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551 [Forging Technique 20] The whole nation is crazy!

On the return flight.

Zhang Guangmu held a promotional poster for the hotel and concentrated a little. The words in the book gradually changed shapes in his field of vision.

The lines of text are dismantled and reorganized under the influence of invisible forces, transforming into brand-new patterns and messages.

In front of Zhang Guangmu's eyes, a book page glowing with red light appeared.

After a while, the red light gradually merged and condensed into a point, turning into a usable ability point.

When the light dissipated, Zhang Guangmu could clearly see the content drawn on the pages.

A handsome young man wearing cloud-patterned armor was holding a heavy black and gold book in his hand. He was standing on a high-speed train, but the strong wind actively avoided him.

And at the far end of the sky, a middle-aged man wearing a crane cloak with an immortal spirit stood in the starry sky. His body was huge, like a star, but his appearance was so perfect that it was almost inhuman.

The young man holding the book and the middle-aged man in the crane's cloak met each other's eyes and smiled at each other.


The smiles between the two of them seemed gentle and friendly at first glance, but the closer you look at them, the more you can taste something different, and there seems to be a bit of edge hidden in them.

Zhang Guangmu would like to call this famous scene "Scroll of Conspiracy and Deception".

After a while, a line of text gradually appeared on the screen.

[How can there be any benefit in seeking skin from a tiger?]

After reading the approval document given by Brother Shu, Zhang Guangmu knew that Brother Shu had similar ideas to his own.

This sentence comes from "Taiping Yulan" in the Song Dynasty. The meaning is very simple. It is to discuss with the tiger that peeling off its skin will not do any good.

It has a relatively high popularity and is usually used to describe a conflict of interests with the person you are pursuing, so it is impossible to succeed. Later, it often refers to negotiating with a bad person and asking him to sacrifice his own interests, which will definitely not happen.

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Brother Shu's point of view.

It is indeed risky to negotiate with a tiger like Li Xuanji and ask him to skin you.

At this time, the moon cake next to me was full and full, and was surfing the Internet in the pocket submersible cabin.

Zhang Guangmu happened to catch a glimpse of her screen out of the corner of his eye.

In the middle of the virtual screen, there is a movie review: "Li Xuanji's negotiation with Zhang Guangmu is like seeking the skin of a tiger!"

Suddenly, Zhang Guangmu suddenly realized that he seemed, seemed, probably, maybe, maybe he had misunderstood Brother Shu's meaning just now.

Does the "tiger" in Brother Shu's approval sentence refer to Li Xuanji, or does it refer to himself?

This is a serious question.

However, Zhang Guangmu felt that his image in Brother Shu's mind should be relatively positive, so there was a high probability that he was on the opposite side of the Sha Tuo audience.

Someone relied on the "Book of Deduction" to be unable to speak. He was so satisfied that he added a usable ability point he had just obtained to the Imperial Body Forging Technique.

A force that is like substance surges in the limbs and bones. They flow in the blood, pass through the skin, nerves, organs, muscles, bones, and permeate every cell.

This made Zhang Guangmu feel that his whole body was full of energy. He was so energetic that he had inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy. He felt as if he could smash a large alloy wall with one punch.

This feeling of accumulation little by little, from quantitative change to qualitative change, is really intoxicating.

Anyway, Zhang Guangmu liked it quite a lot.

In the theoretical academic forum, some old buddies who are doing related research believe that the characteristics of [Imperial Forging Technique 20] are called [Severing Stupidity].

This is also the final argument given by those old buddies!

After 20 years of Imperial Body Forging, what kind of realm is there? It’s all blank, and no one has described it in detail. At first glance, it seems to be an academic fault, but Zhang Guangmu thinks that the old friends on the forum may be hiding something by not mentioning the follow-up.

After all, Zhang Guangmu felt that since they had already mentioned the general stage of [Jiazi brain training], that is to say, brain training should be the same as building foundation, internal strength, and physical strength, and it would take normal humans sixty years to achieve it.

The completed stage of practice.

Of course, it is normal for those elders not to be able to reach the realm after [Imperial Body Forging 20].

After all, this is a level that can only be reached by normal human beings after two hundred years of dedicated practice.

Even if a super genius can do ten years of hard work for an ordinary person in one year, he still has to stay highly focused and spend a full twenty years on the "Imperial Forging Technique" without any distractions!

The probability of this happening is too small.

Geniuses are often not focused enough.

The higher the talent, the easier it is for people to succeed, and the easier it is for people to be distracted into other areas.

Things that are easy to get are rarely cherished.

No matter what, after reaching the stage of two hundred years of skill, there is no theoretical reference. Every time you add points to the Imperial Body Forging Technique, you have to think of a name for the realm.

That will happen in the future. Now, Zhang Guangmu is focusing on his own changes and improvement.

After [Imperial Forging Technique 20], in addition to physical enhancement, Zhang Guangmu found that his memory and judgment abilities had improved even more.

Even the ability to stay calm and think rationally under extreme emotional states has been significantly improved.

When he concentrates, Zhang Guangmu's memory has completely reached the state of "taking a quick look at monuments and never forgetting them"!

Gone are the days of rote memorization!

If you want to memorize anything, you only need to glance at it, it’s completely effortless!

Zhang Guangmu grinned and smiled happily.

Such an "ultimate talent" is not only useful for a book addict, but also adds emotional value!

In the past, every time Zhang Guangmu read ancient imperial examination-themed novels and modern academic essays, he was eager to have such a talent.

If Zhang Guangmu had such a memory before the filming of "Magic: Across Two Realms", his accumulation in those seven years would have increased by at least five times!

However, it is never too late for such a powerful talent to arrive at any time!

After arriving home, Zhang Guangmu rushed into the study immediately.

Regarding the conflict between the director and the subliminal actors after the intense filming of the Deep Dive Era movie, the Empire quickly provided countermeasures.

Especially the General Administration of Subconsciousness, their staff have given quite a lot of countermeasures. Zhang Guangmu just read the work report on their official website and knew that this group of people have an excellent work attitude and are impeccable, from macro-control to detailed micro-management.

, nothing is missing.

There is certainly a reason for Zhang Guangmu to give such a high evaluation.

First of all, in this year's "Road to the Great", all subconscious actors participating in the film will be paid ten times!

Zhang Guangmu counted on his fingers the lowest salary he could get at that time, and his favorable impression of the General Bureau of Subconsciousness instantly increased.

The simplest and crudest temptation of profit has firmly established itself as the most dangerous "Road to the Emperor" in history.

After seeing this, before Zhang Guangmu could recover, Mooncake meowed twice and jumped onto his shoulder with shining eyes.

Once a person and a cat have exchanged glances, they will know what each other is thinking.

Needless to say, the two heads of household, who have a good understanding of each other, have no intention of missing out on this gold-making feast.

As the saying goes, "Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men."

not to mention……

Emperor Li Xuanji has also made a public statement, saying that in May, he will personally participate in "Road to the Great" instead of only allowing the princes of the right age to participate in the competition as in previous years.

From this point of view, his guest appearance as the final villain in "The Deadly Chamber" is also a warm-up to adapt to the role of a subconscious actor.

Competing with the emperor on the same stage, there is no doubt that it is an opportunity that after missing it, it will be difficult to get a second chance in this life.

This is also an honor that "reaches directly to heaven".

These two countermeasures are outrageous enough.

But neither Zhang Guangmu nor Moon Cake expected it, and something even more outrageous was yet to come.

Emperor Li Xuanji arranged for professionals to take a short video of himself.

In the video, Li Xuanji looks like a foolish king from the last generation of the dynasty.

He personally promised all the people on earth that the subconscious actors who performed well in "The Path of the Emperor" in May this year, after their subconscious qualities are confirmed, if they have the intention to serve the people of the earth, they only need to undergo basic training.

Directly enter the court as an official.

Even the best among them can take charge of a place and shepherd the people of a county!

This policy, which sounds like a joke, was announced grandly and officially by the emperor, and was promoted to all major states by major media at the speed of light.

In the video, Li Xuanji's words are clear, his expression is clear, and there is no ambiguity in his words.

The court's subsequent response did not leave any room for regret.

Then here comes the problem.

In the Xuanlong Empire, how many people are there in a county?

Zhang Guangmu paid less attention to other places.

But the "Shangyang County" where he lives alone has a population of nearly 400 million!

Controlling the lives of 400 million people...

In ancient times, this was the power of the emperor!

In addition to the three items of money, honor and power, there are many more individual-specific plans, so I won’t go into details.

There are many benefits!


Only subliminal actors who have contributed to at least one work between February and May this year are eligible to sign up for this year's "Road to the Great".

Therefore, even though everyone knows that the "intensity" of subliminal movies during this period is extremely high, and if you are not careful, you will be ruined, there are still countless people rushing into this industry.

In any dynasty in history, doing so would have led to the shutdown of other areas and a sharp reduction in national power.

But in the Xuanlong Empire?

Subliminal movies bring the essence of spiritual wisdom, and the black technology related to the essence of spiritual wisdom is like a "universal wishing machine" that can meet all needs.

Agriculture, industry, education, commerce, scientific research...

All progress needs can be achieved by consuming the essence of spiritual wisdom.

If Li Xuanji's plan goes well, the Xuanlong Empire's national power will not only not decline, but will continue to soar, making the already good citizen welfare even better!

To sum up, in the world of subconscious movies, it doesn't matter how you perform. You will never really let yourself die in reality. The worst you can do is lose your reputation.

The passionate young man who was aroused...

Ambitious young man...

The middle-aged people who are unwilling to accept the mediocre status quo...

An old man who regrets his boring past...

Everyone was red-eyed and devoted themselves to the subliminal film industry like crazy, jointly creating what Li Xuanji called the "Deep Dive Era".

This chapter has been completed!
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