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456 The Lord of the Rings Collapsed and Bequeathed

The sloppy old principal looked more like a giant than a witcher. When his gaze swept across them, the professors couldn't help but feel shocked and lowered their heads instinctively.

Zhang Guangmu, who had been stared at by him for a while, looked calm and calm, and the old god was always there.


The old principal looked at Zhang Guangmu for a while, then suddenly chuckled and gave his own evaluation: "Very good."

Although it was a light laugh, but in line with his size, the laughter was like muffled thunder, which stung people's eardrums.

Zhang Guangmu didn't seem to care about his image in the other party's mind. He just raised his eyebrows and asked, "The teaching task is very heavy. What's the matter with calling everyone here this time?"

While speaking, he noticed that Bai Yongsheng, the dean of Crimson Academy, and Sang Shenyou, the talker of Gold Academy, were both present.

The two men's staffs are quite special.

Bai Yongsheng's magic forged staff was covered with scorch marks everywhere, like an ordinary fire stick, unusually simple, and in Zhang Guangmu's opinion, it seemed a bit like a magical thing that had concealed itself.

As for Sang Shenyou’s staff...

Rather than a staff, it is more like a rolled-up parchment scroll, highlighting a distinctive feature.

After listening to the discussion of the Xiaobai Tuanzi, Zhang Guangmu also knew that there were some secrets hidden in the staffs of these two people.

Zhang Guangmu didn't know what to say about this.

Director Feng Chuang’s operation...

Is it really just a kind of competition?

Give each important character a little golden finger. Whoever can break out of the siege will be the real protagonist?

The dean of Canglan College, Shang Guizang, did not come, only the vice dean Yue Yiji came.

"I summoned everyone here this time because I have some last words to say."

The sloppy old principal was not surprised by Zhang Guangmu's tone. On the contrary, the moment he spoke, the professors present became nervous.

Last words...

Don’t use this word carelessly!

The old principal standing in front of everyone is not only the nominal co-head of the four houses, but also the conqueror of the hunting magic ring!

Before today, no one had thought about what would happen if the other person died.

But now...

The professors present had to face the possibility that the sloppy old principal died, the hunting magic ring lost its owner, and the source of hope no longer shined brightly, but gradually faded away.



Even without considering the invasion of monsters, the mere fact that various food and water sources cannot be purified and cannot be consumed by humans is enough to cause the doomsday crisis of human extinction!

The sloppy old principal glanced at the professors present, a loving smile appeared on his face, his eyes became increasingly cloudy, and he could not see much clarity: "I can watch you grow up little by little, and grow up to the point where you can stand on your own. There are no regrets.”

Having said this, the old principal let out a weird laugh of unknown meaning, turned his huge head slightly, and faced Zhang Guangmu: "Many people don't know, but in fact, I am also from the Dark Academy."

This is indeed considered secret information.

Hearing this, many professors present had looks of surprise on their faces.

Zhang Guangmu looked indifferent and calm.

In his perception...

The old principal may have lost his vision at this time. Those cloudy eyes may have been unable to see anything for a long time. He just locked his direction by feeling.

"I once used a crystal ball to divine myself."

The sloppy old principal was talking to himself: "That happened many years ago."

"The prophecy shows that a young demon hunter from the Dark Academy..."

He seemed to have fallen into a semi-dead state, his consciousness was somewhat confused, and his words were spoken out of sequence.

The old principal's trembling hands were clearly pressed on the table, but they were still shaking unnaturally: "That's a super genius with great talent."

"He holds a staff that is different from ordinary people."

"He will kill and replace me and become the ring king of the magic ring..."


All the professors focused their attention on Zhang Guangmu.

Just talking about the two points of "talented" and "the staff is different from ordinary people", all the deans of the four major colleges, including Shang Guizang, the leader of Canglan Academy who is not present at the scene, all meet this condition.

But if the condition is limited to "being from the Dark Academy", there will be no one else besides Zhang Guangmu.

Zhang Guangmu looked at the sloppy old principal expressionlessly, and gently waved the pocket black crystal staff in his hand: "Then, do you need me to give you a ride?"

The old principal always thought that the person in the language was himself, but in fact...

Zhang Guangmu guessed that the person the prophecy pointed to was most likely this year's [Beginner] Fang Yi!

He has seen this kind of routine so many times that he can analyze it thoroughly in the blink of an eye.

As a subconscious director, Feng Chuang is still a bit too young.


The sloppy old principal laughed wildly, and his voice shook the dust off the beams: "You should have noticed it, right? The previous [dismissal proposal] was a test."

"Based on your past performance, I thought you would kill all the professors who voted in favor..."

"Now it seems that I was wrong."

"Zhang Guangmu..."

"You are a person with many excellent qualities."

"You are both wise and kind. Not only have you mastered the power of the demon, but you also understand the true meaning of [love] better than anyone else."

"In this way, you have gained people's love and will never be eroded by the power of the hunting magic ring and lose yourself."

"You have passed the final test."

Hearing this, Crimson Dean Bai Yongsheng and Gold Dean Sang Shenyou frowned, seeming to realize a certain possibility.

"The fire source of hope consists of three parts..."

The sloppy old principal slumped in his chair and gasped: "I...got...part of...it and became...the...controller of...the hunting magic ring."

As he spoke, the old principal seemed to be having a flashback, his face suddenly became rosy, and his eyes became much clearer.


He suddenly pulled out the staff from his leather boots, which was about the thickness and length of a normal adult human arm. He grabbed it with both hands and broke it with a sudden force.


The colorful brilliance turned into dust and fell on the delicate staff in Zhang Guangmu's hand.

The old principal said in the tone of an appointed successor: "The disaster is coming. Only the four houses working together can we overcome the difficulties and gain a glimmer of hope for mankind. I declare that my position will be determined by..."


Before the sloppy old principal finished speaking, his body began to shrink rapidly.

Black-red rotten gas filled with blood spread out from his body.

He opened his eyes and stared at Zhang Guangmu, his face full of regret and remorse, his lips moved up and down, but he couldn't say a word.

In the blink of an eye, the old principal died suddenly in front of everyone.

When he was alive, he was like a mountain giant, but the corpse he left behind after his death was like a child, a small ball, curled up on an office chair.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit subtle.

Obviously, the old principal found a successor before he died.

But the problem is...

The entire process has not been completed, and only half of the inheritance belonging to the master of the hunting magic ring has been given.

Zhang Guangmu's exclusive staff seemed to be gestating some new power after being enveloped in seven-colored brilliance.

But before that power was conceived, Zhang Guangmu's staff obviously couldn't be used anymore. It was covered in gray, like a stone tachyon, and there was no trace of the magical charm that the staff should have.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!…

Just when Zhang Guangmu was about to stand up and say something, the warning sound suddenly rang in everyone's ears!

Screams, wails and cries came one after another from outside the corridor.


This chapter has been completed!
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