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190 tricky take! Magic composition 2! (Month

After receiving Zhang Guangmu's instructions, George did not even dare to slander the other party in his heart that he was the culprit of his injuries.


He quickly agreed, sweating profusely, slowly opened his hands, closed his eyes, strengthened his thoughts through gestures, and began to slowly mobilize the magic energy particles to outline the pattern of healing magic, and released the healing magic to repair his neck.

burn marks.

There is actually no need for this kind of gesture to assist in casting spells.

The vast majority of official magicians do not need any external assistance when performing the five types of magic.

Although George's junior mage title is also recognized by the Magic Guild, there is obviously a huge amount of controversy.

Without the blessing of the alchemy magic equipment, he needs to use hand gestures to assist the movement of his thoughts to outline the complete magic composition when he uses healing magic that he is not very familiar with.

No matter how good he was, George was still an official magician. After some struggle, he finally used his own healing magic.

On the fingertips of his hands, masses of earth-yellow light slowly condensed, merged, and continued to expand.

Li Xiaoxiao, who was watching the battle from the side, calmly put his hand on the hilt of the sword, ready to be prepared for any sudden attack by him.

Mooncake, a little milk cat squatting on Zhang Guangmu's shoulder with sleepy eyes, giving the impression that it was about to fall asleep at any moment, also bared a small tiger tooth and stared at George fiercely, as if to warn this man not to act rashly.


A few seconds later, a ray of khaki light covered George's neck, and the originally scalded skin and muscles slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the influence of this healing magic.

This is an elementary earth-based healing magic from a lower-level magician. It is far inferior to water-based healing magic in treating burns.


The first time George cast healing magic, he failed to completely cure his injury. Instead, it got stuck at a very embarrassing level.

The new granulation and blood scab mixed together, making him feel very uncomfortable, numb and itchy, making him want to reach out and scratch the whole circle of flesh to feel relieved.


He didn't dare to use magic a second time without Zhang Guangmu's permission, so he quickly said, "Can I use it again?"

"Although my earth healing magic is more suitable for treating injuries such as broken bones, and is not suitable for healing skin wounds, and my own level of attainments is also very low, but if I use it again..."

"You should also be able to give me some comments and give me some ideas for improvement."

This is very accurate.

It seems unremarkable, but in fact it is quite advanced.

Originally, George's intention was to use a healing earth magic composition in exchange for Zhang Guangmu's mercy, and let Zhang Guangmu learn from it casually, which was regarded as "paying money to save his life".

But George was worried that his words would hurt Zhang Guangmu's self-esteem and hurt him again, so he considered his words, reorganized his words, and said something more beautiful, successfully taking care of Zhang Guangmu's self-esteem.

To be honest, George is very tired now.

He felt that even if he was talking to the lord of Beef Liver City, the main city of Baishuang County, he would not be so cautious.


Zhang Guangmu looked at George calmly and gave the answer in an understatement.

Hearing this, George felt as if he had been granted amnesty and repeated his old tricks.

The second time he cast the healing magic, he truly healed the wound on his neck.

The yellow light dissipated and the blood scabs fell off, revealing fair and new skin.


Zhang Guangmu walked slowly to the door.

When George almost thought he was leaving here, Zhang Guangmu suddenly came back to his senses and said calmly: "Now, you can use your movement magic."

Although Zhang Guangmu has accumulated a lot of experience from previous battles and can deduce the movement magic used by George through the details of the battle, and can at least get 50% to 60% of the essence, but...

How much time and energy would be wasted!



The real master is right in front of you, so why not just ask others for magic?

Zhang Guangmu, who was too lazy to deduce the composition of [Movement]-like magic, chose to ask for it directly.

When George heard this, he was furious and wanted to beat Zhang Guangmu to death on the spot!

How shameless does this person have to be to say such a thing?

Isn't a healing magic enough for him to digest and absorb?

This is digging your own roots!

If your exclusive magic spreads, whether you will be held accountable by the Magic Guild is another question.

Just look at yourself...

After other magicians know the composition of their magic, it is equivalent to the core secret being mastered by the enemy. If you go out and talk to anyone, you will feel inferior to others.

But then he thought again and realized again that he was no match for Zhang Guangmu.

Facing the cruel reality, George had to bow his head again.

"Okay, okay! I'll use it right away!"

George didn't even dare to say "he bit off more than he could chew."

He now understood why Zhang Guangmu was standing at the door.

The emotional person was simply worried that his movement magic was too strong, so he rushed out of the room...

This performance is too naked...

Don’t you just want to learn from your own magic composition?

What's there?

The black-haired boy in front of me is obviously a young genius. Maybe when his parents grow up in the future, he will remember this favor and look back to teach him!

Besides, everything happens once and twice.

To be honest, when George first "dedicated" his healing magic composition, he was quite heartbroken.


He felt that was all.

So George started his own operation.

His expression was serious, he adjusted his breathing, frowned, and tried his best to use his thoughts to drive the magic energy particles resident in his body, hoping to urge them to induce the magic energy particles floating in the air to outline a moving magic composition.

Unfortunately, the more excited George became, the more powerless he felt.

His breathing gradually became rapid, he was sweating profusely from nervousness, his whole body began to tremble slightly, and his voice seemed to be trembling: "You... just wait... I, I'll be fine soon!"

"It was a mistake this time!"

"Please give me another chance!"

Looking at George's lost look, Zhang Guangmu looked calm, but his heart was full of thoughts.

This guy's current mental state is obviously very different from before...

Although normal people will indeed make some neurotic actions after encountering a life-or-death crisis, and even behave like another person for a period of time, Zhang Guangmu happens to be aware of George, a subconscious actor.

Although Zhang Guangmu has not watched many subconscious movies in which the other party participated, Zhang Guangmu also learned about this person's subconscious through the audience in the movie comment area.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸 hook鄄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling鄮殑杩珺公app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合紒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽紑杞︺佺锵铓嶉兘鱱Umbrella chain 楥氲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙浠ヤ笅枊銆

George has a very keen sense of murderous intent and is known as "the man who has never been successfully assassinated".

In addition, this person's subconscious is also very stable. Even if he encounters death threats or fear of death, he will not be at such a loss.

Zhang Guangmu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked George up and down.

The unusual behavior of this official magician...

Is it the same [magic erosion] as Winnie?

Therefore, magic energy can indeed give humans powerful power and make them extraordinary, but it can also cause serious erosion of mental power, making people's thinking chaotic, their thinking ability reduced, and their behavior patterns tending to be instinctive!

When he first observed this phenomenon in Richard and Winnie, Zhang Guangmu just kept it in his mind, thinking that it was because Richard and Winnie were too good at learning magic apprentices.

Now it seems……

Even formal magicians, relatively newbies like George, will be affected by [Magic Corrosion].

In a short period of time, the more powerful and frequent the magic used, the easier it is for this phenomenon to occur.

After Zhang Guangmu silently summarized a rule, he became highly focused and said loudly: "Brother Xiaoxiao."

Li Xiaoxiao tilted her head, her palms shaking slightly: "I understand."

Zhang Guangmu's name for him was very strange, but he gradually got used to it during the journey from Moucheng to Umbrella City.

As for what Zhang Guangmu wants to express...

Does this kind of thing also require speculation?

Without using his brain at all, Li Xiaoxiao knew that this man was treating him like a coolie again.


Three feet of green peak unsheathed.

On the pure white oriental ancient style long sword, the cold light shines, but it seems to be absorbed into the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, with endless splendor and thousands of years of history. It also has the two characteristics of lightness, sharpness and calmness, which makes people feel It feels extremely contradictory.

Zhang Guangmu played the red face, then it was Li Xiaoxiao's turn to play the bad face.

Although he usually likes to argue with Zhang Guangmu, Li Xiaoxiao's performance was reliable and did not stretch his hips at this moment of consensus.

I saw Li Xiaoxiao pointing his long sword diagonally, with a certain aura of looking down at the world. The black light on the blade shone and vibrated, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, making people tremble with fear.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't even bother to look at George, and just said coldly: "Don't try to escape."

"Even if you can escape into the ground and temporarily merge into the soil and stones, I can chop off your head immediately."

During the conversation, there was a fierce aura. Not to mention George, who was gifted with the ability to sense murderous intent, even Zhang Guangmu, who was standing far away at the door, could clearly feel it.


George swallowed and nodded: "Of course, don't worry! I'm not an idiot!"

His fear seemed to be amplified by the [Magic Erosion] phenomenon. After passing Zhang Guangmu's several obedience experiments, it was difficult to develop a resistance.

Now being threatened by Li Xiaoxiao, George seemed to suddenly remember how to use movement magic.

Just a few seconds later, his thighs and calves were covered with a thin layer of rock-textured armor, and his upper body was also covered with a layer of safety armor. At first glance, it looked like an exoskeleton powered mecha.

It has quite a sense of technology.

George raised his head and looked at Zhang Guangmu with solicitous eyes.

After getting a positive answer, he really took action.

Bend your knees and exert force with your feet...


In an instant, George seemed to have shattered the invisible wind barrier and directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters.

His breakthroughs and movements have both a sense of power and speed.

Even after just a casual glance, Zhang Guangmu could clearly feel that the level of this magic was higher than those that George had used before.


Zhang Guangmu smiled on his face and looked at Li Xiaoxiao beside him: "I learned it."

"If this speed can be maintained, even a person with average physical fitness like you can reach 100 meters in 4 seconds."


In the real world, Li Xiaoxiao inherited the bloodline of the royal family that has been improved and optimized for generations. He has also worked hard in kendo, and his physical fitness is ridiculously strong. In the field of sports, he can be called a decathlon.

After reaching the Road of the Great Emperor, Zhang Guang Muguang, who no longer has the DEBUFF of the genetic disease, can beat Brother Xiaoxiao with his physical fitness!

100 meters in 4 seconds...

Seeing this result suddenly, it seems that it sounds ordinary and not worth mentioning.

After all, if you think about it carefully, forty seconds is only one kilometer, which seems quite slow. Compared with high-speed trains and fighter jets, it is nothing.

But actually...

This kind of speed is at the level where in a 100-meter track and field competition, you can easily beat Usain Bolt even if you start to lose water from the halfway point.

When humans can compare the speed of flesh and blood with machinery, it can already explain many problems.

Really chasing the cheetah.

What's even scarier is...

The strongest point of this movement magic is actually its acceleration performance, from zero to extreme speed, it can be completed in the blink of an eye.

As long as its sustainability can be improved in the future, this magic can be called a life-saving skill!

Zhang Guangmu felt that at that time, he could crush a large number of low-level magicians with just his fists. Even if he faced the mid-level magicians, he might not be incapable of fighting.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Guangmu popped out the five fingers of his right hand, and there were dots of blazing red stars between his fingers, which were continuously outlined, carved, and weaved into lines and patterns.

These are the two magic tricks used before trying to simulate George.

Simulation is easy.

After all, Zhang Guangmu is a man with [Acting Skill 3] and [Imperial Forging Technique 8]. His imitation ability and control are extremely strong. Coupled with the enhanced vision brought by [Firearm Shooting 1], he will not make observation errors.

With low-level questions, you can clearly distinguish every line in the magic composition.

The little white dumplings floating in the air couldn't help but started to complain when they saw this scene.

"Damn it, this young man is outrageous!"

"You really don't regard me as a human being, George? Are you copying the village on the spot and stealing the magic composition in person?"

"It feels a bit like being in front of a tauren... It's a little exciting when you think about it..."

"Zhang Qi is still as inappropriate as ever..."

"Get out of the way! Don't give him a chance to show off!"

"Everyone is at your place! Mu Zai is about to start showing off in front of people again. Everyone, find the angle in advance and be ready to take screenshots at any time!"

In fact, Zhang Guangmu had no intention of showing his holiness in such an insignificant place.

This is just a simple "self-improvement" link.

After learning George's two magic compositions, Zhang Guangmu felt that apart from the fact that his overall personal strength had become 40 to 50% stronger, there were no major benefits.

It's not a big scene, and it doesn't deserve everyone's attention.

So he acted very calmly.

The entire process of reproducing the magic composition did not take much effort.

Perhaps because of previous experience accumulation and George's own cooperation, the entire "learning" process was even faster than Zhang Guangmu expected.


Golden-red flames swirled around the body, forming a slightly abstract armor.

The thickness and solidity of the wheels are obviously not as good as those of George's rock armor, but this set looks cooler and even better in terms of appearance, as if it comes with special effects.


After all, this movement magic was built for the earth element. Zhang Guangmu copied it and was able to use it. It can be considered that he is good at adapting to local conditions and modified it in time to adapt.

This set of flame armor looks very good in appearance, but compared with the set used by George, there is still a slight gap in its actual function.

Although the healing and movement magic that Zhang Guangmu secretly learned turned into fire magic once used, and the effects were also somewhat degraded, but...

This little flaw, as long as you spend some time to carve it out, can be quickly made up for, and even the old and new will be introduced, and the new will be better than the old, better than the original!

The flames that healed and assisted movement jumped around Zhang Guangmu.

He even had time to cover the mooncakes with a layer of "magic flame armor".


The little orange cat transformed into a flame cat.

The sleepy moon cake disappeared instantly without a trace, and its big watery eyes were full of little stars: "Meow!"

Beautiful girl cat transformation!

This gesture...


Li Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Guangmu had obtained the new magic from George almost perfectly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Your physical fitness is indeed a monster-level existence in the field of unarmed fighting, but


"I have a sword that can defeat you!"

Zhang Guangmu curled his lips: "What if I use magic?"

Mooncake squatting on his shoulder shook its tail with golden red flames: "Meow!"

Li Xiaoxiao fell into silence.


After a while, Li Xiaoxiao finally said in a solemn voice: "You win."

"However, I will surpass you in the future!"

This battle ended in Zhang Guangmu's victory.

As the winner, Zhang Guangmu behaved quite generously and did not seize this point to mock his good brother.

He just had a vague feeling after mastering the five types of magic...

If you want to, you only need to compile and construct five types of magic compositions at the same time, and you can complete a sublimation of life and reach a whole new level!

Thinking of this, Zhang Guangmu immediately started to take action.

Although this is the residence of Umbrella City's chief advisor, not far from the city lord's residence, and after the battle just now, uninvited guests may be attracted at any time, but...

What does Li Xiaoxiao do?

As the honorary swordsman of Moucheng, Li Xiaoxiao's status is equivalent to that of the chief advisor of other cities.

His hands are stained with blood, he is ruthless, and his combat prowess is extraordinary. He cannot be compared to someone who only eats corpses. He is very reliable.

(There is another chapter in four hours)

This chapter has been completed!
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