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166 On the road to the great emperor, I want to be side by side with you (Bai Meng

Li Xiaoxiao's complexion turned red with anger and she wished she could pull out her sword and shave Zhang Guangmu's head.

But he eventually fell into Zhang Guangmu's language trap.

"Speaking of which, Tang Kaixuan's swordsmanship is really good!"

Zhang Guangmu said hypocritically: "He is indeed the fifth among the seven stars this year. I almost overturned. Has he left already? If not, I would like to compete with him again..."

Li Xiaoxiao, who was inadvertently manipulated, waved her hands angrily: "I left long ago."

"You said that Tang Kaixuan's subconscious is unique and tough enough. I have nothing to say. You said that his swordsmanship is good..."

Li Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Guangmu with disgust: "With his scummy swordsmanship, I will kill him indiscriminately!"

"Even if the director is not a good person and weakens my physical fitness to the same level as Tang Kaixuan..."

As soon as the sword was mentioned, the good brother became more confident and his tone of voice became domineering: "In that case, if I fight with Tang Kaixuan a hundred times, he will die a hundred times!"

Regarding the physical quality of the good brothers, Zhang Guangmu expressed his approval.

After all, I have experienced it myself.

Last time before the filming of "Secret Job" started, Zhang Guangmu, Chu Fan and Li Xiaoxiao played a game of Mysterious Dragon Ball together.

The Xuanlong ball is a bit similar to tennis, but the rules are slightly different, and a lot of black technology special effects are added. The whole process is filled with sparks and lightning, and there is a crackling and buzzing sound. After playing a game, Zhang Guangmu feels like he is in a row.

It's like the avenue is about to be wiped out.

Anyway, after a game, no matter whether it was Mr. Chu Ba or Zhang Guangmu, who was as tough-talking as Zhang Guangmu, they all felt that Li Xiaoxiao was simply wasting his talent if he didn't act in sports-themed movies.

That was an all-round crushing!

Against Li Xiaoxiao, it’s a straight shot!

There is no gaming experience at all as I was tortured throughout.


Zhang Guangmu knows very well that even though Li Xiaoxiao looks like a girl, she is actually very physically fit.

This is true even from a scientific perspective.

After all, after seeing Li Shisan's appearance, Zhang Guangmu had a deeper understanding of the outrageous bloodline of the Xuanlong royal family.

Brothers Xiaoxiao just have excellent physical fitness. It’s nothing. It’s very reasonable.


“Why can’t this person change his habit of bragging?”

Zhang Guangmu curled his lips and said, "You said you could torture Li Shisan with his bare hands with a sword. I believe it."

"Beat Tang Kaixuan in the same state..."

"Why don't you split the moon in half with one sword?"

Li Xiaoxiao put her hand on the sword on her back and wanted to perform a great show on Zhang Guangmu on the spot.

In the end, he suppressed his inner rage and let go.

Looking at Zhang Guangmu with a ferocious expression, Li Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth: "For the performance of the Emperor's Road, I have been cultivating my sword, and I can't let it go easily!"


"You will be blinded!"

Until then, he will reveal himself as a saint with one sword strike!

Anyone who dares to talk nonsense in front of him will be sent to the underworld to be reincarnated with a sword!

As if Zhang Guangmu couldn't feel the evil spirit at all, he replied with a playful smile: "That's good, lest people say you are the [Void Sword God] in the future, I don't know how to refute it."

The so-called "void", in Zhang Guangmu's context, refers to "falseness".

Li Xiaoxiao doesn't need any explanation.

He understands the urinary properties of this dog very well.

The two of them stood next to the infiltration cabin and started the verbal exchange mode. Tang Lanshan played with her copper coins and occasionally exchanged a few words.

After a while, the Void Sword God suffered a disastrous defeat in the literary fight. He lost his mind and transformed into a repeater. After angrily saying "Waiting to be blinded", he left the filming building first.

Tang Lanshan, on the other hand, communicated with Zhang Guangmu about the [Integrated Bloodline Replacement Surgery], and after receiving encouraging and affirmative answers, she left here and went straight to the nearest large hospital.

Seeing that Zhang Guangmu finally had some free time, director Xu Qianqiu came over with a sullen face, but his smile could not be concealed in his tone: "The reputation is pretty good, and the reviews are okay."

The first self-evaluation of a typical exam is “okay.”

Zhang Guangmu has seen many people like this.

He himself is this kind of person.

At once……

Very understanding.

Xu Qianqiu's eyes fell on Zhang Guangmu. As he spoke, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up: "I made the right choice to choose you as the protagonist this time!"

"For me, this is the most proud decision in my career, bar none!"

Lao Xu has very senior qualifications and a very high status in the world. He can say whatever he wants without fear of offending others: "Yang Chi, compared to you, Tang Kaixuan is way too far behind!"

"Yang Chi won't go into details. Although he killed his brothers in order to ascend the throne, he did all kinds of bad things, but at least he still has a bottom line."

"Tang Kaixuan..."

Tang Kaixuan and Yang Chi were demoted to the point of being worthless with just one mouthful, which made Zhang Guangmu feel like they were being flattered and being underestimated.

However, they just said this to him and did not advertise it widely, so...

Just listen.

Speaking of this, Xu Qianqiu said coldly: "I originally considered Tang Kaixuan as a candidate for the drama "The World Knows" because of his courage despite hardships and adversity."

"Coupled with Tang Kaixuan's title of [Father Worried], I feel that if Tang Kaixuan plays the protagonist, there may be some sparks between Tang Kaixuan and Shang Guizang, enriching the elements of this drama!"

"Looking at it now, I'm lucky I didn't choose him!"

"Such people are simply anti-social, anti-human elements, and hopelessly evil people by nature!"

People of XXXX...

Zhang Guangmu felt that the sense of déjà vu was a bit strong, so he casually interjected: "Where is Shang Guizang? I respect this senior who specializes in playing the mastermind behind the scenes, and I hope to learn from him."

In fact, Zhang Guangmu himself did not think that Tang Kaixuan was born evil.

Zhang Guangmu felt that Tang Kaixuan's strange and violent temperament most likely originated from his father.

It's just that this kind of thing has nothing to do with Zhang Guangmu, and he doesn't intend to expand on it.

In the play "The World Knows", the only regret Zhang Guangmu felt was that Miao Zhi, the subconscious actor who regarded "building a scholarly family" as his obsession, chose to betray in the end.

Although that person seems to have a good appetite, he cannot withstand temptation...

Obviously, you can't treat yourself as a gay person and join the endless rice bucket group.

"Shang Guizang..."

Xu Qianqiu was stunned, and continued following Zhang Guangmu's topic: "He is still staying in the infiltration cabin."

"He never sees anyone."

"To be precise, he never communicates with other subconscious actors."

At this point, Xu Qianqiu added: "It's not a secret. For Shang Guizang, this is a way to train, strengthen, and mold his own subconscious characteristics."

The two talked for a while, and Zhang Guangmu also left the shooting building, went to buy a month's worth of high-end cat food, ordered takeout, and then took a speed train back to Liufeng County.

Pine Street.

After getting off the speed car, I took a few casual steps and returned to my pine cabin.

After taking the meal from the takeaway boy, Zhang Guangmu stood in front of the door. His black jade bracelet shook and the door opened automatically.

"Head of Household 001, welcome back!"

"Householder 002 has been waiting for a long time!"

As soon as he closed the door, and before he even had time to put down the takeout and cat food, Zhang Guangmu felt an afterimage pass across the floor and hit him with a whoosh.


Mooncake rubbed Zhang Guangmu's calf with its furry head.

Stinky stuff!

Still know to come back!

"Hey, why are you so good this time?"

Zhang Guangmu immediately put down the cat food and takeout, picked up the orange cat and started stroking it: "Ah! It feels so good! Let's eat first and chat while eating! Let me tell you, this time I played the leading role, and I was blocking and killing people along the way.

God, if you stand in the way of the Buddha, you will kill the Buddha! You are such a handsome yuppie! Even the mastermind behind the scenes was found out and beaten up!"

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu paused, thinking that if Brother [Fo] could hear this, he would probably express regrets and not want to give a rating above excellent next time.

So he cleared his throat, rolled out the moon cake twice, pretended that he had never said those words, and changed his words: "Ahem, Amitabha! The Three Pure Ones are supreme! Master has said: If Zhang Guangmu is not born in heaven, his subconscious will be filmed forever.

Like a long night!”

"I will tell you about my experience along the way in detail later!"

“It’s so exciting!”

Wash your hands, open cat food and take out.

The room is filled with aroma.

Zhang Guangmu took a few bites of curry ramen. He felt that it was not as delicious as Lanzhou ramen, but it was still edible.

While I was sucking on the noodles, my personal communication terminal suddenly dinged more than a dozen times.

Obviously someone in the endless rice bucket group is talking.

[Li Xiaoxiao cuts the moon with one sword]: "Don't practice calligraphy! Don't practice calligraphy! Don't practice calligraphy! It will hinder the improvement of your personal ability!"

"And if you are not careful, you can easily become a lunatic like Tang Kaixuan. If you commit something serious, you will be shot or lifeless. Thank you!"

This was said without any beginning or end. For other people, Zhang Guangmu would have just taken it as amusement.


Since the person who sent this news is Brother Xiaoxiao who always has inside information.

Then he must have given two pieces of information directly in his speech.

1. It is best not to practice the ability to temporarily mount it in the subconscious movie world when you return to reality, otherwise it will have serious negative effects.

2. Something happened to Tang Kaixuan. The best outcome is indefinite, the worst outcome...

Probably going to eat peanuts.

[Zhao Zhengrong]: "It is not recommended to practice calligraphy within a month. If you really want to improve your personal abilities, it is actually very simple. Sign up for a special training camp world, and after decades of hard work, you will become stronger."

Boss Zhao is as considerate as ever, and his suggestions are as simple and clear as ever.

[Xi Chu Gunslinger]: "Brother Guang, your performance in the drama "The World Knows" is really good! But, the crew has equipped you with temporary skills, right?"

"I don't know if Xu Qianqiu has told you or not. Just mention it here and don't think of 'strike while the iron is hot'. That would be picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons."

"Although you can practice calligraphy to a decent level in a short period of time, you may not be able to learn anything at all for a long time in the future!"

"What you learn and forget, to use your term, is probably the [Fool Experience Card]..."

"The duration of this state is different for different people. Some people recover quickly, recovering within a month or two, while others may not be able to recover for more than ten years."

"Remember, remember!"

Mr. Chuba is usually quite calm, but at critical moments he becomes a mother-in-law.

However, Zhang Guangmu felt this care.

After these three speeches, the fortune-telling girl Tang Lanshan, the medical officer Jiang Ling, and the little scout Luo Zuan expressed their surprise that they actually had such a particular attitude.

The last three are all newbies in the subconscious acting industry. They are newer than Zhang Guangmu and don’t understand anything. It is normal to have such reactions.

At this time, Zhang Guangmu realized belatedly...

The [Calligraphy] ability that I had temporarily installed in "Tian Xia Zhi" is no longer available.

Zhang Guangmu feels...

I seem to have returned to the stage where I forgot to write when I picked up my pen. Even if I write carefully, I can only ensure that the words are arranged neatly and cleanly, but I cannot achieve the level of Jin Hui in the movie world that amazed countless people.

At this time, director Xu Qianqiu also sent a message, expressing a similar meaning to everyone else.

After replying to the other party, Zhang Guangmu typed at light speed in the group.

[Changhe Guangmu]: "Got it! I promise not to practice calligraphy!"

After replying to this message, Zhang Guangmu frowned and suddenly remembered the previous comments in "The Book of Deduction".

"To ensure the strength and purity of the soul, the temporarily mounted calligraphy skills will be automatically forgotten after leaving the world of "Tian Xia Zhi"."

Brother Shu has good intentions!

Moreover, Brother Shu’s explanation is clearer and goes straight to the source!

Could this thing affect the strength and purity of the soul?

A bit scary.

Zhang Guangmu immediately opened the group announcement and added [First, never fight alone] and then [Second, temporary abilities are poisonous, so be careful when mounting them].

After doing this, the "Book of Deduction" that pretended to be dead also started working.

Originally in the world of "Tian Xia Zhi", Zhang Guangmu had already added some points to the Imperial Body Forging Technique.

It's just that at that time, he was in the infiltration cabin, and if Brother Shu directly strengthened his body, it might lead to his own special characteristics being exposed, or other negative effects.

Therefore, it is only now that the benefits of [Imperial Forging 6] have been truly enhanced to Zhang Guangmu.

A substantial sense of power surged through his limbs and bones. They flowed in the blood, passed through the organs and muscles, making Zhang Guangmu feel that his whole body was full of energy.

Wasted endless energy.

The enhancement of the lungs is the clearest!

Breathe in and out freely!

Zhang Guangmu feels that his lungs are very clean now, his ability to exchange oxygen has also improved a lot, and his physical condition has obviously become better.

Based on past experience, the probability of genetic disease will be further reduced.

After finishing the takeaway, Zhang Guangmu held the mooncake in his arms and refined the sentence a dozen times before finally sending it out.

[Changhe Guangmu]: "@All members (Qian Yiyuan, except Cao Guan)."

"I want to fight side by side with you on the road to becoming emperor."

(Today’s update is 17,600, please vote for me!)

This chapter has been completed!
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