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159 The Enemy, Wanfu Chong Palace

The faithful men and women under Zhang Guangmu did not spend much time searching for equipment from the black-armored soldiers, but they spent a lot of time wearing the light armor.

The trouble they encountered at first was the problem of wearing them. Ordinary people didn't know how to open and close the fasteners on the light armor, so they could only put them on indiscriminately.

Secondly, there is the difference in physique. Some thin people wearing large armor feel like children sneaking into adults' clothes, which looks extremely funny. However, strong and tall people cannot squeeze into small armor.

Coming and going again consumes a lot of time.

Finally, due to their numerical advantage and with mutual help, Zhang Guangmu's followers were able to completely consume this batch of soldiers internally.

Although they have not experienced relevant training, even if a group of people are neatly dressed, they do not look like elites. Instead, they give people a sense of independence. But people rely on clothes. With this batch of equipment on their bodies, Zhang Guangmu's followers gathered together.

Together, it looks decent and quite intimidating.

"Let's go! Let's go to Tang Wuhou Mansion!"

Zhang Guangmu knew very well that there was a high probability that this business would be completely defeated, but he still decided to do it.

After all, killing Tang Kaixuan is only one of the goals, and Yang Chi's problem must also be solved.

After settling all the grievances and hatreds, Zhang Guangmu's role in the drama "The World Knows" is truly over.

As a great sage and mentor, Zhang Guangmu received the blessing of this important status. As soon as he ascended the throne and called out, responders gathered in Jingcong. He didn't know how many people were willing to listen to his words.

But at the same time, he was also restricted by this identity and could not act too outrageously at will.

for example……

Kill the emperor with his own hands.

Of course, for Zhang Guangmu, these reasons are not particularly important.

The most important reason is...

The more people there are, the more impressive the manifestation will be.

In the history of Neon, just listen to the story of the sixteen Takenaka Hanbei who captured Inabayama Castle. If you really want to repeat it in Daikan Kyoto, you are just seeking death.

not to mention……

What's the point of having more than a dozen people calling you?

Without thousands of people around me, it always feels like there is less pomp and circumstance.

Zhang Guangmu led the faithful men and women under his command to rush along the long street and rushed towards the Mansion of Marquis Wu of Tang Dynasty.

Halfway through, his followers showed their unprofessionalism.

Although half of the believers wear black armor, compared with real black-armored soldiers, they are not able to follow orders and prohibitions, and they can even chat with their neighbors while marching.

"Oh! The young prince of Tang Wuhou Mansion is really nothing! Suddenly he sent troops to surround and kill the great virtuous master!"

"What? Real or fake? How is it possible? Isn't the young Marquis pure and filial?"

"Why is it impossible? Our armor was all ripped off from those people!"

"Tang Kaixuan's pure filial piety is nothing! If he had been pure filial piety, would Tang Wuhou have been seriously ill?"

"Hiss... you mean..."

"As long as you know it, don't talk nonsense, or you may be beheaded! That little Marquis will definitely take revenge!"

"Then I'll just follow you and see if I can do it without taking action."

"Why not! Judging by your accent, you are also from Kuoxi County. Come on, follow us! Don't fall behind!"

"Okay! Brothers, come here quickly! There's a good show to watch!"

Anyway, Zhang Guangmu's followers were marching and chatting with the neighbors on the way. They even poured dirty water on Tang Kaixuan at will, but they never expected that they would accidentally tell the truth.

However, the simple and kind-hearted people did not doubt this rhetoric. On the contrary, after hearing about the methods of the great virtuous master [Three Flavors True Fire] and [Biluo Chan Sing], they followed the team one by one, wanting to

Look at the excitement.

As for the two sides fighting, Chi Yu will be affected?

That possibility does exist!

But the problem is that few people can think of this.

Everyone was driven by gossip and curiosity, and instinctively followed the crowd. Looking at Zhang Guangmu, there were not only more than two hundred people wearing black armor and weapons, but also a large number of people dressed similar to normal people.

I feel like they are my kind.

Others can go, why can’t I go?

Isn't it just to join in the fun?


The team following Zhang Guangmu grew larger and larger, and the crowd formed a long queue. From a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​​​people, and the momentum was terrifying.

The little white dumplings floating in the air couldn't help but start talking.

"So, even with Zhang Guangmu's wisdom, sometimes he makes decisions that are not correct enough!"

"It's not nonsense. He is a human being after all, not an omniscient and omnipotent god. How could he not make mistakes!"

"What are you talking about? When you see the second floor from the God's perspective, you feel that you are right, right? The young prince of Wuhou Mansion has indeed entered the palace, but there is nothing wrong with what the Great Sage Master did! It's just that

Anyone who can say they understand understands, but if they don’t understand, I’m too lazy to explain!”

"You guys are so angry, and you are still @ class representative!"

"Come, come! Tianguang's wisdom never disappoints. You only know that Tang Kaixuan is not in the mansion, so his trip will be in vain. But you didn't expect... Is there a possibility that he did it on purpose? It turned out that he was around

There are only 500 people, but now? The team size has reached at least 2,000!"

"What's the use of having more people, it just looks good!"

"It's enough to look impressive... After all, the soldiers on both sides are not strictly trained soldiers. They are either subconscious actors from the real world or artificial intelligence actors, so... the number

The advantage is a huge advantage!"

While Zhang Guangmu obtained information about Tang Kaixuan and Yang Chi from the audience, he also maintained order on the march.

The newly joined people seemed to regard this as an interesting game. Considering the reputation of the great sage and mentor, they were willing to cooperate with Zhang Guangmu's actions as long as their own interests and safety were not violated.

They say there is strength in numbers.

These four simple words turned into reality, but it was a very shocking scene.

Not to mention the common people at the foot of the capital, even subconscious actors would hardly encounter such a situation in the real world.

When everyone first joined Zhang Guangmu's team, they just thought that this [No. 1 Scholar Tour] was probably the first time since ancient times, and it was groundbreaking. By participating in it, you could also share some of the No. 1 Scholar's "talent".

Blessed by Wenquxing.

After truly getting involved in this team, they really felt the spirit that belonged to this team!



Following the great virtuous teacher means walking on the right path!

Zhang Guangmu's followers are not very effective in fighting. Basically, they can't expect to fight. After all, even marching at a slow speed, they can move in a chaotic mess. There is no sense of order or prohibition at all. It's like they can't keep their mouths busy along the way.

, pushing and nagging like crazy.

But precisely because of this, this shortcoming is also their advantage.

The believers who were very sharp-tongued kept preaching the tyrannical strength and greatness of the great sage and mentor Zhang Guangmu to the people on the streets during the "Zhuangyuan Tour of the City".

It was like they were infected with some kind of ideological virus, quickly infecting passers-by with the attribute of "followers of the great virtuous teacher".

They range from casual believers to devout believers, and the least fanatic believers are willing to die for Zhang Guangmu.

But the expansion and growth of Zhang Guangmu’s group’s power is real!:.


Zhang Guangmu gradually discovered that it was really troublesome to lead a team like this without any training.

No wonder people in ancient times required commander attributes and abilities when marching...

Everything is easy when you dream about it, but when you actually do it, you find that it is not the case.

Fortunately, Zhang Guangmu could directly apply the answer, learn the method of the flower grower before traveling back in time, and assign the identities of chief, centurion, and thousands of commanders to the people below.

The more fanatical the believer, the higher the status assigned by Zhang Guangmu.

Zhang Guangmu didn't know which dynasty this decimal progressive relationship belonged to, or it was simply a pieced-together system. But after actually putting it into practice, Zhang Guangmu found that this system was really easy to use.

One centurion is in charge of ten centurions.

One centurion is in charge of ten leaders.

One person can manage ten people.

In this way, everyone in the team quickly recognized their identities.

Some "minor officials" who were given the status of managers were all in high spirits and showed off to their subordinates with great joy.

Although their instructions are not particularly binding, and they cannot really punish them as they say in the military, but...

It is enough for marching alone!

Most people just regard this as a novel experience and don't pay much attention to it. They just think it is interesting to cooperate. After all, there are very few disgusting people who like to show off their faces with chicken feathers as arrows, and this kind of

People are often sanctioned by higher-ranking "superiors".

Coupled with the intimidation of the prestige of the "Great Master" and the longing and expectation for the "Immortal Art", the people who subsequently joined Zhang Guangmu's entourage showed a patience that even they could not believe.

They didn't know what all this was for, but Zhang Guangmu knew it clearly.

Superstitious Thoughts This is a false memory that is temporarily given to almost every supporting actor in the drama "The World Knows".

Director Xu Qianqiu attaches great importance to every aspect of detail. Although it is difficult to achieve perfection in every part, there are almost no major flaws in the world he built.

Implanting temporary false memories into the subliminal actors of the sidekicks can avoid the common people who work as sidekicks saying on the street, "I can't live without nutritional supplements," which makes people feel uncomfortable.

This can also be regarded as a hidden setting of the first world view.

Although it is not as outrageous as the super recovery ability in "Endless Food Bag", Zhang Guangmu also felt its existence and made proper use of it.

If it hadn't been for such a setting, Zhang Guangmu's journey and fame would never have been so smooth.

When Zhang Guangmu arrived at the Mansion of Marquis Wu of Tang Dynasty, the number of people behind him had reached 5,000.

There were so many people following behind, forming a mighty long queue, which looked really lively.

In order to avoid a stampede, which would cause these common people to play themselves to death and reduce the number of troops without combat, Zhang Guangmu kept the overall march at a slower speed.

"Report! Except for some servants, there is no one in the Tang Wuhou Mansion!"

"We've searched everything! We can't find the young Marquis...I mean, we can't find any trace of Tang Kaixuan!"

"Marquis Wu of Tang Dynasty is dead! He died on the hospital bed! It looks like he was poisoned and then strangled to death!"

"We have already asked the servants in the Hou Mansion and heard that Marquis Tang Wu was killed by Tang Kaixuan himself!"

The person in charge of the investigation wasted a long time before finally giving the information Zhang Guangmu wanted.

"Tang Kaixuan has led his dead soldiers into the palace! He is going to raise his troops to rebel and become emperor!"

The people below didn't know why the palace's defense force was so weak. It was obvious that Yang Chi relied on armed incidents to kill his brothers and rose to power, but he took this aspect lightly.

Zhang Guangmu, on the other hand, knew the ins and outs of this matter clearly through the discussions among the novices.

this matter……

In the final analysis, it still has something to do with Zhang Guangmu.

After Yang Chi ascended the throne, he was busy with government affairs for a period of time and had no time to pay attention to Zhang Guangmu. However, after he gradually took the throne, he freed up time and energy to pay attention to this [Great Master].

Recalling the scene in the Bodhi Temple where he called Zhang Guangmu "Fairy Father", the shame in his heart made Yang Chi wish he could kill Zhang Guangmu immediately.


Before destroying Zhang Guangmu, he also wanted to learn all the immortal magic and magical powers of this young man who had been banished to immortals, and it was best to gain the ability to live forever.

Yang Chi uses himself to save others, and does not think that Zhang Guangmu will easily take out all the skills of eating and teach him easily, so...

He decided to take the initiative.

When the theory of "Monsters and Objects" became popular in the capital, and even spread to the entire Daqian Dynasty, who in the world did not believe in great teachers?

The only person Yang Chi could trust was Tang Kaixuan, the young marquis of Wuhou Mansion who had obviously enmity with Zhang Guangmu and had troops.

He planned to conspire with Tang Kaixuan, and then set up a game, one person would play the red face, and the other would play the black face, singing and singing, giving both grace and power, and unleashing all of Zhang Guangmu's immortal knowledge and abilities!

It's a pity that Yang Chi had a wonderful idea, but he ignored Tang Kaixuan's temperament.

Tang Kaixuan, who was full of rage and wanted to kill everyone in the world, seized on Yang Chi's undetectable flaw, and instantly expanded and tore it open, directly raised his troops to rebel, and started the mode of plotting to usurp the throne!

can only say……

History always repeats itself.

"Your Majesty is in trouble..."

Zhang Guangmu's eyes narrowed.

The stage has been set up, the audience has been seated, and the pomp has been prepared.

This is the best time to manifest the Holy Spirit!

So, without saying a word, he immediately rode his horse and whipped his whip, heading towards the palace.


The tall horse he is sitting on looks like a high-quality breed, but in fact it is a horse breed prepared for literati to visit the city. It is very docile. It is said to be trotting, but in fact it is about the same speed as a normal person...

Therefore, Zhang Guangmu did not distance himself from his "soldiers".

The palace gates were unguarded, and there was blood and minced meat everywhere. The sight of severed arms and limbs made people's scalp numb.

Zhang Guangmu breathed out suddenly, and a blue demonic flame roared out, burning all the corpses blocking the city gate into ashes.

Seeing this, the common people who were originally timid and wanted to take the opportunity to leave the team and run away, seemed to have received reassurance, gritted their teeth and decided to stay in this team.

In the end, the number of "Thousand Captains" who followed Zhang Guangmu into the palace reached six. To provide you with the fastest update of the extraordinary novel starting from tearing up the script, 159 settled the grudges, and ten thousand men rushed into the palace for free reading.:.

This chapter has been completed!
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