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494 Perfect Cure! [Superior] Information!

As soon as Ying Duxing said these words, the doctors in the operating room were speechless.

Did this person just mention Zhao Zhengrong?


Is this a parody of the scene in "Endless Food Bag"?

But looking at his serious expression and serious eyes, it didn't look like he was joking or joking.

As the party involved, Zhang Guangmu just smacked his lips and responded leisurely like an outsider: "Where are the other three sets of plans?

Everything happens once and twice. Zhang Guangmu was really calm and acted in his true self, without any mood swings at all.

Ying Duxing was startled, nodded slightly, and said: "The main purpose of Prescription C is to weaken your mental strength. You need to recover for about a month after the operation, and it will not affect your normal life."

"Usually, patients with this disease have excessive mental energy. Even if a part of it is removed, it is still slightly stronger than normal. Ten percent of patients will choose this solution."

"Eucalyptus B and D are similar. They both take the route of genetic debugging, but they are more direct. They use scientific and technological means to strengthen your body cells. The external price is 50,000 dragon shields. You are [Haoyue]. If you choose Eucalyptus B, You only need to pay the surgical fee of 10,000 dragon shields."

Having said this, Ying Duxing hesitated for a moment, his eyes passed over the doctors present, and finally returned to Zhang Guangmu: "As for the plan A..."

“Only open to special groups such as [Seven Stars], [Haoyue], and [Dragon Generals].

"Execute the [Spirit and Flesh Harmony Technique], use the new practical application technology of [Spiritual Wisdom Essence] developed last year, leverage the vacuum zero-point energy, and harmonize and soften dark matter."

"Through the guidance of science and technology, your spirit, body, and planet's magnetic field can achieve perfect coordination."

"To put it in simple terms..."

"Plan A is equivalent to escorting you to the realm where the ancients called [the unity of man and nature]."

"Execute this plan, and as long as you don't leave the territory ruled by the Xuanlong Empire, the situation where the soul is overloaded and the body is overwhelmed will never happen again in your life."

"The advantage of this surgery is that the success rate is extremely close to 100%. It will not leave any traces of transformation on your body, nor will it affect your potential."

"The disadvantage is..."

Ying Duxing frowned and said, "It's very expensive."

"The price tag for [Seven Stars] is 100,000 dragon shields. As [Haoyue], you only need 50,000."

In fact, if you don't have these special titles, even if you can afford one million dragon shields, you won't be qualified to perform the surgery.

After briefly introducing the four sets of surgical protocols, Ying Duixing shook the personal terminal on his wrist.

The next moment, a concise picture and text information began to appear in front of Zhang Guangmu's eyes.

"Leasing a quantum satellite... coordinates the relationship between the earth's magnetic field, body and soul to achieve the purpose of complete cure... The expiration date for the use of the satellite is thirty days after natural death..."

Zhang Guangmu scanned the document and made a decision immediately.

It’s okay to accept him as his godfather. I’m not a child of six or seven years old, and I’m still carrying mooncakes. If I really want convenience and choose Ding Fang Eucalyptus, I will definitely be awkward in the future.

The two prescriptions B and C are obviously treating the symptoms but not the root cause. They may be good news for other patients, but they are obviously unsuitable for me.

After all, as a time traveler, my mental strength is naturally strong. Later, when my attainments in the [Imperial Body Forging Technique] increase and I continue to strengthen my mental strength, I will start to suffer again.

As for...

Should you endure it first until the [Imperial Body Training Technique] strengthens your mental power and the physical body oppressed by the soul can no longer bear it, and then make a decision?

Forget it!

Such a luxurious medical lineup is something you can only come by once in a while. If you miss this village, you won’t have this store.

So, Zhang Guangmu said without hesitation: "I choose Plan A."

Ying Duxing nodded slightly: "Wise choice."

Having said this, his eyes passed over the other doctors in the operating room: "They are all the most powerful doctors on the planet in this century."

"With their assistance, the difficulty of the operation will be much reduced."

Once a consensus is reached, things become simpler.

After Zhang Guangmu signed and fingerprinted, and verified his iris, genes and brainwave characteristics, super artificial intelligence confirmed that the borrower was indeed himself, and the medical loan was credited on the spot.

Afterwards, the top doctors on earth in this century got busy in an orderly manner under the command of Ying Duxing.

Not long after, the top floor of the medical building turned into a huge silver-gray machine visible to the naked eye.


This machine seemed to be burning with blue cold flames. It sunk in on itself and unfolded from the inside, extending out thousands of transparent threads.

These thin lines extend in all directions and are eventually imprinted in the air.

They are constantly vibrating, as if they are absorbing some kind of invisible and intangible energy.

Each doctor has a serious expression, staring intently at the console in front of him, inputting various instructions quickly. He should stand alone, watch six directions, listen to all directions, and sit in command.


Countless transparent lines converge on Zhang Guangmu's body.

The soft milky white light shines on his body, and the electromagnetic rotation around him makes Zhang Guangmu's body naturally float in the air.

At this moment, he felt as if he was immersed in a flowing viscous gas, as if he had returned to the fetal stage again, immersed in amniotic fluid, rising and falling.



All dangers and darkness in the world are insulated from oneself.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

The transparent lines are broken one by one.

Zhang Guangmu's eyes were closed, but he clearly and deeply felt that the subtle discomfort in his body was being peeled off and eliminated little by little!

People often say that illness comes like a mountain falling, and illness goes away like a thread spinning.

The original meaning of this saying is to describe that if you don't pay attention to your body, the disease will come quickly and violently, but the cure will be very slow.

But now, Zhang Guangmu feels that with every broken line, a trace of the stubborn disease in his body will be removed.

Ten percent...

Thirty percent...

Seventy percent...


The last transparent silk thread broke.

Zhang Guangmu opened his eyes suddenly and landed lightly on the ground.

After completing the operation, he clearly and deeply realized the difference between "strong" and "healthy".

In the past, although he was so strong that he could kill a tiger with one punch on the real earth due to the imperial physical training skills, he was not healthy.

Zhang Guangmu clenched his fist, jumped on the spot twice, and laughed out loud: "Okay! I have completely recovered!"

The black technology surgery that Ying Duxing calls [Unity of Heaven and Man] is really powerful!

Needless to say, the carrying capacity of the body has become stronger. Not only has the mental strength not been weakened, it has even given Zhang Guangmu a feeling of extreme coordination, like using his arms to move his fingers.

Not only that, Zhang Guangmu also had a subtle feeling, as if his relationship with nature and the universe had become closer.

This moment...

The sun is shining brightly, the breeze is gentle, the clouds are rolling in the sky, and everything in the world seems to be smiling at itself!

Even during the operation, [The World] told Zhang Guangmu that a piece of [high-level] information would be delivered in half an hour.

That voice gave Zhang Guangmu half an hour to mentally prepare, hoping that he would stay in a relatively safe environment that would help him digest and understand the information in thirty minutes.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhang Guangmu looked at the doctors in the operating room with a smile on his face: "Thank you very much!"

This smile that comes from the heart is so bright and contagious.

When the elders in the medical field who were originally a little tired saw it, their faces were filled with smiles, feeling that their work was not in vain.

Even though Ying Duxing remained expressionless throughout the whole process, there seemed to be a smile in his eyes.

He waved his hand: "Your companions are waiting for you downstairs, share the good news with them!"

Zhang Guangmu thinks what Ying Duxing says makes sense.

So, he left the operating room like a gust of wind. He couldn't even wait for the elevator and ran straight down the stairs. He rushed from the fifty-third floor to the first floor in one go.

Completely curing a disease that has troubled you for many years is definitely an important turning point in your life.

This joy should be shared with important people as soon as possible!

This chapter has been completed!
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