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569 The No. 1 Blowing Hook Eight in Kanto!

In fact, just as Zhang Guangmu expected, the field control team did not miss this opportunity and directly increased the difficulty of Luo Zuan's personal script.

[Hino Yue is right, Zhang Guangmu prospered through betrayal and betrayal. 】

[Although he is brave and brave, the evil he has done will not disappear because of this!]

【What I hate the most is such a traitor!】

"Shut up!"

Luo Zuan gave himself a slap and shook his head suddenly, as if to shake his brains out: "Shut up!"

He covered his head in pain, looking like he was about to kill someone, but his anger quickly took over.


Luo Zuan raised his scarlet eyes and stared at Hino Yue fiercely, as if he wanted to chew him up and swallow him into his stomach. His voice trembled slightly: "The leader is the most loyal, brave and fearless person in the world!


The production team did conduct serious investigation work, but unfortunately their information was still not accurate enough.

There is no problem in saying that Luo Zuan hates traitors.

After all, his family gradually fell apart because Luo's father became a traitor.


Rather than hating traitors, he hates cowards who hesitate and are easily defeated, and admires brave men who are the opposite.

As for Hino Yue's previous statement, Luo Zuan didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, he has never been from Yingzhou, and he doesn't care what Yingzhou has become.

Even if Zhang Guangmu bombs this island nation to the point of sinking, Luo Zuan will only celebrate by saying that he bombed well and brilliantly, and dared to do things that no one in the world dared to do. He is really a good man with responsibility and ambition!

What's more important is...

Zhang Guangmu proved with practical actions what it means to be a fearless and brave real man!

Face death, overcome fear, and rise to the bullet!

Luo Zuan knew very well that at least he couldn't do it to this extent.

In this world, other so-called braves are nothing more than bragging, not worth mentioning!

What [The First Warrior of Kanto, Yamazaki Tengong], Luo Zuan thought he was so ruthless before the incident!

The result is that he is not a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death?

Faced with torture, Yamazaki Tengong couldn't even resist for two minutes!

The best hook player in Kanto!


It can only be said that Yingzhou's weaklings are inferior and not worthy of being compared with Xuanxian!

Luo Zuan covered his head and stared fiercely at Hino Yue opposite him, feeling as if another version of himself was starting to keep talking in his mind.

At this moment, he even suspected that he was suffering from a disease called [schizophrenia].

After Luo Zuan made his decision, the other voice in his head gradually became smaller and disappeared without a trace.

Although in compliance with the above-mentioned plan of the times, the director and other staff members of the scene control team have to deal with the subconscious actors, they still have to abide by the rigid rules on paper.

According to the rules passed down thousands of years ago, the production team uses "script prompts" disguised as the subconscious "voices" of the actors. There are hard and fast rules on the frequency and frequency. Once the red line is exceeded, the professional license will be revoked on the spot!

Otherwise, the director or even just a staff member of a certain scene control team may feel unhappy with a subconscious actor and send out "voices" a hundred times a minute to disturb them. Over time, it may leave mental sequelae to the other person.


It should be noted that in the Xuanlong Empire, the subconscious actor is always the most glorious and powerful profession. This is something that everyone agrees on. Only those who have no talent, no ability, and cannot be a subconscious actor will become directors.

Zhou Mo, Sun Yanwu, Meng Lingrui, Xu Qianqiu, Yang Lehan, Takada Mucai...

One by one of these elite directors, it was because their subconscious qualities and strengths were insufficient that they gave up on becoming subconscious actors, settled for the next best thing, and changed careers.

They become directors not because they want to be directors, but because they have no choice.

"Damn guy!"

The [Jade Broken Plan] failed and was captured alive. The bald man Hino Yue cursed angrily, as if he would rather die than surrender: "Luo Zuan is a thief! Do you think Zhang Guangmu will let you go?"

"Anyone who acts as a lackey of [Xuanxian] will not end well!"

Luo Zuan replied harshly: "What a good ending? I never need that kind of thing! A real man should die in battle!"

Hearing this sincere speech, Hino Yue was startled. He seemed to be awakened by Luo Zuan, so he reached out his hand and took out a short blade from his waist, and stabbed his heart fiercely.



His will was not firm enough, and when he chose to commit suicide, he still hesitated for a moment.

So Hino Yue's wrist was pinched by Zhang Guangmu, and with a slight shake, it was dislocated on the spot.


Hino Yue's knife fell to the ground, and his face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum. He instinctively covered his hands, fell to his knees, twitching in pain, and temporarily lost the ability to resist and commit suicide.

At this time, Luo Zuan took a few steps forward and turned around.

The hedgehog knelt on one knee, raised his head, and looked at Zhang Guangmu with shame and enthusiasm.

He was not good at words. When the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to say them smoothly. He could only stutter and said: "Team leader, Luo Zuan has never betrayed you!"

"Although it is difficult to win people's trust, but... I am willing to die for you!"

"I...I will commit seppuku now!"

In Luo Zuan's view, the fighting ability of the Yingzhou people is not very good, except for [harassment]...

In the spirit of Japanese Bushido, "harassing" is generally considered to be an honorable act of righteousness and the most noble way to die.

This method is used to prove one's innocence and courage, which Luo Zuan thinks is excellent.

It's bloody! It's brutal! It's barbaric!

But it is enough to prove a person's firm will and belief!

It is very painful to commit seppuku.

But this kind of pain must be caused deliberately!

After generations of improvements by the Yingzhou people, the process of [harassment] has been fixed to this day.

Under normal circumstances, the person who commits seppuku needs to make two horizontal and vertical cuts himself, and then a [Jiecuo Ren] who is not weak in kendo chops off the head to prevent the person from suffering too much pain before death.

At this moment, Luo Zuan's mind was filled with enthusiasm and shame, and he did not consider the issue of interfering with the wrong person at all.

He believed that the so-called improvements were just a sign of weakness and fear of pain.


Luo Zuan picked up Hino Yue's short blade from the ground, held the handle with both hands, turned the blade inward, and stabbed it without hesitation.


The knife went into his belly, blood splattered everywhere!

Luo Zuan acted too quickly and decisively. Only when the bright red blood flowed out of his abdomen did everyone realize what he had done.

Luo Zuan, whose face was full of pain, looked ferocious and terrifying, but he felt that he had shown his loyalty to Zhang Guangmu to a certain extent.

As a result, this unbearable pain was completely crushed, dispersed, and consumed into nothingness by an inexplicable [power of heart]!

Luo Zuan felt that he could continue.


Luo Zuan looked like he was crazy, holding the dagger tightly, roaring, and trying to stretch his belly horizontally.

Seeing this scene, the Yakuza members of the Xuan Xian Group and the New Hino Group were moved.

Some of the more emotional people were covering their faces and couldn't bear to look at it.

And the audience everywhere was shocked and speechless at this moment.

Many little white dumplings have two abstract noodle tears hanging on their faces.

For a time, the number of barrages decreased a bit.

Luo Zuan, with a ferocious face, turned the handle of the knife and pulled out the blade by about half a centimeter. The handle of the knife was suddenly held firmly by a hand.

No matter how hard Luo Zuan exerted his strength, the knife that pierced his stomach could no longer move.

He raised his head and gradually began to see Zhang Guangmu's face in his vision, and the other person's voice also sounded in his ears.

"I believe you."

The word mediocre and indifferent, to Luo Zuan, is like the sound of nature.

This chapter has been completed!
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