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194 [Three Guns], the banknote ability is loaded!

In the past two months, Zhang Guangmu has not only been playing city management and magic training games, but also collecting important strategic information through the novices.

One of the more meaningful points is...

Important members of the Infinity battleship, fortune teller Tang Lanshan and scout Luo Zuan, are both in Beef Liver City!

At the same time, Fang Cheng, the third member of the "Seven Sons" from Blue Star, seems to also want to go to Beef Liver City.

Isn't this just a coincidence?

So far, Zhang Guangmu has locked the positions of the other crew members on the Infinity battleship except Zhao Zhengrong, Boss Zhao and medical officer Jiang Ling.

Through the information given by the audience who transformed into Xiaobai Tuanzi, Zhang Guangmu knew that Fang Cheng, the official third-ranked [Tianquan Star] among the seven stars this year, chose [

Mature combat capability] as a first-mover advantage.

In Zhang Guangmu's opinion, this is indeed the right choice for Fang Cheng, and it is very consistent with his subconscious mind.

You know, even though Fang Cheng debuted just over a year ago, he has participated in film genres ranging from fantasy, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, supernatural to conventional urban romance.

So far, Fang Cheng has never failed even once!

Because of his performance in major subconscious movies, Fang Cheng is also called the "speed passer" of the game "Life Online" by the audience.


She is a somewhat crazy woman, but also a real strong person, with extremely strong subconscious and personal abilities. She was the [protagonist's deplasmator] before Zhang Guangmu appeared.

No matter whether the protagonist in the play is good or evil, it is difficult to escape the ending of death in front of Fang Cheng.

What Fang Cheng is best at is "branching". Before participating in a subconscious movie, he uses various methods such as self-hypnosis and spiritual suggestion to temporarily refine his subconscious mind.

Although she cannot make a complete change, she can also allow herself to enter the world of subconscious movies. As soon as she sees the protagonist of the plot, she will immediately have murderous intentions for him, and choose the most correct strategy to kill him.

After the start of "Magic: Across Two Realms", Ma Wu, the official fourth-ranked [Tianji Star], has a profound plan and a long-term layout this time, and has done almost everything on Blue Star.

Even so, he was almost defeated by Fang Cheng and was violently crushed out of the game in the early stage.


This time going to Beef Liver City, Zhang Guangmu had to face Fang Cheng directly, which was also a lot of pressure.

After all, just by looking at this woman's actions, Zhang Guangmu could probably deduce that before she participated in this year's Road to the Great Emperor, she must have regarded the other six Seven Stars as "hunting targets."

Otherwise, Fang Cheng's various actions cannot be explained at all.

After all, when she was on Blue Star, she targeted Ma Wu, Xia Lianshan and Yue Yiji in various ways.

Zhang Guangmu will not take any chances.

He knew very well that as one of the "remaining Seven Stars", once he encountered Fang Cheng, if his strength was too different from that of the opponent, he would most likely be beaten to death on the spot.


In the past two months, Zhang Guangmu was not just messing around.

In addition to improving his personal strength to the peak of a low-level magician and only one step away from a mid-level magician, Zhang Guangmu also did not forget to make full use of his own advantages.

You know, in addition to being a formal magician, Zhang Guangmu also has the identity of [Lord of Mushroom City]!

With the development of the magic particle crystal mineral deposits, Moocheng's economy, people's livelihood, and military strength are gradually improving, and the permanent and floating population are increasing. As the city lord, Zhang Guangmu, the resources in his hands have gradually increased.

Today, in addition to the two alchemy workshops [Chali] and [Hangzi], there are also many new alchemy workshops in Zhang Guangmu's city.

Some senior magic apprentices even submitted applications, expressing their willingness to open magic enlightenment classes in Mushroom City, using their contributions in exchange for the right of first refusal to purchase magic particle crystals and magic gems.

Yes, they can't even enjoy discounts. Just the right of first refusal after mining special minerals has squeezed the heads of many high-level magic apprentices!

After all, whether it is magic particle crystals or magic gems, they are hard currency for scholars who study magic.

In the chief advisor's residence in Umbrella City, if Zhang Guangmu had not directly swallowed George's five earth-type magic gems alive through the magic of "Gluttony", he would have been able to barely survive until now by relying solely on his own efforts, talent and wisdom.

Reach the level of a formal magician.

Sometimes resources are not important, but at other times, they can save magic scholars a lot of time and energy.

Many magic apprentices didn't know how strong Zhang Guangmu's talent was. Seeing that he had reached the level of an official magician at a young age, they thought that the magic crystal mineral deposits played a crucial and decisive role in it. So after getting the news,

They all felt the mushroom city and started the involution mode.

When Zhang Guangmu decided to go to Beef Liver City, various magic enlightenment training classes and alchemy workshops sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The crazy involution and competition made the major training course organizers and workshop owners want to assassinate each other, and at the same time they had to take out the good stuff they had in the bottom of the box to curry favor with Zhang Guangmu.


Don’t have any magical alchemy equipment in your hand?

It doesn’t matter!

Mushroom City attaches the greatest importance to and cares most about the development of the magic and alchemy industries. All competition must be based on the principle of fairness and justice. Everyone is on the same starting line. There will never be any magic enlightenment training class or alchemy workshop that happens to be opened in Mushroom City.

In the golden area of ​​the city, the city lord will not help any speculators who give gifts to promote themselves.

But Zhang Guangmu's personality charm is really too strong.

no way.

There are always some training course organizers and workshop owners who are willing to take on loans for twenty or thirty years in exchange for an excellent magical alchemy equipment, in order to please Zhang Guangmu and make the new Lord of Mushroom City feel happy.

, make good friends with it.

Zhang Guangmu felt very troubled by this. After dozens of discussions with Li Xiaoxiao and Chu Fan, he finally came to the conclusion that perhaps his [charm] attribute was at work in this situation.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Guangmu is not the only one who has benefited.

Xiaoxiao's good brother's outfit changed again and again. In addition to being purely good-looking at the beginning, later on, the white clothes, jade pendant, sword scabbard and even hair bun all had a little bit of the effect of magic alchemy props.


Of course, in his words, this thing is a "crude magic weapon", "barely useful", "not worth a pound", "I can get you a better set".

Chu Ba always seems much more real.

There are three alchemical fireguns hanging on people at all times, one is a semi-automatic continuous fire gun, one is a sniper rifle, and the other is a pistol-like firegun that is convenient for medium and close combat. It is euphemistically called "Three Guns".

Although Zhang Guangmu thinks this is purely funny, but...

Perhaps because of the blessing of the acting city lord, Chu Fan's reputation as the founder of Sangun Style gradually spread, not only limited to Moucheng, but even spread to the entire Baishuang County.

Some mercenaries, adventurers, bards, and idle aristocratic young ladies came all the way to Mushroom City, not for the first sword of Mushroom City, Zhang Guangmu, nor for the young Dharma Saint Zhang Guangmu, but to meet Chu Fan.

A side view of this [Founder of the Sangun Style].

Zhang Guangmu thinks this...

It's quite outrageous.

Maybe this is the benefit of being grounded?

Sangun style requires zero talent. As long as you have money, you can quickly form combat power...

Coupled with the fact that Chu Fana resembles the Dharma Saint Sword God when he is not speaking, it is indeed reasonable for him to quickly become a popular star in Baishuang County.


Because of the changes during this period, although Zhang Guangmu at this moment is still theoretically an ordinary and mediocre low-level magician, he has various abilities such as [Boots of Swift Wind], [Armor of Anti-guns],

With the help of ordinary magical alchemy equipment such as [Mirror of Keenness], [Brace of Power], [Smooth Slab], etc., he already has the combat power to kill three mid-level magicians by himself in a 1V3 situation.

It is worth mentioning that this is not "Zhang Guangmu's fantasy", but the helpless evaluation of Jon, the Lord of Umbrella City, after seeing his outfit.

Overall, it's quite sincere.

On the second trip, Zhang Guangmu was familiar with the road. After bidding farewell to Chu Fan, the acting city lord, and Xiaoxiao brothers, who were said to be in seclusion for self-cultivation, he left Mushroom City with moon cakes.

Theoretically speaking, the distance from Mushroom City to Umbrella City is about the same as the distance from Mushroom City to Beef Liver City.

But Zhang Guangmu’s trip took two full days longer!

In fact, this time, Zhang Guangmu didn't meet any robbers or other bad guys along the way. He just met a lot of like-minded people... No, he met a lot of like-minded people.

For example, there are quite representative Jiang Shihua, Qu Yinjia, and Qi Manqi, three small aristocrats whose families were in decline.

Although the three-person team composed of two men and one woman were only at the level of intermediate magic apprentices, Zhang Guangmu did not dislike them, but shared his magic experience with the three of them for free.

Such selflessness and generosity greatly shocked the three of them, and they bowed their heads one after another.

They are extremely powerful, and all they master are magic tricks, which is to scare people by holding balls of wind, fire, and water in their hands.

However, after having a heart-to-heart talk with Zhang Guangmu, Jiang Shihua, Qu Yinjia, and Qi Manqi had a private discussion and made up their minds to pool their money together to build a great magic school in Moucheng.

Contribute to Zhang Guangmu’s career.

On this day, Jiang Shihua poked his head out of the right carriage of the two carriages driving side by side: "Professor Zhang! We are almost arriving at Beef Liver City!"

Calling Zhang Guangmu professor is a special feature of these three people.

They once traveled to the imperial capital and believed that powerful magicians who mastered a lot of profound magic knowledge and were willing to teach it to others should be called "professors". Therefore, after listening to Zhang Guangmu's lecture, the three of them all said the same thing.

Zhang Guangmu changed his name.

Qu Yinjia, who was sitting in the same carriage as Jiang Shihua, pulled him back into the carriage and said angrily: "The professor just said yesterday that whenever there is a big event, there is calmness. No matter what happens, you must do it."

Keep a calm mind and don't be surprised. Haven't you learned this in your heart?"

Qi Manqi, the only girl in the three-person team, blinked and closed the book: "Professor Zhang told us that reading thousands of books means traveling thousands of miles."

"Theory must be combined with practice to get closer to the truth."

"In these few days, I feel that I have benefited a lot, and I am only one step away from being a senior magic apprentice."

As she spoke, Qi Manqi spread her hands, and a translucent stream of water condensed in her palm from the air, gradually twisting into the shape of a snake: "You two, you have to work hard!"

"Otherwise, when you go out, you will lose Professor Zhang's face and you will all feel embarrassed!"

Jiang Shihua and Qu Yinjia looked at each other and said a few perfunctory words angrily, not wanting to tangle with her any further.

Although they respect Zhang Guangmu, they all have different temperaments. They are not like Qi Manqi who never leaves his hand every day. They are just like a sexually transformed version of Zhang Guangmu.

Rather than doing magic experiments and delving into magic theories, Jiang Shihua and Qu Yinjia preferred another way of learning.

The former is a fight!

The latter is a debate!

Zhang Guangmu has long been accustomed to the daily quarrels between the three of them.

Jiang Shihua, Qu Yinjia, and Qi Manqi are obviously part of the "relatives and friends group" who organized a group to register for this year's road to the emperor. They are similar to the Infinity battleship, but smaller in scale. The division of labor between them is not clear, and there is not even any one.

People can stand up and say they are the leader.

The three of them are friends in reality. In the Road to the Great Emperor, they just support each other and make progress together.

Their personalities are pretty good, and they gave Zhang Guangmu a lot of inspiration during their daily interactions, so...

Zhang Guangmu also wanted to help these three people if he could.

Facts have proved that even if he did not deliberately invest energy in the three of them, he still benefited them a lot and made considerable gains.

"I don't know how many strong men there are in Beef Liver City. I really want to have a good duel with them!"

The corners of Jiang Shihua's lips raised, and his face was full of excitement: "As the main city of Baishuang County, I hope this place will not disappoint me!"

Qu Yinjia curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Haha, you guys, with all your muscles, you are obviously more like a berserker than a magic apprentice, right? Which magician can fight with a two-handed sword? If you

If you really like dueling so much, why not compete with Professor Zhang?"

Jiang Shihua scratched his head and said awkwardly: "The difference in strength is too big. Even if Professor Zhang doesn't use magic, I am not his opponent..."

"But...I will become stronger!"

Qu Yinjia sneered and said: "It's like Professor Zhang won't become stronger. He is younger than you and more talented than you! What's the use of becoming stronger?"

While the three of them were arguing, the carriage had stopped.

Zhang Guangmu left the carriage, walked slowly, and came to a city gate guard.

He looked down at the hedgehog-headed boy in front of him, a smile melted in his eyes, and he said in a gentle tone: "I don't know why..."

"Obviously it's just our first meeting, but I feel like you are very kind."

"Perhaps it's fate that brings us together in this place, right?"

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu reached out his hand in a friendly manner: "Let's get to know each other."

"I am the lord of Mushroom City and the official magician, Zhang Guangmu."

"I hope to be friends with you."

Jiang Shihua, Qu Yinjia, and Qi Manqi, who had just gotten off the carriage, were filled with questions when they heard this.

He is just an ordinary city gate guard. Apart from his pretty good looks and being a very energetic young man, there doesn't seem to be anything special about him.

Is he worthy of Zhang Guangmu's friendship?

This chapter has been completed!
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