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47 The Dragon Slayer and the Evil Dragon

Lin Xuan looked aloof, as if he had a winning ticket and was not worried about Zhang Guangmu's comeback.

"After you kill me, you will become the true master of Flame Wolf Castle."

"What do you want to do by then?"

Hearing Zhang Guangmu's words, Lin Xuan was stunned.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the other party would ask such a question.

What do you want to do after becoming a castle lord?

Isn't this pure nonsense?

What else can you do as a castle lord?

Consolidate your power and enjoy life. Those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish!

Although it is said that Yanlang Castle is surrounded by enemies and there are many hostile forces eyeing it, but as long as the basic base is consolidated and everyone is afraid of each other, it is estimated that there will be no real fight.

However, Lin Xuan noticed that many wolf masters at the scene focused their attention and seemed to care about his answer.

He thought for a moment and said righteously: "Of course, let everything get back on track and restore the glory of Yanlang Castle!"

It sounds like empty talk, but it actually amounts to an invisible promise.

The hidden meaning of the so-called restoration of glory and getting back on track is to strictly limit the leakage of the fire artifact and ensure the class interests of the wolf masters.

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu smiled.

Although this method of provoking class struggle is quite immature, it does have the flavor of a superior person.

Originally, Zhang Guangmu obtained information about whoring from the audience. Many people said that the character of actor Yang Chi, who played the protagonist Lin Xuan in the plot, was ruined, but he never paid much attention to it.

After all, there are so many people who are popular, and it is difficult to agree with others. Even people who once liked a certain actor may quietly lose their fandom as time goes by and age, no longer follow the same old routine of a certain actor, and change their tastes.

, follow other people.

Now it seems that those people were indeed right.

There is indeed a huge conflict between Yang Chi's character and subconscious.

Before participating in "Flaming Wolf Castle", this person's acting career has been very stable. His style and character of a hot-blooded boy who takes off against the enemy have attracted many fans to him. Many people like his character of not succumbing to fate and want to

The spirit of holding one's life in one's own hands is very inspiring.

For some people, watching Yang Chi's drama is like drinking chicken soup for the soul, and they will get involved in it, imagining that they can counterattack and soar all the way, rise to the top, and become a master.


People will change.

Yang Chi has been debuting for more than a year and almost two years. Although he failed to join the Seven Stars Club and did not make a name for himself in the national event "Road to the Great", compared with most subconscious actors, he is already considered a

Success is enough.

So he began to pursue some "more advanced" things.

Such as higher social status and more power.

That’s why the plot protagonist Lin Xuan gives the audience such a weird feeling!

It was obviously supposed to be a commercial drama about a hot-blooded boy who was suppressed and despised but fought back, but after filming, it gave people a vague feeling of a dragon slayer turning into an evil dragon.


Strictly speaking, the dragon slayer is not the young castle master Lin Xuan, but the deputy castle master "Tianguang".

From the beginning, Lin Xuan was a vested interest and a member of the ruling class.

Throughout the advancement of the plot line, he refused without hesitation all the plots with rich characters that the production team arranged for him.

He has never shown any kindness, pity or sympathy to the common people of Yanlang Castle. He enjoys superior treatment as a matter of course. He regards himself as superior, harms his allies, uses his subordinates as expendables, bullies the common people at will, and even even

Even the script prompts failed to get him back.

How does this young castle master look like a passionate young man who has mastered the counterattack script?

He has clearly been on the opposite side of the people from the very beginning!

Yang Chi must have not noticed the subtle changes in his subconscious mind. Otherwise, he would most likely not have taken on the role of Lin Xuan. Instead, he might have taken the initiative like Chu Fan and tried to change the direction of the play, choose to break through on his own, and try to play the role of a big character.

The taste of villain.

Zhang Guangmu now looks at Lin Xuan played by Yang Chi and can't help feeling emotional.

It is not uncommon for dragon-slaying warriors to turn into evil dragons in any era, and Yang Chi is just one of them, and he is not even representative.

Now, looking at Lin Xuan, the protagonist of the plot played by Yang Chi, with his arrogant and superior attitude, Zhang Guangmu even wanted to use hindsight and say that the life photos that the other party recently posted online were all in suits and leather shoes.

The elite style gives people the feeling of a little Chu Fan.

To be honest, although Zhang Guangmu couldn't explain why, he felt that Chu Fan was better than Yang Chi.

"I have answered your question."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Zhang Guangmu condescendingly: "Now, you can die in peace."

As he spoke, he waved his hand suddenly.

"Kill them!"

Zhang Guangmu grinned, looking carefree, but the wolf masters beside him began to roar at the top of their lungs.

"Don't do it! Everyone in our Flame Wolf Castle has been poisoned! Only the deputy fort master has the antidote!"

"I'm really not lying to you! What I'm telling you is all the truth! The poison we were poisoned with is something called the Ten-Day Death Potion, which was developed by the deputy fort master!"

"Yes! This poison is colorless and odorless. You will definitely die on the tenth day after taking it!"

"Yes! The most important thing is that the antidote has not been finished yet. Only Deputy Castle Master Tianguang can prepare the antidote!"

"Don't be impulsive! Stop! What about you? Your mother's legs! You are still moving! If you kill us, you will all be buried with us!"

These people may not really want to stand on the same front as Zhang Guangmu and die for him. If they only have a combination of interests, they might just kneel down when they are surrounded by others and their troops are at an absolute disadvantage.

He opened his mouth to beg for mercy on the ground.

But now, they have to help Zhang Guangmu stand up.

At least, before they get the antidote, they never want the young deputy fort master to die easily!

These people's eyes were bloodshot and veins popped out on their foreheads.

Their heads were covered with sweat and they roared at the top of their lungs.

Driven by a strong desire to survive, this group of people roared at extremely high decibels. When added together, they seemed quite powerful, which shocked the wolf masters under Lin Xuan for a while.

In just such a short time, most people could barely hear clearly what they wanted to express.


Everyone under Young Fort Master Lin Xuan was in a dilemma for a while, most of them had complicated expressions and didn't know what to do.

After all, it is better to believe that this kind of thing exists than to believe that it does not exist.

He poisoned the entire Yanlang Fort, and the poison was delayed. Do you really think that the poison was a mechanism? Can it be timed?

This thing sounds very funny, and normal people will instinctively not believe it after hearing it.


What if it's true?

Deputy Castle Master Tianguang was originally an orphan without a father or mother. Even after passing the water prison trial, he was just a nameless wolf master. Perhaps his greatest achievement in life was to become a dead soldier in the shadow behind the castle master.

But such a person rose up at the speed of light in a very short period of time. Not only did he invent the Flame Artifact, he was also recognized by Lin Yan, the Lord of the Flame Wolf Castle, and was promoted to the Deputy Lord of the Flame Wolf Castle, blessed with thousands of honors.


Such young Toshiyan originally only existed in the stories told by storytellers, but "Tianguang", the young deputy castle master, appeared in front of everyone alive.

The capable can do anything!

The strong stay strong!

Deep in human genes, there is hidden the worship of the strong. After seeing a person easily accomplishing something that he would never be able to do after a lifetime of hard work, he will naturally deify that person deep in his heart!


Someone else made a ten-day death potion and poisoned everyone in Yanyan Wolf Castle? No!

Deputy Lord Tianguang does the same thing? OK!

With this in mind…

It doesn't matter whether others die or not, your own life is the most precious thing!


Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, and a look of suspicion appeared on his face.

When a person says this, he treats it like fart and doesn't even bother to listen.

After all, some people are born with multiple masks and know how to successfully deceive others through words, expressions, and body movements.

The young deputy castle master "Tianguang" is obviously such a person.

After the last meeting on the street, Lin Xuan has always been deeply impressed by the saying "Don't bully young people who are poor". He often recalls it and ponders it over and over in his mind to understand the essence of it.


Nowadays, with so many people talking about the same thing, they can’t all be born frauds, right?

Expressions, eyes, emotions...

Lin Xuan couldn't see any flaws and was a little hesitant.

The next moment, his eyes focused on the deputy fort master Tianguang, and he suddenly remembered that some time ago, when this guy just took office, he distributed free food to everyone in Yanlang Castle...

I originally thought it was an invitation to buy people's hearts, but I didn't expect that the other party started planning it early!

At such a young age, he is already so ruthless!

What a cold, cold nature!

Seeing Zhang Guangmu's calm and calm appearance, Lin Xuan panicked and could no longer hold his airs.


He is the young castle master, but he is also made of flesh and blood. He is not a god living in the sky. He also needs to eat and drink.

Before today, he had considered the possibility of being assassinated and had arranged many personal guards around him.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan did not consider poisoning.

We haven't completely broken up with each other before. Who would have thought that a young deputy fort master who had just taken over would do such an amazing job?

Sensing Zhang Guangmu's confidence, Lin Xuan concluded that he had most likely been hit by the so-called "ten-day sure-fire medicine."

Otherwise, the other party wouldn't be able to act like he is now!

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and wanted to eat his flesh and blood. There was a bit of cruelty in his tone: "Hand over the formula for the antidote and I will spare your life!"

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu burst into laughter.

This laughter is full of joy and wantonness, highlighting a person who is fearless and unscrupulous!

This chapter has been completed!
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