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Chapter 377 The Dark History of 'Sharp Comment on Zhang Guangmu'

Chapter 377 "Critical Commentary on Zhang Guangmu"·A dark history that cannot be overcome

The movie is finished...

The world freezes...

The spiritual link is broken...

Subconscious evaluation in progress...

[Tao] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Buddha] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Confucianism] evaluates you as [Excellent].

Your final evaluation in "The King of Esports" is [Excellent]!

The subconscious mind is awakening...

Wake up complete!

"Welcome back to the real world!"

"Dear Samsung subconscious actor Zhang Guangmu, thank you for your hard work!"

"Your hard work has greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the citizens of the empire!"

"All your hard work has been remembered by the Empire!"

"May you create greater glory again!"

Zhang Guangmu was in a peaceful mood.

The evaluations given by the three brothers from Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are all "excellent"?

That means that my performance in the world of "E-Sports: Ultimate King" this time is relatively mediocre, and it is not outstanding enough for one of the three super-intelligent beings to give "excellent or above" operations and performance.


"You can't think like that, I'm too swollen! I'm starting to feel a little floaty!"

The moment Zhang Guangmu came up with the idea that "his performance was mediocre," he immediately came to his senses and became silently alert.

Thinking like that just now, at best, means that you have high standards and strict requirements for yourself; at worst, you are too ambitious and have an overly inflated mentality.

after all……

In the comprehensive evaluation standard system of Xuanlong Empire and Subliminal Movies, there is no such level as "perfect". "Excellent or above" is already the highest evaluation, bar none.

The vast majority of subconscious actors may not even get an "excellent" evaluation in their lifetime.

Except for guys like Wang Shangqing and Li Xiaoxiao, who have extremely high and strict self-imposed demands, the subconscious actors are worthy of a big celebration if their final evaluation after finishing a play is "good".

And when we get to Zhang Guangmu...

Because getting [Excellent] was as easy as eating and drinking, as if it were a daily routine, so he felt that it was ordinary and there was nothing to be excited about.

Zhang Guangmu knows that everything comes naturally through habit, but if you expect too much from yourself, you will easily fall behind, so you quickly began to adjust your mentality.

There is an old saying that "a true master always maintains the heart of an apprentice." Zhang Guangmu believes that when working towards the goal of "faster, higher, stronger", he must always maintain a humble heart.


After staying in the dive cabin for a while, Zhang Guangmu pressed the eject button.


When you dive into the cabin, white smoke is swirling and steaming.

Zhang Guangmu stepped out of the cabin door and met Yan Xiaoxian, the director of the movie "The King of E-Sports".

At this moment, the expression on Yan Xiaoxian's face was a bit complicated, as if he was worried about something.

The moment he saw Zhang Guangmu, the worried look on his face finally faded a little.

Yan Xiaoxian walked over quickly, held Zhang Guangmu's hand, and said with a lingering fear: "Since ancient times, heroes have always been born young. I was really scared by you just now!"

"When I saw you looking up at the sky, I thought the [Dimension Corroder] you were talking about was me and the production staff!"

"Honestly, I was really worried that I would be killed by you just now!"

"At once……"

"Very panicked!"

Although director Yan Xiaoxian's words are exaggerated, they are not entirely staged.

after all……

If Zhang Guangmu really "breaks the fourth wall" and realizes the existence of the real world in the movie world, then there is a high chance that Yan Xiaoxian, the director, will be invited to have tea in the bureau.

He has a wife and children, many director friends, and a happy life. He doesn’t want to become a prison professional like Qian Yiyuan and Cao Guan!

I watched Zhang Guangmu crush the championship trophy in the end, and summoned his characters in "Endless Food Bag", "Flaming Wolf Castle", "Secret Assignment", "Armor Age: Cold Light", "World Knowledge", "Magic·Across Two"

After playing classic roles in works such as "The World", "Rush", and "The House of Corpses", Cao Guan was really shocked and had goosebumps all over his body.

At that time, he thought that every on-screen character created by Zhang Guangmu had become a relatively complete conscious personality, taking over the spotlight and about to "break into the real world."

Perhaps, this is the psychological shadow left by Qian Yiyuan when he was originally following the update of "Star Road".

Anyway, when Yan Xiaoxian left the director's cabin, he found that the clothes he was wearing were soaked with cold sweat.

"Mr. Zhang Guangmu... If I have the opportunity in the future, I would like to cooperate with you again!" When Yan Xiaoxian said this, his tone was extremely respectful, as if he was facing a big boss in the industry.

Zhang Guangmu heard a lot of this kind of scene talk and polite remarks after filming Road to the Great Emperor. Even so, he still felt that the other party's attitude was a bit too low.


Zhang Guangmu knows very well that if Yan Xiaoxian does not have any particularly good scripts in the future, or if Zhang Guangmu makes some unparalleled bad movies, his character collapses, and his reputation is ruined, otherwise, the chance of cooperation between everyone will be very low.

Not far away, Luo Zuan was watching the interaction between Yan Xiaoxian and Zhang Guangmu, his expression extremely calm, his hands in his pockets, as if it was natural.

Perhaps, among everyone present, Luo Zuan was the only one who felt that Yan Xiaoxian's attitude towards Zhang Guangmu was not worth making a fuss about...

Next to her, Li Xiaoxiao's behavior was completely opposite to Luo Zuan's.

Although Li Xiaoxiao, as a crew member on the "Infinity Battleship", admires and recognizes Zhang Guangmu's ability more than anyone else, when Zhang Guangmu encounters a problem, he is not only the first to rush forward, but at least he is definitely the first to stand up for Zhang Guangmu.

People, but...

As a "good brother", every time he hears someone exaggerating about Guangmu like this, Li Xiaoxiao feels as if there are ten thousand ants crawling on his body.

This mentality is not surprising.


Li Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Guangmu.

He can guarantee that this person must have secretly recorded Yan Xiaoxian's speech just now, edited this part with similar remarks by other directors and subconscious actors, and made a collection of "Sharp Criticisms of Zhang Guangmu".

That stuff usually doesn't get circulated.

Zhang Guangmu will most likely only enjoy himself at home. At best, he will show off with moon cakes, or forcefully fill them in the "Endless Rice Bucket Group".

To be honest, Li Xiaoxiao doesn't understand it very well.

When this bitch appears in front of people in the movie world, he is both natural and handsome, and occasionally carries a little bit of deserved pride and a heart-wrenching arrogance.

However, every time he pretends to be X in the real world, he is so stiff!

Li Xiaoxiao felt that this guy must be deliberately messing with his own mentality.


After collecting his thoughts, Li Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Guangmu: "The role I got this time was not very good. It was difficult and had few shots, so my performance was not very good."

“I’ll definitely open your eyes next time!”

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu turned his face sideways with a smile and responded almost without thinking: "This sounds a bit familiar... I seem to have heard it a few times..."

"Good brother, you have too high demands on yourself."

"Let me tell you, you actually performed quite well this time~"

"Although I still shed a few tears in the end because I was afraid of death, compared with crying when I was shot by a bullet in "Endless Food Bag", it was already too much!"

"This is progress!"

Speaking of which, in "Endless Food Bag", Chu Fan's performance was the worst, but Chu Ba always had a stable mentality like an old dog. He was not ashamed but proud. He felt that it was a turning point in his destiny.

On the contrary, the incident of "being shot and crying" seems to have become a dark history that Li Xiaoxiao cannot live with.

This chapter has been completed!
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