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535 [The Mystery of Fortune] [Terminal]

When Li Xiaoxiao said these words, his idea was actually very simple. In this harsh environment, helping Zhang Guangmu is equivalent to helping himself.

The current situation is difficult and the pressure is huge.

The more this happens, the less qualified you are to be hypocritical.


He also wanted to test his newly acquired superpower in actual combat.

After Li Xiaoxiao said this about "cowards will die", Zhang Guangmu clearly saw the expressions on the faces of the passengers changing rapidly.

Some people's faces turned red, some lowered their heads, and some had bright eyes, looking like they had a clear conscience.

"I want to go too!"

A passenger looked at Zhang Guangmu apologetically and said: "Unfortunately, my ability is too weak, so I probably won't be able to help. Instead, it will be a hindrance, so let's forget it!"

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao's speech just now, Ling Xu, who was not far away, hesitated for a moment and seemed to be persuaded.


After thinking for a moment, Ling Xu gritted his teeth and responded: "Although I broke one hand, I have retained at least 90% of my combat strength, so it won't have much impact."

"I'll join in too!"

Ling Xu is actually not willing to gamble on the unknown. He has a way out, just like Zhang Guangmu said, stay in the No. 10 car until the train refreshes and resets. After returning to the No. 1 car, he can start over again without entering this place.

The [Golden Chamber] has never been seen before.

He just felt that Zhang Guangmu had saved his life before, and it would be too unloyal for him to let go at such a critical moment.

Chu Fan, who had always supported Zhang Guangmu before, was uncharacteristically silent now.

After pondering for a long time, Chu Fan finally prepared himself mentally, took a deep breath, and made up his mind to express his stance: "The [Gold Class] carriage..."

"Just die!"

"Count me in!"

In this way, four people formed the [Super Attack Team].

After simply adjusting their status and making preparations, the four of them stepped into the shining golden mist simultaneously.

Zhang Guangmu stepped out and passed through the golden mist, arriving in a brand new carriage.

It is said to be a carriage, but actually this area is more like an office in an office building.

Seats, water dispensers, desks, computers, monitoring stations, green plants, coffee machines...

Well-equipped, clean and bright.

Zhang Guangmu would never believe that this was Car No. 11.

"Oh, you guys came so fast."

Zhang Guangmu looked around and found a handsome man wearing a white shirt and black trousers standing by the window, looking at him with a half-smile.

The other party's appearance is almost exactly the same as Xiao Qian's, except that his hair and eyes are a mysterious purple.

"I am [Train Conductor] Prisoner Xiao."

The purple-haired uncle smiled and said leisurely: "To be precise, it's Xiao Qian himself."

"What you see is just a clone."

Li Xiaoxiao and Ling Xu were a little surprised by his appearance, and a look of sudden realization appeared on Chu Fan's face.

Zhang Guangmu, on the other hand, looked expressionless and unmoved at all.

What are the clones of the real person? They are just the subconscious actor Xiao Qian playing two roles respectively.

In the final analysis, it is similar to the operation in "Corpse House".

Xiao Qian didn't care about Zhang Guangmu's reaction, as if he hadn't communicated with a living person for a long time. Rather than talking to others, it was better to say that he was just satisfying his "social needs". Once he opened the conversation, he was minding his own business.

He started talking: "After each train arrives at a [reset station], the [train conductor] will conduct a routine inspection of the carriages."

"Using the clone allows me to complete daily tasks and at the same time reset my mortality rate to zero."

"No matter how many clones die, it will not affect my main body."

Xiao Qian nervously played with the purple hair on his forehead, squinting at Zhang Guangmu and the four people beside him: Li Xiaoxiao, Chu Fan, and Ling Xu: "Sure enough... even if it is a clone, once it is separated from the surveillance, it will become different.

It couldn’t be more believable.”

"The prisoner Xiao you know told you some information about me before he died, right?"

Having said this, Prisoner Xiao smacked his lips: "Tsk."

"Actually, it doesn't matter. It's just some insignificant information."

"My ability is a magical power called [Mystery of Creation]. Not only can I have thousands of clones, I can also restrain all superpowers in the world!"

Zhang Guangmu felt a little strange.

At first glance, Xiao Qian's words sounded like he was showing off his personal strength, but if you taste them carefully, you can find some sadness in them.


Supernatural power?

This term seems completely incompatible with the style of the entire world of "The Chamber of Death and Horror"...

"Ah! Sorry!"

Xiao Qian seemed to suddenly think of something, and patted his forehead: "I am usually the only one in this office. I personally don't like an environment that is too empty. It feels a bit scary."

"Now that four guests have suddenly arrived, it would be a bit rude to maintain this cramped situation!"

After finishing speaking, Prisoner Xiao snapped his fingers.


Under the gaze of everyone, this seemingly ordinary office gradually began to expand.

The "small room" that originally covered an area of ​​only about fifty square meters quickly expanded and expanded.

One hundred square meters...

Five hundred square meters...

It wasn't until the office expanded to 1,000 square meters that the expansion slowed down.

Even so, the expansion of the room still did not stop, and the four corners seemed to be constantly contracting and expanding, and seemed to be extending outward endlessly.

All objects, such as tables, chairs, and computers, were multiplied in proportion, making the four members of the super attack team feel as if they had arrived in a country of giants.

Li Xiaoxiao, Chu Fan, and even Ling Xu, the "most knowledgeable [Transferr]" in the setting, were dumbfounded, as if they had never seen the market before.

The three of them were all shocked and inexplicably shocked by the "power" that Xiao Prisoner had mastered, and they couldn't help themselves.

Zhang Guangmu, however, still had a calm and calm attitude, but showed a bit of polite surprise that was extremely fake.

after all……

The principal's office in "Demon Hunting Academy" has almost this style, and Zhang Guangmu has long been accustomed to it.

This kind of performance, on the one hand, maintains the momentum of competing with the train conductor Xiao Qian, and on the other hand, because Zhang Guangmu also has the status of [transferr], it will not make the audience feel out of the ordinary.

"Zhang Guangmu..."

Xiao Qian's whole body was shining with purple light, his body slowly floated into the air, and he looked down at Zhang Guangmu: "I am very optimistic about you! So..."

"I'm going to tell you something interesting before I do it."

Speaking of this, Prisoner Xiao paused for a moment, gave it up, and said leisurely: "As a [passenger], the progress of conquering the carriage is actually not important at all."

"The important thing is, survival time!"

"If you can find enough supplies and stay alive, even if you stay in the second car, you can reach the [terminal] smoothly."

He tried to see surprise on Zhang Guangmu's face, but unfortunately, Zhang Guangmu's reaction disappointed him.

"That's true..."

The smoke and clouds swirling around Zhang Guangmu's body gradually intertwined into a group of auspicious clouds, dragging him up into the air and quickly reaching the same height as Xiao Qian.

He looked calm and spoke calmly: "I felt strange from the beginning."

"No matter how you think about it, [trains] should be transportation and means of transportation."

"The purpose of its existence is to transport some people or items from one place to another, rather than letting [passengers] run around in the carriage."

Zhang Guangmu noticed that at such a height, the light emitted by the huge light tube was very dazzling, and he thought that Xiao Prisoner on the other side would not feel too good about it.

The other party is just using this method to improve their own style, nothing more!


Xiao Qian and Zhang Guangmu looked at each other, their eyebrows slightly furrowed, and they were about to speak, but suddenly they felt as if someone else started to speak in their minds.

【Zhang Guangmu...】

【He is smarter than I expected.】

[It is a pity that such a "hero" was born in such a sad and desperate world...]

[Giving death to him with my own hands is the last bit of respect and kindness I can give him. 】

[The fewer people know about the ultimate truth and horror, the better!]

This chapter has been completed!
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