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162 Is my anti evil pendant easy to use? (Bai Meng

Tang Kaixuan reversely deduced Zhang Guangmu's three "immortal methods" based on the contents of the first few chapters of the theory of "Monsters and Objects".

He cracked the first two moves with ease.

Unfortunately, on the third move, he guessed wrong.

When Zhang Guangmu went to Beijing to take the exam, he did not encounter a fox demon who transformed into a human being, so he was unable to develop more "immortal skills" through the evil-suppressing pendant.

even so……

The evil-suppressing pendant itself is a very easy-to-use extraordinary prop.

Although it can only hold monsters, Zhang Guangmu discovered after practice that the evil-suppressing pendant can hold "creatures contaminated with the aura of monsters."

Tang Kaixuan, whose face had just been burned by the flames of [Burning Demon] and sprayed all over by the flesh-grinding thread of [Night Demon], was really filled with the aura of demons all over his body.

This falls right into the category of being contained by Zhenxie Pei.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that if Zhang Guangmu's skills were too poor, there would be no way to avoid Tang Kaixuan's deadly sword. If he touched the opponent's body, he would be directly assassinated by the sword, even if he satisfied the requirements of the Zhenxie Pendant to contain demons.

Conditions, it is impossible to subdue the opponent with one blow.

It is worth mentioning that when Tang Kaixuan just mentioned that "Zhang Guangmu was fooled", he was not using words to intimidate, but a sincere reaction.

Tang Kaixuan was slapped by Zhang Guangmu and disappeared at the moment...

There was only a crisp sound of "ding-dong-dang", and a dark-colored hedgehog armor with barbs fell on the ground in front of Zhang Guangmu.

The hedgehog's armor was stained with a little green light, as if it was smeared with some kind of poison.

Because the evil-suppressing pendant cannot pretend to be a dead object, the hedgehog armor naturally fell off.

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu didn't know how to determine whether something was dead or alive. If this hedgehog armor was inlaid and sewn onto Tang Kaixuan's body, would it be considered a part of his body?

There is not much chance of confirming that kind of possibility and speculation.

At least this time, Tang Kaixuan, who had entered the evil-suppressing pendant, no longer had any life-saving props on his body. He was completely naked, and Zhang Guangmu didn't care to look at it.

Just by glancing at it, he found that this person was covered in a thick layer of mosaic, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

What's even more outrageous is that under the influence of false memories, Zhang Guangmu actually felt that this was very reasonable and he was not surprised at all.

After taking Tang Kaixuan into the Evil Suppressing Pendant, Zhang Guangmu only needed one thought to kill him.

Other than that…

Through the conversation with Tang Kaixuan just now, Zhang Guangmu suddenly realized that his exploration of the world of "World Knowledge" was extremely limited.

I have been in the capital for such a long time, but I have never been to the Demon Subduing Division!

Is this scientific?


It’s not even consistent with “The Study of Demons and Demons”.

After all, if we can discuss and exchange experiences with those colleagues, we should be able to quickly improve the completeness of this book.

Zhang Guangmu found that the script prompts and inducements from the field control team kept him busy with other events and failed to focus on the two departments of subduing demons and demons.

He still has many doubts now.

However, after capturing Tang Kaixuan, there will not be much challenge in the follow-up of this drama. It only needs to be concluded normally.

With a slap, Tang Kaixuan received the Evil Suppression Pendant, and Zhang Guangmu immediately raised a hand.


Blue demonic flames swirled and rose into the sky.

The two sides fighting each other slowed down their movements a lot and concentrated their attention.

"Tang Kaixuan is dead!"

Zhang Guangmu doesn't care whether his statement is accurate or not.

At this time, if you say "I caught Tang Kaixuan", it always feels like it lacks some flavor and momentum, which is not conducive to boosting your own morale, and it is difficult to suppress the enemy's morale.

And from a personal point of view, saying this kind of thing always makes Zhang Guangmu easily feel like he has caught a Pokémon, and the sense of violation is too strong.

Facts have proved that in the era of cold weapons, the outcome of the battle had a crucial impact on the morale of both sides.

When Zhang Guangmu said this, no one from the Wuhou Mansion could come out to refute the rumors. The black-armored soldiers, who had clearly gained the upper hand in the battle and were about to defeat more with less, suddenly panicked.

They no longer pursue beheading for meritorious service, but look around for Tang Kaixuan's figure.


Not found!

No matter what, the figure of the young Marquis of Wuhou Mansion cannot be seen.

Therefore, either Zhang Guangmu told the truth and he had killed Tang Kaixuan, or Tang Kaixuan saw that the situation was not good and took the opportunity to escape!

No matter which possibility it was, it dealt a fatal blow to the morale of the black-armored soldiers.

"Disarm without killing!"

When Zhang Guangmu was speaking, a ball of blue fire lotus appeared behind him, making his figure look like a mortal.

So his followers shouted loudly: "Disarm and not kill!"

The common people who originally came just to join in the fun and had no guts to fight with anyone now became energetic and shouted louder and louder: "Disarm and kill!"

After having the experience of surrendering prisoners once, Zhang Guangmu's followers recruited the black-armored soldiers very quickly this time and stripped the enemy of all their equipment without spending too much time.

"Great Master, do you want to kill them?"

A fanatic commander who often rode in front and behind Zhang Guangmu'an came over to ask.

Zhang Guangmu responded without hesitation: "Those who are willing to follow me will be broken up and collected, and they will be punished and meritorious service. If they are not willing, they will be put in prison and judged according to the law of Daqian."

It seems like a choice has been given, but in fact no one in their right mind would choose the second path.

This is a charge of treason!

Kill the nine tribes!

Who wants to die if he can live?

Not everyone, like Tang Lanshan and Tang Kaixuan, regarded the murder of their whole family as a kind of kindness.

Most people still care about family ties.

As a result, Zhang Guangmu had more than 1,900 subordinates with different thoughts.

Yes, in the chaotic battle just now, Tang Kaixuan's subordinates suffered less than 5% damage rate.

On Zhang Guangmu's side...

Just don’t mention it.

Anyway, he has become the ultimate winner.

In the fight against Tang Kaixuan, Zhang Guangmu won.


Then what?

There seems to be no more.

The emperor was dead, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were dead, and all the relatives and relatives of the emperor were gone. The only direct descendant of the Tang Wu Hou Mansion who committed this heinous crime was Tang Lanshan, who had long since severed contact with the Hou Mansion.

A group of speculators, with twinkling eyes and hesitation, wanted to persuade Zhang Guangmu to join and let Zhang Guangmu directly wear a yellow robe and become the emperor.

It's a pity that they are not the core of this team.

Those fanatical believers really believed that the great sage and mentor came down to earth to enlighten the wisdom of mortals and protect the suffering people from the slaughter of demons. They felt that Zhang Guangmu's status was far above the emperor.

Therefore, in their view, making Zhang Guangmu the emperor is equivalent to asking Zhang Guangmu to degrade himself.

Fanatic believers cannot do such a thing.


After all, fanatical believers are a minority. People with all kinds of thoughts have formed a unity of interests, and the voices coming from them have gradually become unable to be suppressed.

No matter how they performed on the battlefield, no matter their background, they all fought on Zhang Guangmu's side.

Regarding these, Zhang Guangmu saw it clearly and planned to deal with it slowly later.

This kind of thing cannot be dealt with in one fell swoop. It has to be peeled off, little by little, which is very troublesome.

Although during this process, Zhang Guangmu felt that his abilities in all aspects could be honed, such as internal affairs, commander-in-chief, armament, negotiation, and speaking skills. It is estimated that if he handles it perfectly, he can get a small improvement.


There's no need for that.

Firstly, director Xu Qianqiu might just shout "Ka", and secondly, Zhang Guangmu has "The Book of Interpretation" by his side. He only needs to work hard to participate in subconscious movies, and he can quickly improve his comprehensive ability.

Therefore, Zhang Guangmu took a trick.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Guangmu only said one sentence.

"I promise here that after the capital city stabilizes and ensures that people's lives will not be greatly affected by this incident, I will teach you all my methods."

Zhang Guangmu's promise still carries some weight.

As a great sage and mentor, he personally killed Tang Kaixuan, the young prince of Wuhou Mansion who killed Emperor Yang Chi. With his sanctity and justice, he could directly ascend the throne and become emperor.

But he didn't do it impatiently.

Even if the people below said it over and over again, Zhang Guangmu pretended not to hear it.

His character...


But this is the qualification to learn the magic of immortality...

Although Zhang Guangmu promised that everyone can learn his methods, people are selfish after all, and they judge others by themselves, so they feel that Zhang Guangmu will definitely split the magic into many parts, and those with high merit can learn it.

There are more, and people with low merit can learn less.

Therefore, everyone present started to "work" hard in their own way, working towards the common goal of "stabilizing the capital and maintaining people's lives."

As for the few people who want to get in front of Zhang Guangmu and flatter him...

They couldn't even get close to Zhang Guangmu.

After all, there is a large group of fanatical believers following Zhang Guangmu.

Because he had previously promised to a certain crew member on the Infinity battleship that Tang Kaixuan's life would be handed over to the other party, so after a little perfunctory handling of matters in the palace, Zhang Guangmu began to take care of Tang Kaixuan.

Killing this guy can be regarded as helping the fortune teller to fulfill his wish and resolve some obsessions.

After handling the matter here, Zhang Guangmu did not stay in the palace any longer. Instead, he returned to the hospital, dispersed the crowd, and released Tang Kaixuan from the evil-suppressing pendant in front of Tang Lanshan.

Zhang Guangmu acted relatively safely.

He did not take risks, but directly tortured Tang Kaixuan in Zhenxie Perry until his limbs were completely disabled and he completely lost his fighting ability, and then released him.

At this moment, Tang Kaixuan was already at a critical juncture. He was completely naked, and his whole body was as popular as a thread. However, there was still a touch of playful sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were still full of hostility.

The girl with a broken arm rubbed the special copper coin in her palm. She couldn't believe it. Her eyes were both excited and anxious. She was worried that all this was just a dream: "Can I kill him directly?"

There is no irresolvable hatred between Tang Lanshan and Tang Kaixuan. The relationship between the two is just that they are half-mother.

I just don’t know why, but when Tang Lanshan saw Tang Kaixuan, she wanted to kill him completely.

That strong emotion cannot be called hatred, it is more like a...


It seems that only by killing the other party can one's own existence be proved valuable and one's own life be considered meaningful.

Tang Lanshan had a vague and mysterious feeling. Tang Kaixuan might have thought so too. He also wanted to kill himself!

After hearing the fortune teller's words, Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly and said shamelessly: "Of course, otherwise, why would I bother with this? Wouldn't it be better to just kill him with a knife when we meet?"

It was as if he could really kill Tang Kaixuan with one knife.


In general, this matter was done very well. The place where the saint should be revealed has been completed. It would be better to help the crew but be obsessed with it.

Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone?

Tang Lanshan came to Tang Kaixuan and said calmly: "Last words."

Tang Kaixuan raised his eyelids and responded lazily: "The world is so boring, and living is boring. I will never come back again..."

There is no despair in these words, only peace.

The fortune-telling girl didn't hesitate at all and started directly.

A throw from the sky!


Broken skull.

Brains splattered everywhere.

The familiar scene reappeared before Zhang Guangmu's eyes.

Tang Kaixuan's body convulsed, his breathing stopped, his heartbeat stopped, and he died completely.

Only this time, there are no nano-medical robots.

Seeing this, Zhang Guangmu fired a flame and gave Tang Kaixuan a free cremation service.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

Zhang Guangmu looked at Tang Kaixuan's ashes on the ground, and with a gentle blow, the last traces of Tang Kaixuan's existence in the world completely disappeared without a trace.

"At this point, the grudges between you and me are clear."

Such a spirit of giving free burials to enemies regardless of past grudges shows how broad-minded and selfless it is.

Zhang Guangmu almost moved himself.


Tang Lanshan took a deep breath, feeling as if a big stone had been put down, completely resolving the knot in her heart.

By reaching this level, she truly cut off contact with Tang Wuhou's Mansion, and she never had any connection with him again.


It's so wonderful!

She herself fell into a weak state due to the broken arm and lost too much energy. After understanding what was on her mind, she lay on the hospital bed, closed her eyes, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Watching Tang Lanshan sleep, Zhang Guangmu quietly left the room and locked the door.

The most important characters in the drama "The World Knows" have until now either been completely marginalized and have not appeared in the camera at all, or they have just received box lunches.

Up to now, this drama has become Zhang Guangmu's one-man show.

After the drama "The World Knows" is completed...

You can form a team with your friends in the endless rice bucket group to compete in this year's "Road to the Great"!

Zhang Guangmu thought about it for a moment and felt a little hopeful.

Brother Xiaoxiao, Boss Zhao, Mr. Chu Ba...

The scout fanboy Luo Zuan, the fiery fortune-telling girl, the poisonous medical officer...

If everyone cooperates well, even if they cannot become the final winner, they should still be able to make a name for themselves on the road to becoming emperor!

Anyway, the short-term goal Zhang Guangmu has set for himself is to sweep the remaining seven stars in this year's Road to the Great Emperor, win them all from first to fifth, and win the title of [Haoyue] without any dispute.

Become the strongest newcomer of the year!


Take advantage of this momentum and move towards the direction of becoming the subconscious actor!

By the way, Zhang Guangmu is quite curious as to what the name of this year’s Road to the Great Emperor will be.

In the past ten years or so, the naming format of "The Great Emperor's National Movie" has changed to the composition method of "World Genre·Film Features".

Back to business...

The little white groups floating in the air seem to have some other ideas about the drama "The World Knows".

"Ah, so far, Mu Zai has really achieved "The World Knows"? Why hasn't this drama been completed yet?"

"Director Xu must have his own ideas."

"Hey, hey, let's bury the hole first and then wrap it up! This drama must be poisonous! Last night, Tang Kaixuan went to the Demon Subduing Department to meet a mysterious man and got a lot of good things from him. Who was that person? No


"Are you planning to make a second part? Don't be like this! Who really likes to watch half-films!"

"Don't make trouble! Mu Zai will definitely fight with that mysterious man! Don't worry!"


"It's very simple. Zhang Kui wrote "Monster Objects" and wanted everyone in the world to learn from it. Didn't this violate other people's privileges? If you break other people's privileges, they will definitely want to kill you!"

"Hiss... Mu Zai, be careful! I saw Shang Guizang in the cast list! This person is a professional behind the scenes!"

"No need to remind you, Muzi brother is better than anyone else, no one can cheat on him!"

After getting some information from the audience, Zhang Guangmu also felt a little curious.

The director of subduing demons and the director of subduing demons are the same person.

Under normal circumstances, such a background construction may be lazy.

However, with a personality like Xu Qianqiu's, stubborn and stubborn, and a strict self-discipline type at first glance, it is unlikely that he would cut corners in a place like this.

Zhang Guangmu originally thought that the purpose of subduing demons and subduing the second division of demons was just to ensure the safe development of the drama "The World Knows", lest everyone in the city would be killed by demons halfway through the imperial examination.

Now it seems that it is not only that, but also has some deep meaning.

Coupled with the name of Shang Guizang, a professional behind the scenes, it means...

None of this is a coincidence anymore.

Tang Kaixuan is very smart, and his ability to break situations is not weak, but his ability to continuously resolve the two major methods of [Three Flavors of True Fire] and [Biluo Chan Sing] is obviously not due to himself.

"Daigo, Director..."

Zhang Guangmu murmured and left the hospital immediately.

He led dozens of strong and strong fanatic believers and walked towards the Second Division of Subduing Demons and Subduing Demons.

Although the Demon Subduing Department and the Demon Subduing Department are nominally separate organizations, their locations are adjacent to each other. They are not located in the south and north of the city or in the east and west of the city. The geographical distance is so close that it feels incredible.

When Zhang Guangmu arrived at the scene, he found a middle-aged man in a white gown standing in front of a pond, quietly overlooking the water.

"You came."

The middle-aged man in white shirt turned around, looked at Zhang Guangmu, and said in a calm tone: "Is my evil-suppressing pendant useful?"

(20,000 words updated today! Please vote for me!)

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