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156 Toad Palace won the laurel! Gold list

After leaving the examination room, Zhang Guangmu did not return to the inn, but went to the medical clinic.

Along the way, he always held a ball of blue flame between his fingers and muttered words.

No one knew what he was talking about, but pedestrians knelt on the streets he walked along.

The air was filled with the strong smell of Chinese herbal medicine, which made Zhang Guangmu think of Jiang Ling, the medical officer who had just joined the endless group of fans in the movie "Armor Age: Cold Light".

Although Jiang Lingmeizi said that most of the elixirs she refined were poisonous, and normal people's internal organs would be damaged after eating them, and toxins would accumulate in the body, leading to a short life. However, there is a saying that the Blazing Bone elixir she refined originally can extend life, heal injuries and...

Even in temporary battles, they are all top notch!

After others knew the details of Jiang Ling, they might be unwilling to take her medicine because they were afraid of death, but Zhang Guangmu was fearless.

With thoughts flying in his mind, Zhang Guangmu came to the injured Tang Lanshan.

Yesterday, the fortune teller drew his sword and cut off one of his own arms, performing a good show of "eviscerating his body and returning his father's body" in front of everyone's attention. Until now, Zhang Guangmu still remembers it, as if it happened just a moment ago.

Tang Lanshan's subconscious...

If you are tough and fierce, and you are cruel to yourself, you will naturally not be soft-hearted towards others.

Zhang Guangmu had vaguely sensed this temperament as early as the "Secret Job" era, so he initially dragged her and Luo Zuan into the endless group.


Tang Lanshan's operation yesterday really brought her a lot of controversy. Many people who didn't know what was going on just started to criticize her. There were also some viewers who fell in love with her and became her fans because of her personality.

No matter what others think, Zhang Guangmu feels that this development is a real good thing for a subconscious actor.

However, Tang Lanshan drew his sword and cut off one of his own arms. He was handsome and ruthless, and it was really painful to lie in the hospital at this moment.

Even after drinking the hemp soup, she was still sweating in pain, her face was pale, and her teeth were clenching, obviously trying her best to endure the unbearable pain.

This pain tolerance...

Zhang Guangmu would like to be called the third person in the Endless Group, second only to himself and Boss Zhao!

It's hard to say for Luo Zuan and Jiang Ling, after all, there are too few samples for these two, and there is still a lack of material.

Anyway, Zhang Guangmu felt that Tang Lanshan's ability to endure pain was definitely better than that of the Xiaoxiao brothers and Mr. Chuba, and he would never be beaten to tears by a bullet.

"Women are not inferior to men. I should be talking about people like you."

Zhang Guangmu held a copy of "Monster Objects" in his right hand and held it upside down with his left hand. Shi Shiran walked up to Tang Lanshan and said with a smile: "I feel like you won't shed a single tear even if your palm is pierced by a crossbow arrow."

Chu Ba, who was among the little white dumplings, was always laughing.

The silver-white light floating in the sky made Li Xiaoxiao feel complicated. She always felt that this piece of shit contained something about herself.

It's just that there's nothing to be angry about. He even feels that Zhang Guangmu's bastard is usually not upright, making people feel that everything he says is like a joke. In fact...

Maybe every word Zhang Guangmu said is equivalent to a promise, right?

When he calls himself Brother Xiaoxiao, he truly regards himself as a brother.

Otherwise, how to explain that Zhang Guangmu was blocked from the memory of reality and could manipulate his own state of mind silently just by relying on instinct?

Is this what is called, a bond that is engraved deep into the soul?


Who wants to be a brother to this bitch!

What happened when a bullet pierced your hand in "Endless Food Bag" and you shed two tears?

It is human nature to be afraid of pain!

Most of those who like to endure pain or even enjoy pain are seriously ill like Tang Kaixuan!

Who hasn’t read black history yet?

It's really annoying to catch someone else's feet and not let them go!

The fourteenth prince of the Xuanlong Empire fell into a brief state of spiritual enlightenment.

In the medical center, Tang Lanshan's eyes lit up when she saw Zhang Guangmu coming to see her, as if she had found a backbone.

The girl with a broken arm stopped sweating and spoke with strength: "Don't talk about that! Have you finished the exam? Did you leave early? It must be!"

"How's the situation? Tell us!"

"Don't look at me like this. I have bought my own books and studied over the years. If it hadn't been for being a girl, I might have passed the second place in the exam and won the top prize!"

Hearing Tang Lanshan's words, Zhang Guangmu couldn't help but start looping the song "To save Li Lang from home, who would have expected to be number one on the imperial list" in his mind.

All we can say is that classics never go out of style.

It’s so brainwashing!

And it sounds really good...

Zhang Guangmu shook his head, collected his thoughts, and introduced this year's test questions to Tang Lanshan and what he answered.

This is not only explaining to Tang Lanshan, but also explaining to the little white dumplings floating in the air.

Beat up the class representative and leave the class representative with nowhere to go!

After listening to Zhang Guangmu's explanation, the smile on Tang Lanshan's face gradually faded, and sadness appeared on her eyebrows: "The previous part is impeccable. Even if I were to come, I couldn't do it better. Your foundation is much more solid than mine.



"This way of answering is not quite right."

"There is nothing wrong with your answer sheet. It is just too novel and novel. The format... needs to be discussed."

"The writing style is also too sharp and sharp. I'm afraid the examiner won't like it..."

"Yan Qingtian is fully responsible for this year's imperial examination. He is different from Ma Shangshu last year."

Tang Lanshan felt a little headache.

Zhang Guangmu is talented and capable, but a little unlucky.

If you put the same answer sheet last year, you will definitely win the first place in one fell swoop, and there is no possibility of failing.

Just this year...


Tang Lanshan sighed.

Participating in the imperial examination not only tests academic talent and problem-solving ability, but also requires candidates to be able to guess the examiner's thoughts and ideas.:.

The same answer sheet is read by examiners who insist on different principles, and the answers given must be different!

Show an answer sheet to people from Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, and military strategists, and the evaluations they will get will definitely be worlds apart!

Therefore, candidates must learn to guess the examiner’s intentions!

In fact, Tang Lanshan had hinted this to Zhang Guangmu as early as the day after the Leiyu Bodhi Temple.


Maybe I didn’t hint enough!

Tang Lanshan felt that she had not done enough.

But Zhang Guangmu chuckled disapprovingly: "In terms of basic knowledge and classics, I don't need to put any thought into it. I will definitely not make mistakes."

"As for policy theory and its meaning..."

"Adopting the format and guessing the examiner's mind are things that only ordinary candidates need to do."

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu smiled confidently and said domineeringly: "I am now a great sage and mentor who is well-known in the capital. I am a young man who banished an immortal and am an immortal father. I have the emperor's endorsement, and I burned an arm of the prince of Wuhou Mansion in Tang Dynasty. I am famous and majestic."


"When I take part in a scientific examination, why should I try to figure out what the examiner is thinking and what format to adopt?"

"My answer is the standard format."

"The difference between me and the examiner is that the examiner was wrong."

"Everything depends on me!"

Very domineering and mighty.

However, this still couldn't convince Tang Lanshan.

The fortune-telling girl with a broken arm carefully reminded: "In order to prevent fraud, every exam paper must be anonymous..."

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu grinned and smiled confidently: "Of course it is. It's just that the atmosphere in my writing is different from ordinary people. If I don't deliberately restrain my sharpness, it's like putting an awl in a bag."

Learn about the highly acclaimed Slim Body Body!

The [volume points] brought about by the particularity of the font can be a lot ahead!

Zhang Guangmu is full of confidence.

Tang Lanshan opened her mouth, pondered for a moment, considered the words and said: "Every candidate's test paper will be copied by a special person and then presented to the examiner..."

The smile on Zhang Guangmu's face froze.


Confusing the college entrance examination and the imperial examination!

Why were ancient exams so harsh?

How can we improve efficiency like this?

How to calculate roll points?

It’s so outrageous!

"..." Zhang Guangmu felt numb.


If the examiner is directly dismissed, wouldn't it be a shame to be thrown into grandma's house, and we can only forcefully start Plan B?

Seeing Zhang Guangmu's expression, the novices laughed and trembled all over.

It was Tang Lanshan.

The fortune teller's eyes fell on the book "Monster Objects" in Zhang Guangmu's hand, and he suddenly realized: "I was wrong, I still calculated too little, and missed the most important thing!"

"The theory of demons and objects is now the most popular academic field in Daqian. Not to mention the founder like you, even if other candidates casually mention these two sentences, it will be very beneficial to the evaluation results!"

What is political correctness?

As a great sage and mentor, Zhang Guangmu himself slayed demons and subdued demons along the way. Countless people saw him with their own eyes, and he had real skills.

The new emperor Yang Chi was in an unfair position. In order to consolidate his power, gain recognition from [Father of Immortals], and reshape his own legitimacy and sanctity, he deliberately publicized, added fuel to the flames, and helped Zhang Guangmu become famous.

The theory of "Monsters and Objects" is today's political correctness!

At least until Yang Chi and Zhang Guangmu fell out, this was definitely true.

The examiner's personal preference cannot be higher than political correctness!

All principles must give way to political correctness.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, this is reality!

After listening to Tang Lanshan's words, Zhang Guangmu felt better.


After taking a big exam, people have a bit of a crazy attitude towards answers, no matter in the past or present.

Fortunately, the examiners of the Daqian Dynasty adhered to the 007 work principle, worked overtime and stayed up all night, and released the results list the next day.

"Good news! Good news! The Great Master Toad Palace has won the title and topped the list!"

The one who came to announce the good news was Yuwen Chengzai.

The osmanthus in the Toad Palace refers to the osmanthus in the Moon Palace, which is a metaphor for passing the exam.

So what Yuwen Chengzai means is...

Zhang Guangmu is famous on the gold list, and he is still the first.

According to the imperial examination process of Daqian, there was no need to go through the palace examination, and Zhang Guangmu was directly the number one scholar.

Up to this point, the main plot of the drama "The World Knows" has basically come to an end.

But director Xu Qianqiu didn't mean to shout "ka" at all.

He seems to be waiting for some important plot point.

(There are two more updates at 8 p.m.) To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 156 Toad Palace won the championship! First on the gold list! Free reading.:.

This chapter has been completed!
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