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232 Zhao Zhengrong! A chance to meet the juvenile Fasheng! (Month

No matter how much the [Two Worlds' First Extraordinary Conference] sounds like a weird competition that Zhang Guangmu thought up with a slap on his forehead, the Blue Star Federation must participate.

A person who has mastered power can speak with such weight at any time.

No one knows what is recorded in the book called "Young Dharma Sage".

But one thing they can confirm is...

That book must not be given to the Magic Empire!

Coincidentally, the Magic Empire also thinks so.

Neither party is sure whether Zhang Guangmu simply recorded the formula of washing powder in the book "Young Dharma Saint".

But they didn't dare to gamble.

Because Zhang Guangmu is really too strong!

Moreover, Zhang Guangmu is recognized by both circles as a person who is 100% capable of being promoted to the level of a holy magician in his lifetime. Even if he writes a small note, the note will be collected and processed for dozens of times.

There are even hundreds of detection channels.

The only problem is...

Who should be sent to participate?

【Magic Machine Transformer】?

Or is it the [Magic Fighter] that has been in the limelight recently?

There is still some time before the [Two Worlds’ First Extraordinary Conference] is held...

One year, although not too long, is enough to cultivate a group of excellent fighters.

During the meeting, although Zhao Zhengrong strongly requested to register to participate, Chief Executive Li Shiwu still vetoed his request with one vote.

Personal fighting ability is really easy to develop before it reaches a certain level.

And if you want to cultivate a person like Zhao Zhengrong...

The resources, time, and difficulty required for training are all different.

Time flies by like a white horse, fleeting.

This sentence means that time flies like water, the sun and the moon fly by, and the ticking hour hand is like a horse crossing the gap in the canyon, passing by in the blink of an eye.

For Zhang Guangmu, this is the fact.

In the state of multi-line operation and idle cultivation, it seems that it disappeared in a year in just a blink of an eye.

Zhang Guangmu feels that if he participates in game production movies now, he will definitely be able to successfully develop a AAA masterpiece.

It's called "The Passing Time."

One year has passed and Zhang Guangmu has gained a lot.

It has been almost two years since the filming of "Magic: Across Two Realms" started, and Zhang Guangmu is no longer the novice in the "Magic" sequence who barely managed to enter the realm of "Magician".

Now he is an old mage who has been a [Mage] for a year!

How to say……

The days in a hurry always pass quickly.

During these turbulent military years, Zhang Guangmu felt that he had made great progress. With the help of the [Holy Magic Light Jade] provided by the royal family and various classics provided by the Eastern and Western Hemisphere Magic Guilds, he had made great progress.

It has reached the point where I can beat my two former selves, but...

In the final analysis, Zhang Guangmu is still an ordinary [Magician], not even a [Magician].

If he hadn't been gifted, stirred up troubles in advance, and his talent in magic had been recognized by both worlds, who would have cared about a mere wizard?

But "if" is basically impossible to happen.

So during this year, Zhang Guangmu lived a very arrogant life.


It's not just Zhang Guangmu.

Other cadres in the food group also lived a very happy life, and their days were comfortable and comfortable.

Chu Fan, Li Xiaoxiao, Tang Lanshan, Luo Zuan, Jiang Ling, Bai Yue, Jin Jing.

Even Yue Yiji, the director of the [Cultivation Department] who was not a crew member of the [Infinity] battleship, was so happy that he truly tasted the power of "money ability".

Yue Yiji, who had always been calm in the past, now doubts his life every now and then.

The most common thing he says now is "In terms of rational utilization of human resources, Holy Magician Rocks is far behind Zhang Guangmu Group."

When Yue Yiji first said this, everyone in the food group thought he was just flattering.

But after this sentence became his motto, everyone no longer thought so.


Is Zhang Guangmu really stronger than Rocks?

Not to mention anything else, the food group's utilization of human resources in various departments is beyond the reach of Rocks.

In fact, not only Rocks, but even the capitalists of the Blue Star Federation felt ashamed when they saw it.


Zhang Guangmu doesn't care much about property. He has always been very generous with his dealings.

In the food group, regardless of the rules and regulations, there is one thing that the intern employees will learn the first time they enter the group.

That is……

[Law of more work, more reward]!

Those who are able work harder, and those who work harder will get more.

What a simple and pure law...

If any employee does more work than the emperor, then the food group would dare to give him a salary higher than the emperor's level!

Labor will be rewarded.

Harvest is directly proportional to the results of labor.

It's that simple and pure!

During this year, Zhang Guangmu once again perfected his original sin magic and created the sixth original sin magic after the fifth original sin "Desire"...


It is said to be "anger" magic, but in fact, it just collects, crushes, and purifies extreme emotions to strengthen one's own magic energy and mental and soul power.

In Zhang Guangmu's view, the magic of "Wrath" is still very clumsy. It is currently in a blueprint. It is very rough and not worth mentioning. It can barely form a complementary relationship with the magic of "Gluttony". There is still a long way to go.

Gotta go.

Two full years have passed since the day the filming of "Magic: Between Worlds" started.

Now, it is January 1st of the third year.

In the tacit and tacit propaganda of the two major civilizations, the people of Blue Star and Magic Star now know that the day when the [First Extraordinary Conference of the Two Worlds] will be held is not far away.

The improvement of Zhang Guangmu's personal strength seems a bit insignificant compared with the expansion of the power of the entire [Food Group].

The power territory of the [Food Group] is no longer limited to Baishuang County, it has transcended the earth and is heading towards the sea and the sky!

Chu Fan, the original acting city lord of Moucheng and the founder of Sangun Liu, has now become the lord of the newly built [Jellyfish City]. He has 30,000 troops under his command and a population of one million under his control. He can be said to be a giant with power in one place, even if there are many

Magicians who are stronger than him will all fawn over him.

Recently, what bothers Mr. Chu Ba the most is that the time-travelers from the Magic Empire and the Blue Star Federation always want to use him as a breakthrough point and want to fall in love with him to undercover the food group.


The good news is that Mr. Chu Ba has never failed in love.

The beautiful undercover agents sent by the two major civilizations failed to obtain any substantive information after many exciting and fierce palace battles.

On the contrary, Chu Fan relied on his charm to successfully instigate some undercover agents and provided a large amount of technical support to the food group.

In this kind of matter, Mr. Chu Ba is surprisingly reliable...

As for Moucheng's [First Swordsman] Li Xiaoxiao, after the foundation of the food group was solidified, he began to invade Baishuang County. With a single sword, he conquered heroes from all walks of life and made his own famous name, which truly impressed the eyes of the public.

Magicians who are above the top begin to pay attention to the profession of [Swordsman].

Even Li Xiaoxiao's brother, the Magic Emperor Li Shisan, personally wrote a letter of encouragement and praise, expressing his congratulations on his winning the title of "The First Swordsman of Baishuang County"!

There is an interesting episode here...

Li Shiwu, the chief executive of the Blue Star Federation, also wrote a personal letter to Li Xiaoxiao, expressing his intention to invite Li Xiaoxiao to become the "Million Soldiers Swordsmanship Instructor" of the Blue Star Federation.

Of course, Li Xiaoxiao didn’t reply to Li Shisan’s and Li Shishi’s letters.

Although brother Xiaoxiao looks like a pretty girl, he is actually a big boss. He prefers to carry a sword than a pen.

If he had the time, he would rather write a few reminder letters to Zhang Guangmu and ask Zhang Guangmu to "design" more [cultivation-style equipment] for him.

As for Tang Lanshan...

The fortune teller has now crushed other competitors, successfully removed the three words "reserve" from "Reserve Saint", and became the only saint of the Church of Destiny.

Tang Lanshan is now the most important person in the entire Magic Star. He can be said to be fiery and passionate. Except for Zhang Guangmu and a few cadres of the food group, few people dare to stand in front of her. With her in charge,

The Church of Life and the Church of Death, which Zhang Guangmu originally disliked, did not dare to point fingers. It is worth mentioning that Tang Lanshan stayed in Amber City for at least one month of the year and rarely traveled.

Luo Zuan, who was originally an ordinary gate guard in Beef Liver City, became the head of Mushroom City’s [Scout Department] and single-handedly trained a large number of special agents for investigation, playing an indelible role in the expansion of the food group.

Great achievements have been made!

Compared with Jiang Ling, the director of the [Ministry of Medicine], Tang Lanshan, and Luo Zuan, their achievements seem a bit lackluster.

At first glance, Jiang Ling seemed to be doing nothing but concentrating on studying her potion.

But Zhang Guangmu's evaluation of her was not inferior to that of other cadres.

Although the potion named [Magic Energy No. 3] is extremely toxic and has no universal applicability, a normal person would most likely be poisoned to death on the spot even if they only taste it without their mouth and only come into contact with their skin, but...

Compared with the original [Magic No. 1], its effect is four times stronger!

Even Zhang Guangmu was able to increase his overall combat power by at least 30% after taking the potion prepared by Jiang Ling himself.

Magic strength, strength, speed, reaction, agility, endurance, mental strength...

Although [Magic No. 3] is highly toxic, even [Magisters] will become seriously ill after using it. Double Dragon Magicians like Zhang Guangmu will also become depressed after taking it, but after using it, it can bring

Come for all-round improvement!

Zhang Guangmu doesn’t care about the length of his life!

This year's Road to the Emperor is not like the original "Armor Age: Cold Light" where you have to defeat the "Way of Heaven".

He would have died a long time ago!

Anyway, it's enough that it doesn't affect your lifespan in the real world.

If there really were such exaggerated side effects, Brother Shu would have warned me a long time ago.

[Cultivation Department] Director Yue Yiji is the most low-key. Apart from becoming a disciple of Zhang Guangmu, he does not do any other unnecessary things.

As for the food group’s [Dragon Branch] CEOs Jin Ning and Bai Yue...

I just eat and sleep every day. Ninety-nine percent of my waking time is spent scrolling through my phone, watching internal news and short videos on the food group channel.


Zhang Guangmu received some shocking news.

The Blue Star Federation's magical equipment transformation technology has achieved a milestone breakthrough thanks to the hard work of a scientific research team led by a top scientist named Yan!

It is said that he was a star researcher...

It's a pity that Dr. Yan, like Magister Fei Yang, belongs to the type of "no such person found" in the real world.

Zhang Guangmu felt that the star scientist was most likely an intelligent being that was the same as Bai Yue and Jin Neck.

Well, the words "high probability" can actually be deleted. If the Xuanlong Empire really has such awesome characters, would Zhang Guangmu know?



For some reason, Zhang Guangmu always felt that Dr. Yan's speaking style seemed a little familiar.

It's a pity that first-series researchers like that usually don't change their stance easily and are almost impossible to bribe.


No matter how regretful Zhang Guangmu was, he couldn't do anything to invite the star scientist to join the third-party force [Food Group].

Besides the first time, it is worth mentioning that...

Wang Shangqing, who had collaborated with Zhang Guangmu in "Armored Age: Cold Light", successfully received the favor.

In the Blue Star Federation, Xia Lianshan took advantage of the absence of Ma Wu, the fourth person in the official ranking of the Seven Stars this year, and found an opportunity to kill Wang Shangqing.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s “not of my kind”, or simply because Wang Shangqing blocked his path...

Anyway, based on Xia Lianshan's current reaction, Zhang Guangmu felt that it was almost time for this person to make a choice between the Magic Empire and the Blue Star Federation.


It's such a pity.

If Wang Shangqing hadn't died, he would have been a good assistant.

So Zhang Guangmu took some time and specially made a proportional magic doll that looked exactly like himself and went to the Blue Star Federation to mourn Wang Shangqing.

In the past year, Zhang Guangmu also accepted Yue Yiji as his apprentice. Through methods such as "guidance" and "correction", he gained a lot of intermediate and advanced cultivation knowledge from him.

Yue Yiji is a really good person!

I don’t hide any good things, but I am willing to share them with others.

The only bad thing about him is...

Although he has already become a disciple, every time he exchanges magic and cultivation experiences, he always has a weird smile, which makes Zhang Guangmu feel a little confused and even wonders whether this person has undergone plastic surgery, which has caused facial expression disorders.

At once……

Quite scary.

Back to business!

After Zhao Zhengrong was denied the qualification to participate in the [First Extraordinary Conference of the Two Worlds] by Li Shiwu, the chief executive of the Magic Federation, he successfully obtained an interview by chance with the help of the relationship between Chu Fan and Li Xiaoxiao [

Young Dharma Saint] Zhang Guangmu’s opportunity.

(There’s another chapter in four hours! A small reunion of the crew of the Infinity Battleship! Hoo ho ho! Awesome!)

This chapter has been completed!
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