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309 [Indispensable] Zhang Guangmu (Moon

Zhang Guangmu conveniently slammed the door.

He was extremely fast, his movements were light and smooth, and he made almost no extra noise.

"It looks like I was right."

Zhang Guangmu smiled: "Good luck."

Compared with most survivors who looked nervous, with tense muscles and stiff faces, Zhang Guangmu showed his responsibility and courage at critical moments through practical actions.

Even, looking at the smile on his face, most of the survivors felt that their tense heartstrings were slightly loosened and became less nervous, although they didn't know why.


The young man who appeared in front of everyone did not speak immediately. He just put his hands in his pockets and looked sideways at everyone present.

It seems that because he often basks in the sun, this man has a bronze complexion and clear facial features. He is masculine and handsome, giving the impression that he is like a young general.

Seeing the completely different appearance of the young man and the living corpse, the survivors in the security room turned their eyes and focused on Zhang Guangmu. His expression was quite complicated, especially Jiang Ling's.

In her memory, her brother was an otaku who didn't work hard and didn't care about grain. He didn't seem to be particularly good at anything.

But now...

Zhang Guangmu’s performance is truly amazing!

There are other [survivors] and the fact that there are [six living corpses] in the corridor outside, can be determined through observation at a glance and comparative analysis of data...

He is quiet on weekdays, but only shows half of his ability at critical moments. It is really admirable.

After Zhang Guangmu saw the young man entering the room, he smiled slightly and threw a bunch of shackle keys over.

turn out to be……

Although the boy was not handcuffed, there were still a series of shackles between his feet.

To be honest, none of the survivors at the scene noticed when Zhang Guangmu put the keys away again.

Seeing this scene, even the novices floating in the air said they had no idea how much this man had done.

"When did he hide the key? Should something like this, which loses value after being used once, be kept?"

"When did my brother Muzi awaken to his [collecting habit]?"

"Did Mu Zai go to further studies? This [Skillful Hand] level is a bit high... I have full talent as a magician!"

"Compared with "Armor Age: Cold Light", Wang Shangqing obviously tanned a lot..."

"Compared with these, I care more about Wang Shangqing... Even though I know he is the protagonist, the living zombies don't bite him at all. Isn't this too shameless?!"

"He was bitten before, but he was lucky. He must have encountered a genetic mutation or something. He did not turn into a living zombie. Instead, he had a special ability that made living zombies ignore him."

"I'll go! I've been locked on the perspective of Lord Tianguang, and I didn't look at the situation on the other side at all! Will being bitten actually turn into a monster?"

"Is this thing still contagious? Fortunately, no one in the security room was bitten, otherwise... only half of the people in the security room would survive at most!"

"Being bitten or scratched will change..."

"!!!Zhang Wei was caught before!"

"Don't worry! I've made a special observation a long time ago. Although the clothes are torn, Brother Muzi's skin is thicker and has not been scratched."

Except for Zhang Guangmu, the other subconscious actors naturally couldn't hear the speeches of the little white dumplings.

After comparing the "guesses" mentioned by Zhang Guangmu before, everyone looked at the mysterious visitor with complicated thoughts.

The other party was able to come here alone without disturbing the six living corpses in the corridor...

No matter how he did it, this ability is the most important, most powerful, and most powerful ability in the current environment!

Although this young man is just one person, he is not weak at all in terms of momentum.

"My name is Wang Shangqing."

The bronze-skinned boy looked around, showing a strong personal aura: "My impression of you..."

"Honestly, it's pretty bad."

Having said this, Wang Shangqing paused for a moment, glanced at Zhang Guangmu, Ma Wu and Jiang Ling, and added: "Except these three."

This is a method to win over divisions, something Wang Shangqing did not bother to use in the past.

Now, although his use is a bit unfamiliar and stiff, not as smooth as Zhang Guangmu's, he has made some progress at least.

After finishing speaking, Wang Shangqing looked at Zhang Guangmu, his originally calm eyes suddenly became fiery, looking like he was delighted to see him: "Especially this one..."

"Zhang Guangmu, that's the name, right?"

He grinned and chuckled: "I stayed outside the security room longer than you think."

This is the truth, not random talk.

For him who has [Special Ability], the threat from the monsters in the corridor may be much lower than the survivors with ulterior motives.

So before knocking on the door, Wang Shangqing waited outside for a long time and eavesdropped on most people's speeches and expressions.

Wang Shangqing looked at Zhang Guangmu with ardent eyes and said with great joy: "I must admit that you are one of the most outstanding talents among the survivors!"

"Even if you join my team, you can still play a decisive role."

"I heard all your analysis just now."

"Originally, it doesn't matter whether you open the door or not. In my opinion, the policy of elite soldiers also has its benefits. More people means that the target becomes larger, which may not necessarily be good for improving the survival rate."


Wang Shangqing stretched out his hand towards Zhang Guangmu, grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled confidently: "How about becoming my [Military Advisor]?"

"My [Talent] and your [Ingenuity] come together..."

"If we join forces, we will definitely be able to achieve success!"

Zhang Guangmu smiled and shook Wang Shangqing's hand, but did not immediately agree. He just said to himself: "You just mentioned that there are six living corpses in the corridor. This data is consistent with my previous analysis and calculation."

"Other survivors..."

"You should stay in the [teacher's office] on the east side."

"As for you..."

"Your ability is either to force the living zombies to sleep, or to make the living zombies ignore your existence."

Having said this, Zhang Guangmu pointed to his ear: "There was no unnecessary movement in the corridor just now."

"At least, I didn't hear any fighting."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Guangmu stopped speaking.

After Wang Shangqing's ability was analyzed for a while, the smile on his face gradually faded away.


The look he looked at Zhang Guangmu became more and more appreciative: "Awesome! You are stronger than I thought!"

Having said this, Wang Shangqing opened the cuff of his left hand.

The bloody bandage seemed to tell everyone that he was injured.

"Those who are bitten or scratched will turn into monsters with only bloodthirsty instincts after a period of time."

Wang Shangqing had an attitude of telling others everything he wanted to say frankly: "And I... after being bitten by a monster, not only did I not mutate, but I was treated as the same kind by the monster."

This is a life-saving skill, and Wang Shangqing originally didn't intend to say it.


Since Zhang Guangmu has already guessed it, it doesn't hurt to explain it in detail.

He wanted to exchange his sincerity for cooperation with Zhang Guangmu.

"Whether you approve of me being the [captain] of the survivor team or not, I sincerely hope to have your help!"

Wang Shangqing's voice was hoarse and his lips were a little dry, but he could not hide his excitement: "I promise, you have an irreplaceable role in my team!"

"As long as I am alive, you will never die!"

After a simple conversation, Zhang Guangmu's evaluation by Wang Shangqing was promoted from [pivotal] to [indispensable].

(Four hours later, one more chapter!)


[Additional update today, February monthly pass 9/18 → 10/18]

Thanks to the book friend whose last number is 9913 for the reward of 500 points~

Thank you, please don’t write a random nickname and reward 500 points~

Thanks to Xiaofeng for the reward of 100 points~-

Current remaining card details:

22.02 Monthly Pass Card, 10/18 (3600 monthly passes converted)

Silver League Card, 23/50

Thanks to my friend Meng for your support! There will be another chapter at 12pm!

This chapter has been completed!
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