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470 Mad Principal, 'Light Mu's Organ Transformation Law'!

Although it is a world of micro-demon, Zhang Guangmu, after some objective self-assessment, concluded that now holding his natal artifact, he has been able to transform a small part of his past accumulation into mature combat power.

Due to the rules and settings of the world, it is indeed not possible to mend the cracks in the sky with one hand, or to turn the sky over, but at least there is no problem with "one ride can equal a thousand".


However, Zhang Guangmu found that he had never been recognized by Brother Shu and achieved extraordinary achievements.

There are many possibilities for this phenomenon to occur.

Perhaps [Witchcraft] and [Magic] are counted as similar items and are directly merged and hidden.

Perhaps the [pseudo-supernatural] displayed by relying on external objects is not recognized by Brother Shu.

In Zhang Guangmu's opinion, witchers are somewhat like armored pilots.


The "armor" of the witcher is the "forged staff" of the armorer.

The "mental strength" of a witcher is equivalent to the "physical strength" of an armored division.

Without the staff by his side, the combat effectiveness will instantly drop to that of an ordinary human being, even inferior to an armored division without the cold light armor - the latter at least has a strong physique.

Even the [Additional Fusion Technique], which is used to increase one's own physical fitness, seems to be judged to be similar to the companion armor in "Armor Age: Cold Light".


There is at least one exception in the world of "Demon Hunter Academy"!

——The old principal who has already received the lunch!

Zhang Guangmu didn't believe that a guy with that kind of body shape could still be classified as a "normal human being".


Zhang Guangmu knew very well that he did not need to work hard to break the limit of the world, he only needed to touch that limit.

And now...

The bloodline staff that has undergone transformation may seem to the dead old principal and other professors to be just a "semi-finished product that cannot awaken the [Demon Hunting Body]".

But in Zhang Guangmu's view, it actually means the possibility of truly touching the extraordinary.

——The endless possibilities of [Demon Hunting and Witchcraft]!

Zhang Guangmu, who works vigorously and resolutely, has no habit of dragging his feet.

He did not hesitate to use his power for personal gain, using his position as acting principal to directly open the small treasury of previous principals, taking out all kinds of treasured materials and using them for the research of "New Bloodline Witchcraft".

Not only that, Zhang Guangmu also released many special tasks, built a task platform, and released collection tasks of varying difficulty for students of different grades and graduates.

The content of those missions is mostly about collecting strange materials from monsters and rare extraordinary beings.

Zhang Guangmu always behaves openly and openly, and is never secretive.


It didn't take long for the professors and students of the four major colleges to know that the new acting principal Zhang Guangmu was doing his best to study the "New Bloodline Witchcraft" called "The Secret Method of Transforming Organs of Demonic Forging". He wanted to rely on his own wisdom and hard work to

To completely complete the biggest shortcomings of [Demon Hunting Witchcraft].

The new principal even issued a reward, hoping to gather everyone's wisdom to truly pioneer and innovate on this new path of demon hunting and witchcraft, and to forge the foundation of eternal demon forging for the glory of human civilization.

Although Zhang Guangmu's reputation has improved and he has won everyone's recognition with his ability and excellent moral character, but...

This kind of ambition is really outrageous.

Zhang Guangmu's "small goal" is regarded as an "absurd and extravagant hope" that is impossible to achieve.

What principals have been unable to do for hundreds of thousands of years in the past does not mean that it is completely impossible to achieve.


That takes a lot of time!

It is simply a fantasy to want to accomplish all the achievements in one battle, directly in this generation.

But Zhang Guangmu chose to go his own way and stayed in the laboratory almost all the time except for the magic theory class.

Such a move gives other competitors an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Bai Yongsheng disdained making small moves behind the scenes, but Sang Shenyou, the dean of Golden Academy, seized this "rare opportunity" to secretly fuel the flames, mobilize his connections, and conduct distorted public opinion propaganda.

As a result, among the four major colleges, the theory of "Crazy Principal" was vaguely spread.

Many people who don't know what's going on will subconsciously think that Zhang Guangmu seems to be under tremendous pressure and is almost crazy when he hears these rumors.

The ubiquitous novices also hold different opinions on the performance of various parties and argue endlessly.

"What's going on? Why did Zhang Guangmu pull up his crotch all of a sudden? It feels like someone is about to break into his house!"

"I can only say that Mu Zai is too naive and sees people too well..."

"Indeed, compared with Sang Shenyou, Bai Yongsheng is simply a gentleman!"

"Haha, there are always people who hold you back when you do big things - Zhang Guangmu, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he is always making contributions to mankind. What is he, Sang Shenyou, doing? Even if he becomes the King of the Ring, what can he do?

Will the monster let him go?"

"If Tang Lanshan hadn't been monitoring him all the time, I'm afraid Sang Shenyou would have let himself go a long time ago, and now public opinion will only be more unfavorable to Zhang Guangmu!"

"My Lord of Tianguang Castle! You trust others too much! You will suffer a big loss!"

"Scientists are like this, just get used to it."

"Hey...pure [scientific researchers] will always suffer big losses from [politicians]! There is no way, this is a subconscious sequence of tricks! Human energy is always limited!"

"I wonder if Zhang Kui is not a pure [scientific researcher]... doesn't he always jump between [leader], [swordsman], [detective] and [fighter] repeatedly?"

Zhang Guangmu is well aware of the views of the novices.

In addition to well-intentioned concerns, there are also many people who are bad-mouthing him, thinking that he is "at the end of his strength", has passed his prime, and is about to face a Waterloo.

Those remarks made Zhang Guangmu very unhappy.

It is important to occupy the position of public opinion, and Zhang Guangmu knows this better than anyone else.

He just wants to push himself and squeeze out his potential.

Based on the bloodline staff, the knowledge accumulated in the subconscious movie world involving extraordinary powers in the past, and combined with the ability of [Controller 2], Zhang Guangmu was already full of confidence.

It turns out...

Vanity and the habit of appearing holy in front of others are Zhang Guangmu’s inexhaustible source of motivation!

Amid the expectations of fans and the pessimism of anti-fans, and when the rumors of "Crazy Principal" became more and more intense, Zhang Guangmu completed his research in only half the time expected, and truly came up with a huge solution that could reverse the decline of human civilization.


In the face of the epoch-making witchcraft research results, all those standing in the way are like mantises trying to stop the chariot!

The new research results were unceremoniously named "Guangmu Organ Transformation Method" by Zhang Guangmu.

With long nights and many dreams, Zhang Guangmu immediately published this theoretical result in the school newspaper.

The next day, 8:30 a.m.

An open class lectured by Zhang Guangmu and open to all students in the Fourth Academy began.

This chapter has been completed!
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