to find twenty young and middle-aged men for Zhang Guangmu who were full of energy and equipped with swords.

In this temporary escort mission, Miao Zhi, Tang Hua and others did not have any conflicts in the distribution of interests.

In terms of money, Miao Zhi didn't want a penny from Zhang Guangmu's reward for the task, just those books.

Tang Hua and the other twenty guards divided up the three deeds.


The first scene of "The World Knows", in which a scholar rushes to take exams and loses everything in exchange for money, ends in a way that director Xu Qianqiu did not expect at all.

In this way, Zhang Guangmu and his twenty-two guards left Liufeng County.

A large group of people headed towards the capital...

(There are two more updates at 8 p.m.) To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 140 photos of Guangmu and Twenty-Two Guards! Free to read.:.

This chapter has been completed!
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