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176 Electromagnetic rotation, one shot explodes!

This person has a beautiful appearance and a somewhat neutral voice, making it easy for people to mistake him for a girl.

Seeing this face, Zhang Guangmu could feel the breathing of the useless mercenaries behind him beginning to become rapid.

But he could tell at first glance that the other person looked like a boy or a girl.

A pure boy.

This has nothing to do with insight, but mainly because...

They are too familiar with each other.

This young man who shuts up Richard as soon as he opens his mouth is not his good brother Li Xiaoxiao, so who is he?

In the world of "Magic: Beyond Two Realms"...

In other words, purely on the magic star, those who control magic power are almost always in high positions, and their status is not even half lower than that of wolf controllers and cold light armorers.


A look of displeasure appeared on Richard's face after being interrupted.

He snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Li Xiaoxiao, although you are the Lord of Mushroom City, I am also a magic apprentice officially registered with the Magic Association."

"Others who dare to talk to me like this will definitely be punished by magic!"

"As for you..."

"For the sake of you being my cousin, let's forget it this time."

When the Lord of Mushroom City heard this, his eyes stern, he put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and said in a cold voice: "I'm very annoyed now, you'd better stop talking nonsense to me."

"How dare you, a mere magic apprentice, talk nonsense to me? Forget it, even if you are a formal mage, if you make me unhappy, I will kill him with one sword."

"You should be lucky to have a blood connection with me."

"Otherwise, you would have died by my sword now."

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu's eyes lit up.

This way of bragging means that Xiaoxiao is indeed a good brother, and there is no possibility of admitting the wrong person.


The expression on Richard's face was slightly frozen, and he felt he couldn't get down the stairs, so he turned his head and glared at Zhang Guangmu fiercely to vent his anger.

This display of incompetence and rage made Zhang Guangmu smile.

Seeing that Richard had magical abilities when he appeared on the scene, Zhang Guangmu decided to put him aside for the time being, and then dig deeper into the value of this "humanoid mineral deposit" when he was free.

Zhang Guangmu looked at Li Xiaoxiao, his eyes were as gentle as water, and his tone was calm: "I am the deputy leader of the Gunshen Mercenary Group, Zhang Guangmu."

"It was the group leader Chu Fan who asked me to come to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Although I still don't understand the situation a little bit, but..."

"You should be able to explain it simply, right?

There seemed to be a soothing power in his words.

That deliberately slowed down tone not only calmed down the upset Li Xiaoxiao, but also made Richard frown, giving him the feeling of being slightly overpowered.


Li Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, without thinking too much. After looking at Zhang Guangmu for a while, he said loudly: "This must be the first time for a person like you to come to Mushroom City, right?"

"If you had been here before, I wouldn't have been impressed."

He didn't know why, but even though it was just their first meeting, he felt a familiar and close aura from Zhang Guangmu. They were like bad friends who had known each other for many years.

A look, an expression, a micro-movement...

Li Xiaoxiao felt that she could easily guess what Zhang Guangmu was going to say and do next.


Don't know why.

Although I feel very friendly, I always feel a little itchy and want to give Zhang Guangmu a beating.

Looking at that handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Li Xiaoxiao felt that his bad temper was being brought out.

When Richard heard his speech, his expression became gloomy.

Although Li Xiaoxiao did not explicitly say what kind of person Zhang Guangmu was, it was obvious that Li Xiaoxiao had a good first impression of this guy, at least not contradictory.

"The number of permanent mercenaries in the Gunshen Mercenary Group is about twenty. Looking at the people behind you, the number obviously doesn't match up."

Li Xiaoxiao suppressed the inexplicable and strange feeling in her heart and said: "So, you defeated and annexed another mercenary group?"

Originally, he wanted to talk about the reasoning process, but looking at Zhang Guangmu's handsome face that needed a beating, his interest suddenly waned, and he directly concluded: "It should be the funny mercenary group? He died during the battle, no.

More than five people.”

"Here in Mushroom City, there are many killings caused by mercenary fighting. As long as you don't massacre innocent people, even if they are all killed, I don't care."

At this point, although Li Xiaoxiao caught Richard's surprise with the corner of his eye, when he saw Zhang Guangmu's expression as steady as an old dog, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​showing off his reasoning ability and intelligence.

He got straight to the point and said: "Compared to being the Lord of a city, I would rather be a mercenary, go on adventures and fight, and become the [Sword Master] whose name is resounding throughout the Magic Star!"

This is not all, at least, it is not accurate.

But if Zhang Guangmu hadn't been there, Li Xiaoxiao wouldn't have even said these words.


Although we are cousins, we have nothing in common with each other.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't see any expressions like contempt or ridicule on Zhang Guangmu's face, so he nodded with satisfaction and continued: "I have been looking for someone for this period of time, someone who is qualified, capable and responsible."

The person who takes over the position of Lord of Mushroom City."

"It's a pity that after such a long time, only the two of you have appeared, and... you two may not be able to pass my assessment."

Speaking of this, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly felt as if another person started to speak in his mind.

[Zhang Guangmu is only the deputy leader of a mercenary group, and his background is unknown, so he is not qualified to inherit the position of Lord of Mushroom City. 】

【He should have been excluded from the beginning!】

[On the other hand, Richard... He and I are cousins ​​after all. We are descendants of the royal family of the Magic Empire, and he is also a magic apprentice. 】

[If the position of the Lord of Mushroom City is given to Richard, I will feel relieved. 】

That’s right!

The so-called assessment...

Doesn't exist at all!

It was Li Xiaoxiao who made it up casually!

His original idea was that as long as a qualified and capable person came, he would throw away the position of city lord, and then he would travel around the world, conquer the world, hone his sword skills, and become the [strongest sword master] in history!

Don't know why...

Obviously seeing Zhang Guangmu's careless look, he couldn't help but want to stab him, but Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but secretly prefer this person.

"Wait! Test?" Richard interrupted Li Xiaoxiao's speech.

Although it wasn't very clear, Richard had a vague feeling of losing control.

just like……

The scene gradually fell into Zhang Guangmu's control.

Li Cha clenched his fists and made a sharp and harsh voice: "Li Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?"

"I am a great magician, you want me to compete with a mercenary?"

"You're insulting me!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. He immediately held his palms in a virtual gesture, with lightning flashing between his fingers, and pointed at Zhang Guangmu, returning to his old ways and saying, "I'll give you three seconds to get out of here! Otherwise, today is the day you die!"



Zhang Guangmu pulled the trigger of the alchemy gun, and a bullet pierced Richard's palm.

This battle went more smoothly than Zhang Guangmu expected.

I don’t know if it’s just the magic apprentices who pull their hips like this, or if it’s just Richard who pulls his hips.

The scene Zhang Guangmu expected was...

Richard controlled the power of electromagnetism, and the two powerful forces transformed into each other. Through the rotation of the magnetic field, he controlled the bullet to counterattack, and then he drew his sword to kill the bullet. After a fierce battle, he shot his head with one palm.

This fierce battle only exists in fantasy...


The cool electric arc on the palm of the novice magic apprentice Richard's palm failed to have any defensive effect.

The lightning suddenly dispersed the moment it came into contact with the bullet.

It seems like it's just a special effect, of no use...

Blood dripped down the wound.

Richard raised his hand with a confused look on his face, looked at the big hole in his palm, and immediately let out a hysterical scream: "Ahhhhhhhh!"

After blowing away the white smoke from the alchemy gun, Zhang Guangmu grinned, revealing a mouth full of white teeth: "Where do all these things come from? Let's just start fighting, shouldn't we?"

"The one who survives is the winner."

Li Xiaoxiao rubbed the hilt of the sword on his waist and felt that Zhang Guangmu was so cool.

Such a life of swords and gunpowder is thrilling and exciting. It is exactly the life I yearn for!

The voice of another self, which I had finally dispersed, sounded in my mind again.

[Zhang Guangmu is so disrespectful to me!]

[Although I admire him very much and don't intend to fall out with him, he has such a violent temper and will get into a fight if he disagrees with him, so he is not suitable to be the lord of a city!]

[Giving the position of city lord to Zhang Guangmu is irresponsible to everyone in Mushroom City!]

[I should stop this battle, end this farce, and then hand over the position of city lord to Richard.]

[As for Zhang Guangmu...]

[It may be a good decision to join his mercenary group and have adventures with him. In the process, you can hone your sword skills and truly master "that thing". 】

[Traveling around the world with guys like Zhang Guangmu, performing mercenary union tasks everywhere, adventure, money, relics, equipment... an exciting and exciting life has just begun! 】

Li Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and focused his eyes on Zhang Guangmu.


Who is a serious person who wants to stay in a mercenary group with such a guy?

Besides, Chu Fan, the leader of the Gunsling Mercenary Group, stretches his crotch so much.

Isn't it better to join a small group by yourself than to hang out with these two?


Li Xiaoxiao thinks Zhang Guangmu is right.

The ultimate winner will inherit Mushroom City...

This makes perfect sense!

What a bullshit assessment task...

What kind of relative Richard...

It’s so troublesome!

Wouldn't it be better to just have a duel of honor?

The loser must either die immediately or flee as far as he can!

Winner takes all, loser gets nothing!

"Fight! Fight!"

Li Xiaoxiao looked like she was worried about the world being in chaos, and cheered for Richard: "Aren't you a magic apprentice? You can't even beat an ordinary person with an alchemy tool? Use magic! Why are you crying? Are you a man? Throw it away.

It’s not a shame! Yes, that’s it, fight back!”

"Internal affairs, armaments, diplomacy, intelligence, commander-in-chief... I don't care about these things."

"Whoever wins, the position of city lord will be his!"

The little white dumplings floating in the air couldn't help but complain.

"I understand, Mushroom City wasn't originally prepared for Zhang Guangmu?"

"Isn't this nonsense? The wheels of the script prompts have run over your face, and you still can't react?"

"The class representative is here: From the beginning, the position of city lord has been given to Richard!"

"I can't be the representative of this class, but I can do it if I take it!"

"Then Li Xiaoxiao is a Seven Star after all. What is his [first mover advantage]?"

"Maybe it's that sword? The people here on Magic Star all have two-handed swords. In the middle, there's a knight's sword used with a shield. Li Xiaoxiao's sword has such an obvious martial arts style... Maybe he got it

[Treasure from Another World] A genius swordsman?”


"Li Xiaoxiao's side-stepping is too blatant... Richard is still howling... There is one wounded person, please give me a haircut!"

"By the way...are the crew members on the Infinity battleship all so subconsciously strong? One Chu Fan and the other Li Xiaoxiao feel like they can't even kick, but they wholeheartedly contribute to the captain..."

“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,..., I am that, I that's great, Mu Zai can find such a good teammate!”

Zhang Guangmu, who started out as a cat when he first arrived, now has a machete in one hand, an alchemy gun in the other, and forty-four followers.

He felt that if he had a three-masted sailboat now, he could directly set sail and conquer the sea.

Zhang Guangmu collected his thoughts, glanced at the speeches of the young white dumplings, and couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

——Mr. Chu Ba is really a treasure boy. Any piece of equipment he throws away will turn out to be the best.

Not to mention the ability to fire continuously, the recoil is within the normal range, and the magazine capacity is quite large.

So far, the ammunition in this alchemy gun has not been used up...

Feeling that Richard's screams were too harsh, Zhang Guangmu raised his chin slightly, pointed the black muzzle of the alchemy gun at Richard, and pulled the trigger suddenly: "Goodbye."


(There should be two more chapters at 8pm)

This chapter has been completed!
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