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477 A prophecy, closed loop, follower

For some reason, Bai Yongsheng came to his senses, only to find that he was already standing in front of the monsters that had not yet entered the water.

He looked past Tang Lanshan at the bottom of the river, turned his head, and glanced in the direction of Zhang Guangmu.

Bai Yongsheng sighed: "It's really enviable to have such subordinates who are willing to die to help you become king..."

Tang Lanshan cannot be the opponent of these monsters.

If you block here forcefully, I'm afraid the result will be a dead end.

Wouldn't she know this?

The answer is no.

But she still chose this path.

Regardless of whether she sacrificed her life because of a moment of passion or for the sake of the righteousness of the entire human race, such a decision shocked Bai Yongsheng.

He decided to block half of the monsters before they could enter the water.

"I'm not doing this for you, Zhang Guangmu."

Bai Yongsheng murmured to himself and found a relatively reasonable excuse for his behavior: "Only by controlling the balance of combat power, I, a lone traveler, have a chance to finally win the championship."

What the real reason is, maybe even he himself doesn't know.

Bai Yongsheng tightly held the staff in his hand that was burning with blazing demonic flames, and killed the ferocious-looking monsters.

Ten minutes later.

Tang Lanshan’s words came true!

The FLAG she set up still worked.

Under the siege of the special forces of sea, land and air monsters, she was helpless and struggling to resist, but her physical strength and magic power were rapidly depleted.

In fact, if it weren't for the forbidden magic wand that could help her restrain the monsters to a certain extent, she might have died long ago.

Even with the divine weapon in her hand, Tang Lanshan was unable to defeat her with just two fists. Under the siege of the elite monsters, her physical and magic powers were completely exhausted, and she died on the battlefield.

In order to squeeze out her own strength, she finally chose to protect herself. She didn't even leave her body behind, but turned into a pale pile of demonic ashes and merged into the river.

Death on the battlefield is always more cruel than poignant. Tang Lanshan withered silently, which seemed inconspicuous compared with the tragic battle outside the academy.

Her highlight moment was actually the scene where she tried her best to stop Bai Yongsheng.


Bai Yongsheng, who was blocking the monsters in the air, sighed again. He felt that he had sighed more times today than in the past three years.

Tang Lanshan is indeed a person who attaches great importance to reputation and self-achievement.

In order to repay Zhang Guangmu's kindness, he was willing to sacrifice himself.


Although she died silently, she also practiced her beliefs in death.

Bai Yongsheng felt that he was a little touched.

He stood in the air, pondered for a long time, and waved his staff violently.


A steel barrier hundreds of meters long rose from the bottom of the river, blocking the monsters.

When some monsters saw that Tang Lanshan was dead, they accelerated and rushed in the direction of Zhang Guangmu. For a moment, they were unable to dodge and hit the barrier, making a dull clang sound.

The scarlet eyes of the monsters all looked at Bai Yongsheng who landed on the steel barrier.

"It takes so much effort to beat one of my subordinates..."

Bai Yongsheng seemed to be trying to convince himself: "I'd better kill more monsters to hone my actual combat ability. After I become stronger, I can compete with him again!"

He knew very well that his decision was almost equivalent to completely giving up the opportunity to compete with Zhang Guangmu for the throne of the hunting magic ring.

Helping Zhang Guangmu stop these monsters is tantamount to siding with the enemy.

What I said just now was just to deceive myself and make myself feel a little more comfortable.

"There are one hundred and ninety-three elite monsters left."

Bai Yongsheng glanced at the many monsters in front of him and gritted his teeth: "It's a bit tricky..."

If he wants to escape, these monsters can't stop him.


If you want to annihilate all these monsters, the difficulty will instantly increase by three or five levels. If you are not careful, you may die here.

The battle started again.

Some cunning monsters tried to avoid the frontal battlefield and sneaked up to Zhang Guangmu, but Bai Yongsheng was keenly aware of them and stopped them one by one.

The little white dumplings who were still complaining that Yongsheng was too selfish saw this scene and changed their opinions one after another.

Although not many people became fans on the spot, there were also many viewers who switched from black to black.

"Returning from the lost path, Bai Yongsheng is still a man."

"This character... is not bad!"

"He is really... so gentle, I cried to death!"

"You guys are so pretentious and insist on fighting? Can't you just be a dog for me, Brother Muzi? It's really funny!"

"[Grave Digger]'s anti-fans can't even read a single punctuation mark in their speeches... Do you get paid for being an anti-fan of my family, Mu Zai, every day?"

"Personally, I'm looking forward to Zhang Guangmu's gay movie. I really want to see Zhang Hao, Li Xiaoxiao, Chu Fan, Zhao Zhengrong, Jiang Ling, Tang Lanshan, Luo Zuan, Wang Shangqing, Bai Yongsheng, Yue Yiji, etc.

The kind of team battle royale where only one person can survive.”

"Fuck! I'm interested too! Just imagine it would be fun!"

"Are you all devils?"

"If it can be filmed, I guess Mu Zai will eventually choose to sacrifice his adult beauty, right?"

"Damn, it's almost 1018 years, and there are still people who think Zhang Hao is the Holy Mother? You guys underestimate Brother Muzi too much!"

"Indeed, as long as the motive is sufficient, this handsome man will kill everyone with blood and kill decisively. Even a beautiful girl will not show mercy."

"Zhang Guangmu: Gay friend? What I am killing is a good gay friend!"

River bottom.

Zhang Guangmu finally adjusted the magic frequency in his body.


There was a sound of gears turning.

The blazing red undercurrent formed by the condensed power of the demon gradually faded, and the deepest secrets at the bottom of the Weibo River were revealed.

The pale fleshy door opened, and Zhang Guangmu's sight peered through the door, and saw the scene inside: a colorful halo about eight meters in diameter, a group of translucent flames burning in the ring, and a plain stone throne.

Other than that, there is just endless white gravel.

Zhang Guangmu immediately set out to enter the door, and the pale door closed, forming a dead and closed space.

Obviously, that beautiful colorful halo is the famous hunting magic ring, the root of the survival of mankind in this world to this day.

But Zhang Guangmu felt a fatal threat from it, and script prompts kept telling him in his mind: "The time is not yet ripe, if you approach the hunting magic ring rashly, you will most likely die on the spot."


Zhang Guangmu stood on the gravel and did not step directly into the colorful halo. Instead, he slowly turned around and said in a deep voice: "How long do you plan to hide?"


Space twists!

A figure appeared in front of Zhang Guangmu's eyes.

The opponent was wearing a golden robe, a crown on his head, purple and gold noble boots on his feet, and a jade belt around his waist. He was exuding a powerful wave of magic power.

Zhang Guangmu looked serious, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Although after completing the entrance test just now, the density of magic power in the body has greatly increased, and the personal combat power has improved a lot, but facing this super-sized enemy following him, he needs to be killed, at least two moves are required.

(I really slept very poorly during this period. Sitting in front of the computer, my whole body was covered with fog. It felt like my mind was covered with a layer of cloth. Although I persisted in finishing the article, I was still not satisfied no matter how I read it.

.I will try my best to adjust the situation before the script is finalized...)

This chapter has been completed!
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