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203 [New Sun Domination Map], Purple Gold Redeemer!

First, he had a scuffle with Jack and Luo Lisi, and then temporarily used the "Jealousy" magic to copy the lightning magic and innovate, and developed electromagnetic magic. Zhang Guangmu had already lost a lot of mental power.

Later, after a fierce battle with Fang Cheng, he managed to put out the fire that enveloped the entire Beef Liver City, and naturally suffered [Magical Erosion].

Fortunately, because of the wonderful method of "Ji Gu Sword" provided by Li Xiaoxiao to nourish his mental and soul strength, Zhang Guangmu is only dizzy now and does not have any symptoms of nausea or retching.

After defining the framework and regulations for emergency and disaster relief work, Zhang Guangmu finally took some time off from his busy schedule.


As soon as the feeling of getting ability points came to his heart, Zhang Guangmu immediately became energetic.

He came to the half-collapsed Magic Guild Beef Liver City branch, rescued a magic book from the bookshelf, and concentrated a little.

In the blink of an eye, the words in the book gradually changed shape in the field of vision.

Zhang Guangmu silently observed the changes.

The text lines in the book began to be disassembled and reorganized, transforming into brand new patterns and messages.

In front of Zhang Guangmu's eyes, a book page glowing with red light appeared.

After a while, the red light gradually merged and condensed into a point, turning into a usable ability point.

When the light dissipated, Zhang Guangmu could clearly see the content drawn on the pages.

The burnt humanoid life form barely allowed half of its body to crawl out of the "sinkhole". In front of it, a handsome young man in a green shirt, surrounded by golden, red and dark green flames, was holding a blue sky high.

His hands were intertwined with white lightning, one pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the earth.

Then the flames burning the city around him suddenly extinguished, leaving only curls of white smoke and colorful lights falling from the sky.

This young man in green shirt was so handsome that Zhang Guangmu immediately recognized his identity as Zhang Guangmu. This was absolutely unmistakable!

That pitch-black, burnt humanoid life form was obviously Fang Cheng.

In this picture scroll, a string of text bubbles float above the head of the young man in green shirt.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

For this famous scene, Zhang Guangmu would like to call it the "New Sun Dominance Picture", which means that the protagonist in this picture will eventually become the "ruler" of the two worlds.

Zhang Guangmu can completely understand conventional artistic processing.

After all, every famous scene looks like this, and the scene conditions are never 100% restored.


Although Brother Shu gave out points for famous scenes and personal abilities very quickly this time, with almost no delay, he did not give face as usual.

Before this famous scene picture scroll was included in the book page, Zhang Guangmu's sharp eyes like a falcon clearly saw the simple six-character annotation.

【Full losses, modest gains.】

Seeing this approval document, Zhang Guangmu's face was filled with questions.

The drawings are very good, the details are extremely good, and it can even be regarded as a pinnacle work.

The level of detail is not inferior to any previous pictures of famous scenes.

Even in this painting, Zhang Guangmu can clearly and deeply understand the lonely and compassionate yet invincible state of mind of the protagonist.


In terms of approval, is Brother Shu’s background drained?

I can’t say that the pictures and texts are not alike, I can only say that there is no connection at all!

This is unscientific!

Brother Shu has never made such a stupid mistake before!

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Guangmu gradually realized...

Maybe Brother Shu didn't make a mistake.

People are just telling themselves to keep a low profile, be humble, and not be arrogant and complacent. Only in this way can they go further and reach a higher level. The realm of a mere mid-level magician is nothing at all.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually right.

Although Zhang Guangmu has been in this magic star for more than two months, he does not know how many levels there are in the magician's extraordinary system.

Is it the nine levels of low, middle and high-level magic apprentices, lower, middle and upper-level magicians, magicians, magisters, and holy magicians, or are there more?

No matter how the extraordinary power system is divided in the magic civilization, anyway, in Brother Shu's place, the three apprentice levels of low, middle and high are just [Bronze].

On the contrary, after becoming an official magician, it seems that every time you advance to a small rank, your achievement level will increase by one level.

Anyway, in Brother Shu's judgment system, Zhang Guangmu is now [Magic (Steel)].

To be honest, Zhang Guangmu is quite curious about what changes will appear in his achievements column after he becomes a high-level magician.

But it should be invisible now.

After Zhang Guangmu thought for a moment, he turned his fingertips slightly and added the new available ability points he had just obtained to the Imperial Body Forging Technique.

So in the blink of an eye, a force that seemed like substance surged through Zhang Guangmu's limbs.

Just like the last time adding points, Zhang Guangmu is not sure whether adding points in every year's "Road to the Great Emperor" will provide feedback, but at least in this year's "Magic: Across Two Realms", it is indeed the case.

These strong feelings of power flow in Zhang Guangmu's blood.

They pass through the skin, nerves, organs, muscles, bones, and permeate every cell, making Zhang Guangmu feel that his whole body is full of energy, and his whole body is full of energy and energy, with inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy


According to the research conclusions of those old buddies on the academic forum, ordinary people have been practicing "Imperial Exercise" for ninety years, and they have become very brave!

This is exactly the case.

The gallbladder, the home of the liver, is sac-shaped.

Its main function is to store and excrete bile and participate in the digestion of food.

According to the theories of ancient medical scientists, "gallbladder" is the organ responsible for decision-making, preventing and eliminating the adverse effects of certain mental stimuli, maintaining and controlling the normal operation of qi and blood, and ensuring the coordinated relationship between organs.

has an important role.


After increasing the Imperial Body Forging Technique to 9, Zhang Guangmu felt that he had become significantly stronger, and his ability to control the liver had also improved a lot, just like his ability to control liver function had increased. There was not much difference.

The absorption capacity is still so low.

Exactly the same as before, even if the magic particle crystals and magic gems are directly swallowed and digested through the "Gluttony" magic, and can be directly converted into magic and released, it cannot be perfectly absorbed and used to turn it into energy and energy that strengthens one's own cells.



In terms of digestion ability alone, Zhang Guangmu felt that he had become significantly stronger.

When he ate George's five magic gems in Umbrella City, it took almost five minutes and made Jon stand in the yard for nearly five minutes.


It only takes about two minutes.

Although the high-density magic energy after digestion cannot be directly absorbed, it can also be used directly to offset the loss when releasing magic.

Up to now, Zhang Guangmu's personal ability data in "The Book of Deduction" has undergone some changes.

【Zhang Guangmu】


【Sword Technique 1】

【Firearm Shooting 1】

【Acting 3】

[Imperial Forging Technique 9]


【Magic (Steel)】

Getting stronger is a good thing.

However, as Brother Guan Shu said...

If you are full, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit.

Zhang Guangmu felt that he still had to listen to what Brother Shu said.

So he quickly suppressed his inflated form and calmly and patiently analyzed the current situation.

The current situation is...

Both Golden Needle City and Beef Liver City were completely destroyed by Fang Cheng, so...

The next main city of Baishuang County must be in Mucheng's pocket.

If it weren't for some variables between the two major civilizations, Zhang Guangmu's participation in the Royal Magic Exchange Seminar as the Lord of Mushroom City could be regarded as just a formality.

Apart from him, the strongest magician in the entire Baishuang County is the lord of Umbrella City, the mid-level mage Jon.

And Jon's brother George is being held hostage in Zhang Guangmu's hands...


To be precise, George is working as a manager in the magic particle crystal mine.

The Qiao family and the Zhang family are as close as one family. They advance and retreat together, have related interests, and have deep friendship. There is absolutely no possibility of any conflicts!

All the other cities in Baishuang County are just rotten fish and shrimps?

After all, this county is recognized as a "backwater" by the entire Magic Star. Before Mushroom City discovered the magic particle crystal mineral deposits, it was synonymous with "lack of resources."

In Baishuang County, from the city lord to the chief advisor, it is quite good to find a low-level magician.

In some cities, even the entire city cannot find a single official magician!

To know……

The high-ranking magician Yi Wenfa who died tragically at the hands of Fang Cheng is the ceiling of Baishuang County.


Mushroom City will definitely become the main city of Baishuang County!

There is no doubt about this!

The next thing to do is to bring the remaining people back to Mushroom City, giving the survivors a way to survive, and at the same time increasing the overall population of Mushroom City and the overall strength of the city.

Now Moocheng is not short of money, it is short of technology and people!

This matter...

It’s too troublesome and difficult to handle!

Zhang Guangmu still has a clear self-awareness of himself. He is very clear that his commanding ability is a shortcoming. He can lead hundreds or thousands of people without any problems.

Forty thousand people?

That would be a bit troublesome.

This trip to Beef Liver City, apart from some minor inconveniences, also brings huge benefits.

First of all, Zhang Guangmu successfully advanced to the mid-level magician, defeated Fang Cheng and eliminated a competitor.

Secondly, he also further optimized the magic of the three original sins and mastered the power of electromagnetism.

Finally, based on the information provided by the novices, Zhang Guangmu now knows that Fang Cheng has a back-up plan for "resurrection". If it weren't for the intervention of Ma Wu, who ranked fourth among the seven stars this year, he might have been able to survive.



ten years?

Is Fang Cheng serious?

This year’s journey to become emperor only lasts seven and a half years in total!

Even if Ma Wu didn't take action from Fang Cheng, she would not have any chance to express her personal abilities and subconscious traits in "Magic: Across Two Realms".

On the contrary, Ma Wu is frequently mentioned by novices...

This person is the [Tianji Star] who is officially ranked fourth among the seven stars this year. He is a civil servant with a powerful subconscious.

His personal specialty is...

One mind and seven functions.

In Zhang Guangmu's view, the statement that the so-called "Ma San" horse witches have only four clones and their original bodies mentioned by the audience is most likely false.

No matter what others think, Zhang Guangmu himself will never believe it.

In Zhang Guangmu's opinion, there should be at least six clones of Ma Wu.

It's not that the novices are passing on false information, but...

Maybe what they saw and thought was the truth may not be the truth.

It is not difficult to deceive the audience from God's perspective with the ability of the [Tianji Star] horse witch.

To be honest, in Zhang Guangmu's opinion, although Ma Wu is a civilian and not good at fighting, he is deeply intelligent, sophisticated in planning, has profound layout, and can always master core technologies.

The difficulty level of this official is even far higher than Fang Cheng.

Facts have proven that official rankings may not be reliable.

After all, there is a creature like [Volume King] in this world.

not to mention……

There is obviously a huge difference between the usual subconscious movie world and The Path of the Emperor.

Zhang Guangmu believes that in the world of "Magic: Across Two Realms", Ma Wu, a powerful person among the Seven Stars this year, should be second only to the first person Yue Yiji in terms of challenge difficulty.

Even if that guy stops being a subconscious actor and becomes a scientific researcher, he will most likely become an excellent scientist in the future.

In the early and mid-term, the benefits of forming an alliance with it are far ten times and a hundred times greater than being an enemy!


The fact that Ma Wu directly killed all Fang Cheng's back-up plans really made Zhang Guangmu feel quite amused.

This can barely be regarded as a wave of cooperation between everyone across two worlds.

So far, there are only five of this year's seven stars left!

Excluding Zhang Guangmu himself, and excluding Li Xiaoxiao from his own camp and Ma Wu whose position is ambiguous...

In other words, the only opponents left for Zhang Guangmu are the number one [Future Holy Magician] Yue Yiji and the number two [Magic Star Traveler] Xia Lianshan!

After digesting these little fun and news, Zhang Guangmu had to face his own "little trouble".

In this battle with Fang Cheng, although he successfully killed a competitor, the benefits were not as great as expected.

Apart from anything else, the "demographic dividend" brought about by this "Battle of Beef Liver City" is a bit difficult to digest.

Although Fang Cheng is dead, the traps and hidden mines she laid for Zhang Guangmu from the beginning still exist.

Even with Luo Zuan and others' tireless explanations and suppression, the survivors still felt a little "uneasy".

There are still some people who believe that the burning of Beef Liver City has something to do with Zhang Guangmu.

Faced with such a person, Zhang Guangmu, what should you do?

He turned black on the spot and just made a move: "Are you stupid? I can also burn down the city"?

That's not advisable.

After all, there are very few people like that.

Most of the survivors were quite grateful to Zhang Guangmu.

You can't just kill a whole boatload of people just because of a few annoying guys, right?

While Zhang Guangmu was deep in thought, a group of knights wearing silver-white armor, carrying heavy swords with both hands on their backs, and riding tall horses arrived in front of Beef Liver City.

This group of knights looks decent, but if taken individually, none of them can compare to Mr. Chu Ba.

Equipment level, appearance, temperament...

Not as good as Chu Fan in every aspect, that is, average.

No matter how much Zhang Guangmu complained, these knights were like stars holding the moon, guarding a beautiful girl holding a crystal ball in her hand, and slowly entered the Beef Liver City.

The girl was dressed neatly. In addition to the crystal ball, she also held a bunch of copper coins tied with gold thread in her hand hidden under her robe.

"Destiny led me here."




"At the beginning, I didn't understand the instructions of fate."

"Now, after meeting His Excellency Zhang Guangmu, I finally understand its meaning..."

"The God of Destiny asked me to come here to rectify the name of the [Holy Person]."

The dignified girl wears pure and luxurious silver gauze.

She looked at Zhang Guangmu with burning eyes, bowed slightly, and spoke in a solemn voice that shook the sky: "The good deed of saving 40,000 people cannot be ignored!"

"In the name of the candidate saint of the Church of Destiny..."

"Today, I will apply for the [Purple and Gold Redeemer] Medal for you."

(Sleep for a few hours first, then get up and continue writing. You should be able to write a chapter before 12 noon)

This chapter has been completed!
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