Turn off the lights
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508 The unspoken rules are broken! On the strength!

The passengers' faces darkened, their eyes darkened, and they felt their future was bleak.

Everyone already knows by now that on this train full of death and terror, the "difficulty" of each carriage is from low to high, with three levels: green, yellow, and red.

Judging from the extremely cold carriage that has been breached, the carriage with [Apricot Level] difficulty means that if there is no boss to lead the team, there will definitely be casualties, and it may even directly lead to the destruction of the team!

Zhang Guangmu, Xiao Qian, and Li Xiaoxiao had just experienced a life-and-death test. They had spent a lot of energy, and a bit of fatigue could be seen on their faces.

To put it another way, even if these three people are free and full of energy, what will happen?

Let people attack Car No. 3 again?

Just because others are capable, they should struggle repeatedly on the verge of death to find a way for themselves?

Even if I just think about this kind of thing in my heart, I feel it is too shameless.

not to mention……

Even if I was shameless enough to beg the advance team to attack Car No. 3 with the previous composition, they would most likely not agree.

However, it is a little scary to let yourself face the crisis of death.

When the atmosphere was so stiff that it was almost frozen, Zhang Guangmu suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the fluorescent light on the top of the carriage: "Have you noticed that compared to the beginning, the light seems to have become a little dimmer?"

Li Xiaoxiao nodded slightly: "I discovered it too."

Seeing the reaction of the two people, Chu Fan was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said with a smile: "This is the train simulating the rising and setting of the sun. After all, we are all flesh and blood, and we also need to eat and drink.

To sleep and rest.”

"Looking at the intensity of the light, I guess it will be [night] in half an hour at most."

"Then, let's all rest first."

"When people come to night, they like to think wildly and make all kinds of wrong judgments. Moreover, in the middle of the night, the light is not enough and it is not suitable to move on."

As the only senior passenger on the train and the only [Transcendent] who has experienced the blood-red carriage, Chu Fan's words still carry some weight.

"It's okay. Although I didn't use up much physical strength just now, I'm a little tired mentally."

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly and agreed: "Sleep well and recharge your batteries, so that you can better deal with various emergencies."

Chu Fan made a decision, and Zhang Guangmu, who was the only one qualified to intervene in the decision-making, did not object, so the other passengers had no choice but to obey.

In the carriage, the light dimmed and everything returned to darkness.

The passengers huddled in their seats or sometimes simply lay on the corridor, spending a difficult night full of thoughts.

Time flies!

Under the deduction of super intelligence, the images in the eyes of the novices seemed to be changing at a thousand times speed.

In the blink of an eye, "day" dawned.

The simulated lights in Car No. 2 are like the faint morning light, shining on the faces of the passengers.

That night, everyone tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night.

Li Xiaoxiao kept her legs crossed and meditated with her five hearts in the sky. Although she didn't sleep all night, her energy and spirit were relatively strong.

He noticed that after "getting up", most of the passengers had dark circles under their eyes.

Only Chu Fan and Xiao Qian were sleeping soundly without dreams, looking full of energy.

As for Zhang Guangmu...

This heartless guy sleeps as sweetly as a pig.

No matter what others think, at least Li Xiaoxiao admires this kind of big heart without saying it.

The two corpses of the strong white man have not begun to rot, but...

After leaving it overnight, it started to smell a little strange.

At the same time, high in the sky.

Director Yang Lehan, who transformed into a ball of golden light, murmured to himself: "Including "The Chamber of Horror," all the subconscious movies in the past four months seem to be preparations for "Road to the Great" four months later.


"It is said to be the most dangerous and difficult "Road to the Great" in history. It should not be groundless. I am afraid there are some factors that I don't know about."

Hearing this, an assistant next to him who transformed into a gray-black light group immediately reminded: "His Majesty specially launched the [Deep Diving Project], which requires us to stand in a hostile position against the subconscious actors."

"We must try our best to make things difficult for them and mislead them."

Yang Lehan hummed and looked at Zhou Mo, who was transformed into a ball of silver light not far away: "This adjustment is said to be to hone the abilities of the subconscious actors, but I always feel that something is not right..."

"Is this necessary?"

Zhou Mo pondered for a moment and then answered: "It's probably to prepare for "Road to the Great" four months later. I feel the same as you. I always feel that something big has happened."

"I have few friends and I haven't received any useful information."


"Since you have His Majesty's endorsement, let's just let ourselves go."

"As a subliminal director, what you should do now is to treat every subliminal actor as his sworn enemy who killed his father and his mother, and do everything possible to make things difficult for them!"

In fact, during this period, the changes in the subconscious film industry not only existed among the directors and production staff, but also involved fine-tuning of many details.

For example, the current status of Zhou Mo, Meng Lingrui and Feng Chuang in "The Chamber of Horror" is the "special audience" of the VIP cabin.

The former VIP cabin viewers entered the subconscious movie world. Although it was a silver-white light group, it was also in a dimension that could be seen by novices.


The VIP guests who transformed into silver-white light groups were in the same encrypted dimension as the production crew members [totally invisible].

Even if they are not high in the sky, the little white dumplings cannot see them.

With this change, the special audiences in the VIP cabin no longer have the ability to communicate and interact with the novices.

After hearing the three people's speech, Meng Lingrui, who turned into a silver ball of light, looked back from below, turned half a circle, faced Director Yang Lehan, and said in a complicated tone: "As directors, we can't directly interfere with the [matter] of the subconscious movie world."

] and [Energy], you can only use [Script Prompts] to imitate [Voice] to mislead."

"You are the first director in our small circle to try it out. I don't know whether you are the first brave person to eat crabs or the first unlucky person to eat pufferfish."

"Are you nervous?"

Before Yang Lehan could respond, Feng Chuang, who had remained silent, laughed: "I have a lot of friends, and several members of the Seven Stars Club have given me some subtle hints..."

"They said that the next "Road to the Emperor" will be directly linked to reality and will be more important than the more than a thousand "Road to the Emperor" combined."

"Since you say so, it must not be just the result of His Majesty's arbitrary actions."

"There must be a deeper reason!"

At this point, Feng Chuang changed the subject: "Speaking of which, it feels a bit uncomfortable to suddenly break all the unspoken rules..."

"But it's also quite interesting."

"Looking at the performance of Chu Fan, Zhang Guangmu, Li Xiaoxiao, and Xiao Qian, it seems that they have all initially adapted?"

"Lehan, let's see how you, as the [enemy of the subconscious actor], will operate next!"

The golden ball of light transformed by Yang Lehan squirmed on the spot, as if nodding: "I gave them time to adapt in the first and second acts, which can be regarded as the most benevolent thing."

"Other directors may not be as merciful as me."

"Then, next, it's time to [increase intensity]!"

Yang Lehan gave the order, and the staff of the field control team began to act quickly.

In the fast-moving train.

【I'm hungry! I don't have anything to eat with me...】

[You can’t starve to death here, right?]

【We must find a way to get some food!】

The passengers were bewildered by their inner voices, their eyes flickering back and forth on Chu Fan and Zhang Guangmu.

This chapter has been completed!
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