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565 Burning Corpse Evil Sect Killing Father

Faced with severe torture, victims usually choose to live, but Yamazaki Tengyou actively sought death.

From this perspective alone, after being degraded by the power of time, he can still be regarded as a sober-minded [Ultimate Person] to this day.

After all, Yamazaki Tiangong knew that he was bound to die, so he didn't expect Zhang Guangmu to let him go.


After giving important information, Yamazaki Tengyou was mercilessly sent to the second floor of the basement, where he was turned into coke in the [Cremator] and received his lunch neatly.

Zhang Guangmu's subordinates have proven with practical actions that no matter how outstanding the "Ultimate Person" is, nothing will end well for him.

Although Yamazaki Tengong died miserably, before he died, because he could not bear the torture, he finally confessed the relevant information about the [Netherworld Realm] and [Underworld], and gave an important name.

Hino Yuue, the sworn brother of Yamazaki Tengyou, an ally of the [Tengong Group], and an important force in the Anti-Xuanxian Alliance. The terms Netherworld and Underworld come from this person.

Behind him, there seems to be a mysterious cult.

In order to avoid suffering, Yamazaki Tengong betrayed his adopted brother without hesitation.

Because of this, when Luo Zuan was conveying this important information to Zhang Guangmu, when he mentioned Yamazaki Tiangong, his face was filled with contempt.

Zhang Guangmu knew very well that his number one fan admired loyal people the most, and hated traitors and cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death the most.

Because Luo Zuan is such a person with a clear distinction between love and hate, when he first joined the "Infinity Battleship", although he loved everyone and admired the "seniors" on the ship, he only looked down on Chu Fan.

Luo Zuan always looked at Chu Ba with admiration. That was after Chu Fan took the initiative to die in order to keep Zhang Guangmu's secret in "Magic: Across Two Realms".

"[New Hino Group] is planning to ambush us? Got it."

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly, told Luo Zuan some follow-up work in a calm tone, and then added: "Just leave the rest of the things here to me."

"Go and call Jiang Ling."

"Meet in the cafeteria around four o'clock."

Upon hearing this, the hedgehog-headed boy took action immediately without saying a word.

Zhang Guangmu also pushed up the contact-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, put his hands in his pockets, and walked slowly downstairs.

The other members of the Xuanxian group followed Zhang Guangmu silently, forming a large group of people.

The floor shook slightly, and from a distance, the style was truly terrifying.

Just as Zhang Guangmu was thinking about how to use the intelligence he had extracted through torture to create more value and gain more advantages for his own side, he suddenly realized that the world in front of him seemed to have been pressed by a pair of invisible hands.

In an instant, the world in front of him suddenly shattered.

In the next blink of an eye, the picture flashed in the field of vision.

Zhang Guangmu suddenly woke up and found that he had arrived in front of the canteen without knowing when.

Needless to say, this is definitely the work of director Takada Kisa.

The field control team was also worried that they would be unaware of the slightest and make full use of the information gap and time difference to strengthen their own strength and directly crush Long Xiaofan, the protagonist of the movie "The Perspective of the King of Hell".

Speaking of which...

Zhang Guangmu felt that the director somewhat underestimated Long Xiaofan.

The protagonist surnamed Long entered the plot obviously earlier than me, so he had a first-mover advantage, but he was still worried about being overturned in one second?

What a contemptuous person!

After all, they are all extraordinary people in the real world, so we should at least show them some basic respect, right?

Zhang Guangmu's eyes narrowed, and he immediately collected his thoughts.

His eyes moved and he realized that there were more than 300 members of the hostile Yakuza organization standing in front of him at this moment, wearing white suits and bald heads.

This group of people all wore the medals of the [New Hino Group] on their left arms, and their eyes as they looked over were full of ambition, bloodthirsty and greed, and they obviously regarded their heads as a ladder for promotion.

"There are obviously ten thousand ways to kill these guys, so that they don't even know how they died, but they actually have to go out and fight with them personally..."

A hint of self-deprecation appeared on Zhang Guangmu's lips: "After all, I am also the honorary vice president and first director of Shenzuo University, but I can be so bored."

"What was going on in my head before that?"

This is not nonsense.

With the background advantage of Zhang Guangmu as the [big villain], not to mention the three hundred enemies with cold weapons, with the same configuration, even three thousand people, with a little time, can destroy the opponent silently.

Under most worldviews, in addition to force, wealth, power, status, and fame are also invisible weapons that can kill people!

Zhang Guangmu is not a reckless man who only knows how to kill people with a knife.

Science, magic, muscles, knowledge, wisdom...

He values ​​all of these, but will never be superstitious about a single field.

When Zhang Guangmu said these words, at first glance, it seemed that he was mocking himself for being too stupid, but in fact he was picking on the production team.

Many newcomers who were unaware of the problem came to their senses after hearing this, and couldn't help complaining that the production team and director were obviously favoring the protagonist group.

Oh, when the important characters in the protagonist group are developing their power and accumulating power, they do nothing. When Zhang Guangmu is ready to use the information and power gap to snowball, he directly uses the macro control of "Time flies like water"?

Isn’t this bullying an honest villain?

However, one thing is that the combination of the two words "honest" and "villain" is a bit strange, and Zhang Guangmu himself admits this.


The director and production team were not so crazy as to let Zhang Guangmu fight against more than 300 people alone.

After all, according to the information collected by Zhang Guangmu from Xiaobai Tuanzi, so far, in the world of "Yam Luo Perspective", except for the protagonist Long Xiaofan who has a golden finger, no other supernatural powers have appeared.

Of course, it is also possible that the superintelligent beings responsible for deducing [the details of time changes during the acceleration period] recognized Zhang Guangmu's arrangements before the acceleration to a certain extent.

At this moment, Zhang Guangmu was standing behind Zhang Guangmu, whose number was slightly inferior to those on the opposite side, but not much less.


Before today, the Yakuza organization's fights were all about "fighting with bare hands". If you were to fight to the death, you would fight with table legs, baseball bats, umbrellas and other snakeskin weapons.

Now, exhibitors from both sides have brightly sharp machetes in their hands.

This will prevent you from being crushed by the opponent at the equipment level.

"Zhang Guangmu!"

Across the way, a bald man in sunglasses wearing a white suit and about 1.70 meters tall took off the sunglasses he used to look cool, stared at Zhang Guangmu, gritted his teeth and shouted: "I, Hino Yue, will die for today.

Revenge from a loving father!”

[Xuanxian Zhang Guangmu...]

[This damn guy killed my father with his conspiracy! 】

【As an Avenger, I am the righteous party!】

Encouraged by his inner voice, Hino Yue's eyes were fierce and his momentum was high.

It’s no big deal if Zhang Guangmu sees through his ambush!

As the saying goes, "When the road is narrow, the brave will win." Zhang Guangmu's men fought with the "Tian Gong Group" for a while and were exhausted. Hino Yue's men were waiting for work. They were in good condition, full of energy, and had great righteousness, so they were bound to win!

Hino Yue is also a man with dreams and pursuits.

After a complete victory in this battle, he will personally chop off Zhang Guangmu's head to pay homage to his father's spirit in heaven. After settling the grudges, Hino Yue will strengthen the relationship between the [New Hino Group] and the [Yam Luo Sect]

Cooperate and become the first person in Yingzhou Ji Dao!

This chapter has been completed!
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