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Chapter 358 Zhang Guangmu's [Extreme Gaming Arena]

Chapter 358 Zhang Guangmu’s [Extreme Esports Arena]

The temperament of one million "crazy people" changed drastically.

They became bloodthirsty, eager to kill, even started cannibalism, and performed all kinds of bizarre behaviors that ordinary people could not understand.

That's one million "lunatics", not a hundred!

If this is some kind of bacterium or virus that can control the human spirit and will, then it is too reserved. After "infecting" millions of people, there have been no new patients for a period of time.

People who didn't believe in the "one-year countdown to the end of the world" at first began to waver.

They became suspicious and began to wonder whether this incident was related to previous "rumors" on the Internet.

If you say this is a pure coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence.


At this time, things have become out of control.

There are millions of "madmen" who have completely broken away from their original social relationships. They are not engaged in production, but instead do some behaviors that are incomprehensible to humans.

At this time, there are always people who stand up and say that the Federation is a false existence, just a video game, and these "crazy people" are [players]. They took the bodies of [indigenous people], so they acted arbitrarily and did whatever they wanted.


Zhang Guangmu didn't think so.

In "Star Road", he had already encountered a similar situation.

Players are mostly in the chaotic neutral camp. They can do anything if they have benefits and tasks. They will never be as completely crazy as these "lunatics".

These crazy people can make people feel sick even if they just stand or walk without saying anything or doing any extra movements.

That sense of incongruity and deformity can almost drive people to collapse.

Humans can never know what these madmen will do at the next moment.

No one wants to stay with them.

After all, no one wants to be killed or eaten.

Because these one million people went crazy almost randomly and were scattered in every corner of the planet, the federation had no way to deal with it for the time being and could only try its best to find ways to deal with it.

Violent agencies capture and even shoot "madmen" with criminal histories, while madmen who have not yet had time to commit crimes have a slightly lower priority.

Either the local residents can handle it voluntarily, or they can just let it go.

There is no way, there is not enough power to maintain order.

You can't just shoot and kill people as soon as these people go crazy, right?

Is there anyone among their relatives and friends who is normal...

Once you do this, you will definitely encounter resistance and resistance from all walks of life.

Direct use of mass destruction is even more nonsense.

After all, theoretically speaking, the vast majority of crazy people are legal citizens of the Federation.

A few days before the "Millions of Madmen Incident" happened, some people were not aware of their harm and horror at all, and even regarded it as a "big boring human event" like April Fool's Day.

When the order defenders in some places shot these "madmen", a large number of netizens immediately appeared on the Internet to criticize the order defenders, believing that they were indifferent to human life and should be shot.

The good news is…

After federal officials released videos of "madmen" killing people and even cannibalism, public opinion quickly reversed, and no one sympathized with those madmen anymore.

As time passed, the Federation found the best way to deal with these madmen.

--play games!

As long as you play games next to them, you can effectively curb their crazy behavior.

Especially the game "Zuoji" has a powerful calming effect on "crazy people", which can almost make them stay in place without even blinking an eyelid.

There is no need to dispatch police force, no need for pistols and bullets, this can be said to be the most efficient way to deal with it.


After all, this is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The federation has used all advanced medical technologies, but it can't bring these "lunatics" back to normal.

Trying to cure them is even more nonsense.

What's even scarier is...

No one knows whether they will become the next batch of "crazy people".

Under tremendous psychological pressure, many people choose to end their lives by suicide.

Zhang Guangmu noticed that not all those who committed suicide were intelligent actors, but many were even subconscious actors from the Xuanlong Empire.

Should we say they are mentally weak?

Zhang Guangmu felt that he did not have the right to judge others condescendingly.

After all, he himself will not be blocked from real-life memories. He knows that everything that happens in this world is essentially making a movie, nothing more.


No matter what happens, Zhang Guangmu will never have a mental breakdown.

In the subconscious movie world, even if he was tortured by being burned with a cannon, tortured by being tortured, Zhang Guangmu felt that he had the courage to resist until the end.

In the real world, can this be achieved?

Zhang Guangmu himself didn't know.


Back to business.

As the official competition of "Zuoji" continues, every time Li Xiansheng's team wins a game, a group of people will be "seized".

Directly use official force to stop the game?

The Federation has already done this!

Unfortunately, it has no effect at all.

Even if the league is disbanded and the scheduled competition venue is bulldozed and completely reduced to rubble, when the competition time is set, the relevant team members will be "teleported" to the original venue.

And the ruin-like scene will be restored to its original state within a few breaths of time.

This supernatural scene drove many people crazy.


Not every victory of Lee Hsien-sheng means that a million people will go "crazy".

Comparing the main game and the pre-season, the number of people who go crazy each time has increased a lot. According to the analysis of relevant digital workers, by the time of this year's "Zuoji" finals, exactly half of the people on the entire planet will be completely "crazy."

And wait until the finals...

If the winner is still Lee Hsien-sheng.

Then human civilization will be completely gone.

At this point, everyone has believed what was once considered a "rumor" on the Internet.

Someone began to assassinate Li Xiansheng, hoping to eliminate this [fraudster].



Rocket saturation bombing!


Die of thirst!

Unfortunately, all these methods are meaningless.

Li Xiansheng and his teammates can no longer be called human beings except for that layer of skin.

They don't need to eat or drink, they won't be hurt by bullets, and nuclear radiation won't hurt them at all.

Even if all these people are thrown into the sulfuric acid pool or the king pool, when the time is up, this five-person team will immediately appear at the competition site and complete the competition in a serious manner.

When they have an advantage and win, their faces will burst into smiles. When they are at a disadvantage, they will also be miserable and depressed, or even blame themselves and cry.

This kind of reaction that is completely consistent with human beings is the most terrifying thing!


The humans in the Federation have reached a consensus - to stop Li Xiansheng's [Devil Team] from continuing!

Although it is unlikely to prevent them from entering the World Championship, no matter what, they must not be allowed to win the championship!

For the survival of human civilization!

Against this background, the [Extreme E-sports Arena] led by Zhang Guangmu came into being, and the real human e-sports players in the Super League were all gathered together.

Here, you have the best food, clothing, housing and transportation conditions, and the most scientific training methods.

Everyone stopped hiding their secrets and used their best tricks and experiences to strive for the common goal of "defeating Li Xiansheng"...

(Phew... I finally got it done, I didn’t pull my hips today! Well! I’m going to sleep~ I’ll continue writing when I get up tomorrow~)

This chapter has been completed!
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