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Chapter 385 384 The brave and foolish warrior, Zhang Guangmu is also!

Chapter 385 384 Zhang Guangmu is the foolish, brave and foolish warrior!

Jiang Jiuxiao's behavior in this world can be said to be completely different from his attitude towards Zhang Guangmu in reality.

This shows that Zhang Guangmu's judgment is correct.

The mask you wear for yourself in reality is meaningless!

The subconscious mind does not lie.

Any pretense will disappear, fall apart, and disappear into nothingness once it enters the subconscious movie world.

Zhang Guangmu knew that the [Lie Wuhou] the other party had just mentioned was Zhao Zhengrong, the [Steel Fist General] from the Kingdom of Painting, who was also his adoptive father.

At this moment, Jiang Jiuxiao and Zhang Guangmu were followed by a guard team of about fifty people. There were flashes of swords and shadows all around, and there were constant shouts of killing.

Da da da!

The sound of horse hooves and the fighting of soldiers sounded behind.

"Prince Mu, Prince Xiao, leave this place quickly!"

"Quick! Get on your horse and run away!"

"I will give you the queen!"

From the speeches of these guards, Zhang Guangmu could tell that in the world of "Martial Arts Diary", casting is very strict, and even minor roles have very high professional qualities.

In the same situation, if he had been in the same situation as the bit-part actors Zhang Guangmu met when he first debuted, they would probably be lying on the ground pretending to be dead, or they would have surrendered.

Because the number of enemies is twice that of our own, and it can be seen that their equipment and mounts are more sophisticated, and they look full of energy and have a lot of time to spare.

The gap in combat power between the two sides is self-evident.

Anyone with a normal mind can see the hard gap between the strength of the enemy and ourselves at a glance.

Living on the emperor's salary and worrying about the emperor's worries - there are actually not many people who can achieve this level.

It is not an exaggeration to say that those who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of "loyalty" are only one in a hundred.

However, the Xuanlong Empire has flourished for thousands of years, and its people live a carefree life. They can have enough food and clothing without having to work. Even if they stay at home every day, watch movies and play games, the empire will foot the bill. This has resulted in an extremely large population base in the empire.

Even if you were to pick just one person, you could easily find more than 99 million people with similar qualities.

[Death Man] sequence - this is exactly Sun Yanwu, the director of "Flaming Wolf Castle", first impression of Zhang Guangmu.

However, after the filming of "Flaming Wolf Castle" was completed, Sun Yanwu completely changed his view of Zhang Guangmu.

"Quick! Master Mu! Don't be stunned!"

The disgraced Jiang Jiuxiao looked at Zhang Guangmu riding his horse and stopping at the same spot, while the enemies from behind were rapidly approaching, and his tone couldn't help but become urgent and said: "We don't have to show the courage of a man!"

"Looking back now will only make the sacrifices of the soldiers in vain!"

"The most important thing we should do now is to rush to [Longbei Cliff]!"

"It's easy to defend but difficult to attack there. As long as we can join up with Marquis Liewu there, we have the possibility of reversing the situation!"

When he said this, Jiang Jiuxiao actually felt very complicated.

Of course, he didn't want to analyze the situation with Zhang Guangmu just because of his loyalty.

Originally, Jiang Jiuxiao wanted to abandon Zhang Guangmu and escape on his own.

After all, Zhang Guangmu is an aristocratic young man who is indifferent to both body and grain. He is delicate and frail and has no martial arts attainment at all. He is very weak.


Longbeiya is the territory of Liewuhou [Steel Fist Zhao Zhengrong], and Zhang Guangmu's identity...

If you leave the other party behind, you will probably offend Zhao Zhengrong.

Therefore, even though deep down he thought Zhang Guangmu was a drag, Jiang Jiuxiao didn't show any signs of it. Instead, he acted like he was loyal and wanted to live and die with Zhang Guangmu.

"You can escape, but you must kill these enemies first."

Zhang Guangmu frowned and said categorically: "These pursuers already know our destination, they must kill and silence us."


"We also need to know the distribution of the pursuit teams."

"Otherwise, if you wander around like a headless fly, you will most likely fall directly into the enemy's dragnet and be caught in one fell swoop!"

This is telling the truth.

According to the development of the plot, although Zhang Guangmu and Jiang Jiuxiao were able to escape this time, in the subsequent siege and hunt, all members of the escort team will be wiped out, and they will also become prisoners.

At that time, Jiang Jiuxiao will be able to complete various exchanges and interactions with the help of the friendship established between "Martial Arts Diary" and Oda Shina.

Zhang Guangmu's own situation is obviously much more embarrassing.

Although according to the original plot line, he will be redeemed by Zhao Zhengrong, the Liewuhou of the Kingdom of Painting, at a huge cost, but...

That also laid the groundwork for Zhao Zhengrong's death.

Zhang Guangmu feels that he can be in a critical environment, but he must not drag others down.

This is one of the reasons.

Another important reason is...

Zhang Guangmu can't ride a horse at all!

Is it okay to take a walk on a horse that has a gentle temperament or one that has its balls cut off? How about a long-distance escape from a fierce horse that is being charged by a cavalry formation?

Come on!

Not to mention whether the bones will be shattered if forced to ride, just letting the war horse under him [activate] cannot do this step.

Everything is the same—it’s difficult for those who don’t know how to do it, but it’s not difficult for those who can do it.

Some people think that riding a horse is easier than driving a car. The horse will move as soon as the mind moves. At least to drive, you have to turn the key, press the ignition, select the gear, and step on the accelerator.

But for Zhang Guangmu...

At this time, it would be great if you have a bicycle.

Unfortunately, in the world of martial arts, there is no such thing as a bicycle.

Do you really think that Zhang Guangmu doesn't want to escape this round first, then integrate the strength of the team and determine the right to speak, so that he can deal with the enemy at leisure?

In fact, it can’t be done!

Zhang Guangmu of [Imperial Strengthening Technique 16], even if the physical strength of the character used this time is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, if he chooses to run to escape, he will not be any slower.

The only problem is...

If you don't use a horse and just run away, you will look weak and stupid.

Zhang Guangmu could not accept that kind of decision.


After briefly giving two reasons that didn't sound problematic, Zhang Guangmu took the initiative to dismount and charge into the enemy's formation.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Jiuxiao's pupils trembled, and he fell into a dilemma.

On the one hand, he looked at Zhang Guangmu's back and wanted to fight like a brave man like him.

On the other hand, there seemed to be a voice in his mind telling him that as the prince of the Land of Paintings, he must survive to be qualified to make a comeback.

To kill the enemy and take revenge, or to "leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood"?

While thinking about it, Jiang Jiuxiao noticed that Zhang Guangmu, who got off his horse, obviously had no battle experience.

Zhang Guangmu didn't even draw out the sword hanging at his waist, and charged into the enemy's formation with his bare hands.

He smells a bit like a foolish and reckless man.


That figure who was not afraid of death and moved forward indomitably touched Jiang Jiuxiao's heart and made his blood boil.

He took a deep breath and quickly suppressed the emotional fluctuations inside.

Jiang Jiuxiao glanced at him and made an immediate judgment - within three breaths at most, Zhang Guangmu would be killed by the enemy, or...

He was caught on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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