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438 'Martial Arts Diary' is finished!

Zhang Guangmu knew very well that if it were in other worlds, Jiang Shen's current state might be regarded as a higher realm.


In the world of "Martial Arts Diary", Jiang Shen is not the fifth realm, he just finds another way to strengthen certain characteristics of the fourth realm to the extreme.

These are the limitations and constraints of the world's rules.

For Zhang Guangmu, this is good news.

Fighting in the same realm, he is not afraid of any enemy.

Jiang Shen, on the other hand, has the identity of [Martial Ancestor], and he has a bit of psychological baggage. He originally boasted about how powerful the Ultimate Realm was, but was refuted on the spot.

Gotta get gloomy.

"What do you know!"

Jiang Shen glared at Zhang Guangmu, and his tone was no longer as calm as before: "On the road to martial arts, the road ahead has been completely cut off."

"I have tried countless times, and [Tianmai Penetration] is the innate limit."

Lies won't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife that cuts into the heart - Zhang Guangmu just said what he cared about most and directly broke his defense.

That's why he tried to refute it.

After hearing Jiang Shen's speech, Zhang Guangmu also knew that the other party was telling the truth.


so what?

Only those who can argue with their opponents to the point of anger without being unreasonable are qualified to be called leveragers!

Zhang Guangmu sneered and opened his mouth, with contempt in his tone: "If the road is broken, then build the road yourself!"

"So what if there are all kinds of difficulties and dangers?"

"It's just a matter of clearing roads across mountains and building bridges when encountering water!"

"I firmly believe that man can conquer nature!"

He was obviously talking nonsense in a serious manner, but he was so powerful that it was impossible to refute.

Jiang Shen opened his mouth. He always felt that this person was talking nonsense, but he didn't know where to start his argument.

After he went through the words Zhang Guangmu said in his mind, he couldn't find any obvious flaws. Deep down in his heart, he vaguely felt that every word Zhang Guangmu said sounded very powerful and stylish, and it could be said that it made sense.

It is thought-provoking, thought-provoking and convincing!

Just when Jiang Shen's thoughts were confused, Zhang Guangmu's voice suddenly rang through the sky.

"You don't even know me, how dare you say that you are [Martial Ancestor]?"

"First survive this attack, and then tell me, 'The road to martial arts has come to an end'!"

In an instant, the inner energy of the ink all over Zhang Guangmu's body changed and expanded infinitely.

These internal forces penetrate the sky and cause thunderclouds to gather.

For a moment, only black and white remained on the sky - in an instant, the sky seemed to have turned into Zhang Guangmu's Dantian.

The rolling clouds, the violent wind and rain, and the roaring thunder are all just like the flow of Zhang Guangmu's inner energy.


A zigzag-shaped golden-blue thunder fell from the sky and landed on Jiang Shen, chopping him into a gray head and disfigured face, with his black hair standing on end.

Although he didn't suffer any harm from this, his miserable appearance definitely earned him the title of [Martial Ancestor].


The lightning flashed, and then the deafening thunder came slowly.

If this thunder is just a streak, it's nothing.

But the problem is...

Under Zhang Guangmu's control, the thunder and lightning swirling between the black and white clouds seemed to be endless, constantly rubbing together, creating terrifying wild thunder!

The color of this thunder also changes from time to time, either golden and blue, or purple, or pitch black.

No matter what the color is, the moment people see them, they can't help but think of one word in their minds - calamity!

The same is true for Jiang Shen.

Facing the thunder bombing, he actually thought of dozens of ways to deal with it in an instant, and those details were hidden in the deepest part of his consciousness.


He clearly felt that he was a hundred times more powerful than Zhang Guangmu and could easily kill him, but when he really needed to make a decision, he couldn't react at all.

The rumbling thunder kept ringing.

One way, three ways, five ways!

Ten ways, a hundred ways, a thousand ways!

Thunderbolts landed on Jiang Shen accurately, causing his brain to go blank and unable to think normally at all.

At this time, Jiang Shen finally realized that Zhang Guangmu only used one move to hit him until he couldn't stop him!

The key question is...

There is a high probability that Zhang Guangmu will not only know this trick.

At this time, Jiang Jiuxiao's weak but clear voice rode the broken wind and fell into Jiang Shen's ears: "How dare you pretend to be my ancestor with such strength!"

"Does he deserve the name of [Martial Ancestor]?"

Hearing this, Jiang Shen almost had a nervous breakdown.

Why did you become a fake?

If it weren't for Teng being unable to take action, he would definitely beat Jiang Jiuxiao, an unscrupulous descendant, to death on the spot.

The next moment, Zhang Guangmu's voice sounded faintly.

"I am not the Martial Ancestor."

"But... this man who calls himself Jiang Shen is definitely not the Martial Ancestor."

"He is just a pathetic person who inherited the mantle of the Martial Ancestor, possesses strength, and lacks sufficient combat experience."

"It is impossible for a real Martial Ancestor to forget my face."

This is nonsense.

Jiang Shen's identity in this drama is [Martial Ancestor].

Although Zhang Guangmu's analysis seems reasonable and well-founded, in fact, there are really not many subconscious actors who can truly exert their extraordinary power to the fullest, and most of them are members of Li Zhou's "Extraordinary Club".

Objectively speaking, Jiang Shen has done quite well.

He is very strong. In terms of boxing and kicking skills alone, his level has reached around 7.


Zhang Guangmu is stronger than him.

After listening to Zhang Guangmu's speech and looking at his sworn look, even Jiang Shen himself was a little shaken.

"Am I really not [Martial Ancestor], but just a lucky person who inherited part of his memory?"

Jiang Shen was in a trance under the indiscriminate bombardment of thunder and calamity.

At this moment, he recalled carefully, and was horrified to find that his memories of the past thousand years were all vague, and most of them were just passed by in passing. There were very few scenes that he could remember clearly.

"Stop it!"

Jiang Shen, who began to doubt himself, immediately said after losing the psychological burden of being [Martial Ancestor]: "I give up!"


Zhang Guangmu ignored him.

"There is no soil that can bear you in the new era."

"Go in peace!"

High in the sky, thirty-three thunderbolts merged into one, and were finally blasted into powder under Jiang Shen's desperate gaze.


Although Jiang Shen died without a complete body, he still left something behind.

The shape of that relic looks like half a key broken in the middle!

Oda Shina below also felt the gaze from Zhang Guangmu at this moment.

Although she knew that it was impossible for the other party to spare her, her strong desire to survive still drove her to instinctively ask for mercy: "Senior Tianguang...I...ah!"


Oda Marina couldn't resist a thunderbolt, so she received the lunch.


Her ashes were blown by the wind and compressed into the shape of half a key. With a click, they were combined with Jiang Shen's remaining half of the keychain.

Zhang Guangmu reached out his hand and took the key in his hand.


The complete golden key gradually emitted a blazing red light, melted in Zhang Guangmu's palm, and gradually entered his body.

Zhang Guangmu stood tall in the sky, his eyes slightly closed.

To be honest, he didn't expect such a setting.

After letting Jiang Shen die instead of Jiang Jiuxiao, and cooperating with Oda Mariina to refine the key, Zhang Guangmu mastered the ability called [World Modulation]!

With such power, one can become the "creator of the world" or the "destroyer of all things".

Zhang Guangmu couldn't help but want to complain.

Is this director probably crazy?

Do you dare to give such outrageous abilities?

I originally thought that pursuing "eternal peace and eternal life" was a very high goal, but I didn't expect that I was still too naive.

It can be said that no matter what goal Zhang Guangmu set, he could successfully achieve it the moment he got the key.

How did Jiang Shen, who had such power, lose to himself?


Is Jiang Shen stuffed with too many abilities, unable to fully digest and master them, and fell into difficulty in making choices, and his mind was disturbed?

Anyway, no matter how crazy the director goes and what weird settings he makes, Zhang Guangmu has to find a way to help end it.


Zhang Guangmu slowly opened his eyes, and infinite divine light burst out from his black pupils.


He snapped his fingers, and all the light in the world disappeared.

Darkness enveloped me, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Even viewers who turn off the immersive viewing mode cannot see anything.

In the darkness, the magnetic narration sound appeared again.

"That is the key to unlocking the secrets of the world."

"Whoever gets it can gain all the power in the world!"

"The former [Martial Ancestor Jiangshen] used this secret power to transform the regional characteristics of each continent, allowing his bloodline to spread all over the world, and he could live freely in the world for thousands of years."

"But Young Master Mu chose a different path."

"He rewrote it all."

The narration ended, and a little light lit up in the darkness.

"Master Mu, mount your horse quickly!"

Jiang Jiuxiao's urgent voice rang in everyone's ears: "If you run out to play Cuju in the middle of the night, you will definitely oversleep!"

"Today is the opening day of Jixia Academy! I heard that the dean is the selfless Liewuhou Zhao Zhengrong, which is super scary! You must not be late!"


"Let's take the road between [Longbeiya] and [Dengquanpo] and take a shortcut!"

not far away.

A handsome young man who looked like a young man climbed onto his horse calmly.

On horseback, the young man raised his lips and responded leisurely: "Okay."


The world of "Martial Arts Diary" has solidified.

The movie is finished...

The world freezes...

The spiritual link is broken...

Subconscious evaluation in progress...

[Tao] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Buddha] evaluates you as [Excellent].

[Confucianism] evaluates you as [Excellent].

Your final evaluation in "Martial Arts Diary" is [Excellent]!

The subconscious mind is awakening...

Wake up complete!

"Welcome back to the real world!"

"Dear Samsung subconscious actor Zhang Guangmu, thank you for your hard work!"

"Your hard work has greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the citizens of the empire!"

"All your hard work has been remembered by the Empire!"

"May you create greater glory again!"

"Based on your past performance, you are still one movie away from being a four-star subconscious actor."

As soon as Zhang Guangmu stepped out of the submersible cabin, Li Xiaoxiao, Chu Fan, Tang Lanshan, Luo Zuan, and Jiang Ling surrounded him one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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